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Thread replies: 121
Thread images: 29
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Why are you letting this happen?!! You should be stopping this from getting out!! You guys are belittling, humiliating, cyberbullying, AND raping her!! You should all feel ashamed for hurting Ivy! I don't know why a site so hurtful like this even exits in the first place. You people are sick.
Wow, thisis embarrassing as fuck for that grill
This is educational/inspirational information. Informing and educating the public what happens when you are a feminist. No need to get angry.
My fellow /b/ro. Let the darkness consume you
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Just leave her alone already.
You think! Fags like you make it worse
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Someone post the webm of her pissing
FUCKING kys fag u just fucking said im raping that doesnt even make sense jump off a bridge after drinking bleach
You could have left her a little dignity. Now too many people will find out. This whole situation can go really bad really fast
Becoming incontinent and instantly everyone finds out? No thats not embarrassing at all.
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Why don't you leave the girl alone and get a life you fucking sociopath. Find yourself a hobby instead of constantly posting shit about her pretending to be defending her just to keep the all fucking thing dragging for ages.
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rate me /b/
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>fucking sociopath
Beats the hell out of fucking sociopath
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/b/ r8 me be honest
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Do you know where you are?
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Likewise squirt
Hope your treatment works out well. You should take a sick day for every remaining day of your life and take a hike.
To your standards, fucking Hitler must seem sweet so I'm sure as hell am not gonna attribut any value to your jugment
>To your standards, fucking Hitler must seem sweet
All these casuals...
Please report and delete this video. No one needs to know this about her. You had your fun now it's time to get serious.
This one is actually funny.
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Do or do not, there is no try.

That is why she failed.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis dictum quam tortor, eu pulvinar mi eleifend sed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque at augue nulla. Phasellus nisl turpis, cursus quis diam sit amet, laoreet euismod elit. Quisque vulputate vehicula nisl, non hendrerit libero volutpat in. Proin ac dui elementum, auctor sapien ut, sodales ex. Sed sed ex efficitur, blandit dui ac, luctus dui. Nam at ligula lacinia, porta nibh at, porta ipsum.

Donec egestas eu ligula id bibendum. Fusce sodales lectus vitae mattis fermentum. Maecenas a volutpat mi. Nam varius tellus condimentum urna ornare elementum. Donec sed commodo velit, non efficitur dui. Sed ut mi quis leo ultrices mattis in ut felis. Duis id neque eget tellus elementum semper sit amet vel ex. Sed lectus eros, consectetur in pulvinar eu, dapibus vitae diam. Nulla vestibulum hendrerit nibh. Nam vulputate lectus ut erat tincidunt, id tincidunt nisl rhoncus. Sed tellus felis, mattis ac sodales in, molestie ut ex. Sed eu varius neque. Sed lacinia nibh vitae est pellentesque, sit amet faucibus sapien tempor.
Vivamus vel enim interdum, fringilla augue sit amet, ullamcorper enim. Mauris ut tristique sem. Phasellus mauris urna, convallis a leo a, condimentum efficitur turpis. Cras sed velit vulputate, eleifend enim id, auctor mi. Sed congue luctus felis, ut vestibulum ex aliquet sed. Fusce eu porttitor ante, et ultrices leo. Pellentesque at blandit augue. Proin luctus accumsan hendrerit. Nam et tincidunt orci. Nullam porttitor urna ut sem faucibus ultrices ac quis libero. Proin non placerat neque. Pellentesque molestie semper mauris, id varius erat pharetra sed. Nunc vestibulum quam eget velit sodales blandit.

Nam eu lorem vitae libero pulvinar iaculis. Curabitur sit amet pellentesque enim. Integer porta magna quis mauris interdum iaculis. Donec iaculis faucibus congue. Pellentesque dignissim non orci ac aliquam. Mauris id tincidunt neque. Nullam tempor a erat mattis mollis. Suspendisse vel ex ultricies, semper ante laoreet, pharetra odio.

