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My step sister is in the other room and I've had feelings
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Thread replies: 244
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My step sister is in the other room and I've had feelings for her ever since my dad married her mom.. I don't know what I should do.. Help!

Pic related
Set up some spy cams to see her naked
It's only your step go for it
put your dick RIGHT in her pussy
I've already done that. I'm beyond infatuated with her :(
Ask to eat her ass and pussy
Post more
Theres no laws about ducking your step sister. If its mutual, go for it.
If youre a neckbeard then fuckoff
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Well let's see some then
First of, try to be funny with her and make a good friendship. Then, when the right moment comes, ask her to do "something more" and then do what do you want to do ;)
Just talk to her and post some more she is cute
If I can get some info on what to do rather than "fuck her" "put your dick in her".. I've been thinking this over in my head and have no clue what to say to her or if she'd tell my dad and make things weird.
>say she coot
>fuck dat
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Also trips can get my collection of nudes and vids.
Weirdly I was in a similar situation so I think I can actually help. But you have to give some picks as we go along. First off, next time you guys are along, say hey I'm bored, let's go have fun. Take her to a cheap restaurant and at the end order a desser and share it.

Now let's see a pic.
Alright bro, let me give you an actual advice.

If you already love her, then just don't show it. Flirt with her, try to get the atmosphere more sexual between you two, then after some progress you should go on a date with her. It's only hard until the first kiss.
fuck it I tried
You don't have feelings for a girl like that. You want to fuck her, which is understandable.

She's not someone you date. She's someone you fuck.

Learn the difference.

Then fuck her.
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Right before her morning shower.
Listen to this /b/ro
Where do you have cams set up?
post the fucking nudes
nudes plx
Gib me nudes
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Okay next piece of advice. You better share another spy pic.

Talk to your dad and see if he would be game for a family vacation some time. He's going to be busy with her mom, so you'll have lots of bonding time with the daughter.... Will continue after a picture.
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Found her twitter. won't give it out yet, but if you post nudes I'll contact her and tell her how fucked up her stepbrother is.
nudes OP

Plz sub
Correction. If he doesn't post nudes you will.

>picture of bathroom
>sister was naked in shower 10 mins later
>didn't take pic of that

Re motherfuckin rolling
nudes OP
I'm warning you OP
She doesn't even have a Twitter dipshit. Actual help or trips is the only way faggot
Just show one
I've given you two great pieces of advice fyi. Next time you post a picture of a shower, she better be in it.
Then share
Rollerino for DEM titerinos
Do it faggot
Wow almost quads, u gotta share 4 that
Threaten me again and I'll make it quads
Rollin for trips, just sent them to
[email protected]
I'll keep your secret
Straight Gangsta$$$
She's not your real sister anyway. Your children won't have any deformities because of incest.
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Keep being a faggot and we all sage this thread
Rolling for trips
Give me those trips
That's fair... Another way to get closer to her is to make friends with her friends. Find ways to spend time with them when she's not around. The key here is to get them talking to her about how lucky she is to have you around all the time.
Trips be mine
And again
How old is she OP? How old are you? Are you close?
I've already fucked her highschool friends to make her jealous but I think it pushed her further away.
Shut up cuck. Faggot ass OP now I'm showing her a link to this thread, I hope she actually reads through it. GG nigger.
Trip 4
Here we go, I'm certain this will work
Let me see her!
Do it
Don't be a faggot OP
can't get any other chick so u want to fuck your sister, and u feel u have a chance becouse u see her every day unlike any other girls
I just turned 19 and she's alittle younger than me..
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She doesn't have twitter.
It may not be illegal but its fucking sick.
I wouldn't do dream of doing anything with my step sister, probably because I'm not a disgusting rat.
No you won't...

Also: >>680657563
888 again
Where are the trips when you need them?
Well you were on the right track, just went too far. I did a lot of the things I've suggested and eventually just straight up started treating her like she was my girlfriend. Get her used to that and then ice her out for a few weeks. Make her miss you.
999 000
So close haha.
get meme'd bro
999 get
There! ⇑
>Thinks I was bluffing.
The deed is done candy-ass, now let's see how long it takes before you come running back to /b/ because your whole family is disgusted with you.
If this is dubs, you DON'T post her nudes!
roll for the lols
I'm not even seeing dubs haha.
camping with her is a great way to get much closer especially if you bring booze
Proof or shut the fuck up nigger
fuck this bread
Omg how did you actually get her info??? You've ruined my fam. Lulz
Prove it, good sir white knight.
Otherwise, I call bullshit
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are you even trying to get trips
aight aight aight aight
The proof is in the pudding, I only hope his sister checks the thread before it 404s. This thread is cancer anyway
go go go
Watch and learn fags
Agreed op won't deliveroni the formuoli
Now he won't post anything. You are an idiot.
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>nigger confirmed
Come on, daddy need some nudes!
We have to change tactics, this isn't going anywhere
Swear I'll deliver the pics. Email for vids
OP deliver
boom now lets see if op is a faggot
If you want porn, google it you fuck
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I don't think you know what a white knight is. Lurk more.
If trips, OP don't share the nudes
no, vola the vids
That's not love you stupid chimp, that's lust. My cousin is a shitty person but she's hot so I only fap to her. My brother is dating an ex-step sister on my dad's side and we're all ashamed of it because even in our weirdo hillbilly family that's weird. You WILL be that guy.

