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NO Sleeping thread????
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 136
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NO Sleeping thread????
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Wheel the guy who used to spread his wife's ass hole open while sleeping?
sexy body
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what would you do to her while she sleeps?
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wake her up and have her suck my dick
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why not just throatfuck her until she wakes up gagging on your cum? what else would you do with her while she was sleeping or after you woke her?
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Best if the best. Love it.
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That doesn't look good
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look at that little wink peeking out
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That's a fake picture, she set it up herself as art. Fagget feminist
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Did she use real cum?
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jokes on fag I fap to it
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anyone else want to take advantage of my sleeping mum? which of her holes would you try to fuck first?
That is beautiful.
this makes my dick shrivel
Your dumb bitch mouth hole
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Stop telling me to do things
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So nice.
good job anon.

cont pls
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is this pic now????
more please
get close up to that pussy
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A lil closer
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my god thats hot cuntinue posting
get it as close as you can

close up of her tits

you're a lucky man
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jesus christ, I hope thats not your GF. I'm going to save this pic and show this to my GF whenever she asks me if she looks fat. It'll cheer her right up.
get right up to those nips


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well i bet she got a yeast infection from that beer bottle.
Leave FAG, just leave

that body is 100% fuckable
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Its fuckable but i hope the faggot isn't planning to lay permanent claim on that thing.
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Her cunt while she was asleep got some creep shots of her but shes awake in them
now how about those nips
if thats true then holy fuck women are dumber than ever imaginable holy fuck that rustles my jimmies
perfect pussy, moar?
keep going man!!!!!!!!!!

post what you have!!!!!
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nice body!!!!!
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she's built like patrick star
love it!!!!!
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great thread. love the sleeping downshirts especially
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Such nice tits
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I bet she is a good fucking buddy
Best lay I ever had
thanks for sharing her, what else you got???
Eat the cucumber slices.
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im honestly pretty sure i used to fuck that girl.
she'd come over sometimes while her boyfriend was away after school.

once the door would close she'd almost instantly get naked. most times she'd put on her favorite song and start sucking. then she would cry. her tears and makeup would drip down her face onto my dick. its surprising how cold tears are. eventually i finally asked her what was wrong. in between licks she told me that her favorite song was also her bfs favorite song. so even though she loved hearing it and it totally got her pussy wet, it also made her think about the fact that she was cheating on her boyfriend. i dont think i ever came harder down somebodies throat then right after she told me that. she was beautiful. we dont hang out anymore. wanna get lunch?

this was the song:

I'd hit that ass
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Stole this off her phone
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Me too.
>friend's gf
your friend's gf sleeps around with in her underwear?
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finally a thread for my very old oc
I do it therefore everyone else does
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I found her like this when I came in and he wasn't there. Pulled her dress up a little to take pics.
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I saved :)
should have CHCl3 that and fucked her har
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ever hear them fucking? does you buddy say how she is in bed?
love her tan lines
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ass ass ass ass
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friend fell asleep on my lap
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moar of this chick
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all i got

more of a straight down shot?
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got a sause?
those are some AMAZING tits man

you keep taking pics!!! you are doing amazing work
Post all you have!
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like this?
YES< very nice!!!!

now take one looking straight down from the ceiling
thanks. happened a while ago, though. i was so fucking scared she'd wake up
How is her body, I bet it is rocking!!!!
not bad i think. i've fapped to her before
any pics????
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is this live ??????
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don't want to show face
fuckable body, nice tits from the other pics
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No, pics I creeped of my wife while she was sleeping a few weeks ago. (Bonus: her tits)
i think so. i've blown numerous loads thinking about that night. surprised my hard on didn't wake her up from poking her in the back of her head
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did you touch her?
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yes, actually. for just a couple seconds and very lightly. i was shitting so many bricks, but luckily knew she was a pretty sound sleeper.
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last one
slow clap
haha, *bows*

