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Catie Wayne/Boxxy Thread. Forever Queen.
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Thread replies: 163
Thread images: 151
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Catie Wayne/Boxxy Thread.

Forever Queen.
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I'm in love with the queen.
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So cute
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These arms...hnng
Well school's out, these preschool
are posting again.
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Thanks for the bump.
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Dubs checked
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Someone beat based GMT to making a thread.
Red leader reporting in.
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It's her birthday soon.
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What do you love most about the queen?
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GMT aint here tonight is why
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Dubs again.
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who is she?
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Oh yeah, I forgot. This is the second thread I started today. Last one died quick.
Who are these people? Why should I care?
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The queen of /b
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This is a thread about boxxy. Our beloved Queen.
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Details? Why is she famous? Is she special?
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Pixie cut dimples.png
2 MB, 1024x1479
So how are we all today?
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She made some videos for her friends. She quickly became popular on 4chan with many here that love her and hate her. Division broke out into a war on 4chan. She has been queen ever since. She makes many youtube videos. Quite the entertainer. Not to mention that she is beautiful, sweet, and funny.
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It's Mike silly. My favorite thing about her is her fans.
He will be missed. I read the thread yesterday. Glad someone is picking up the flag for him.
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I feel like the world is shifting between yellow, green and magenta.

Does she have nudes?
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Oh you.png
1 MB, 1168x986
>makes videos

Not anymore :(

No she does not
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I couldn't tell it was Mike.

Do you know the muffin man?
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Why's that?
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No, no nudes. Part of why she is queen is her innocence in that respect.
She'll make more one day.
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A room moved out. I just took some random pills he left in the medicine cabinet.

Starting to freak out a bit.
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Oh yes.gif
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How can you be sure?

I appreciate your optimism, it makes me feel better
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Double dubs
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Fucking hell mate, sounds like you're having a good time.

Worth it so far? Have you shit yourself or anything bad?
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1 MB, 1920x1080
Who lives on dreary lane?
No, no idea who that is.
I should set up a name sync, but I'd only use it for these threads.
I'll help you keep the thread up, doe.
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She loves to do vids. Right now she is trying out slightly different career path. Disney.

She loves to act. Loves youtube.
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That's true. I hope you're right, I get sad every time I go back to watch her vids because of how long it's been
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You know you can Google most pills to find out what they are, before ingesting them?
Pill finder also used to be a good resource, but I haven't checked it in years.
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Not sure yet. I know he had some weird psych meds or something. Felt people walking outside my home. I'm going to ignore it. I took 3 pills that liked neat.
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I haven't bothered to get that either. Fakes ok in this thread
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Thumbs up.png
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Kek good luck dude, try not to get yourself killed or something
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It's been 40 minutes not sure what's going to happen. A bit jittery.
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Name sync is worth getting, 4chan x is decent enough too
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Queen of b.jpg
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Checked. That face, kek. Yeah, apparently there is also for mobile which is what I usually use.
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Didn't know that. Android only I'm guessing?
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Maybe, thats my phonebone.
She looks like a crack head.
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Atropine, lexapro...
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A queen you say.
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My god I love that face so much
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Can't find the third bottle. Doesn't help that my house already had a lot of spiders.
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Happy early birthday to our beautiful goddess queen.
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Dubs checked. So cute.
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I'm glad I got her sinething.
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My cousin met her at a party in Burbank last year. They ended up fucking. He said it was totally sub-par. She got shit all over his dick, and violently queefed at the end.

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Love love love
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I would have but I was never able to get her PO box
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I've been here for years.
You couldn't make me leave if you didn't like it.
I'm glad you're ok with it, though. I'll post the least offensive ones (as per normal)
I'm usually on mobile. Based GMT says it still works. Just need something so I can tell you all apart + you can see who I am.
Funny, when I browse /pol/ I can see the name sync and trip codes. I can't here.
My cousin met her at a party in Burbank last year. They ended up fucking. He said it was totally sub-par. She got shit all over his dick, and violently queefed at the end.

