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My wife made me mad today, so I am not going to fuck her tonight
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My wife made me mad today, so I am not going to fuck her tonight even though she is currently in the bathroom taking a shower/shaving with the Idea I am going to fuck her

>ask me anything
What did she do? Also, why not just cum on her face instead?
as a virgin i cant understand your logic

What did your mom say when you told her you were gay?
Who's this?
Ooh, that'll show her, you sperg
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She was getting her nails done and was about 30 minutes late to dinner with me and my parents. Because if you turn a woman down it will keep her in her place. Never let them know they have something you desire.

one day you will.

Women are fucking cunts and sex isn't super special after awhile
Because sex is hyped up when youre a virgin. Its nice, its fun, it feels great, but so does getting stoned, or being drunk, or peeling plastic off of a new thing. Its just a thing youll enjoy.

Once you do it a few times, youll eventually pass it up.
I'm getting married, should I also decline my wife of sex and instead taking her bald snizz to pound town when she pisses me off?
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Yes, because if thats all it takes to calm you down she will learn "oh I can just let him fuck me and he wont be mad".
You sound like a complete asshole
they shouldnt let 13 yo marry
I seriously let my fiancée suck the anger out of my dick. Then again I don't get mad over dinner plans running late because she's trying to look good for me
have you considered just telling her about it like normal people in healthy relations do
Or she doesn't care and just goes to sleep and knows you'll come around eventually.

The same reason she showed up 30 minutes late to dinner: Doesn't give a fuck and you won't do anything about it. Women crave sex but on the average men prioritize it way more than they do
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I think what made me mad is, she planned it, and she even said yesterday she was going to get her nails done, and instead of leaving work timely like she should she left and still managed to be late.

I already told her, and in her mind she will "make things right" by fucking me. But fuck that, pussy isnt that special.
So do you say you just don't feel like it? How would you turn her down?
Shit man, I'd be mad all the time with a woman like that, if you know what I mean.
just say no, what are you, 10?
Her open as hole is just asking for dick.
Pics related?
Can I fuck her for you?
Because there's "no" and there's "i don't feel like it", or "i'm not in the mood"
You probably shouldn't be married. That woman you have is a piece of gold. All marital problems not involving cheating can be solved by sex. Why won't you just accept the fact that you're unhappy and move on with your life?
I was married for 12 years. Trust me, you don't want to start the withholding sex as punishment game. You will lose.
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Yes, just say "I dont feel like it". Literally the key with women is not letting them know you desire pussy at every second of the day. All of my friends are married and they hound their wives for pussy and guess what? They only get it maybe once a week. I dont let my wife know I want to fuck her constantly and I have her trying to fuck me every single night when we get home from work.
wow, you really are autistic, anon.
This is the voice of experience
This guy knows...
Yes, probably, OP is 10.
OP listen to this guy....when she ends up fucking some random dude because your being a bitch....you gona be real salty.
confirmed for weak as fuck.
or not.
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Nigger you just gotta know how to hold onto the power dynamic. You have to make a woman WANT you make her think she constantly has to win your love and affection, make her keep playing the game of falling in love. Do that and its life on easy street.
This guys knows. Women an hold out exponentially longer than men and will also fuck other men without you knowing.
In this situation I just have her suck my dick and then when she thinks it's time to hop on I just tell her to bend over instead and fuck her in the ass. She likes it but it doesn't make her cum so she's just frustrated and I still get mine.
Don't worry bro, some nigger with a much bigger cock than you will help her out eventually if you dont.
Found the cuck beta.
you tell her bro, ..

