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GF Faith thread, message your GF's kik to Crondak on kik
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GF Faith thread, message your GF's kik to Crondak on kik and I will see what I can get out of them. Will post wins here if you want me to, and please bump the thread if you do message me.
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anything so far?
Kik: axres
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Nothing, people dont want to give names today apparently.
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Whose interested in her doxx?

kik me jeacozzie
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I'm not going to be entertaining her.
U got no game
Pro-level shit right here, folks.
That is not OP for the record lol
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will op deliver?
I'm not a beta cuckold like you.

Being this much of a womanizer? Of course!
The autism intensifies.
There's nothing to deliver on, nobody has sent me any names. I don't do names that are posted in here because you get autists like >>675494152
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Kik this girl she turned in to a lesbian but what ever kik-joshuagonzaless

Yep, that checks out.
if you have to test your gf's faith then your clearly insecure or shes a hoe
well thats exactly what were trying to find out isnt it? if shes a hoe
Jessica maldonado
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This looks promising
may the force be wuith you allways!
Reel her in Anon
This is hilarious.
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bumping for interest
Stupid fucking profile picture...
??? what happens?
What if she doesn't use kik?
If your girlfriend has a kik, she's already cheating.
Double trips
how so?
Did anyone else come here for Madison?
Dude, what is her kik? I have a full album of her from like a year ago, but I need to get in contact with her again.
I have no idea. I don't even have the album anymore (phone+ water= fail) if you find her kik, please let us know!
bump for interest
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If anyone's interested in their own private cam shows my kik is nychickxoxo
This thread should be quality idk why no one seems to care
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His kik is foolofatook809 Have fun. Blackmail away
Because all of chan has been weird today
Post more names. Bitches love dick pics.
M29_Nrw send some pussys
Start a thread with album?
I want to do this, but my GF doesn't use kik
other app ?
what if underage and you go to the jail? rip
want moar
Ask her if her username is her weight or the day she was diagnosed with diabetes
You'll just have to try it and find out
I don't know my girlfriends kik
Hnnngggggggg definitely interested
First though, what is Kik

You guys better send me some good fucking names.
whats the album.......

Fag.... shes on 4chan so shes of age.. fage.. why do you fags always bring up "age"
Then you already know
would whatsapp work?
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Not my gf just a whore that likes getting pissed on.
bumping for potential
You are a god anon
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Haha that's great.
Rip OP, may he rest in prison
Which means she would if she was 18.
Was thinking the same thing
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check'd hail satan
That's because your both fags, it was just an easy way for her to blow him off
Check'd and kek'd
Are there any others of her anywhere?

Damn dude she's probably dripping, is that how you get all your women?
That's not her profile, kek
Do any of you actually ever get any wins from these girls?
Skype is Is_himmm
go for it.
Yes, but you have to be patient..very very patient. And not a dumbass
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Yea sometimes
Usually yes. Sometimes they come to me.
Can i submit a whatsapp or something instead of kik?

lol they get wins from catfish. Naive anon's love it though. they eat it up because they dont know any better. Works for them.
Actually not true, you just need to lurk more
Thank you!
bruh, my job is to lurk
this is ded
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this girl?
Then lurk better
Then why are you posting. Lurkers don't post nikka
yes Snapchat: gyda0112
So why you holding out on us then?
ooooppppppppss. Caught me.

98% of the "wins" posted are bull shit. either someone trolling 4chan or webpics with someone catfishing. I wouldnt doubt that its mostly gay or trap fans trying to see all your dicks.
why am i not getting this girl
Eh I have been here for four or five years now. I would say it's a solid 50/50
Who said I was posting? And I never show my dick
50/50 is good odds, but i think its more one sided that that. lol
jesus christ hurry up anon, some people are trying to mastubate to someone finding out their gf is cheating on them
It's way more one sided than that. Maybe he's averaging in the results from 4-5 years ago
OP, do you have snapchat?
>using whatsapp

She's in her 20s
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Calm down Satan.
Her kik is pandazeatyou
what is it? i can send you someone
moar pics?
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post the name nigga
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I'd be more comfortable with one person knowing it than all of you
dammmn wheres the win?
I don't talk to her anymore
i used to fuck a girl i met on kik.
she was just so smart, you know? like you could tell how beautiful and complex her mind was in the way that she analyzed a dick before sucking it. like she was doing calculus on the perfect cum shot. she could make me precum a pretty much normal amount of jizz without even cumming for real. cosigns and tangents of my precum would drip out her nose while she sucked and jammed out to our favorite song. she knew i loved that. so she would look up at me with those big doe eyes, let the cum drip out of her nose as far as she could, and then sniffle it right back into her head. and just as the song was reaching its climax, so would i. that shit was the sexiest thing I've ever experienced. this still gets me hard just about every time i listen to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tgwFpMA61c
kik it to my catfish account

shorten your post and then maybe I'll read it next time faggot
Her name is Catherine, she's from Mississippi, she's a virgin.
results? come on ffs
Are there any wins yet???
message my gf, her kik is prettylights2
Hoiikbensammyx, not my gf but i wish she was rip
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Interesting developments...

Keep this thread alive
You're gonna make me download kik?
Anyone feels like they can get a girls nudes for me via snapchat, Kik me at worksucks
yeah nigga
Get nudes from
OP too slow

Hot ass chick
Damn, now i wanna know what happened to that Alex girl. OP, get your shit together and get them pics man.
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She's dead, Jim.
I think her bf got mad.
Not going to happen
RIP thread
Not OP but i have succeeded
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It's happening!!!
Bumping. Get that top off, anon.
you gettin trolled nigga
haha this is great

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