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Biggest bible plot holes thread
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Biggest bible plot holes thread


Incest after Adam and eve
Doesn't know the Bible is a library
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pretty much the whole story is a giant plot hole.. allmighty god, allknowing, allpowerful, decides, once, two thousand years ago to cuckold poor joseph and impregnate himself with himself in order to impress ancient sheep herders with some magic tricks in order to sacrifice himself to himself so he can save me, at least if I drink his blood and eat his flesh.. makes perfect sense.

I'd be under the impression, but please correct me, that if an all powerful god would want to save me he would do just that.. no magic zombie jew required.
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Why would i be sent to hell and punished for sinning on my own free will which god gave me.surely the devil would be proud of me for doing his work by going against god
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>God created man in his image
>somehow they devolve into basement dwelling /b/tards
if money is the root of all evil, why does the church always ask for money?
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Because they use it to help the poor dumbass
if you are too stupid to explain something that doesn't mean god is real
>money is the root of all evil
Incorrect use of the quote
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yeah "helping the poor"
Light was created before the sun, moon and stars
The quote is the the love of money is the root of all evil.
every animal on earth times two fits on noahs ark and has time to get there.. quite the stretch of imagination. but hey, so are talking snakes, talking burning bushes, magic zombie jews etc,etc, and don't get me started on all the incest
Adam's first wife is a plot hole, imo.
I mean I think the bible is a pretty good work for its time, and it's entertaining. That's probably why it maintains its cult following.

But the cool thing is the whole "bible written by god so anything not in it is purposeful" absolving most plot holes.

But that makes the god look impotent, weak and petty. That ruins it. The writer doesn't elevate the god to the level of zeus or odin. and don't get me started on the Egyptian pantheon. they're the real OGs.
When I google genesis 32:30 that passage looks like it is interpreted in different ways. The being jacob is wrestling with could also be an angel.

The man, or "God" jacob is wrestling with also struggles to overpower jacob and cannot do it. That doesn't sound like something god would have a problem with.

In that passage the being that is wrestling
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Yes to help the poor
Ignore that last part I forgot to edit it out
no sauce, so it may as well be bullshit.

Unless you cite your sources, FAIAP They don't help the poor.
+ bans condoms so they make more people sounds like good scam
when Jacob wrestled with God, it was probably what's referred to as a 'Theophany' (spelling?) i.e. an appearence of the 2nd member of the Godhead on Earth before he was born to Mary. There are several such occurrences including one of the strangers who met abraham and sarah when she laughed at the idea of her having kids
except the blood and flesh is metaphorical, only misinformed Catholics belive in actual transubstantiation
useless thread, you're probably going to use these informations to rationalize with people who believe because faith, not logic. so whatever effort is vain

also you lack the balls to study your own enemy and their material in order to fight them.
Google their charities then faggot
Well consider my situation. I saw an extremely detailed ghost of somebody I knew in my life who had passed away. It was illuminated by a super natural snow white light maybe 5 feet away from me. This was on the day they had died. I got to look at this ghost for like 8 seconds before it faded away.

I wasn't on any drugs. I don't do drugs. I wasn't sleep deprived. This wasn't a sleep paralysis hallucination because it was the middle of the day. I have no medical history of hallucinating Etc. There was no explanation for it.

The only way you could be convinced is if you were there and saw the ghost with me. So i'm not going to sit here and try to force you to believe me because that simply isn't possible. It's up to you.
Money is used to help the poor but is the root of all evil. Makes sense.
no,i just like the drama
Vatican City itself has a rich economy relative to its size. Though data is scarce, and the exact GDP figure is unknown, the CIA estimates Vatican City's 2011 revenue to be $308m. It only has a population of 800 people, meaning its nominal GDP per capita is $365,796 – making it the richest state on the planet by this measure.

Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me."

Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."
Money is evil. Poor people don't have any. The church helps by giving poor people something evil. Genius!
the quote is 'the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil' not that money itself is evil.
And when I say ghost I don't mean like a ball of light. We're talking facial features, tiny details, everything. After they had died.
Do you have no capacity for logical thought
Money itself is not evil or good
It's the list for money that that leads to evil
>citation needed

infecting people with their bullshit delusions and fantasies is bad enough
there aren't any plot holes
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>Be God
>Get pissed off at humanity, do the Flood thing
> tell Noah, 'here, plz hav this nice rainbow to show I won't act like a dick again'

a few chapters later...

