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Need opinions anons, I'll present them to grillfriend.
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Need opinions anons, I'll present them to grillfriend.

I've moved into an apartment with my girlfriend 3 months ago (we're both 20) and she is pregnant.

I work about 30 hours a week, and she does not work but babysits once a fucking week. Anyways needless to say I pay 95% of our living expsenses roughly $1000 per month (rent, food, and internet).

She on the other hand refuses to clean or do the dishes, if I'm lucky she'll do it once a week. If I'm lucky she'll make me supper once or twice a week when I get home from work.

Is it fair that I bust my ass of every week, pay for pretty much everything, and only have about $30 to spend on myself at the end of paying bills.

While she sits on her lazy ass and watches Netflix, sleeps, and eats all day?

Do I have a right to be fed up, and pissed off.

Like I know it's hard for her to get a job, but can't she atleast fucking collect welfare to try and contribute to paying shit!?
Nah dude, you're right in being pissed
Seems she just wants someone to pay for her living. Unless she's at the end of her pregnancy then there's no justification for it. Seems you picked a bad one.
It's fair. She provides companionship so you're not lonely and depressed. She's doing you a big favor.
I'm sorry dude, if her defense she's going through a major life change right now. She pretty much isn't doing anything for the next couple of years. Explain to her you can no longer afford to keep ordering out, and she has to cook. Explain you need to save money for formula, diapers, clothes, doctors, shots, toys, baby-this,baby-that,ass cream, baby powder, a jumper for the kid to learn how to walk, a stroller, a playpen for the kid
wait there's more...

you will also need to buy small crib when the kid is first born. A bigger crib when the kid gets bigger. Let' see what else? oh yeah that kanagroo shit they carry the baby in is another $120. oh yeah the breast pump is like 100-200 umm baby bottles! yup you gotta buy those too
>>and more fucking diapers
you make 1030 $ per month?
>were both 20 and she's pregnant

You're a cheeky cunt
Your fault for knocking her up. Shouldn't have been a retard about sex when you clearly can barely take care of yourself.
kill yourself cuck faggot
YOU need to work more hours, try 40/week minimum.

YOU need to sit down with her and nicely explain that you would like her to take a lead around the house with cooking dinner and keeping the house clean while you work full time, but will help out as well.

When that kid comes, you will be working and cleaning and cooking for a while. Time to step up, but also get her on board with the plan.

P.s. Sit down and actually get a plan for life going forward together.
whelp, any money you make for the next 18 and a half years or so is going straight to her or the kid..

>bitches want feminism because all "muh equality"
>bitches let men fuck 'em
>bitches get pregnant
>bitches get lazy and live off the men
>bitches wont lift a finger because "muh equality, its not 1950s anymore"
>bitches be bitches

kick that ho to the curb

but raise that baby as your own because babies need daddies
thats life, think about not having a child before thinking about financial issues and your priorities, man the fuck up cunt, life doesnt revolve around you
run to the hills mofo.
you got a shitty woman
Lmao, u can get almost everything she provides from a dog then, and it would be way cheaper, she is doing nothing.
Ya mine took a year off when she had the baby...separation anxiety. Just over a year old and she's working full time. Helps a lot. But keep your nose clean. Babies bills and "extras curriculars" don't leave you any extra money. Also stop being a pussy
That's how all women are now unless they are ugly. a lazy housewife is prefferable to some tomboy working class bitch with a penis envy complex. Fuck roughneck working class girls.
well first get an abortion asap, fuck dat noise, you can't support a kid, that's insane, and you're dooming this kid to a life of poverty and misery if you allow it to be borned
don't let her have the kid

but if it's too late for that
cut off everything, the cable, the internet sell the tv and computer
get a laptop that you keep with you, get a mobile data stick for internet/tether through your phone
she wants anything she can pull her own weight

basically empty the entire place of anything she would be using to fill up the days that she's being a parasite

basically make that place a desert

also accept that she'll be whoring around and cheating on you after all this, so start saving up all the rest of your cash for moving out for when you know for sure(or just start planning to gtfo now because obviously a terrible idea to even try with someone like that)

