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What are you reading anon?
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Thread replies: 246
Thread images: 63
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What are you reading anon?
the 100% real nigga bible
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My bookshelf
R8 h8 or masturb8 /b/
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Politics shelf
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My other politics shelf

Nothing for 7 years, fuck yeah.
Currently reading CS Lewis' sci-fi trilogy. After that i'll probably read some book about constructed languages I got for my girlfriend since she hasn't had time to read it yet and I'm a much faster reader.
How to read fast man?
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>mfw I never see book threads on /b/
>mfw I had a picture of my bookshelf on my phone
>mfw I deleted said picture because of point one
>last 3 books
Gunslinger #1
Game of thrones #1
Current: diablo legacy of blood (half done)
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Fahrenheit 451
Crime and Punishment
man, I love it
dubs dont lie
A shitty thread on 4chan
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My current bookshelf in my dorm room.

Currently working on an Adam Smith Paper, so mostly that for the moment.
fuck anon, why did you screw those precious books to the side of the shelf? jesus, show some respect
is that the one where they steel the ancient armor and get possessed? that one was awesome
In ease of body and peace of mind all the ranks of life are nearly upon a level, and the beggar who suns himself by the highway possesses that security which kings are fighting for.
Mein Kampf
Yes that's the one so far pretty good.
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Would they care for some assistance?
The Unspeakable Crimes of Dr. Petiot.
Lol. Took the picture on my phone and didn't notice it was rotated until it was uploaded.

I'm writing on TMS now, actually. It's an unfortunately understudied work.


Pretentious, misinformed moron detected. What a breadth of reading - all books confirming your own (nonsensical) view of the world. How intellectually taxing.

You're a moron.
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>reading fiction
>not learning a new language
>not learning programming
>not studying maths
This thread

Also, lol, neo-con.
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What a shitty bait.
Theater of Envy, Renè Girard. second time I read it. Masterpiece.
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not even bait.

You fucktards that like reading "fantasy", "romance", "poetry" are just pretentious faggot that go out in public with their books

"look at me, i'm reading, this means i'm interesting and cultured"

Fucking off yourself you swine
Enraged permavirgin detected.

>Not learning code
>everybody on earth should be a mindless programmer
>I am superior despite being a pathetic little cuck
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Haruki Murakami. Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. He's my favorite author.
I really don't understand you.

What your saying isn't true, but even if it was, why does it make you angry?

Are you upset that nobody thinks programers or math majors are interesting or cultured people?

I'm genuinely curious.
This looks alright.

What do you get after reading fiction books? Nothing.

You could have used that time learning something to make your life better
That's rich, considering you're on /b/.

Do you literally not understand the concept of entertainment?
Intellectual nourishment? Contemplation of questions of life, love, morality, existence.

Or we could design a webpage that opens up new dialogues when you try to click [x]!!

You're a fucking virgin gimp loser.

Thinking fast and slow
Information dashboard design

Generation X
Altered carbon

To each his own i guess
>What do you get after reading fiction books? Nothing.
>being on /b/
could people be different from without it being a problem?
Did it really just occur to you now that reading fiction was a form of entertainment?
kek. Only post needed in response to this moron

>Not having Bukowski and Fante on your shelf

WTF is wrong with you anon???
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dont know if this counts since its comic book but Maus
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Re reading "Soldier of the Legion."God damn I love that series
Just finished High Rise
You seem underaged.
Days of Rage by Bryan Burrough

Trouble and Her Friends by Melissa Scott

It's great. Read The Idiot next, it's even better.
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Senior in high school soo,
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Zen and The Art of Mororcycle Maintenance

burn it

mostly lolicon & some fan fiction atm but its not even percent of my volume
I need a good science fiction series to get into can I get some suggestions
mass effect 2
Seniors in highschool still use those no fear books?

Damn. High school is soft now.
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Contact by Carl Sagan
I do not understand how you all like dostoyevsky. Old miserable fuck, who did not see anything nice.
I read idiot and tried notes from house of dead. Misery, dirt, stench and hatred.
Not lifting my soul...
fuck i hate this glorified explore the universe shit

you? explore my universe? no thankyou
You have no idea seniors in my class cannot read for shit, it is sad
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No fan of Chrstopher's material?
What are some of your favourite authors?