just in case of an er ... emergency .. yeah .. what's your address ?
why is she showering? you don't want to lick the stink off her musty snatch for her?
If that's the case then she isn't worth keeping around if she thinks to solve the problem is to cheat. This goes for any SO not just marriages.
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Do you guys really fear a woman will cheat on you this much? If she does then fuck her there is more ass in the world. I mean it really isnt the end of the world.
Can confirm this approach is effective
Power dynamics lol...
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African American here with huge black cock. i'll fuck da white bitch.
>clearly the voice of cuckery
You are literally too stupid for words anon.
Anon....I will not deny the sound logic in your statement. Still, I have seen it. You play the power game, think your the Alpha, and when she catches on to your ploy she will sleep with your best friend.
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She want sum BBC OP?
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My wife works with nigger kids daily (inner city school teacher). She fucking hates niggers.
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But Niggers got da huge dicks
Lol, that's my Wife.
Then why settle for someone whos 30 minutes late for dinner?
Whether my ex cheated on me or not I don't know, and honestly don't fucking care. I actually pity the poor son of a bitch that she suckers next. All I know is she wasn't fucking me anymore, so away I went.
Withholding sex from a woman is like withholding water from a camel.
May know the game but you can turn it into another way to win for yourself by introducing her to bdsm.
After awhile you can start light caning and get your frustrations out the way it used to be.Way it should be.Train the bitch.
Master the game.
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i used to cum inside that girl
she'd push my load out her axe-wound and make music with the queefs
u ever heard cum queefs make sick beats bruh?
this was her favorite song to queef to me:
Are you doing it as attempted punishment or do you just not like/want to have sex while your pissed at her. One of those is healthy, ill let you guess.
Why the fuck should anyone care?
Thank you so much for reminding me of this.

I know this to be true because I'm not a bitch at heart, but sometimes I forget due to the fact that 90% of people have no self control and so they will deny it to feel better about themselves.

They may very well know you desire pussy 24/7, but if they also know that you are not controlled by them, you can avoid becoming their slave.

If you seriously consider the motivation behind the nice things you do for her and that motivation is to get sex in exchange, you are not in control.

Honestly, I have no idea why I don't apply the same tactics and knowledge I use at work in my interpersonal life. Nobody is above politics. If you think you aren't your captors are just particularly skilled at making you feel good about your subordination.
I don't know Anon....You sound like a cuck.
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why should anyone care about any thread on 4chan?
Every relationship is a power struggle, if any of you neck beards think that you can get what you want by sexually pleasing your woman you are sadly mistaken. as a matter of fact, let me be the first to congratulate you on being the bitch of the relationship.
Good answer.
keep punishing her with no sex and watch your ass get cucked so quick. lol. your dick aint that good for her to just cry over you. she'll get a tyrone soon.
What more do you expect from them they actually
they actually fall for the sensationalist bullshit they read on here.
Grow up and realize that this rhetorical move is throwing the pieces off the chessboard and starting to cry.

Anything along the lines of "it's just a concept", "why should anyone care", "it's all just a game", blah blah blah yeah well it's a game you're losing you fucking pussy, so stop whining and play. Jesus. End rant.
So does everything just constantly taste like old pennies or litmus paper to you?
Pennies and milk. Then again, never tasted litmus paper.
Absolutely spot on. There is a reason that during the times when a husband was effectively his wife's permanent boss, who do you think focused more on pleasing the other in the bedroom?

Don't let yourself become unhealthy, but surprise surprise, you can't fucking gigolo your way to satisfaction

All the easy answers don't work, boo hoo, why didn't God make life boring and simple for us
Keep with fear responses.You are pushing fear.Nigger fear at that.
tits or gtfo
Can I fuck her instead?
Damn I wish I had your confidence. I'm on my girl all the time about not letting guys talk to her, because getting rejected fucking hurts me too bad. I am insecure. I guess it's a good thing she is submissive. Trying to workout so I can build up my confidence.
>she is currently in the bathroom taking a shower/shaving with the Idea I am going to fuck her
Post gf tits or gtfo faggot
i feel like theres wisdom itt but for the life of me i dont understand it
It really depends on how sensitive you both are to symbols of respect and power. If you are both animu watching lumps of fat, of course you don't care.

Showing up late sends many messages:
- I don't respect your time
- I don't respect your parents time
- I don't care about your need to maintain face in front of your parents as someone who has a partner who respects your time
- You wait on me, I don't wait on you
- When you tell me to do something, I'm not gonna do it and you better be quiet about it

...on and on...

Sure, "I got hit by a car" excuses you. Only because it takes away the intent that makes this a sign of disrespect.

At the end of the day, being a feminist does not require you to become an impotent puppy dog who is bossed around by your wife, even though many of them claim exactly that.
>work out

Yes. It's not about your appearance, it's about what it does to your mind.