>FUCK YOU Sodom & Gomorrah!
The entire book
Tell it to the guy defending the misquote faggot
0/10 even IF you did see a fucking ghost how that
Prove Bible being true why not koran or Harry Potter
>said to him
The Vatican isn't a person
It's a organization
That helps many and employees many people
You think they'd have survived thousands of years if they just threw their cash in the wind
No they can do more good with money then without
Dumbass read this >>677806128
>>677802922 OP
based on much older texts. Sic Sumerian
Burden of proof is upon the claimant.

That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

YOU prove it, or you're a faggot, and full of shit.
Everyone knows the story of how Lot escaped Sodom with his two daughters, and how the city was destroyed in rain of fire... right?! It's the passage that every God fearing Christian straps to their balls and drags across your face upon meeting...

Can we talk about how Lot's daughters essentially drug and rape him in order to make little incest babies? Like, in the same fucking chapter as Sodom... Let's also remember that, historically speaking, his daughters were probably like 12-15ish... So we'll throw that in the mix too..

Genesis 19... Enjoy.
The bible is the story of a very, very incompetent supreme being. He made so many mistakes in his perfect creation that he had to kill everyone on it.. and then did it again.

Makes 2 humans and puts them in a garden of eden, but places them right next to the thing that will screw all that up and does nothing to prevent it, then blames them and all their progeny for all time for something thats his fault.

Makes a magic rule book thats so vague and open to interpretation that there are now 30,000 sects of christianity alone all of which disagree with each other. And he allows many other holy books and does not give any of us a clue as to which one are right and which ones are wrong, proceeds to let us kill each other by the millions over it. He has the power to appear at any time to stop all the killing, chooses not to.

Claims to be supreme being, but still has needs (to be worshiped), desires (to have a son) and failings (he is angry and jealous quite often).

Claims he gave us free will, then gives us a list of rules we must follow or else he will torture us forever... which goes completely against the notion of us having free will (you have free will but you must do as I say) and proving that he has no morality at all since he is offering infinite punishment for finite crimes. And his own morality is lower than the morality of secular society, which is weird since you'd think an all knowing all seeing supreme being would have known that slavery was immoral even thousands of years ago. maybe he could have even put that in his list of commandments, instead of say 'thou shalt have no other gods before me'?

Goes through an elaborate scheme of self sacrifice to change rules that he could have changed at any time without the torture and sacrifice of himself. And again why would a supreme being come up with rules so flawed in the first place that they needed to be changed after the fact?
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>be god of infinite love and infinite everything
>better follow this book only and do things just like this or
>burn in hell for all eternity
>but I love you really unconditionally
>just prove it to me every single day
>no not like that only like this
>while random shit and war happens and people die of cancer
>can you feel the love tonight
Seriously WTF man
That's not how it works, retard.

You wouldn't cite an academic paper with "Google it"

You would be shunned and laughed at for the rest of your life
>you have to hand feed me the truth because I'm too lazy to google it myself
>Cry like a bitch about thiest being closed minded and being stupid
sure he could do it if he wanted to, the whole point of everything is that humanity were the ones who breached the relationship with him first. now if we want to be reunited with him we have to repent for our original sin and declare our love for him. that's it. atheists sometimes want to make it so complicated but its not.
>>you have to hand feed me the truth because I'm too lazy to google it myself
Says the guy who says google it.

Not to mention all this damage control. You're embarrassing yourself.
I don't care that you are too lazy to google
"Vatican charities"
For yourself
Get fucked faggot
You want to cry that the Vatican is corrupt and evil but don't to be proved wrong
religion is the biggest scam in history
i have seriously considered being a priest
It must be easy life talking shit all Day
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>Tells others to google it
>Calls others lazy for not googling it
How autistic are you? Holy shit
You fedora fags are just so fucking stupid It hurts
I'm going to sum up what you just said
>>you have to hand feed me food because I'm too lazy to get it myself
>says the guy who says to get it yourself
Talk about emarrasssing yourself
Why would I?
I know the facts
I don't Care that you fedoras would rather stay ignorant