Fap and let her live her damn life. You're supposed to be a sibling.
Then post the pudding, negroid
nah just post it on mega
will luck be on my side and let me roll trips?
Remember incest=wincest
my trips, post nudes OP
better fuckin deliver
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Delivery tiem, OP
Oh man she really did see the thread. Can't post nudes now :(
OP was a faggot today?
OP bailing like a cuck. She already knows you spy/have her nudes so just post them you little bitch
fuck you OP, first trips get and you bail like a fuck
she knows now, may as well post
Thought I was lying niggers?
My job is done thread can die now.
Sage in all fields.
Samefag detected
You are a fag
ffs just post, dont chicken out you weak-willed cunt
Come on OP
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Ex-step sister
So absolutely no relation?
You and the rest of you hillbilly family should be ashamed for your judgment.
We can only hope
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Why do you not want to see her naked?
find an excuse to get drunk with her
Unfunniest picture I've seen on 4chan.
off by one :((
Because he's a fag that likes boipussy
It doesn't matter as long as I got my way. L8tr b8ters
Yeah cause another set of 5s would pull the cocks out of ops mouth.
Glad I didn't waste trips on this faggot.
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Well at least she knows you like her now. Post nudes fag. She's probably already disgusted with you
WHEREAS: OP did knowingly and of sound mind offer nudes of his stepsister in exchange for trips, and

WHEREAS: /b/ did dutifully and commendably provide said trips, and

WHEREAS: OP did knowingly and maliciously fail to provide said nudes,

BE IT KNOWN: that on this day, April 22nd, in THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2016, OP is and shall ever be a faggot.
Just dubs
>still trying
Okay boys. Let's dox this guy if he's not going to deliver. Anyone reverse image search the pics?
Option 1: stop being a faggot beta, tell her, and post results


Option 2: kill yourself for being a beta fag got, and post results.
Duhrrum dum dum, duh duhrrum duhrrum rum
Why are you retards so bothered about seeing her naked? Have you neanderthals not discovered pornhub yet?
Option 2: kill yourself for being a beta fag got, and stream it.*
Fixed it for you
>Implying staged porn is good
Sorry guys had to explain myself to my stepsister and why I shared a pic of our bathroom. Quads for nudes tho since it's caused a big mess
3, 6, 9 damn you're fine
She's young, hot, and not a pornstar for starters
what did you say to her?
No fuck you. Your not upping it. We've had TWO separate trips so fucking post pics and vids already
Has to be the gayest picture I've ever seen
bullshit, you said trips. deliver
Okay my bad i don't even have a stepsister anyway.
Lol classic bait and all you dumb fucks fell for it. I don't even have a step sister you dick fucks.
Who's the girl then?
Some hooker on Backpage I fucked last week
How's your bond with her
i wouldnt say we all fell for it. I mean she looks like the stereotypical skinny ass bitch teen and its only the 5 millionth "step sister nudes" thread ive seen this week so fuck off and kill yourself faggot
I'll never understand this autism
It's literally just a person not related to you in anyway
Fucking americans man
So do you have Moar pics of her? I mean you might as well share.
>trips get
>guize my sister seez thread can't poost
>jk I sorted everything out×333
>pfft you dummies, I don't even have a step sister
Catch up fag
ropl to be hero
nigger thought he fooled everyone when in reality everyone was just going along with it to fuck with his shitty b8
Fuck no
You catch up fag. I'm telling you I have no step sister. And if I did, I wouldn't fuck her always. What am I, American?
Not really.. Do you want her Facebook?
m8, of course
Wasn't shitty bate "m8". That's why you're in here too. You wanted to see tits.
Are you acting like op?
Of course we do
I thought Americans would be the ones supporting incest?
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Autist that was for >>680661693
nigger if i wanna see tits i can go to a fucking porn webm thread
Sierra Lynn Heath
She's a hooker in ohio
Lol sjw faggot
Also I'm sorry for being a faggot gentlemen
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Again sorry
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OPs sister here. This site is fucked and full of cucks. My step brother is a complete shut-in weirdo that can't even look me in the eye. A beta just like all of you. Dubs and I rar him out to our parents and say he tried to rape me.
tits and timestamp.
>trips of truth
Nice trips
What did you do with her? And for how much?
Fucked her without condom, bbbj, tried anal but at least got fingers in her ass, came inside her. $140
Nice boobs?
Not needed "she" got the trips
Flat little a cups but fat ass and the tightest pussy ever. It was like fucking a 12 year old legally
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Now time to rar him out
Get to it, femfaggot
I knew OP was too gay to have a sister.
I'm trying to get with this bitch
Dude. Take her. If she objects just force yourself on her. Good god dude. If you aren't strong enough to do it yourself, fucking go to the gym and then rape her.

But dude, you gotta rape her man.
Seems like you came in alittle late. Sister was actually a prostitute so no need to "rape"
Its not illegal if its your step sister
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