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Why am i doing this again... Fuck it dubs decides
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Thread replies: 202
Thread images: 25
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Why am i doing this again...
Fuck it dubs decides
Greetings female I wish to observe your female sexual organs and potentially procreate with you to further the human species depending upon their qualities.
Why haven't we fucked yet?
Ayy bby u want sum fuk
What the fuck do I look like? A beta male? I'm not your emotional tampon where you can just unload your bullshit on me for free. If your not willing to take this relationship to the next level than I'm gonna have to call it quits. Anyways I have to get ready to go out, I have a date with Melissa. Perhaps when you decide your asshole isn't a holy relic, we can go out sometime too.
I once molested my cat. it was nice... Want to meet up for a coffee?
it is decided
also this >>680160950
Finger bash my cherry ripe

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c'mon OP
Greetings M'lady *tips fedora*
My asshole is about the size of a ping pong ball, got time to fuck?
Can I habe de pussi pls
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>Didn't get my roll therefor the person who rolled dubs is a samefag
I'm the anon who got the dubs and those 2 posts are certainly not made by me. Waiting for OP to deliver.
this should work, I am known as an expert as manipulating the female gendered individuals.
I'll take you for a ride
On my garbage truck
Oh no

I'll take you to the dump
Cuz you're my queen
Take you uptown
I'll show you the sights
You know you wanna ride
On my garbage truck
truck truck truck

We'll pass our engines by
Drive right through the needle's eye
Oh my
my my my my

I got a stereo
Tou just gotta turn the knob
And baby we'll go
As far as we can
I'll be your garbage man
I'll take out your junk
and crush it down

Jesus in the rear view
and the highway patrol is up ahead
in my garbage truck
i'll never throw you away
when you're old and grey
we'll just roll it away
Let me cummy cummy in your tummy tummy you little piece of peanutbutter sandwich!*grr*
If we kiss I'll make your whole week, if we try anal I'll make your hole weak.

Kek. OP not a faggot
Haha sry that was stupid. I'm pretty retarded I can't even talk to girls right haha.

So what you up to??
Don't rush yourself m80
My lady, if you give me a picture of your breasts I will be your slave for a month. You can do whatever you want. I am kind of a beta so I love it. Please.. :D
Auto correct rip
post reply first OP
>pls don't let this be dubs
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Nah I did it intentionally because I'm a retard and I thrive off of people replying to my internet comments.
Nah you're cool

Also rolling for >>680161200

Your name wasn't Jack the last time, was it?
>Fearing OP might be fucking with us
Also we should go on a 'date'
Last one , rolll
Nah, I'm just kidding but your best friend is pretty cute though

I'd probably fuck her over you
wow nice.
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Send her this picture and say "Hahaha sorry I'm drunk but I saw this picture the other day and thought it was funny af, what do you think??"
Ýou bettah shut yer fawkin' gabber mate or ill burst yer ass with mah massive bear cock
rollin for this anyway
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You know what has to be next
I'm serious thou, I'd love to make moan bby
tits or gtfo
this shit made me laugh im going to use it later
send em titties :P
I'm serious thou, I'd love to make you moan bby
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She is retarded
Send me some sexy pic ;)
"do you want to watch anime with me"
I would love for you to come over , I'm lonely tonight.
check and win motherfuckers
unfortunately it appears that this guy actually had a chance to obtain her nude images and or sexual intercourse but is probably going to blow it.
You see those lumps of fat when you look down? I want them. I want to see them. Use your mobile device to point and shoot whilst the fabric of cotton and polyester has been removed. Don't forget to press send!
Send me a few nude pics baby
Stop doing that fucking annoying x after every message
Do you like your Jew extra crispy
just fuck my ass with dildo or cucumber i need it.
Don't send this shit, you'l blow your chances
send itt
I don't know her friends so nope
Send it