Pellentesque at lectus vel nulla hendrerit sagittis quis a felis. In porttitor blandit dolor, ac efficitur arcu. Praesent pharetra efficitur ligula eu tincidunt. In consequat molestie euismod. Nulla nec augue at diam pellentesque faucibus et id arcu. In id risus at eros condimentum pretium. Vestibulum ultricies sodales erat at dapibus. Mauris in mattis dui. Maecenas sed quam sit amet ante consequat maximus. Donec eget dui non leo volutpat tincidunt.
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This thread in a nutshell
Vivamus nec nunc purus. Curabitur non condimentum ligula. Cras eu porttitor quam, a porta mauris. Mauris eu justo elementum, scelerisque turpis eget, interdum nisi. Nam ut nisi vulputate, dapibus eros sit amet, pharetra risus. Nullam non faucibus mi. Donec sodales malesuada sapien, a dignissim quam rutrum vel. Sed non sem sit amet lorem scelerisque congue et eget libero. Praesent vehicula massa ullamcorper, lobortis dui a, rhoncus nibh. Ut nec ligula eros. Vivamus pharetra quis nunc blandit malesuada. Vivamus iaculis felis felis, a aliquam mi lobortis non. Quisque mattis nunc lectus, sit amet efficitur arcu facilisis vitae. Duis sit amet ultricies sem, in eleifend nibh. Duis cursus enim nec libero vestibulum consectetur. Nulla ut finibus enim.

Quisque viverra, nibh quis faucibus dictum, lectus diam suscipit ex, et fringilla turpis dolor venenatis ex. Mauris euismod scelerisque tortor, ut ornare leo mollis vel. Suspendisse non sem placerat, convallis augue et, ultrices sapien. Praesent laoreet ex vel risus fermentum consequat. Morbi ultricies ipsum ac nisi faucibus viverra. Donec at finibus odio, a imperdiet mauris. Aliquam nec fringilla lectus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu semper tortor. Proin scelerisque est odio. Etiam sed lorem maximus, dignissim turpis sed, sollicitudin quam. Etiam a luctus nibh. Donec non dui porta, lobortis enim at, tincidunt felis.
Phasellus varius dolor ante, in egestas purus ullamcorper quis. Aliquam in velit a ipsum efficitur pharetra in id massa. Nullam non pellentesque leo. Aenean mollis ex a dolor congue, ac dignissim dui congue. Curabitur tellus risus, aliquet ac dui in, accumsan fringilla sapien. Proin gravida in neque et commodo. Fusce in massa vitae erat consectetur porta sed id arcu. Maecenas suscipit purus et massa suscipit ultrices. Morbi molestie vel lorem ac interdum. Aliquam vel quam sit amet elit aliquam bibendum non nec leo. Fusce ullamcorper commodo ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec fringilla lorem eu eros iaculis fringilla. Sed mattis erat turpis, vel sollicitudin sem aliquam a.

Aliquam sed nibh ultricies, dictum eros nec, aliquet tellus. Nulla tortor risus, dignissim nec ultricies sed, imperdiet a eros. Nulla dictum, sem id posuere varius, metus enim condimentum arcu, mattis tempor leo justo quis velit. Nunc interdum sapien non leo dapibus interdum. Cras gravida iaculis orci euismod sollicitudin. Pellentesque sit amet lacus varius, mollis elit eget, pellentesque mi. Cras aliquet pellentesque mi ut fringilla.
Sed sagittis dolor lectus, vitae auctor felis laoreet sed. Nam quis justo eget quam aliquet vehicula nec et nisl. Fusce facilisis id nisi sed elementum. Maecenas vitae venenatis lorem, nec bibendum nunc. Donec ut arcu nec risus convallis sodales. Nulla sit amet elit quis lacus efficitur aliquam vel sed orci. Pellentesque non massa justo. Nam consequat lobortis ipsum, condimentum blandit dolor. Integer nec erat eget nibh gravida pretium sit amet vitae risus. Suspendisse mollis et augue sed mattis. Praesent commodo, mauris feugiat pharetra mattis, felis orci sollicitudin est, sed ornare velit diam ut augue. Vestibulum at elit hendrerit, pretium elit sed, fringilla augue. Aenean sit amet bibendum sem.

Curabitur eget lacus mi. Pellentesque metus ipsum, vulputate sed ligula et, imperdiet ullamcorper eros. Phasellus ornare urna sed nulla scelerisque luctus. Integer convallis aliquam urna a pretium. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse aliquet ipsum vitae pellentesque congue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris auctor orci quis dui feugiat porttitor. Aliquam sit amet arcu a leo accumsan imperdiet. Cras lobortis nunc eu faucibus lacinia. Curabitur quis magna porttitor, condimentum sapien tempor, sollicitudin quam. Donec sed nisl id sem laoreet semper. Suspendisse vestibulum ultricies lacus, et iaculis dolor accumsan a.
Maecenas augue dolor, tristique ut eros at, efficitur dictum nisl. Mauris cursus venenatis neque pharetra malesuada. Aenean tortor orci, ultrices non aliquet tempus, pellentesque rhoncus turpis. Nunc nec sem consectetur, accumsan turpis at, ornare dolor. Mauris venenatis, enim sed sodales pharetra, orci est semper quam, sit amet lacinia erat est sed tellus. Nulla sed hendrerit libero. Nunc turpis turpis, porta a velit ac, pellentesque elementum dolor.