Can we move on, please?
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All this damage control
Stay angry, mouth breather
Seriously, there are too many to list. Problem is that the word bible means "group of books" which were compiled by the scholars of King James. The only bible that has any credence is the German bible compiled by Gutenberg, but good luck getting a copy of that. The books have been translated too many times that so much has been lost in translation. The bible of today is a book of fables with half truths and misleading contradictions.
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>I can't argue and I'm too lazy to prove my point, so I'll call them fedoras
You're deep as a puddle, anon
Vatican court was built as a gift from lombardy, french and hre kings. Was restaurated as a gift of benito mussolini. You edgy twat
The amount of good the Catholic Church now does (and they do), has a long, long way to go to make up for the evil it has perpetrated on humanity throughout history. Including covering up the most recent scandals involving sexual abuse by priests. And that shit has gone on forever.
But keep on keeping on. Maybe some day god will let you in.
Me? I'm looking forward to Valhalla. Different set of rules there.
Nice damage control fedora but I'm still right
if i am gonna have relationship with someone i insist that other person give at least one evidence of his/hers existence
Mussolini, supporter of the Vatican and the Catholic Church.
Makes complete sense to me.
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that's your prerogative bro. we all make our choices and have to live with the consequences.
kek it's like talking to a 3rd grader
Nigger what
there are no dinosaurs
my response was really plainly stated. what did you find confusing about it?
Implying that it was even vaguely true in the first fucking place...
Doesn't matter because all you fedora fags and your eternal angst towards religion will amount to nothing
Keep being a dagger and saying that the Vatican is le evil and is greedy but it's a proven fact that they do more good for the poor than just about anybody else

The fact that you are too scared to be proven wrong to google it doesn't change the fact that it's still true
Here I'll sum you up
>I can't be bothered to source my information so please google it for me
>I feed myself
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>damage controlling an 8 word post with a wall of text
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but light existed before all of those things and exists in absence of all those things fam. hows a christian skooling you on science family ??
>first two humans were adam and eve
>therefore every human is a descendant of them
>somehow not all humans look the same and are inbred as fuck
>somehow niggers exist
>somehow asians exist
>somehow abbos spawned on straya randomly, even though the Earth is only like a few thousand years old, so continents couldn't move away from each other that much
And consequences are what, hell? Grow up
concept of hell is retarded eventually i just gonna develop huge fetis suking demon cock or what ever and when that happens hell is heven to me
>Wall of text
Amon I'm going to write non stop for a minute becaus I want to try to show to you how stupid you must be im a small paragraph is a wall of text to you
How stupid must you be if writing a paragraph is that difficult for you fedoras really are a pitiful lot if for all your superior logic and wit

See anon It's not that hard or burdensome for those that have a brain
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>he's still posting
>his point has still not been made
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im unhappy that you are so content with destination in which you seem to be headed. Again, the choices we make now shape the consequences we live with later.
To be fair, there are two creation myths described in Genesis. Humans, then Adam and Eve.
And it's still bullshit, and something Christians still doing agree on. Causes all kind of butt hurt. But yeah, it's there.
I made it along time ago anon
See you kee proving my point
That fedora fags are retarded
Revelation was only John sticking it to the Romans.. delusional and senile in his isolation..
>instead of citing my sources, ill call him retarded
Now it's just getting sad.

I'll stop posting now and let you think you've won. Happy?
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i disagree with that interpretation. the story of original sin only makes sense if humanity started from Adam and Eve. If any other lineages existed they would not have had the burden of original sin
>somehow niggers exist

I know you are waiting for me to stop replying so you can officially mark your basement wall with another tally of Internet debates won but before you lie to your wall I do I just wanted call you a faggot fedora once more
Fucking fedora fag
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I love the Bible and the word of God. It has made a positive and lasting impact on my life. I would challenge all non believers to give it a genuine shot and make a determination whether it improves your life or not. You have nothing to lose. Get in a good church and listen to a few good messages online to get started. You have nothing to lose and the world to gain.
it was example i did not say where i am going you did you judge me isn't that a sin faggot
See. Disagreement and butthurt.
And yet another plot hole. Changing what is clearly written to account for admitted plot hole right in Genesis.

You don't disagree that there are two accounts of creation, just that they differ? Correct? Then why was god dissatisfied when he looked at all of his finished creation, and it was good, but he had no one to till the soil and so on?