considering the information posted there's a 99% chance you only exist to be the babbydaddy and supply child support

she's seen enough trash do the same to know
that she can get a free ride on welfare and on childsupport that she'll never actually have to work or be anything but a pathetic parasite her whole life

worst of it is that the kid is the main source of that income

the kid is going to be nothing to her, she's only going through the pregnancy and going to do the bare minimum to keep it alive so she can keep the welfare and childsupport coming in for the next 18 years

this is super fucked up and evil for the kid and there's several generations of these kids now, and it's fucking miserable

don't me apart of this and don't let it happen to you
best case scenario is you get the fuck away from her, get a decent broad to shack up with, who is cool with you being a babydaddy, and then you get full custody of the kid because the mother is a useless fucking potato

but honestly fatchance on that

gl anon
well you are fucking retarded and if you made her pregnant you are even more retarded. Unless a nigger impregnated her and now you have a good reason to dump her with no repercussions
just run away
rolling for dump
Learn the song of her people and rub her belly to sooth her hunger before you make your escape. God speed.

Get an abortion.
Split up with the sandbag.
Straighten the fuck up.
Get a career or college education started.
Make a decision to stop being a cunt.

knocking up a 20yo, working 30 fucking hours a week and crying like a fucking faggot.

Harden the fuck up and start making real decisions before you're locked into a cycle in which all your decisions are made for you. (You are on the cusp ATM).
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Quick question is she pregnant with YOUR child 100% for sure? Also bumping with porn
>Do i have a right to be fed up and pissed off?

Stop looking to other people for validation on a question you already damn well know the answer to.
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You're fucked OP. I'm 36 and I've seen this countless times. You're going to be miserable, and she is going to bleed you dry emotionally and financially. At some point you'll be so irritated and pissed off, she'll become unhappy and and blame it all on you.

Then either you will cheat on her or she will cheat on you and she will leave you and now you will have to pay half of your income to her and your child. Either way though, it was your fault that the cheating happened.

I'm sorry to be that blunt honest one, but this is the road your headed if you don't nip it in the bud and tell her how it's going to be. If you can't, I'm sorry. The system has been built to screw you into the corner like that and you're pretty much done for.
My brother is in the same situation. My entire family hates the girlfriend.

Dump her
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> pregnant

If she was not pregnant I would say you are in the right OP. But pregnancy takes a big toll on a woman's body. Every single day she is living for two people instead of one. It's very taxing.

That being said, I think she could help you more than she is.

Just have a convo with her where you hit her with the truth. Don't sugar coat it, and don't back down. Be prepared to be the iceman until she comes around to what you are saying.
Dump that bitch dude. There are terms for girls like her, "lazy", "dead beat", "gold digger", "ho", "worthless"
I almost got caught like you by my very first girlfriend and it was the hardest thing to do in my life to leave her, but holy shit was it the best. I have a girlfriend now who cleans, cooks and works. Shits cash.
>My brother is in the same situation. My entire family hates the girlfriend.
YUUUUP welcome to the club, my brother dates a 300 pound seal who smokes a pack a day and cant keep a job for 1 month
This is all on you. You need to tell her to do shit. Her laziness is your fault because you continue enabling it.
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Join the Marine Corps, faggot.
I dated a girl like this for about a year. She wasn't exactly living with me but she stayed at my place most of the time and had a lot of her shit there. She was in her 6th year of working toward a bachelors degree and started talking about dropping two of her classes (taking just one class per semester). She didn't want to do shit but watch TV with all her free time.

I dumped her like yesterday's garbage and never looked back. You should do the same, anon, unless the kid is yours. In that case, you done fucked up royally.
get her preggo as soon as possible after this one. You can get some really good welfare and not have to worry about living expenses or medical or anything like that. Also you get massive tax money once a year, like thousands. The govt will pay you to sit on your ass and browse /b/, and you only get more money the more kids you have. They may even pay for housing, but definitely food and medical. Consider part time at a community college after you're not working to take advantage of the pell grant, you can make a good couple thousand that way too.
Welcome to easy street you lucky fuck
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This ship has sailed.