Fusce eleifend, velit vel varius elementum, tortor nisl ultrices quam, non dignissim elit est non quam. Phasellus finibus tortor felis, ut feugiat metus porttitor in. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis vitae turpis ultricies turpis lobortis euismod. Sed laoreet ipsum et nisl finibus semper. Curabitur ut sapien sodales, accumsan metus nec, tristique risus. Morbi quam lectus, tristique a iaculis nec, ultrices a justo.
Quisque orci nisl, iaculis sit amet lacinia eu, scelerisque non metus. Etiam in odio lorem. Nunc convallis tempor erat in eleifend. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas cursus scelerisque consectetur. Aliquam et tempus libero. In lacus risus, consectetur at orci et, tempus lacinia nisl. Pellentesque auctor risus vitae dolor cursus mattis. Cras a dolor lacus.

Cras fringilla, enim sit amet dictum volutpat, risus erat venenatis arcu, vel efficitur massa erat non lacus. Vivamus eleifend, felis id placerat pharetra, lorem sapien semper nibh, et elementum lorem dui facilisis arcu. Nullam et erat cursus, facilisis nisl porttitor, aliquet augue. Suspendisse tincidunt diam et dui porta, in euismod massa lobortis. Curabitur pretium tempor lacus. Duis ultricies purus enim. Curabitur condimentum odio vel sem fringilla, nec commodo ex aliquam. Donec accumsan nisi tempus nibh iaculis, et luctus velit dapibus. Ut tempor lectus quis mauris sagittis sodales. Cras non orci luctus, sollicitudin metus congue, tincidunt ante. Nunc ut placerat ex. Mauris id tellus tellus.
Praesent eu ornare erat. Maecenas consectetur libero a tortor tempor, vel tincidunt metus condimentum. Cras elementum mi eu nibh tristique, vitae interdum odio tincidunt. Maecenas nec pharetra sem. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean semper pellentesque sagittis. Quisque vel laoreet lorem. Sed nec diam iaculis, pellentesque massa eu, egestas nibh. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed eget sodales dui. Praesent mattis venenatis enim, non pellentesque ante lacinia in. Integer aliquam, nisi eu sollicitudin sollicitudin, nisi mi mollis felis, sed vestibulum dui arcu et ante. In gravida metus dui, sit amet pretium tellus pulvinar ac. Vestibulum sed eros dignissim, imperdiet leo vel, iaculis lorem. Aenean facilisis sollicitudin condimentum. Donec semper ante erat, mattis molestie tellus consequat quis.