No matter. It's clear and requires no real interpretation. There were humans, and then came the Adamic people.
And it's all still myth.
how about the idea that god is all powerful, all knowing, and can get angry. How can you anger a god that already knows what you are going to do before you do it, who also has the power to change it if he wanted to. and if he doesn't change it, it was part of his plan. but if it was part of his plan, then it was his idea in the first place and so he would just be angry at himself. But god is apparently perfect, so can a perfect being really get angry at himself?
Previous comment still stands
Then they don't carry that burden, only the Adamic peoples who were brought to the garden do. It also accounts for the myriad different religions, and god commanding war on other people's.
Even god considered some people animals, to be ruled by Adam. If the old testament is to be followed.
Show me where I judged you? I said seem to be headed, not headed. I dont know you and have no idea what your faithwalk is like. If you are a non believer you are headed towards eternal damnation, thats not my rule its God's. also i dont believe judging people is a sin, but i dont think people should do it because it turns people off. and nobody is perfect anyway..
So according to this niggers and asians can not possibly have the original sin thing, because they aren't adamic people.
This. Whoever first came up with the idea of this god made him too overpowered. If he's all powerful and all knowing, he already knows what he's going to think and do, and he just gets into an infinite loop of thoughts.
Also determinism
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i disagree with most of what you said but am pressed for time- so just tell me why you think Blacks and Asians arent adamic?
Correct. But non Adamic people were never God's chosen people, not in the garden, so are held to a different standard. Also, this is not MY view, but the one that is recorded over and over in the bible. People are people in my book.

Double standards of god is a recurring theme in the bible. Over and over again.
Have the found that dindu yet?
Let me clarify: I don't have a clue who is or is not Adamic. Maybe blacks or asisns are, and Europeans are not. No clue. But it is clear as day there were two or more groups, and only one had favor with God.
Not eating pork or shrimp is also god's rule do you follow that and Bible clearly say only god can judge
Idk man I just saved the pic
Because adam and eve were just two people, so their descendants couldn't possibly be of three (four counting abbos) different races.
The reason I think the adamic people are the whites (it has to be a single race), is because all the religious paintings portray adam as white. This could be wrong of course, but in any case we would still be left with one race of adamic people, and two or three non adamic races.
Then what's up with black and asian christians?
>implying this is a flaw in the plot
Jesus died on the cross so that I can enjoy the largest, juiciest prawns in the world.
Praise baby Jesus.
You're one of those people that the Bible talks about, that even if you saw a dead relative in front of you, telling you all about the afterlife, you would still reject it. It's not about evidence or belief with people like you, it's about what is called a "hard heart".
Jesus came to earth to sacrifice himself for our sins but it takes Judas to shop him in, why didnt he go willingly if he was a sacrifice for the greater good
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wrong buddy. sometimes people tend to see people in colors and by ethnicity. the bible doesn't make these distinctions. the people God punished weren't of different races necessarily- they were sinners and did unholy things. the Bible and God are colorblind, very much unlike us humans unfortunatly.
So being Gay is OK you and all other sins
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that's the most ignorant thing i think ive ever read here. and you may actually believe it- that's flipping scary
Christianity is a completely different set of rules.
Christ took away all sin, including original sin. Basically the old testament is ancient history lesson in the Christian Church, how they got from there to here. Mostly political at the time BTW. But anyway, Christ took all of humanity into the fold, all on equal footing with god. A radical idea at the time.
You realize transubstantiation is an official catholic belief?As in if you dont believe in it then you arent catholic.
He was quoting the bible you moron
The bible absolutely does. See the 'Moabites'.
Moabite is a distinction, retard.
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God is the good guy in the old testament although he kills people for reasons such as failing to complete a genocide by sparing one or two folks and their livestock, jerking off instead knocking up their dead brother's wife. God orders Abraham to sacrifice Isaac to prove his loyalty. God kills children, god orders genital mutilation. God thinks the jews are the best people to do his work. God sounds like a comically insane raging psychopath.
>religious paintings portray adam as white
Actual autism
According to the Christian bible, yes. So long as one represents and let's Jesus into their heart.
Not my position per Se, but that is Christian doctrine at its core.

People are getting confused though. Again, old testament and new testament are very different doctrines.
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sure the Bible did call people by their tribe/region/country names; see Romans, Corinthians, Samaritans etc. but it never makes any claims that the people of different ethnicity are evil or bad or whatever based solely on their skin color, ethnicity/
Very different doctrines,yet both the same God.You dont see any problem with this?
Atheist are such ignorant trolls. So arrogant that they have it all figured out, yet constantly misquote or state theologies that are not taught. Shocking you don't realize how fucking stupid you look while doing it.