Lack of exercise can castrate a man from the inside without him knowing it.
So how do you maintain control in a relationship? gf is a very strong independent type, and it bugs me how she will always want stuff done her way
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i really like my sexlife but what i am trying since a few day is giving my gf a few pieces of choclate right after sex.. she is very strict about her diet and almost never eats junk food or sweet stuff and exercices like crazy but she always eats the few pieces after sex
i hope to get her to a level where her brain is trained that after sex she gets choclate (that she fucking loves) as a reward so i can have sex whenever i want
Use your head. How do you win an arm wrestling match? Being stronger than them. So be stronger than her. Or don't and watch the same movie play over and over again
i believe you should be telling her this instead of telling us. what do you think?
you're probably a little cuck who gets bossed around and hasn't even realized it till now

nothing's gunna change, just keep gettin bossed around so you can have a wet hole
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Your being a little bitch over some petty shit. Instead of pushing her away why don't you just tell her how her being late upset you faggot. Is this one event really all it takes to make you drive a rift between you and a woman you swore to be with till the day you die? Be a fucking man else your gonna get cucked
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>i hope to get her to a level where her brain is trained that after sex she gets choclate (that she fucking loves) as a reward so i can have sex whenever i want

One of the most beta things I have ever read kek
Let me guess, your profession is scientist or engineer
I think you're a fucking idiot because I'm not OP
If you care about her then pick your battles, you cant win every battle in a relationship, but you can win some. If she is the type that is never willing to compromise or give you a win then you shouldn't be together.
I think your a beta cuck and I'm not the guy who you replied to
i am an electrical and maybe bit of cooling engineer but i reality i smoke weed and play csgo 24/7 because i'm a lazy fuck

"you upset me" is what you say to your parents when you don't like what they did

"you upset me, you are getting punished now" is what you say to your child.

See the difference there?
Sounds like good advice, it's normally little things like what to watch or what we do that day, so it's hard to argue without it seeming like im flipping out over nothing
Why don't you revile to her that you are gay?>
Dump her loser<
[ xd ]
Not for this place anon.
coming from the guy who is probably a virgin kek
why do you think so? i agree on most stuff that you say (if you're OP)
i dont jump around my gf and give her everything she wants... it's just like a small scientific project
Is it healthy to occasionally turn down your s/o for sex? I basically never do because sex, but this means that she is always the one deciding when we have sex, and it's fucking annoying when shes teases me and then says no
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And it isnt beta, IMO, if you are just doing it to fuck around. I understood it as you are doing it so you can have sex more often, as in you cant think of any other way to get sex. Misunderstanding on my part.
I can assure you with great certainty that being late for a meal is not exactly the most important thing in my life. So no, we don't get mad about what we think are petty things. It's a lot more fun to fuck it out and move on.
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I had an ex tease me and then say know and I literally walked right into the living room, popped in porn and jerked off. JUST to prove to her that she doesnt control me.
That is dumb as shit. Would you pay your daughter to clean her room, something she should be doing anyways? So does your SO like you or chocolate? I know the answer.
Then why did you say it you fucking mong? Leave the thread, bye.
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Also remember the Golden Rule, the one with the pussy makes the rules. If you let her use her pussy as a carrot on a stick to get her way, don't be surprised when she explores just how far and to what degree she can fuck you over before you set a boundary.
I have no clue what your trying to infer..?
Honestly no clue at all, maybe I'm an idiot but I really don't understand. Are you trying to say communication of certain feelings is bad in a relationship? I agree don't be an insecure bitch about everything to a woman, but once in awhile it's ok to open up a little bit and let them know a feeling or two.
I'm no grammar nazi but I refuse to believe people can be this autistic
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Fuck, I am typing on my phone. That is one of my pet peeves also
Virgin alert.
I've been thinking of doing this, whenever she's being a tease and annoying just walk off/ tell her no. Still, it's hard to turn her down
>trying this hard to prove you're not a wizard
Trying to hard m8
it's not like i'm not having any sex you fucking mong. read my first few words

>having a girlfriend
>hoping for sex

This is the face of beta
No no no, anon. You have it all wrong.
Every time after you have sex with her, put a nicotine patch on her when she falls asleep, and remove it before she wakes up. She will eventually become addicted to nicotine and feel shitty every time she doesn't have sex with you.
well if you say that
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