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CD/Trap/Sissy thread?
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 122
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CD/Trap/Sissy thread?
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No one here?
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Bumping with my trapfu.
its just short of 7:30am in the US
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Sure, but other countries use this site
Well in the EU its pretty much work hours right now or people are in school
You're that straight guy right? The one who'd only maybe fuck a really convincing trap
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Aus fag reporting in, 10/10 ass
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yeah, that's me!
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Got any more?
You really have an amazing ass so I gotta ask do you plan on maybe making a video someday?
Very nice ass! Make's me wonder if the cock looks anywhere near as nice, got any pics to show it off? ;)
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reddress 5.jpg
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Hello there
Lookin' good
10/10 Could spend all night fucking
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I have more here


I made some videos when I first started, they weren't great so I deleted them, sorry!

No, sorry but I'm not that confident
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>>681131842 hii
thank you
planning on making some in the future?
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a few, it's small!
Can we see some more?
It's not that small, I like it, wouldn't mind playing with it~ :)
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>sorry but I'm not that confident
Hope you become confident. Nice legs/body/etc, but I've never been one for faceless sissies. Guess I have a face fetish, kek. Don't care if you're not trap level as long as you're not REALLY old or masculine looking.
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I don't know. They really weren't great!
scar on knee / would not bang
practice makes perfect
But yeah it's up to you and if you weren't satisfied with them then I guess it's for the better
I have to say, despite you thinking it's small I absolutely love how you show it off in the album, I'd love to see more!
damn you - it's like the more and more I see trap threads I get curiouser. As the straightest bloke ever, I'm like WTFFFF. Y'all making me gay.
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Rate me pls
(No makup)
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sure :P
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I might try again one day, if the mood takes me

I think it's small. I'm not ashamed of it :p
where are you from?
I'm glad you're not ashamed! You got a kik?
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the UK
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My femboy
would shove my cock down your throat to feel those lips wrapped around it.
8/10 lips
got skype?
it's not gay to be attracted to female penis and boipussi
Damn that is a nice ass~
ahh where abouts? have you done meet ups before?
Very nice
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*Faggot thread
Kill yourself
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no, but I can be contacted here http://xhamster.com/user/HFGIB


I haven't, and I'm not likely to. Sorry!!
i'll be sure to send a message some time~!
TFW you will never be a trap.
No sorry :/
Mmn, I wouldn't mind slipping those panties to the side and fucking that cute ass you have~!
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I'm not trying to be
yeah right, there is no homo agenda lol
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so did you come to bump, or to lurk too?
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holy shit DubsDubsTrips
thats a shame
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I like that that's what you noticed...
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Could spend a night gently humping into that for sure
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I'm glad you like it
I know I most definitely love it! Have you ever bottomed for another male before?
pls be aus
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Aaaaaactually...I'm straight. I've tried being with guys but it's really not my thing :(
do you have moar for us?
Any nudes?
what? you dont like a nice cock massaging your prostate from the inside? wtf
Well you've definitely got a body perfect enough to make lots of straight guy's jealous you're not into guys, very lovely body!
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I enjoy prostate stuff. I'm just not attracted to men. A convincing trap could sway me, I think, though I've never met one.

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thanks dear :)
okay. but there are men, and 'men' you know what i mean? there are men: like big, muscular, hairy type, and men: like the more boyish, twink, or teenager type (like Justin Bieber for example.), who have very attractive, even somewhat androgynous faces. So youre not attracted to either one?
Ooohh! nice! More?
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No,sorry :(
This. you're a 0/10 now. Boner destroyed. I'll have erectile dysfunction for the rest of my life.
Haha you used really good lighting but there they are. I spot the stretch marks.
because of a scar?
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I've literally loaded a bullet in the chamber of my revolver because I can't take that scar. It is haunting my dreams make it stop someone. PLEASE
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I saw them too. I'm not trying to hide anything
Get heels your shit is so basic
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I hope that helps
Same guy posting, got a kik? Skype?
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I'm straight but this gave me a boner.
is that you? may I see more, please?
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how do you get your ass so smooth?! you using a normal razor or an electric razor?
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Hair removal cream, used very wisely, and a razor for the bits I miss
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Thats a beautiful ass
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That escalated quickly
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WOW I wish I could look that good in tights! HOT!
which brand? also heard alot about cancer n shit though
How do you even get an ass like that?
That's the real question.
that dress is sexy af
I see nice candidate here
Hey Ausfag, Ausfag here.
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It's actually called Nads!! I haven't heard about it causing cancer, but....uh oh!

