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Why does my dick doesn't shoot cum far like this?
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Why does my dick doesn't shoot cum far like this?
i dont know, same here
Time between ejaculation, time spent aroused, amount of stimulation before/after orgasm, fluid level, and some medications can affect it. If you have the same size load but only dribble, then sucks to be you.
Why fuck her that hard then pull out? Fucking cocktease. You don't pull out of an ass that jiggles like that. Plan B exists.
try edging for a few hours before cumming,
it'll make your load shoot further if you care
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>Why does my dick doesn't shoot
>does my dick doesn't

your dick's strength isn't your only problem

check your brain first tard
He doesn't pull for himself, he pulls for the camera, dummy
gimme sauce
it also depends how far up into your body your balls get pulled. Balls pulled so close they hurt, you shoot like a super soaker
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for the love of god, sauce
lol its ez man
>you'll paint the fucking ceiling

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>paint the ceiling
My sides
push out like your peeing when you jizz. Best way.
>inb4 that makes you piss
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Can confirm, aim away from your own face tho if you are solo, trust me
>literally no balls
>still provides cum buffet
sauce please
Sperm make up almost none of the volume of a cumshot. It's mostly fluid secreted from your prostate and other glands.
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Why would you wanna boost your load size though? What are the pros? There are only cons.
That's a guy. It's been in the last few trap threads and is on the gay part of /b too
You'll find most dudes who shoot loads like that have their balls pull up tight.
That's a guy. It's been in the last few trap threads and is on the gay part of /b too lol
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>kissless virgin
>cares about load size
You'd be surprised how much chicks love big loads but yeah other than that it's fucked and messy.
Time for me to an hero
More of this chick, OP
Any sauce on this?
Any sauce on this I mean

'pc muscles'
Ain't gonna help with volume though, just distance
How far your jizz flies is the ultimate measure of masculinity. When I pull out of my wife, my dick is way down by her pussy, but I regularly have the first blast hit her in the face. It's godlike.
Because you're a basement fapper who has never had really pussy

you are not worthy
Can someone confirm?
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>tfw your dick curves up and every time you try a facial most of it goes clear over her head and some lands in her hair.
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>be 19
>work out
>still a kissless virgin
>see this
>cry at the thought of fat dude fucking an 8/10 and me still a virgin
I really want to an hero now

Still want sauce though
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This. Or the load ricochets of her chest over her head and into the wall.

But when fapping, all I get is a pretty weak short flight.
Edging is getting yourself as close as you can to cumming, but stopping at the last moment and giving yourself a few minutes to cool down. People can do it as long as they like, and it really makes your cumshots huge.
I was a kissless virgin until 21. And I didn't bang a hot chick until 27. Now I have a wife that gives probably the best BJs in the world - she's been servicing my throbbing cock perfectly for 17 years. She is hotter now than when I met her (when she was 22).

You'll get yours, bro.
Get close to cumming then ease off
Rinse and repeat for as long as you want
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How does it feel thinking about all the big fat cocks she sucked before you met her?
you kidding? Who doesn't like glazing a chicks face in a huge load, or seeing them swallow a lake tahoe sized amount of their little offspring?
Feels good knowing he gets the fruits of all that sticky work.
She was a virgin when I met her. Mine is the only cock she has sucked.

I have cuck fantasies and I've told her I want her to suck other dicks. She won't.
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You know, im a kissless virgin with 22 years old.
But I would never ever fuck that fake 8/10 of yours.

I would only fuck a hot fucking chick that would give me a raging boner just by looking at her.

People knowing that you fucked ugly women is one of the worst things that can happen in your life. Even staying virgin forever is better
For every guy on some lvl that's hot to think about but trust me it's way different after it happens.
>She was a virgin when I met her.
Yeah a 22 year old girl was a virgin, okay.