And I agree, I need to leave this thread I'm too horny to watch someone ebin troll xD a girl who is down for sex.
Take a picture of you're tight ass baby In front of the mirror. Just for me ;)
OP is fag
send me some fucking tits, you plank.
Fuck ya thanks anon
I'm serious thou, I'd love to make you moan bby
have you ever seen the anime boku no pico? we could watch it together sometime if u want :)
I'm glad anon
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I want to watch you sleep and jack off during it
No problem, friendo :^)
Take off you're shirt and let's see those tits of yours
You blew your fucking chances OP
>caring about chances
>placing value on women
No, his life is about to become 2+2=4
So I'm on this website called 4chan and I'm basically saying what people tell me to, sorry for messing with you. I would actually like to take you to dinner tonight tho if you're down.
Well aren't you an alpha male
>Degrading women does not make you better
>Go fuck some faggot if you don't like women
Sorry I'm gay
no kys
so much potential... wasted
Get me dubs
wanna fuck?
ofc it makes me better. because women are lower and should stay lower
>participating in a thread like this
>trying to white knight

pick one faggot
damn it, fun is gone
Why haven't we fucked yet
Fuck you made it fagget
you're a fucking faggot
get out of here kiddo, you are clearly too young to be here
Sugi pula fã rapanula dracu'
I've won twice wtf
double win
counterpoint, end your existence you sad sack of shit
if dubs OP has to get nudes before sending this
I'm not trying to ruin this thread or to tell the dumb ass bitch that her chat is public. I'm trying to increase the chance of nudes.
Hahaha thanks friend! Maybe you'd like to join me on this bridge? We could take the leap and then we'd have each other for eternity?? :^)
meh, pictures of nude women are plentiful on the internet, let alone /b/. Who cares, why don't we just fuck with this bitch

also if dubs:

Ever had your ass eaten before?
i know you are but what am i?
M'lady, i recently discovered that i am autistic.
>There will be no nudes got in this thread...my prophecy 'cause I'm sensing OP's faggotry. No offence, just saying
yup, just the kind of response id expect from an edgy kid, no constructive counter argument or anything, just mindless mean words - thanks for reinforcing my point anon, but hey atleast you tried!
its already shit
Lol. Rollll
Answer questions directed to you faggot
I just told you, stop being retarded. Fucking white knight. Buy a rope and hang ur self
The holocaust never happened and Hitler was right
>using :^)

okay sonny
OP here, I'm out
Roll for /pol/
how many guys have you fucked by the way? sorry just a little insecure that my dick is small, if we engaged in coitus would it be like throwing a small sausage down a grande church hall? I'd hope your labia smell rosemary and sage, however I'm fearful it smells of decay and disease. I bid to thee a fair evening, m'lady
OP here im in>>680164614

Im an autist who makes excel sheets about imaginary teams and hockey seasons and i have gigabytes of data on all potential matchups,i aahve been doing this for the last 5 years
>Im an autist who makes excel sheets about imaginary teams and hockey seasons and i have gigabytes of data on all potential matchups,i aahve been doing this for the last five years
damn bro that's a little specific...

rolling for this
>fucking white knight.
>implying i said something about "rescuing" her.
there has been no questions directed towards me.
Samefag here
Im an autist who makes excel sheets about imaginary teams and hockey seasons and i have gigabytes of data on all potential matchups,i aahve been doing this for the last 5 years
REAL OP here, She sent me nudes. Boobs not that big but the nips are perfect. Too good to share on 4chan, bye faggots, it was a fun time while it lasted.
Roll for autisjustice
Samefagging till I get dubs
Im an autist who makes excel sheets about imaginary teams and hockey seasons and i have gigabytes of data on all potential matchups,i aahve been doing this for the last 5 years
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>couldnt think of anything to defend himself, so just resorted to giving a vague response to a smiley meme face and ignoring the rest of the message
fuck yeah
I aint even mad, you aren't OP
got it xD
good job anon
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Will the real OP please stand up?
>That part of the thread where 2 anons start a faggot argument...
just a dickhead hiding behind cancerous irony
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you're welcome anon, remember that while we gave you the words you're the one that she liked enough to give them to. You have the power.
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Almost mate.
who is anon? because if that was directed at me then you didnt word it as such, atleast speak to me in accurate comprehensive english sentences please :3
ebin, truly ebin
>samefagging this hard
was directed at this one>>680164420
Really want to know this reply
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jesus, this thread turned into cancer really fast
there wont be a reply OP fucked up
it's OP's fault. If he wasn't a faggot we would have something else to do
>literally 100% attention-seeker checked
U couldn't be more wrong, stupid shithead
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nice photoshop
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Mobile :(
fantastically well placed b8 m8
Lightning speed shopper, Skippy
only you have that much time, faggy
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>both ending their messages in words ending with y
obvious samefag confirmed
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we got ourselves a conspiracy faggot over here, anons!
I don't get it
Literally all of you are the samrfag
>plot twist: you are also samefagging
Thread replies: 202
Thread images: 25

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