i wanted to cum on her tits beforehand, but especially after seeing and touching them
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this new OC live right now?
My ex used to pass out when Wed drunken hookup . it just got to the point where I get pissed and finally said if you pass out I'm fucking you any way which said say whatever just don't cum in me
potentially cute poose. moar?
From a while ago
>i wanted to cum on her tits
don't blame you, nigga
damn you are ballsy.
wanted to do that to a friend who slept over once but she kept laying in bad positions
thats a pretty hairy ass...
you sure thats not a dude ?
>damn you are ballsy.
doubt i could do that again. dunno what came over me, really. have had a crush on her for a while, and just couldn't stop myself. any pics of your friend?
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Not a man
does she have diaper rash or something?
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Probably. She had fucked up skin
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well that's interesting. did it transfer over to you?
tell her she needs a new mattress, them bed bugs don't fuck around yo
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i used to feel up my stepmom when she was sleeping and jack off whe i was 12/13
Do there nips always get diamond hard onnpass out?
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well her pussy is also wet, so...
cute bush. moar?
Exhibit B
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her pussy and asshole are connected?
Wow, I'm surprised at the number of bad fakes.
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Exhibit c
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The get horny and wet and pass out reflex
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the best reflex
anyone ever get busted
You know, not really sleeping. Sometimes you can tell more easily than others.
ah. which ones are you calling out?
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I did once. We were on vacation and my parents had gotten a double queen room so me and my older sister had to sleep on the same bed. Couldn't sleep late one night and I accidentally brushed my hand against my sisters ass while tossing and turning. Saw that she didn't react so I squeezed her ass gently a couple of times. Still no reaction so I slid my hand into her pajama bottoms and felt her bare ass. I pulled my hand out and waited a few minutes. I did this a couple more times before I got brave enough to go for the pussy. I slowly slid my hand down her ass towards her pussy (she was sleeping on her side) and JUST as I was about to touch pussy, she woke up and turned around. I pulled my hand out and pulled the covers over my head pretending to be asleep. She yelled for a few seconds and then went back to sleep. Sometimes I wonder if she was cool with me touching her ass but the pussy was too much.
how old were you both? her yelling didn't wake your parents?
>he didnt cum
Betafag can't you even beg her to jerk you off?
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Ill take more of that.
I can't remember. And idk if they woke up. If they did they probably didn't know what was going on and they went back to sleep.
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umm 030.jpg
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umm 036.jpg
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>I can't remember
you got busted feeling your sister's cunt and don't remember? just something general, dude, was she post-puberty at least?
She was 3 years older than me. That's all I'll say. Also, I'm pretty sure she came onto me a few times before that so that's where I got the idea.
You know it's fake cause only faggots drink shock top
yeah i had a similar experience once, my stepmom was sleeping and snoring and i went to shake her to wake her up and she just kept sleeping so i started touching her tits and this went on for several months until one night i got brave and decided to pull her pjama pants down just far enough to see her pussy and i went to kiss it and she suddenly shot awake and asked what i was doing and i said saying goodnight and she must have been half asleep cuz she just fell back asleep and never mentioned it
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Or she's been lying there for a while and now he has grown a boner again.
Initials and more please?
Nice more?
i approve of those pjs
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Oo nice...truth..she's out wet and hard and I'm in wet and rock hard
Gross hand
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Sneaky tit shot :D
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>those stretchmarks
still would
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Too soon
Where did the pic i was referibg to go? Anyone save it and can repost it?
That fag got spooked because you mentioned initials so he deleted it thinking there's a chance you might actually know that person and tell them/show them. Save the thumbnail or screen cap it if you have it open in a new tab and show whoever you think it might be anyway for lulz.
Just kidding, that would be fugged.
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full story??
dont tell me she's dead
Thank u kind anon, by chance are u the op of this pic?
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i am not, just felt your predicament
Well thanks bro, good looking out!
Anyone have more of this pic?
No joke i am worried, she looks like my current gf, wearing my ring and her ring, i looked to make sure....it all fits...even color of the sheets....so im about to be single
show us some pics to compare
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Im on my phone currently and dont store those kinds of pics....i never would, but the person who did post them i should thank them, because at least i kno whats going on....
I wasn't talking about you being worried but I see what you mean. I thought the person got spooked because they posted pics that they shouldn't have or that the other person didn't even know were taken, not because she's cheating on you with them and they realized that you are who you are. Who knows though, it could go either way. Also, although it seems unlikely, it could still just be a coincidence.
Checked double dubs
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>those stretchmarks
still would
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wait wait, is this the same girl as >>677416780
are you calling this guy out?
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 136

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