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I just bought 3 cigars to smoke with a good rum. >first time
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I just bought 3 cigars to smoke with a good rum.
>first time smoking
>look at instructions on wiki
>light my first one, best feel ever
>few hours later, i smoke thé second one
>too compact, i cant smoke it, try to compress it like i did with joints back in thé days i was a stoner
>just broke in two parts
Third one same fucking thing (i didnt compress that one, but i smoke paper for one hour)

So, what do to keep a cigars perfect, so it wont fall appart?
Well, auto bump
I'm about to smoke the third one really soon.
I need helps fast, it's the most expensive ive got
Why the fuck did you ruin it with ice? Be a man and drink it straight.
Get drunk first then smoke the cigar until you feel really dizzy
It seriously was only for the pic, the three other classes was without ice
Get a real cigar
You are forgiven. Carry on.
stick a toothpick in both ends to help the draw a bit. if you leave them out they will get dry and crumble.
Yeah, that part was done beetween thé second and third one.
Still that ill have paper cigars in m'y mouth. I don't want to. What can ido to avoid paper to fall apart?
I work in a cigar shop, don't try to roll out a blockage, use a paperclip bent straight to try and punch through it, go through either the foot or the cap depending where the blockage is closest
It's probably not too compressed but rather that the hole or cut you made in the drawing end was not large enough to let sufficient air through. A lot of cigars feel really dense and compact until you start smoking them and they soften up. Trust the stoge. Also sometimes a punch is necessary, which is a tool that takes a cylinder out of the cigar on the drawing end -- but unless it's a really tight cigar, a guillotine or sharp knife/scissors is enough.

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Cubans have shit quality control. They're usually plugged at the mouth end though. You can try loosening it a bit by rolling between thumbs or cutting a little off, maybe inserting a tooth pick.
The tooth pick trick is real?? Where do i put it in the cigar?
So i just cut it not too near from the edge?
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I just got these. They any good?
Yeah. Wet the drawing end with your mouth or a bit of water, not too much obviously, then cut a small portion of the back off -- leave some of the rounded portion, if that makes sense. I wouldn't advise this without some really sharp scissors or an ultra sharp knife though. Of course, cigar scissors or a guillotine specialized for the job is ideal. The toothpick trick will work too. Just poke it in to the drawing end a few times, you can even widen the hole as necessary. Just be careful not to split the cigar or the wrapper.
Cohiba is a nice one to start with. The dark cigars are "maduro" cigars. They're a bit more complex and richer in flavor because the wrapper is fermented. I'd save those for after you've got a couple natural wrapped cigars under your belt. You'll really be able to tell the difference that way.
Good advice anon. I figured the Cohiba was the best one and was saving it for last.
No problem. Monte Cristo and Romeo & Juliet are two of my favorites. Enjoy.
Op here, thé third one was a romeo and juliette
There is some tricks here to avoid thé compact thing, but how do i avoid the fact that thé paper fall appart on m'y lips?
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Picked up one of these today. Saving it for tomorrow night,
you are cutting the draw end right?
You may have stale ones. In that case nothing can be done
Very nice. Partagas is also a personal favorite. I had a maduro Partagas about a month ago, box-pressed. Such a peppery and smooth smoke.

Good pick up to try as one of your first cigars.
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isn't smoking a Cigar as bad as a cigarette and will get you addicted too??
I haven't tried a Partagas yet im looking forward to it.
I had a Punch earlier today. Im not to sure how I feel about it yet. I have another I might smoke tomorrow too.
get out
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I haven't gotten around to trying Punch yet but I know they're popular. It was one of those cigars I never wanted to try because everyone told me how good they were. Maybe I'll try one tomorrow lol
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funny thats how I feel about acid cigars, everyone tells me they're great so I haven't bought any lol
Dude are you me? Haha I just tried Acid for the first time last summer for the same reason. I got a pack of C-notes. Too damned expensive for the quality, and they tasted way too sweet and floral for my liking. I don't see the appeal.
Im not a fan of really sweet stuff,
I had alta gracia irish creme cigarillos, those I liked, burned alittle hot half way through but nice quick smokes with a creme flavor up front then a nice smooth transition to a mild tobacco. anything sweeter than that im out.
>ITT: faggots wear fedoras while trying to be classy but actually severely autistic edgelords
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Keep buying new ones.
I just recently got a hold of some Mehari's sweet orient cigarillos, I like those alot better. Nice medium flavor doesn't get too hot, just a hint of sweetness. with a little spice toward the end
Op here. Normal looking Guy, no fedora
My girl got a new job in a cigar shop, so while i brought her a coffe i bug four cigars. Dont be a faggot shitposter newfag edgelord
Get a vape
Nice. I'll have to look out for those. I especially don't mind a hint of sweetness in a cigarillo because it's a quick smoke. Pleasant after a meal definitely.
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Holy fuck, I can smell the fedora and the friendzone from here.
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>Fucking vape
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>Uses a black man as a reaction image.
Smh tbh fam.
Samefagging this hard
Or while eating your meal, plz be a man
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