Don't masturbate so much. Pause two days. Semen level in balls reloads. Pressure rises. Cum further. Not kidding.
>tfw when some pudgy fuck got accepted to perform in porn
>gets virgin wife that's great at sucking dick
>wants her to fuck other guys

This is why we use cuck as an insult people
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I'd rather be fucking ugly chick's all day and tell everyone I know then to have to hide as a Virgin. Being a Virgin that old is far worse then fucking ugly chick's.. But srsly this isn't highschool noone gives a fuck what u do. I hope crying urself to sleep at night is worth not having your no friends not make fun of you for not getting laid.
I don't know op. I blast like this pretty much every time. I have a crap diet and don't take all those dumb supplements like some other fag suggested. You either got it, or you don't. Personally, it's a 2 edged sword. If i pull out, the wife has to shield her face or she's needing a second shower. It's sort of a bummer, since i sometimes wish i could just pull out and blow on her tits without worrying about glazing her eyes.
pretty sure there was a bang bus series where they got some fat virgin and had a chick fuck him while other girls watched and degraded her for fucking one of their viewers
get zinc and calcium in your body. you will cume buckets
I'll take that as you only know sluts around you. you are who you hang with
Dude I was a kissless virgin until I was 15 and didn't lose my vcard until I was 19 actually, she was easily a 9/10 though. Life's a marathon man not a sprint, don't rush it
Guess I'm your mom then.
First handjob I ever got ended with me blasting myself in the face for a self facial. Bitch laughed so hard she cried.
cause ur a virgin and masturbation is not sex
>i dont know that feel
>implying that's impressive

My first shot could go 10 feet
People do talk about people being together with ugly people, a lot.

Have fun fucking all day long. No doubt. But people will talk behind your back being rather disgusting. Especially girls.
Im sure you wouldnt want to tell anyone that you fucked that ugly bitch over there
glad to hear it. but try not to sound like an 17 years old cod player. your butthurt is showing
Not who you're replying to, but no, it doesn't. I'm guessing you think 4 feet is somehow 10.
I've measured mate
I rarely shoot out of my dick
And its completly random. Sometimes I shoot just a little, once I shoot like 2 meters straight but most time it just flows out. I dont really care except that my dick gets dirtier when fapping
Nice dubs. But bro, you should strive for long distance jizz shots. I can confirm, it feels way better to blast ropes 2 meters than it does to just have cum dribble out.
Your urethra mightn't be as narrow as this guys.
You might fap too often.
You mightn't drink enough water.
You might habitually tighten or release your pelvic floor muscles at in opportune times.
You might have sexually transmitted bad grammar.

Could be any or all of these things, given you can read them.
virgin detected

Also, you might grip too tight or pump out of rhythm.

Mine shoots cum like that but it's not all great. I wish I could have a controlled dribble as well for when I give my girl a facial or cum on her toes
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>mfw this fat fucks dick is still bigger than mine
Haha I was about to say the same! I was down by her knees after I pulled out and pumped it about twice and painted her face from about 4ft away. I couldn't stop laughing.

Also, what makes a person want to laugh right after they blow?
Agreed! once time with an ex i came and couldn't stop laughing at something that i cant remember now.
Yeah but I dont really care. At that stage your dick is about to drop and you will feel shit afterwards anyway. So a bit more amusement at the end wont really change much
I never understood this either.

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You guys have to be kidding, right?

I suppose you guys have never got to fuck a girl who is totally out of your league.

It's called ball retraction.

You literally get so horny, that your balls retract back up inside your body, almost like you're an infant. I haven't had that happen to me in a long long time. But when it happened the first time, I first discovered porn and I was like an unstoppable freight train. My balls completely retracted up my boy an the ballsack looks completely flattened. Then I've fucked a few hot 9s an 10s from the bar a few times. Once again, balls completely hardened. It's also when I was denied sex a long time. Now it doesn't happen so much anymore, because I have a large number of fuck-buddies. But if I were to be stuck on an island and not fap for a few weeks, then get to fuck a perfect 10, I'm sure I'd have retracted balls like that.
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I love how he's holding her close and trying to make eye contact with her but she just closes her eyes and thinks about tyrone.

Dude is creepy even when banging the girl of his dreams.
You know that's...not supposed to happen, right?

"Supposed" is a relative term.

You're not supposed to drool over a girl with spit hanging out; but no one is going to tell you that's not a normal body function.

I hope you find that perfect 10 to have this happen to you, my friend.

Don't blow or fap for 1 week.
Edge as much as possible.
Drink lots of water.

Most importantly:

A new chick will excite you more.
You'll blow hard if your fetishes / needs are met.

The above, with a curvy Asian teen, bareback, 1st time with her, with her begging to be impregnated... I could put OPs vid to shame.
No, really. After your testicles drop, the place they were before is supposed to close over so that can't happen again. It can affect fertility if done long-term, but you're not doing that. It's just not common is all.
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