Mine would have to be James Patterson
hitch is alright but u can get him in a singular track of music and the 4 horsemen shit.

sam harris u can get in one statement: end drug prohibition

there is hope between this economic-political connection but it doesn't change shit in a democracy when you're ruled by mass ignorance. it will take a very significant event the rest is meaningless

personalised retarded losers without purpose etc, its disgusting
good goy reading the good propaganda
are you retarded?
Are you in the US? What state?
In memoriam of umberto eco passing away, I'm rereading Foucaults Pendulum.... Fucking best historical fiction writer ever
don't read the sequels it goes downhill from there
If you want to be the monkey using your hands while us superior alphas use tools that's your business.
Keep reading I'll be creating the new world
You're fucking stupid kid.
agreed, best cospiratorial novel ever written
This book is so good on so many levels
>sarcastic irony included?

anyone got a jar for all this dichotics?
Louisiana schools are pretty bad here
enjoy the jew guilt and the sudden induced tolerance for israel
Fuck you man I dont go in for dick stuff. No homo
You're either a troll or that book went right over your head. Either way... you're a fucking idiot.
Says the idiot who gave up reading it after 1 chapter because it melted his little brain
Best philosopher/thinker of the past 200 years at least
you're being murdered
Welp. That explains it.

Sorry man.
>couldn't sound out the title of an all pictures book
Your shitpost
The Dark Side: Thoughts on the Futility of Life from the Ancient Greeks to the Present
im reading shitposts on /b
Again.. Wat?
oh I just recognize zionist propaganda for the holocaust industry is all. it takes many forms including this sweet comic story
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I've been reading this!!! ^.^
I won it in a contest a while ago, but I'm just now getting around to it. Everyone should give it a try! <3
death note vol 4
Why? Because I was civil at least. That other guy started in with dick stuff. Maybe he likes all that but Im not sick
Ehh just two more weeks till graduation
oh the humanity
Going to college?
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Goddamn, filthy communist.
Speaker for the dead Orson Scott card
>voluntary & cooperative

Going into the seminary. Can't wait I'm so excited
Nah, they both write a hell of a lot of expansive work on endless topics
>of mice and men
>Dorian Gray
>Hounds of Baskervilles
>The Hobbit
I'd prefer if you had the Dark Tower series to Pet Cemetery but to each his own, nice light reading you got there.
This...is a picture of a library shelf...
>m-muh jubes

Stop being a lazy fuck anon, sort your life out and don't worry about what others do.
I can't tell if you're serious.

If you are, I apologize.
You sound like a tumbler user
You're generalising huge novels with a shit opinion
15 years ago maybe.
>much faster
it has its moments
>No Michael Savage
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Apologies for what? I want to spread the good Lords' message, be a shephard to my flock and I get to wear the cool black uniform
I'm so happy
A lot of it is timeless, I'm not sure you can shrug off Hitchen's life's work
Probably wear women's clothes and touch yourself in the no no special place. Its your type going to bd the ruin of the rest of us enlightened beings
Let's just all agree that shoujo manga and Sarah Dessen <3 are the only pieces of literature that are actually good omgggg!! >.<
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I need to get round to reading the kalevala but I can't be bothered to go to the library
so if I like it it's ok, and it's totally not a waste of my time or credulity, but if I don't I should sort my life out. got it
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Try this instead! I can gaurentee this will be wayy better ^.^ <3
pretty easily. look at the crowds he draws. and nothing has become of it in 2 decades with mass exposure,

yes hes the most engaging of the four.

personally dennets work on determinism is more useful = valuable, video lecture etc.

seemed to be more of an agro radio commentator/commentary then actual pointed purpose. i don't disagree with his overarching meta theme of a unified celestial dictatorship but the cunt was 3 ways blind till sunday as to what the actual "situ" was on the ground, BRO
>no no special place.

time to stop posting grandma
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Got this at the library a few months ago.
10/10 4eva <3
look, we're not all intelligent enough to survive in the real world, hence, we create activities, hobbies that let us escape our failures and deficiencies.

