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How can you tell is a girl likes sucking dick just by looking at her?
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How can you tell is a girl likes sucking dick just by looking at her?
if she has a dick in her mouth and seems to be enjoying it, she may like sucking dick.
If she looks like your mother then you know
I mean, you're right, but I can't help but feel like you didn't really give OP the information he wanted.
The semen dripping from her lower lip
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from experience the girls ive had suck my Johnson are usually the ones that play it off as if they would never ever suck dick.
you can't.
If she has a tongue piercing
Dead giveaway
It depend on her personality.
If she's fat.
Post a pic of yourself and I'll tell you
i agree, one sweet innocent girl who acted like she didn't like sex, turned out to be the biggest sperm eater i've known, blew my mind and still sucking me off till this day
>have touge piercing
>love eating pussy
not that i didn't love it before anyway
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In my experience, the following girls love to suck dick:

>chubby girls
>jewish girls
>chubby jewish girls
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God, I'd love to find out if she did.
"If she smokes, she pokes" they say.
But anyway, I think almost every sexually active girl has sucked a cock. It's nothing to them really, sucking cock has become something a little more intimate than french kissing.
She engages in cultural appropriation, like cornrows, she suck dick
if she smokes she'll suck your dick. if they inhale those deadly toxins they're ok with sucking your pp
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Fatties and cig smokers will suck anything.

As will OP's mom.
That's the sort of thing a virgin would write.
>As will OP's mom
seen this picture loads of times before
nothing extraordinarily funny about it

>click it
>expands across my entire screen
>burst in kektacious laughter
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> TFW have had sex roughly around 9-10 times
> Still never received a blow job
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>does she have tits?
first time I got a bj was after I put together one of those cheap entertainment centers you buy at walmart for a girl i knew.
She was like "how can I ever thank you for that" and I jokingly said "a blowjob would be cool" so she did it.
You could try that.
OP sauce/more?
From my experience, most girls won't suck it unless you ask them to. Just ask when the time is right, they rarely refuse. They don't take initiative because some of them think that it makes them look slutty.

btw, how many chicks have you fucked?
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You can tell if "she" is really OP in a wig

Fuck man I'm such a beta that I can't even ask for a blowjob without getting anxiety attacks. I automatically assume everyone is disgusted by me, even a girl I have naked on my bed who I'm clearly going to fuck.

The closest I got was when I was performing oral on a girl for at least 20 minutes and she seemed to love it. When I stop and ask her if she'd be down to "return the favor" she said I should just start fucking her instead because she was already "close to orgasm".

3, but 2 of them were both one night stands.
Is your dick ugly?

Well, a true beta wouldn't have a naked girl in his bed, so you can't be too bad off.
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is you for real nigga?
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all my fucks have started with a BJ, not to be weird but how do you start off? Usually I make out with the chick, take her brah off, make out some more then I just whip out my dick, usually indicates that she should suck it, but idk , I feel its pretty straight foward.

Nah dude, I keep it well groomed. I just have horrible anxiety and self-confidence issues. I honestly don't even know how to talk dirty or flirt with girls. I have at least a 8/10 body and I'm a Division I athlete which helps me get girls. But my face and confidence are definitely lacking to say the least.
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Crying feel.png
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> Smoke pot on one of our beds
> Start making out
> Some clothes come off
> Start groping each other
> More clothes come off
> I go down on the girl
> Sex

I've given oral sex multiple times but I've never once received it.
Sounds like you have to become a little more aggressive. One-night stands are hit or miss but your girlfriend not sucking you off? Unacceptable.
From my experience, beautiful women do not suck cock the same ratio than average women. It's like they always been too confident they thought "i don't need to suck a dick to get all the guys I want".
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Hey /b i need sauce of OP's pic, ty
Try making the chick give you head before you give her oral. If you start off by going down on her she might just feel it be one of those sexy times where its all about the girl you feel me. Needs to go both ways, try whipping out your dick early like I mentioned , if she doesn't do it automatically then just ask in a dominant way, cause obvsly some girls like that, I mean there is no harm in trying too get a BJ if you are already groping each other and your half naked, shits about to happen anyway.
u for real dawg?
It's Chlöe Moretz
>be me
>go to walmart
>girl almost falls over on a ladder restocking shelves
>catch her
>calls the police
>get arrested for sexual assault
>Chlöe Moretz

I know dude. Every time we start fucking she is laying down on her back. If I just kneel by her face with my dick out will she get the picture? Do I flat out say please suck my dick? I worry that I've already set a precedent by allowing it to go on for this long to begin with. Shouldn't girls like sucking dick anyway? It boggles my mind.
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