Genesis 9:11 "I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth."
>Whoever first came up with the idea of this god made him too overpowered. If he's all powerful and all knowing, he already knows what he's going to think and do, and he just gets into an infinite loop of thoughts.
>Also determinism
yeah, free well in the presence of an all knowing, all powerful god is a logical impossibility.
And remember donate for jebus dum dum
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God changes our fortune by sending us Jesus. All of those sins we committed/commit still deserve death and punishment, but now we cant seek redemption thru Jesus and change our ways to get in good standing with the Father. I hope that you see that all that changed was a path was created back to God when their wasn't one previously.
Then why did the bible go to lengths to survive that the Moabites were a product of incest and rape?
Don't twist the facts and gloss them over. And again, I make no distinction between black white right wrong Adamic or otherwise. The bible does. I do claim to be ' chosen' I'm merely presenting a raw version of this work of fiction. And hey, it may get some people interested in reading it, which fit the weak minded is a bad thing IMO, but that is about 90% of christians today, so you should thank me.
What does your very childish statement have to do with what I posted?
Not in a mythological sense. No.
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please explain why? Ive heard this lazy argument before but atheists never explain it. An all knowing God can operate in a world where his creations enjoy free will. I see no conflict.
but he doesn't like you because you got to stay with big brother and daddy.
I don't claim to be chosen. Do Not. Damn typos.
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where in this in the Bible? and maybe they are the product off incest and rape, what matter does that make? How do you argue that fact equates to God feeling that they may be less than someone else? Sounds like the writer may just be stating fact.
So Hitler is heven he was believer i bet heven is full people from death row they just pray for god and get in. God seem like Fair guy
god is actually gay
I thought this summed it up pretty well
Virgin birth
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Maybe he is in Heaven. maybe he isnt. I actually hope he is because as a christian you dont wish hell on anyone. even Hitler
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Paul stood against Peter.
And noone called him "lefebvrist".
It's not a novel you slack-jawed faggot.
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Always with anything religious. The devil is winning guys. Fight like the children you are
It is though. It's purely fiction. It's just a story, anon. Treat it like one.
That is dumb like your fate it has no real meaning or value it is just very dumb
just because YOU don't understand why it's a contradiction does not mean it's a lazy argument.
I'd lose my self respect.
How does that address my post?My post was a reference to God's conflicting personalities from sweet little angel to deranged tyrannical psychopath.
we were given a path with no need for sacrifice but listened instead to a snake
It's not real by any means. Atheists and bible thumpers are both stuck on literal interpretation. But it's not a novel you stupid faggot. It's a cryptic religious text full of parable and myth.
Christians aren't supposed to carry hatred in their hearts yet they hate gay people and sinners...and creationism is complete fairy tale with a singing dancing snake.
>"Logically" arguing about religion

Religion by definition is just an idea. None of it is actually real. Get over yourselves.
You're asking us to explain your beliefs?
Why would we?
But o.k. so.. god loved us so much that he gave us free will. Otherwise we may as well be implements, machinery. Only those with free will can experience the range of human emotions and etc which literally make us human. To be human we have to possess free will.
All we ask is that if there is a God, that he step in to redirect some of us from time to time. With more than just words. You know, to spare his creation needless suffering and such. Just as a living parent does for their child, so long as they live.

But it never happens. And therein lies a huge contradiction. Or perhaps god has passed away and can't look after us directly.
the devil hates you. hell is punishment for him and the end of existence for you.
we should be all retarde
Go back and read what and who I was responding to. Either you think I am someone else, or the issue being discussed is something else.
you should check out the old testament passages where god kicks the ass of every other god, especially the egyptian ones..snake eating other snakes
They also have the highest crime rate per capita.
You hope that Hitler is in heven
>The reason I think the adamic people are the whites (it has to be a single race), is because all the religious paintings portray adam as white

This is gold.
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people try to fit God into the types of boxes that we can comprehend. God is all knowing. he creates me. He knows that I will sin. He knows I will visit /b/. he knows whether or not I will repent and get saved. he doesnt intervene because he gave me the gift of free will and its my choice to serve him or to chose to serve satan. he may have known my outcome before my grandparents were even born but that doesnt mean that he wont give me my fair shot to chose him. and he is saddened when his children chose satan but again the choice is ours.

You can argue about how sad or mad or happy a being with knowledge of the outcome of events can be. I dont think it matters. what matters is what I do now.