Just born this way....and good lighting and posing go a LONG LONG way!

Thank you!
Would you mind sitting on my face please
fuck me.

Any traps/cd wanna chat add me on kik

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Think my ass has potential? (hairy as fuck right now i know)
All butts have potential, m8.
That said, no one likes hairy asses. Shave man.
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That depends, I'm straight so if you're a feamle sure!

Thank you!!
Since you're straight, why do you dress up?
Transgender? Or just enjoy looking really feminine?
Yeah you're straight alright
Maybe running butt first straight into dicks.
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there is always one like you...
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I've always been really feminine and worn womens clothes clothes and make up, but it was never an identity thing, more just "this skirt looks good so I'm going to wear it, I don't care who it was made for". I do feel like I'd have been more suited to be a women but I'm not and that's fine by me. Men just aren't attractive to me so I don't fuck them, it's nothing major. The pictures are a new thing, I just felt like doing it.
I'm in the same boat mate. I've never been with a guy and I have had plenty of opportunity to do it, but every time I think I could or get close, I realise that it isn't for me (just get put off by it being a dude). Prostate stimulation is the shit though.
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>Prostate stimulation is the shit though.
I hear that.

Sauce on this tgirl
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Guys c 'mon
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I want to convince him to do the show, please help
I need more of this! Name or whatever?
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Well, I'm done posting pics for now. I've just ordered some dresses so I should be taking some more pictures in the next couple of days. I'll upload them on my xhampster oage when they're done! Feel free to message me on there too

Anyone here in Aus? Specifically Adelaide, but would travel
looking forward to it
Thanks,I'm still experimenting so I don't know if the dresses will work. I hope so though
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signing in
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I'm in my mom's lace thong and satin bra please degrade me while I wank my sissy cock
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its looking like nice pussy
shave your fucking legs

Why do you faggots insist on posting this shit on /b/? Stop already.
You have 4 boards just for you shitposting cocksuckers

Fuck off faggot

Please guys tell me how you would abuse me
No, kill yourself you fucking faggot
I'd love to meet you in person and smash your face in
Go to >>>/lgbt/ and stop posting your faggotry here.
I am reposting

both work safe boards

/y/ for cartoons

/hm/ fine but some don't identify as men so /s/ maybe? but then normies get rused :^)
OP do some vids. you're too hot to be limited to pics.
I did make some, but they were awful. Really really awful and I deleted them. I do like the idea of making some more but probably when I'm a lot better with posing and everything. It's easier to look feminine in a still than it is in motion.
Do you have any butthole pics?
Fuck off back to tumblr with your faggot agenda
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this is the closest
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Sup, fags.
some of your poses are great just need to play with yourself.

more like this would be awesome.
holy shit! 24 y/o fit ausfag here.
would love to chat :D
Nice, Hopefully you can get some more bare butthole in your next shoot, i've already checked out your other shoots. They're not bad
Hey OP. I don't know who you are, but I'm in love.
oh so sweet boobs
Fucking gross with a mustache/ 10
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as I've said earlier all I've taken is posted here http://xhamster.com/user/HFGIB and I respond to messages there too
I was wondering, how do you get all the clothing? Do you order them on the internet or do you buy them in stores? If you do buy them in stores, don't you feel a bit bad about doing it?
it's a feminine moustache :^)
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Here's the upper half of me, except not fucking naked. I'm weeaboo garbage.

would fug. post everything you got fam
I order online!
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oh damn where you at?
On which website do you order? I would like to start crossdressing a bit myself..
already subscribed to that. was just making suggestions. your pics make me excite
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God damn you are hot
Amazon! I've been pretty basic recently in what I've bought. I'm looking for suggestions

oh cool! I'm glad you like them!
Great taste anon. Literally the best trap out there.
Yeah you're awesome OP.