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She has more nudes than you can shake the stick at.
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Hmm, thats unfortunate. I don't have it either.

Mike, how did you come to love boxxy fans 2 years ago?
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deep look.jpg
53 KB, 600x800
Hey hey! Glad there's a thread today too.

Hi Mike, how are you doing?
I know that feel bro same here.
File: Double heart.webm (376 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
Double heart.webm
376 KB, 1920x1080
Hey there
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Boxxy is /b/.
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Good brother. How's the tests/finals going? And how are you, today?
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Honestly, unlike gmt I like fakes(unless they are just terrible). I wouldn't tell you to leave. You're fairly kind. Also you aren't an extreme faggot
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There should always be one going. At least once a day.
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GMT and Mike had some serious conversations. But he won't tell you, Mike always says it's something between them. And that's fair enough, actually.

How is it going?

Fine, training day. Test in a month or so, I'll tell you then. Starting to study for them.
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3 KB, 104x125
So close. The lighbulbs in my place are getting brighter.
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158 KB, 681x1024
Me and GMT agreed that this fake is pretty good
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I'm pretty good, still really fucking ill for some reason. You're tests / studying going well?
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boxxy lol.jpg
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No there shouldn't
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903 KB, 2048x1152
Love love love
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I gave up being hateful a few years ago. There is no point in it. Gmt doesn't mind, that's just a few he hates, and I try not to post out of respect.
I've worked hard over my years here to earn the title of faggot. It's a badge of honor in this shit hole. You can call me faggot any time you like. It stopped being an insult to me a long time ago, because of 4chan.
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foar bois smile.jpg
32 KB, 1280x720
I was really sick last week, fortunately I'm almost perfect now. Hope you get better soon.

Well, not bad, but it could be better. Next month I have to take the rest.
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Hmm, thats pretty goddamn good. >>681525148
Kek, those some huge ones.
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Oh, ok. Glad you don't hate anymore.

If I were to go through colorado, along the southern edge is there anything I should check out?
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675 KB, 1971x3114
I am glad you are well again friend.
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A New Design.jpg
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Thanks man. Let's hope I'm not sick as long as you were, I need to get back to school / work.
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3 MB, 2160x3840
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1 MB, 1920x1080
Dubs checked.
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Another dubs
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1 MB, 320x180
Because trying to make you leave, didn't work. No offence, just being honest. Voxxy and I had many late night chats, and at one point it was almost always GMT and I in these threads.
I just got to know him as a person, and realized how much we have in common.
I'll never be a bauxie fan, but I stick up for you guys when it's needed. Best thread on /b/ IMAO.
> training
Work out kind of training, or employment related? I know you were looking for a job a while back. I've skipped a few threads, so I'm not sure which it is.
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1 MB, 1280x720
I've gotten like 4 dubs this thread kek

Anyone got that pic where Catie is holding a sign? It's been photoshopped over and over again, any version of it will do
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Thanks dude, appreciate it
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Heart yaaay.webm
2 MB, 1920x1080
Also that one, thanks man
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Flaming gorge is amazing, but you could just drive over it. No need to stop. Durango is beautiful.
Depends what time of year. I live in the north west, so give me a day to look into it. Not at the desktop.
Just passing through, then?
I still hate, friend, I just try to use my powers for good, now.
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Is this the original version??.
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363 KB, 592x592
'You're welcome. Love
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No. I don't have original.
Double Doubs or quads?
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Hey based anons, I hope im not too late
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2 MB, 1920x1080
Nighty night everyone

See you all tomorrow for Catie's birthday
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1 MB, 480x480
Jiu-Jitsu and working out.
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I'd take her over all the candidates.
Thanks for the fakes. Rare anyone posts something I don't have.
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Hi! Late, not too late.
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3 MB, 3840x2160
Just in passing. Planning road trip for summer.

So there is a pawing at the back door now.. and some scratchesat the roof. Can't find what the third pill was. Feel tired and awake.
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445 KB, 1920x1080
Good night.
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I don't think I have any that haven't been posted here...
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Night love
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Howdy friend
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Thread replies: 163
Thread images: 151

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