Furthermore, the world we're living in is so condensed and compact that competition exists in all possible and imaginable areas of life, and we just cannot keep up. So you tell me to improve myself for the world that I did not choose and does not want, where I say I tried and failed. I now retreat to the corners of my mind where it is safe, where i enjoy living through escapism.
Why would I post my grandma?
You're wierd
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My bookcase. Just finished re-reading the wheel of time series. Previous to that I read all of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan books and finally finished the Sword Dancer series.

Thinking about either dropping back into the Shannara series, or re-reading the Harry Potter series.

Anyone have any suggestions for a decently written fantasy or Sci-fi series?
>Ayn Rand
fucking burn that shit.

In other news, reading this
omg you should try Lock & Key by Sarah Dessen. She's awesome sayce!!!! <33333 ^.^
Mortality really hit me in the feels anon. I miss chris
I fuckin loved the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy but it seems people's opinions on it are kinda polarised
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Current collection of my wife's and my books
No, you're generalising a man solely with a single video and his religious polemic, the work he wrote is endless and spans a huuuuge amount of political subjects, a lot of which is still relevant today

It's only "easy" because you seem to know barely anything about the guy,
Like the snail you are back in your shell
I'm a slug man, a fucking slug, you get me
aren't you wasting yor life away
nothing. i hate reading. at least litterature. i am one of those people who can not figure out the joy of it. beleive me i have tried, i won't ever like it. apparently that makes me uneducated. i disagree.
sartre and ayn rand

burn them together
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Mostly non-fiction.
>Anyone have any suggestions for a decently written fantasy or Sci-fi series?
Dark tower
Black company
Garett PI
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This is some pretty good shit. Neuromancer was better tho.
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I have a hardcover of HHGttG. Awesome books. Sad that Adams is gone though. I actually cried when I heard that Terry Pratchett died as well.
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fuckin love sartre

Im reading Plague by Camus
your taste is shitty generic fantasy but thanks for tilting the pic, most people aren't that smart.
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awww </3 that makes me super sad, reading is so much fun!!
You should definitely try the Princess Diaries. I read all of them and that's what got me into reading :3
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jew or teenager or both
lol man good one
>Chinese cartoons
Any form of entertainment is escapism and takes you away from your real life. Video games, movies, T.V. music. As far as 'wasting your life' goes, it's all very much the same
The Hunger Games is super good too! Don't forget that one :3 ^.^ <3
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thing is, i have read classics, fiction, biographies, facts, "easy" books, "advanced" books (lots of tricky english words i do not use ever), the fucking bible. I have read stuff apparently, but i do not enjoy it. it does not work for me. wierd huh?
Christian. Just want to learn more about the occult.
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electrical books.png
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If you're not picky you could try the Black library stuff which is Warhammer /Warhammer 40k.

Some really good authors in there and obviously the setting is heavy so again; if you don't mind it being all warhammer.

The horus heresy series is good, gaunts ghost started off really strong and lost steam later, Eishenhorn is top notch Ravenor is even better.
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im just an inductive god thats all,

move along now, peasent.

pyramids etc
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omg omg finally an ANIME FAN! <3 WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN SWEETIE =_=
Have you read Ouran!? It's so so cute and good
Not everybody needs escapism matey, a lot of understanding and embracing life as it is comes from reading the relevant material
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I'll move onto Camus, but i'll read The myth of Sisyphus.

Also a good book pic related.
Don't ever talk to me again.
there's nothing to learn man. zero. it's all fodder to confuse you
Well, so some extent I don't really enjoy Sartre either. But This book is before he became, eh, opinionated.

To each his own, right? Photo auto-rotated when it uploaded to /b/ and I didn't feel like fucking with it
OH, and wild cards.
I'm not into comics, but I liked first books (had no time to continue, though)
It's always interesting to read about others religions.
ive read 5 of those. feels good man
OP is an alright guy
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Currently, House of Leaves.
The Plague was pretty bad ass, you should try 100 years of solitude (English translation).