Perhaps you could get yourself some more kinky stuff? A collar and a leash with the rest of your clothes would look absolutely wonderful.
who is it?
if you want personal trap pics
add me on snapchat:
What about the lower half?
was already posted faggot
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good morning /b/
thats not how you eat a banana. Silly boy
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p3d0 thread

fixed it for u p3d0tard...lol
I'll definitely do that at some point. But for the moment I'm going to be going towards dresses and see where that goes. I can't afford to do both
bad idea. Ask me how I know.

/soc/ is actually best imho (no spammers, very few haters), with /b/ right after that - if neither scat nor spoodermen disturb you, that is.

I kinda wonder what happened to the guy that used to spam pidgeons
Love your legs! <3
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i try to keep my ass on a healthy diet
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Does it get old posting the same pictures and saying "p3d0tard" over and over again you have been doing it for about 6 months now might want to look at your life buddy.
Chrisst all of the traps seem to be from America. Any of you from South West England?
If you do that Im finishing my "sissy work" and coming to marry you asap.
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of what....blood borne diseases & p3d0 cock...lol
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rate me
OP is.
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topkek you funny guy. More pls
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look it's not you're fault you're a spergp3d0...you were born like that right....
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ground bounce.webm
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it'll be a while. I'm not the richest person
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Picture 82.jpg
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love watching a girl cock flop around like that,
I want that skirt too :(

that didn't answer the question mate and its pretty obvious you come here to look at the pics but you keep spamming your pics you aint fooling anyone.
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sure anon
sorry to not contribute much, i'm a bit shy
Oh shit, is OP still here?
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Made these just now. 1/2
hot legs
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Picture 62.jpg
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thats alright from what I see your butt looks nice and plump.
Here's a tip, invest in a mask.
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thinks i look at the pics....lol

man u are one dumb p3d0sperg
what kind of machine is this?
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nice body and dongle. Cute face too
>blue lips
celtic as fuck
What is wrong with your right tit? It's all fcked up looking.

How can someone be so hot.

uh huh
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I want give shiritrap some head
cardboard box
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Since this is actually me. that is a shoebox with a suction cup dildo attached to it.
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Any chance for a pose like this?
So uh - the box will not cave in?
I need to know for, uh, research reasons.
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am i pretty.jpg
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rate me
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when u say u should take a look at your life....yes I guess u should...lol
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wow, source?
I am
it's a nice box. but I didn't put my full weight on it. just something to keep the dildo in place
Cute af! 10/10
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been there, done that, almost fell flat on me face
Will you ever make videos?
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Super cute....would you post moar?

Pretty happy with mine i don't spend all day spamming threads that i like but don't want people to think that i like.
tease do it some more?
Nah, I'm USfag. Colorado, specifically.
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possibly, as I've already said once I'm better with pposing and moving in a feminine way then I probably will
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side bounce.webm
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Oh cool, where abouts are you from? Bristol myself.

Got a Tumblr or something that you post on?
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yeah sure u are sperglord....that's why out of nowhere u said "might want to look a my life"....yep that info just came out of nowhere hey....lol
I need a super cute trap GF, too bad none live anywhere near me :(
Oh my, so cute!
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you should just show us a vid and let us tell you how you're doing
Your eyes are beautiful. What is your name, princess?
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Sum gams.
Fucking degenerates.
you dont need to ride that plastic thing, when you could have the real thing ;)
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 122

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