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Lingerie thread, especially stockings and panties
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Thread replies: 226
Thread images: 133
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Lingerie thread, especially stockings and panties
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Her head is fuckin longggg
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i'd love to help you anon, as this is completely up my alley

but sadly i'm too fucking lazy to post
>Her head is fuckin longggg

What is perspective.
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Motherfucker, post the rest of this!

>Not OP
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OC of my gf. want moar?
Nevermind. Google-fu actually worked for the picture you supplied, but with my picture it's like unsauceable.
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Yes motherfuckaaaa
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need satin panties!
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you like?
sauce? am in love
MOAR!!! Name?
would sniff dirty panties/10
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holy shit.

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god i wish girls still wore satin panties
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any ass? post all you got man?
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Would bang
more shiny panties!
keep going
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>satin panties
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aye im well aware satin panties are still around its just no hot young ladies wear them anymore because they are "granny panties"
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this is the only other lingerie pic I have
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Any other non-lingerie pics?
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I was trying to make a funny, by implying you were inquiring about a place to purchase said items.
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what ever happened to plain sexy bikini panties? especially the shiny satin kind?
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any requests?
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heres the same guy

look up danetrap tumblr
The Hulk Hogan sex tape
fucking kill yourself
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bacon cheeseburger, fries and her dirty panties please
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Charlie Somik 5.jpg
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There, you have a response. Successful troll is successful. No need to go on anymore.
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Shut up nigger
its not a troll you fucking idiot

im making sure you know that you posted the picture of a disgusting fat man in a skirt
fuck off trap troll
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yummm those satin panties look tasty
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>posts traps
>not even a passable one with a feminine penis
>not trolling
>Friends with hot mom
>We hang out frequently enough
>She trusts me more than pretty much anyone else besides half of her family
>I'm pretty much a loser though
>Everytime we're around clothing stores she needs to buy something
>It's lingerie frequently enough
>She loves to try it on and tell me "do you like it?"

Man. I wish she liked young guys.
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If that story is true - and I am well aware where we are right now - then it sounds like she does like young guys.

I'm assuming you're a young guy, btw.
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ana mancini.jpg
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>Lingerie thread
Where's the lingerie?
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already off. waste of time.
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this hag is on southern charms sadly she does not look so good these days, and she has had more nigger dick in her then Lisa sparks and Lisa Lampanelli combined
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28. She's 46.

I got pretty "lucky" though I guess I'd be luckier if I was in bed with her. All I can tell you is that she is really fond of me.
I DID NOT POST >>674726142
you fucking retard newfag

someone did and i wanted to make sure they knew it was a fat man in a skirt so they sdont make that mistake again

kill yourself you faggot
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fuck off trap fag no one cares
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Zahia Dehar.jpg
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tits with face
you saved a picture of a trap because you love traps y cant you admit it kid?
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For fucks sakes, we're on 4chan, you don't have to make excuses about posting traps - just find a suitable thread for it.
trips never lie friend!
gross man cmon your not helping
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Kacie Marie 02.jpg
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spreading legs?
Traps will rule the world fag
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Kacy Anne Hill 4.jpg
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Does anyone have this vid?
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k (27).jpg
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we'll work our way to what you want
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holly fuck what i would give to sniff those panties!
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Jani Askevold.jpg
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ahh kim baby! im an idahoan that went to school with this slut she lived in boise and went to boise high when i knew her.
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Need more in this position
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I've got a bunch of OC actually. I used to talk girls into taking pics with me as often as possible
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Nice! Did you ever fuck her? Any more pics?
very hot, lucky guy
Baby don't hurt me
I went to college with her. No joke. She was a photography major at the Art Institue of Philadelphia.
nope barley knew her till after her 4chan fame and a felow 4chaner and student pointed her out in our year book
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I love panties and high socks
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you might enjoy this then, over 400 pics of her

8ch DOT net
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i think she moved to bonners ferry
oh yeah i have seen them all
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god me too would be 10/10 if she had satin/shiny panties on
I always hope to see sluts I know on here. Have not yet. Someday.
Is this just a giant troll thing? She's so... ugly. I don't get why anyone would care... at all. ever
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oc (32).jpg
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yeah i wish i got to know her but at least i can say i know who she is

>>674732045 sorta she is the only thing idaho is famous for on /b/
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love it. must not fap to shiny panties
She's ugly, yes, and doesn't have a good body to make up for it.

But she was very cool about having her pictures put up on /b/. Didn't freak out. Took the compliments.

tl;dr Kim is the ugly but cool girl you can bang if you're horny and have other options
yeper thats the piggy

No, Kim da ho
G 7 B 5 7 C 5 / 4 5 F C F A D
indeed i hope to meet her again one day!
I mean DON'T have other options. Derp.
This is great! Best in thread, so far, and I've posted a whole bunch of stuff.
Offcourse! She's hot!
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Who doesn't?
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she was a good Mormon too so that means she was extra slutty. here in Idaho Mormon girls are always a good bet if you cant find anything else and you can always raid the fridge and steel the tythings jar off the hearth like i did
Excellent link bro. So many pics, slut!

Looks like her yearbook photo at bottom of that thread.
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ai shinozaki 6.jpg
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Aika Yumeno.jpg
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JEESUSSSS thats one thing i love about jap girls they still wear fullback satin panties
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Jeannie Mai.jpg
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This is my ex, if anyone is interested. Got a couple more with her and panties on, boobs out etc.
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Great band
fullback panties are disgusting. WHY? Why would you want that?
name please?
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risa yoshiki 2.jpg
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This is actually probably the most helpful response I've ever gotten on /b/. Thank you.
fuck off new kid
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Hmm? What?
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tasty little slam piggy i 8/10 would be a 10 if she had shiny/satin panties
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Anymore of her?
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Normal panties?
would steal and sniff panties/10
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midget trap
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Mmmmmmm I want to suck the juice out of those panties!!!
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elisa tomasso 2.jpg
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elisa tomasso
dont tell me that! i cant take back the cum i left on the floor jerking it to that hawtness
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just pick it up and shove it back in your dick
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checked! yeah im not into really small girls but fuck i would wear those panties as a mask for a week!
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oc (218).jpg
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more traps ehh?
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Aaw, Monroe is great!
man she is a tiny thing aint she?
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no more traps please!
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i dont know why that came up
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oc (219).jpg
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Woah, I saved it without even noticing. Am I that damaged?!?
She's cute and sexy. She gets a hard time on here for her derpy videos.
your trips have answered for you sir!
Anyone save these?

>>674734072 it's delicious
shes cute dont get me wrong im just more of a chubby in satin panty chaser!
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After I had oogled the lady in this picture enough, I never quite could decide if the reflections in the panel behind her match up with what's in front..
wut? i barely touch that pole with shower curtens and it's fly right off and she can hang on them?

>fat jokes incoming
some rich cocksuckers and their high altitude hookers
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Would this get you up and running?
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I've got pretty much the same taste. On phone so nothing good to share.
if she had satin panties it would
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oc (220).jpg
3 MB, 2548x3648
SHE'S NOT A TRAP YOU FUCKING IDIOTS. You've been on /b/ too long! You can't even recognize a female when you see one? fucks sake guys...
Thread replies: 226
Thread images: 133

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