The Great God Pan (short), The King in Yellow, A few newer King novels (can't recall their names for some reason), and I might pick up Game of Thrones, but really not too interested in it.

Been writing more than reading, I find it hard to do both.
>don't like escapism
>they watch tv, serials, movies, porn...
>buys a book written by bo burnham.
>read book written by bo burnhan
how to spot someone who couldnt talk to a REAL girl in public and diabetic
That's not very nice, sweetheart :-)
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The myth is great, Camus is one of the greatest.

I have not read it,
You use the word escapism quite carelessly :)
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My book case.

Currently reading Structure and Interpretation of Computer Languages, and when I get bored of that, Dune.
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Anything but existentialist literature is fucking trash.
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Trying to read the cell, but I keep falling asleep. I've made it to like page 4
The Dune series, just finished Heretics of Dune. Sorta faded out of interest and faded back into interest. A solid series but sometimes drawn out.
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They forgot the most important one :(
do u know how to read?
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Need book #6 in my life already

The Witcher book saga is intricately superior to the already amazing games.

Geralt is a G.
True. A lot of the material i read in these books contradict itself and is just plain none-sense. But at least I could point out these things to those who might get tempted to read this material.
Yes I am looking forward to the read.
Looks like a healthy collection anon
My kindle saves so much space but I miss pulling a book off the shelf and flipping t through the feel of the pages every once in a while. N not to mention book shelves make me feel a lot smarter than I actually am
English major chiming in here just to say that "much faster" would be absolutely be correct in that sense.
>Altered carbon
altered carbon, reaad that, some interesting existensialism about a clone of you wouldnt be you because of the experiences from the point of inception would be different. or some such, pretty good
Occult material is interesting in that a lot of it borrows from the workings of Buddhism, the efforts of writers like Aleister Crowley is hugely understated, crazily convoluted or not
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Currently reading this
classic gold
A Fighting Chance: The Moral Use of Nuclear Weapons
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>book shelves make me feel a lot smarter than I actually am
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escapist existentialism was so last year, nerds...
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Shit, drink and fuck stories. Comedy golden
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that guy sounds like such a douche though.
It is. I have absolutely no intention of practicing any type of magick. I'm fully aware of the dangers of doing so. I'm just fascinated with the fact that there is "another side" to this life; there's so much more to what we see.
That's the whole point
great read. nice dubs. you're an idiot for posting in the wrong thread twice.
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>What are you reading anon?
This thread
Had ya there for a minute
>reel him in
>damn lost him
Just finished Tides of war and just started Warcrimes (the warcraft novels)
>i read these for school
aku no hana

captcha was flowers
pls define escapism?
eh not funny to me. i just get triggered reading it silently in his alpha chad voice
Bump bump bumpalicious. That's one weird fucker. Dig his books though. All them unicorn skeletons. 1Q84 would never have touched it without kindle but best book I ever readed with my eyeballs his stuff needs to be made into movies
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Did you find meaning?
I enjoyed this
also, checked
yeah man everybody with mature interests is a nerd

take your cancerous satire elsewhere pls
If this post ends in 3, Milhouse is a meme
But i read a ton i have maybe 1000 books in my house easy
Made a wall with the majority of it into a bookcase turned my spair bedroom into a study were all the walls are bookcases and have one in my bedroom
Wait what? Is this real life, papa?
I just finished Domain Driven Design by Evans, I'm halfway through Enterprise Integration Patterns by Hophe and Wolfe, and I'm almost done A Clash of Kings by Martin.

I don't know what I'll read when those are done.
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Robert Olen Butler is probably my favorite
what's the catch?

sorry bad joke let me try again

really? im reading chase 11. much shorter but it doesn't have a point imo
be the same as everyone else get the same as everyone else
School shooter detected

What's wrong anon? You gonna read your books again while everybody else gets their cocks sucked?
Thread replies: 246
Thread images: 63

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