You fell into the oldest trap known to man, good luck with that.
dont be a fucking bitch you work at walmart walking around all day doing nothing but hanging out with work friend. you bitch should be doing the dishes and cleaning the house cuz your gf has to stay home all day doing nothing fucker
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Aaaaaand, this is why America sucks right now. Shitheads like you suckling off the teet of the rest of the hard working Americans that know what responsibility is and actually desire to make a better life for themselves. You make me sick, you fucking loser and waste of my tax dollars.

>7/10 if this is b8 for making me rage
You are fucked. Join military
Girl I know has 4 kids doesn't work and got PAID $6800 in free tax money on her return this year. Free food, free housing. I mean holy shit wtf
This is how democrats get votes and keep black people still as slaves, even though they were technically freed.
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Dump her asap
Not trolling anon, I'm just saying if their only income is some 300 a week part time job they would be better to have more kids and get the govt money. The medicaid in my state is amazing, the free dental work and nutritionist and all that stuff is awesome. Also seeing a real psychologist (not a therapist) its all free no copay. Its also full medical coverage with no copay for anything. Also you get free bus rides and shit. Also get plenty of money for groceries. Only real bills are internet and gas. If you make more than 18K it all goes away though, so you have to be careful what you earn. We also make a lot from tax returns and grant money, I've been going to community college part time for years.
I'm just giving OP advice, he might be better off just shacking up having kids and enjoying the welfare. Its not a bad life at all.
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Congrats OP, you and the gf are white trash.
>Its not a bad life at all.
That's a horrible life but you wouldn't know that if that's all you know.
Enjoy working 8 to 5 everyday.
Better hope you never get tired of that life. It's gonna be hard as fuck to change. Taking care of a bunch of little shits is gonna eat up all the time you'd need for education/training/work.
Dude. Your you have a baby on the way and you'really only working 30 hours a week? I have a feeling you aren't telling the whole story bc you sound just as lazy. You both honestly sound like you're gonna be shitty white parents. Being pregnant isn't an excuse not to work, I have worked with countless women who worked up until the 7-8 month mark with zero issues. If she's not working the least she can do is make dinner and clean, she sounds like a lazy trailer park can't honestley. You're also no better. Why are you only working part time with a fucking kid on the way? You and your gf are gonna make shit parents and give this kid a life of section 8 and poverty. Good job anon. Why is the stupid people have the most kids?
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Sorry, that was the ghost of good ideas. It sometimes gets to my keyboard somehow.

Jesus Allah anon, don't have a fucking kid. You're already living with a baby.

Fine, you're 20, so I'll let your poorfag status slide. But my absolute #1 top advice just for you is this:

Dump that bitch, work your ass off, get a useful STEM degree -or- go to a technical school and become a plumber or electrician or some shit.

Then after all that -- and only then -- settle down and have a family.

The road you're going down ends one of two ways:

>divorce/breakup = child support x 18 years
>long hard life of shitty wages, "sorry kids, no christmas this year", alcoholism

You are absolutely screwed unless you convince her to get an abortion (or slip plan B in her twinkies), then run the fuck out.
Fuck people like you. I can't wait until the low IQ trailer trash garbage actually have to take care of themselves for a change.
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I do, I have a great job and enjoy it. I also have no kids, enough free time and extra money to have a lot of fun in life and do what I want.