Its like those documentarians out in africa. they document the life of wild animals thru thick and thin. good times and times of starvation. when the animals are hunting and when they are hunted. they don't intervene because the process must happen naturally. I think there are some parallels here with the free will God issue.
If the devil punishes the bad, doesn't that make him gud.
I doubt that even in the Christian sense Hitler actually accepted Jesus into his heart.
Even as a non believer these types of questions seem ultra retarded. Hitler simply said " yeah yeah, Jesus is cool. Let me in more please "
If there were an all knowing God, I think he'd know the difference. God knows when you're hedging.
He also knows all the Christ fags lurking \b\ are full of shit, and trying to hedge. Otherwise they would not be here.
what about getting cucked and murdered by mudslimes?
I believe you fam, ive seen shit like that too, no one believes that stuff until they see it for themselves.

also he actually has given us all we will ever need to cope with this life and this world. we have to use the tools he has given us to make our lives work for his glory while we have them. Im sorry that's the ultimate answer regardless id its palatable to some of us.
No write it again
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well try not to let that happen i guess. If it does, know that you will soon be wrapped in eternal glory.
Right. It's not like all those paintings were made by racist Whites.

Or, were they?!?! Lol
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I do. for the reasons i stated earlier. I hope you make it to heaven as well. I hope we all do.
A very comforting way to to passively treat an aggressor don't you think? This is why religions die out - they don't defend themselves against the other competing ideologies that are competing against them.
What say any christians to this?
But that's not entirely true, at least until recently. It was not that long ago that the ' word' of God was not even available to much of the world. At the very least, good would have made his rules available to everyone from the outset, and they would be universal. But they clearly are not.
That is one fundamental cock up from an all powerful being.
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>nothing to lose...

Right. Your free will, 10% of your earnings (tithing), a warped morality judging others that don't agree with you, voting for shit-tier politicians, missing football games on Sunday, no pre-martial sex, perhaps your church doens't let you drink alcohol, etc...

>nothing to lose...

Ok, for the very lazy atheist, who wants to learn, yet do none of the work, I will help you out.


>Be God
>Get pissed off at humanity, do the Flood thing
> tell Noah, 'here, plz hav this nice rainbow to show I won't act like a dick again'

a few chapters later...

>FUCK YOU Sodom & Gomorrah!

Atheist are such ignorant trolls. So arrogant that they have it all figured out, yet constantly misquote or state theologies that are not taught. Shocking you don't realize how fucking stupid you look while doing it.

Genesis 9:11 "I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth."


And remember donate for jebus dum dum


What does your very childish statement have to do with what I posted?


That is dumb like your fate it has no real meaning or value it is just very dumb


Go back and read what and who I was responding to. Either you think I am someone else, or the issue being discussed is something else


No write it again
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Try to protect yourself anon. we all have a duty to protect ourselves. It matters not what happens to the faith to me as I cannot control events of that magnitude. Im sure God will handle things if he wills it.
You know that is not real right ?
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If we all did come from one family then technically it was available to all from the onset but i know thats not what you mean. The bible says that you accountable for the truth once you hear it. SO those tribes out in the bush who have never heard the word arent accountable to the Bible and God's specific rules. Just like babies. The bible also says that God has left his mark on the world. on nature itself. It says only a fool can observe his world and say that there is no God. I believe this whole heatedly.
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Just some rather odd things I happen to know about the book:

>worst sex act found in the bible is a gangbang, resulted in the dismemberment of the woman by her master, body scattered throughout town
>magical trumpets dont knock down strategic fortified walls (Jericho)
>paul goes blind for 3 days and has scales over his eyes (wtf?)
>christian extremists are fascinated with the book of revelations and believe its their job to fulfill parts of it
>materializing food, wine, walking on water, controlling weather, curing blindness with spit and dirt, raising the dead with just a phrase, etc etc.. all amount to the oldest works of literary fiction anyone's ever read
>in the beginning tons of laws about not eating certain animals, in the end - eat anything u want, idgaf
>the only unforgivable sin in the bible is "blasphemy against the holy spirit" - "its neither forgiven in this life or the next" yet, the whole concept of the forgiveness of sins is obsolete if this one sin is not forgiven, etc - logic fail
>revelation 18 according to supra full fledged black belt christians refers to America as the mystery babylon in which is destroyed in an hour by fire (allegedly nuclear weapons)
>4chan is even mentioned in the bible, Daniel 12:4 "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, even to the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” (I'd like to think that "knowledge shall be increased" is because 4chan.org exists. Information begins and ends with this place.)
>"suffer not a witch to live" - better kill dem witches
>"never fuck a nigger if ur an white fucko" - 1 Kings 3:22
>some insane psychopath barbarian lvl 9,001 jew judge maniac kills 50 dudes with the jaw bone of a donkey.. (Judges)
>angels screw women = giants, god screws mary = virgin savior?
>a star trek reference is even in the bible, (see revelation 20-21) its a giant cube (1,500mi) like the BORG, pretty sure the bible is ripping off gene roddenberry
I think he meant all Catholics are misinformed because they believe in transubstantiation, not only Catholics that believe in transubstantiation are misinformed.
No I would believe it then
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you can continue to not tithe or judge people or fornicate if you like. we all sin. But i said give it a genuine shot. I don't think a person engaged in those activities on purpose is really giving it a genuine shot.
I agree on part with that. There is something to be said for the order of the world.
What I don't agree with is man trying to monopolize that with what is pretty much every organized religion.
Again faggot again
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you know it is right? haha of course I believe in Heaven. I believe its real. You may not hold the same beliefs. Thats your choice.

Proving to everyone that you are the angry ignorant atheist troll stereotype. You are are an embarrassment to your side.
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well i agree with that! im glad we found some consensus. Cheers bro
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You are completely wrong. I was a god-fearing christian for over 40 years. I tithed, I didn't judge, I went on christian missions to impoverished nations to build churches, I lived a wholesome christian life.

>give it a genuine shot.

I gave it my life anon, my entire fucking life.

In those quite moments reflecting on my life, I realized that it didn't make me happy. Once I saw that it was all bullshit and I was responsible for my own happiness, well-being, and started thinking for myself i became MUCH more happy. I feel free and unfettered.

>the human brain is the center for everything
>basic human feeling
Without the brain we can't have happiness or sadness
when we die, that means the brain shuts off forever.
Something happened to the human body that forced the brain to make an erratic desision and end it's life because the pain was too much.
Without the brain. We can't feel.
There are no brains in heaven.
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I here you anon and i am sad by your testimony. I hope that you give it another shot, maybe take what you have learned and bring it to God and reforge a relationship with him now with your new philosophy on life. I cannot agree that a life divorced from God feels better and is more fulfilled and satisfying. I dont believe you bro and im not trying to be mean or condescending. I wish we could talk more. think about the things im saying as you live your life please
YOUR choice, Your free-will

Don't shit on others for exercising theirs. Or are you a hypocrite?
also sort of this
It is interesting though. If one compares most religions there are a number of consistent themes. One needs to distill all those core themes from them, weed out all the minutia and extraneous bullshit and come up with a new religion.
But we're too flawed. We'd fuck it up and have just another thing to fight over. It would end up being just another religion. But 'god', whatever that is, is in there somewhere.
Is not choice i simply can't believe without evidence it is impossible for Me and IF you think you can belive whithout evidence you are nothing put brainwahed monkey
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>YOUR choice, Your free-will
but free will doesn't exist if god is all powerful and all knowing..
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i mean you can... thats what belief is. trusting in something without the evidence to back it up. and we believe in alot of things all the time. You may believe in life sprouting out of a mud-puddle. I think that takes a ton of faith haha
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It wasn't easy leaving the church anon. Ostracized by my friends, (my family stuck with me, even though they are still active christians), I lost a big support group in my life.

You ask me to return to the fold? Why don't you live a month without god in your life? Be responsible for your own happiness and the happiness of the others around you. You will find life MUCH more enjoyable and satisfying.

I'm not going back. Like I said, I was in it over 40 years.

I don't wish and live for a beautiful hereafter, I strive for a beautiful now. I cherish the moments with my friends and family on a much more deep level than before.

I love my life. I am happy and complete.
already sort of refuted
I bet i know more that Bible that you ever will
You should play this one its some pretty legit keks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSnm9cYkV2I

It's the Left Behind christian book series in vidya gayme format..
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Being the first man and woman is vastly different than being the only man and woman.
There are fundamental themes that run through human civilizations across the planet. In our myths, religions, stories etc. That doesn't necessarily mean there is a God at the heart of it all. It just demonstrates that as humans we have a similar experience of our surroundings and often come to the same conclusions, right or wrong.
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K bud
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i hear you bro. I remain saddened by your choice. And joining a new church may not be what i would recommend to you. I would recommend that you pray. talk to God and see if he responds to you. tell him about your experiance and see where it goes. Being a church member and all that other crap can sometimes cloud our intimate relationship with him. especially if that church isnt a good fit for the individual attending.