Duis placerat placerat molestie. Sed tempor, enim id tempus congue, dolor dui dignissim enim, ac bibendum eros ipsum quis nunc. Donec nibh ex, ornare dignissim nibh non, consequat volutpat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus lobortis id tellus sed auctor. Proin dictum lectus metus, nec vulputate mi vehicula eget. Nulla facilisi. Proin tincidunt augue turpis. Nullam et lacus vel arcu hendrerit semper.
You understand that this particular video is circulating around the internet no matter how many posts you make bitching wanting it gone.
>no brakes
Is anyone else as freaking turned on as I am by this. I mean I am so incredibly hard right now. Thank you so much for posting a link to that video.
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She did this to herself. No sympathy for her.
She lost control of her life, lost control of her bladder/sphincter.
Not recovering from this one.
Your whiteknight faggotry is cringy
If it tits, i sits. continue
What's the big deal? She can monetize this due to the men out there that fetishize this.
Fuck off
The only people making any money are the people exploiting her. Showing her pee video and diaper pics to the highest bidder that wants a juicy story.
more pls
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STOP!!! You bastards tell everyone she wears a diaper and now her nudes? WTF is wrong with you all? Everyone in this thread should be castrated
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come on tell us how you really feel
pls nudes
Youre all misogynistic, evil, heartless fucks with nothing better to do than to ruin peoples lives
No nudes!!
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>>>>back to tumblr
>No one needs to know this about her
YT cancer was gonna find out eventually. Might as well rip the bandaid off while the wound is still fresh. Makes it easier
How about the one of her in the hospital from the vid?
No please of the love of god just leave her be.
Why? Why did you do this to her? This is all your fault!
/b/ just loves getting their rocks off to this while she is enduring all of the pain. This is sad. I hoped humanity was better than this
How the fuck was she 'forced' into wearing diapers?
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Her name is completely tarnished because of this
Cyberbullying gave her "stress-incontinence"
the world is better when its burning
Kek. Go change your diaper Ivy.
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Are you kidding?
Anyone taking her seriously can fuck right off.
Looks Latin, but I'm not quite sure. Good luck on finding the actual translation.
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a few nudes get posted and the thread comes to a screeching halt while anons start cranking off.
are you two fucking serious?
After she was hospitalized from her attention whoring suicide attempt, she got used to wearing a hospital diaper and shitting/pissing herself. Which lead to further depression and her feminist urethra muscles to forget their job. It was at the point were Ivy was urinating herself in front of a nurse she realized she was suffering from stress incontinence due to the internet.
>sad thing is its true
Care to decrypt?
You all realize that its both sides of this mess that just cant get over this thing. Ever thought of getting a life maybe.
No, only dumb.
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ive been wearing stress diapers for years, big deal
>both sides
All one sided. Sympathizers bitch at us to
>stop hating on grill
We overwhelmingly hate on grill despite what they want.
It's not that we cant get over it. We just want to push it to see how far it can go.
We pushed her into humiliation. Missed oppertunity Suicide. Diapers. How far can this go is what we are doing.
I hope that one day I will become as great as you and feel as accomplished and fulfilled in life as you must feel.
you will fail.
I sure hope so.
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And I care about your sexual preferences because?
O.k. then... By.
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This affects her irl. She has to worry about laughing too hard or sneezing while her bladder does things she cannot control. Just think if you were her for a day. That would change your mind about that hate for sure
so she is like any other woman that has had a kid
Except she didnt have a kid and has round the clock bathroom problems.
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>Yells at /b for being degenerate assholes
>"You should be ashamed!"
>Is serious
>whiteknight detected
or fucked by big black cocks same thing as a kid
So... basically she could make all of the bullying stop by simply NOT POSTING HER SHIT ON THE FUCKING INTERNET. I can't help but hate fucking morons like this.

> "Whaaa! The internet ruined my life!"
No, Dumb-dumb, YOU ruined your life with the internet!

> "It hurts when my hand gets burned."
Yeah? Well quit putting your fucking hand in the fire, maybe...
stupid fucktards think the internet is a "safe space"
A little to late
Her piss video is on youtube
Her diaper is on youtube
Youtube is a public domain
Could she even try to delete herself from the internet?
You're correct in that the videos are already out, and there is likely very little she could do about that. But, unless I'm mistaken (I really know very little about this situation, because I dgaf,) SHE put them out there herself. Ultimately, it's no one's fault but her own. However, my point was that if she would just QUIT adding fuel to the fire by simply ignoring all of the hateful posts and not posting anything furtherat all, she will be better off. Better yet- she should avoid the internet entirely for a while. This will all be old news and completely forgotten eventually.
Integrity and decency is at everyone's reach.
Please you have to understand and stop humiliating ivy. She never caused any harm. Believed what she believed.
>Ivy does not deserve this treatment
can you post one of her shitting herself and taking her pants off and showing
You guys are irretrievable.
I want to see her in diapers.
Why cant these people just put the bullies on ignore/block and move on?
NO What the hell??
what s narcasstic attention seeking half breed pissy pants moron
i want to see whats in the diaper
>so she starts taking Instagram selfies

She has to let her close friends know shes alive. And what better way than to take a selfie while sitting in a pissed soaked diaper laying in a hospital bed. She is on painkillers and antidepressants she didnt know what she was feeling
damn wot a fukkin sloot
>she should avoid the internet
The internet is a major part of humanity's life.
One cannot simply avoid the internet and expect the problems to disappear
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Uncontrollable pee and if she is lazy Ivy turds
truth be told i want to eat the dirty diaper
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Listen you little nigger.

There's no fucking cyber bullying. All she had to do is turn off her computer and walk away

Being a sado machoist person she experimented something entirely new and liked it, when someone else found out about her experiment, ashamed, she cried foul.

If it pains you that much because she's dug herself a deep hole and got stuck, then you should go the same experiment and dig yourself a hole and kill yourself.
If you freaked about this just wait til some internet hotshot with hundreds of thousands of followers shares these videos.
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Her name is Javiela. She cheated on me for a few months before I figured it all out. It hurts like a bitch and it's my time for payback. I am here by today releasing all her videos( bitch loved getting in the ass , jesus that pussy) She is also legal I promise. http://www28.zippyshare.com/v/xo4I7vnh/file.html Will be removed in 5 mintues. /b/ OP is not a fag <3 53
>ivy hernandez diapers
Thread replies: 121
Thread images: 29

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