Enjoy sitting on your ass every day living off what the little money the government gives you to just exist and spitting out more children with the same shitty mentality as you, you lazy fool.
I fucking hate you so much you have no idea. Are you listening to yourself? You know somebody has to pay for that shit right? It's not free. People who actually work and pay taxes have to pay for all your "free money and handouts". People like you would die in a gutter if it wasn't for everyone else taking care of you bc you're too fucking stupid and lazy. You're nothing but a parasite. "Why should I have to work and pay for MY kids?, fuck that I deserve to sit around all day while someone else pays for it".
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>living together at 20
>she's pregnant

Haha reap what you sow faggot. Hope you get married and she leaves you're ass.
Bernie says one tenth of one percent of the population has more than the other 90%. They can pay for it and still live great lives. I'm ok with that, they are all greedy fucks anyway.
you dont even work full time.
start working atleast 40 hours and asking for overtime.
then you can start bitching

laughing so hard at you right now op, congrats on fucking up your life. i assume you're a nigger.
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I was on food stamp money and unemployment for a short stint because I honestly needed it to get to that next job. It was fucking embarrassing and anyone that uses it should be embarrassed. That embarrassment is supposed to push you pick yourself up and get back on track in life. That's what I did. got off it as soon as I was able.

The fact that they changed food stamps in Florida to "WIC" so it wouldn't sounds so embarrassing is proof the government wants these people to stay on welfare and depend on them. It removes the stigma that was associated with it and now people LOVE that shit....

Welfare parasites are the scum of this country.
In my state Michigan, they load a credit card with the food stamp money, called the Bridge card. You just use it like a regular debit card. Its not embarrassing at all
Wait, are you my sisters boyfriend???
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Or, you know, you could contribute to society and your local community....

You realize all you're doing is just justifying your laziness with each and every post right?

You're just making yourself look worse and worse. your wife must be one serious piece of work to be willing to be with such a poor excuse for a man.
Hey OP can you post some pics of your gf? You know, for research?
Exactly my point.
Sounds like she's got some depression going on anon. I'd talk to her about this. Being 20 and expecting and having nothing to do and no alternatives is not an ideal situation. If things persist without a change, this won't be a suitable environment to introduce a baby into. That's a huge financial, emotional, physical and mental obligation on the way and it's only going to make things harder. Do you have family available to help out with watching the kid and funds?
This shit is ridiculous and is becoming way too common. I'm convinced the government is trying to make its citizens dependent on the system. It's fucked up that the guy who worked 3 jobs working through college will be lucky to land a job making 50k a year with 60k+ debt while this bottom feeder is making sure he's not "working too much" in order to 60k in benefits. America would be better off by just letting these types of people die out. I'm 100% serious. This one guy will now raise multiple kids (most likely more 5) to have the same morals and outlook on life. His kids will breed like the inbreed rabbits they are create an even bigger chain of welfare scum. Meanwhile the guy who worked his as off through school will constantly "wait until it's the right time" to have a kid (might have one or two at the most becuase....you know...responsibility). The movie Idiocracy isn't even funny anymore bc it's becoming a fucking reality.
>working 30 hours a week
>"bust my ass of"


>moving in with a girl
>a _pregnant_ girl
>not expecting her to be a lazy sack of shit

you sound stupid and beta.
Agreed Anon, I have known plenty of people who needed some help and they weren't proud of it. It's this asshole here purposefully having kids for more money that's the problem.
People will always take the path of least resistance. If the government provides income and benefits that far outpace the jobs offered by unskilled labor, who would want to work cleaning toilets or flipping burgers? If you subsidize something, like having kids and doing nothing, you get more of it. Its simple economics
don't be jelly fam. You got to work in the morning, you need your rest
Shut the fuck up OP you dumb cunt. This is probably just bait but you're hardly busting your ass at 30 hours a week. You're 20 work harder, and then you can give her shit
>only have about $30 to spend on myself at the end of paying bills

>bring home $8k month combined
>After bills, food, left with $200
>Spend 35 minutes deciding if I want to buy a new pair of pants or if I should wait
>get a text
>"don't use the card today"
>well I didn't really want them anyways

When you get older, you're going to see some real shit. I just wrote a $15k check because our local school system is a retard factory.
private school ain't cheap, anon.

I don't think this guys is very concerned with his child's ejumaction though.
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>I just wrote a $15K check

Looks like you wet to that retard factory
There's has to be a good percentage of some of the people on here with the same mentality, so they can sit at home and jerk off to their trap porn.
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