In any case have peace and live life. Please know that you have brothers who have you in their thoughts
>"the bible is bogus man, I'm too smart to believe in that fairytale"

>hasnt read a single page

99% of people. The Bible teaches you, at the very least, to be a man in this life and not tippytoe around things. You're righteous or you're evil and you need to stand against the opposing side. Light hates dark, dark hates light. Don't be a beta. I believe Jesus was the son of the Holy Trinity god and died on the cross and was raised from the dead. Peace and love to all, and inb4 bait
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Sounds like joseph campbell. I liked him.
but they WERE the only man and woman
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You don't even understand what you're talking about. Have you even read a full page of the bible, or are you going by inferences? Good luck with your spirituality, honest. Jesus loves you.
Fucking retard.
refuted? do I have the power to do something other than what is in god's plan? if yes, then god is not all powerful. if no, than there is no free will.
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still love you bro
I've been "debating" and learning about the atheist positions and debate tactics for over 16 years. You are repeating the same statement made in this thread many times. So much of the same questions have been asked decades before we came here. There are legit scholarly places on the web to go where all these arguments have been addressed by both sides in an intelligent and respectful way. If you really cared, you would search out such knowledge before declaring yourself "right". I can tell you that you are missing a very important part. Your comments are an oversimplification. I will not take the time to write out the very long discussion needed for you to at least understand the Christian position. You may seem smart to the uneducated in these matters, but to someone like me and other atheists, you need better sources to base an opinion.
Not according to the books of adam and eve.
its Apocrypha categorization material
4 books = adam and eve
1 book = enoch
they pretty much go together and genesis is all fucked up in terms of editorial approach
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I appreciate the thoughts anon. It is that "saddened my choice" that creates a barrier between me and my old church friends. that underlying distain or pity they have for me for leaving the church. like they have the answer to happiness and I don't.

That is bullshit. I am soo much happier now anon. I know you don't believe me, but seriously, just try living on your own for a week without praying or thinking of god. just think of you and those you love and those around you. You will become clearer and happier than you know. You decide what best for you and yours. It's amazing. It's liberating. It's true freedom.

I do wish you peace anon. We won't change each others minds in her on /b/ but know I am happy with my decision and life. I wish you the same.
>You may believe in life sprouting out of a mud-puddle
What the fuck are you talking about there dons of evidence bakteria and micro Animals not Faith science
repetition is the bedrock of authentic brain washing operations.

>cult tactics never really evolve
Childish response caused by arrogance and wishful thinking, in hopes of discrediting me and my statements.

If you are so sure, then prove to all of /b/ what you know about me, my education, and my personal faith.
Heh, I used some of his comparative mythology stuff when I did my psych degree back in 1990. Still read him occasionally.
Well spotted anon.
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God has a 'plan' for our lives. That is to say that he plans that we will all accept Jesus and be good Christians. I can deviate from that plan because I have free will. Again we aren't robots. we have no programming.

look at it like this, I have a plan for my son. I want him to go to college and get a good life. i can give him all the tools he needs to accomplish this plan but it is ultimately up to him to complete it.

Its the same thing, fam
>he may have known my outcome before my grandparents were even born but that doesnt mean that he wont give me my fair shot to chose him
if god knows ahead of time that you are going to turn left, then you get to that point where you either turn left or right, and then you turn left. There never was a choice in that scenario.
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This guy
You're kinda cheating with all those sports games, but having snuck Bully in there redeemed it.
where is your allah now muslims?
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He was so vibrant and fun. A joy to read and watch.

It always surprises me the level of intelligence here on /b/, it is the very worse of the internet, but is also the very best.

God bless all you /b/tards!
>literally interpreting any religious book

they are just parables faggots
All of it.
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All the butt hurt in this thread
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Good for you mate. These loving Christians are only compassionate as long as you are a member of their exclusive club.
Love thy neighbour but only if he agrees with your view of the world. This intolerance is everything that is wrong with religions.
you basically just said "I don't know" here. If you can't justify YOUR beliefs, you shouldn't have them if you really care about what's actually true.

Not very "1st Peter 3:15" of you.
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he knows im turning left =/= making me turn left
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