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Waifu claiming thread. Version 15.55 The rules are very simple:
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Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
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Thread replies: 152
Thread images: 142
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Waifu claiming thread. Version 15.55

The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Fastest waifu on no legs claimed
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Oh neither if your guesses were right by the way.
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31 KB, 480x480
Safety claim.

>Emi-anon utiliza tildes correctamente
Confirmed for the ultimate qt 3.14
>marry me, please.

I'll take three, thanks!
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ebola chan27.jpg
173 KB, 800x856
Ebola Chan claimed, seriously who wants free hugs?
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39 KB, 250x346
This is a trap
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2 MB, 2000x2000
Best destroyerfu
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241 KB, 1280x720
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ebola chan13.png
50 KB, 237x248

What are you talking about Anon?
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Shiki 0460.jpg
823 KB, 1294x1845
Hello everyone, Ryougi Shiki claimed
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Graf (35).png
744 KB, 688x1000
Toady everthing make me mad
>Hate my job so much
>Hate my coopworkers too

>Best German CV Claimed
And heading directly to bed
Gute Nacht everyone !
File: ebola chan4.jpg (8 KB, 219x230) Image search: [Google]
ebola chan4.jpg
8 KB, 219x230
Welcome to the thread anon, would you like a free hug?

Good night.
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126 KB, 225x350

Don't mind him, he's jealous of your warm hugs.
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104 KB, 1520x1080
Internet claimed
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15 KB, 480x360
>coughs up blood

Hello there, hope you are well.

Goodnight beautiful.
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ebola chan.jpg
224 KB, 1048x1487
But these hugs are free and for everyone, I don't understand how one could be jealous of them.
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2 MB, 1200x1884
Good night.

>secret ilerminaty handshake
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618 KB, 1000x1250
Dammit! Had to try some wild guesses best!

>Español de verdad
>Respetando la ortografía
Ruri, you da qtiest


Gute Nacht Graf!

Hi Shiki! How's your achilles doing?
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ebola chan.gif
88 KB, 200x200
Anon are you fine? do you need help?
File: Noire Gif - 6.gif (3 MB, 494x278) Image search: [Google]
Noire Gif - 6.gif
3 MB, 494x278
Noire Claimed.

Dank meme incoming:
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ebola chan2.jpg
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Just pray to Allah to send down a goat of good health.
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Shiki 1191.jpg
212 KB, 354x1051
Careful, Shiki is a good doctor
Still feels a bit weird, doesn't hurt or even feel unpleaseant but just weird. Going for a light jog tomorrow and look at how I'll proceed.
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Can I get another hug?

Night Graf
File: ebola chan3.jpg (6 KB, 271x186) Image search: [Google]
ebola chan3.jpg
6 KB, 271x186
Noire want a free hug?

But why Allah when Ebola Chan is right here?

Why? I am only giving free hugs.

Sure *hugs*
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Thanks Ebola-chan
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Don't take too many risks, you don't want to worsen it. Does it feel tight or something? Any difficulty moving it?
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ebola chan5.jpg
8 KB, 225x225
No problem, if you need anymore hugs just tell me.
File: Black Heart - 4.jpg (198 KB, 596x700) Image search: [Google]
Black Heart - 4.jpg
198 KB, 596x700
Sure why not ^^

Music Sharing:
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Excuse me, Emi, but are you from Spain?

Hehe, h-hey, Ebola-chan
It's weird but, I think I feel a little dizzy..
> 2015+1
> not having a half snake waifu
[Add random insult]
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397 KB, 1920x1080
Your virulence spreads through the infidel swine. I will only pray to the one true messiah as the wolfs tear each other down to sheds.

it begins...
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Shiki 0026.jpg
130 KB, 800x710
Yes actually, it does feel a bit tighter and while I wouldn't call it difficult, I can't get it to move as far up or down as my other foot.

Though this may be my mind playing tricks/confirmation bias as that wasn't the specific feeling I had in mind earlier.
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ebola chan6.jpg
9 KB, 225x225
*hugs back*

Whats wrong Anon? Do you need me to take you somewhere?
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>just half
It's like you can't even furfag correctly.
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ebola chan18.jpg
30 KB, 300x294
Well that is just rude.
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Yup, I am Spanish.
>Spanish Inquisition, best Inquisition
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1 MB, 540x300
good tier
snek a cute

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>as the wolfs tear each other down to sheds.
Hey now, no need to be rude.
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blake 2.jpg
6 KB, 300x168
Claiming once again.
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Do you currently take any medication for it? Ibuprofen? Paracetamol? Any ointment?
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ebola chan7.jpg
9 KB, 194x259
So anyone else want hugs or are they fine?
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2 MB, 500x281
The infidels are dogs. They are blessed by my words.
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272 KB, 540x666
I didn't expect that

I'll go for a third
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ebola chan8.jpg
582 KB, 1000x1166
Where is the deus vulting guy when you need him?
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ebola chan32.jpg
7 KB, 169x298
*hugs yet again*
File: Shiki 0057.jpg (1 MB, 2480x3507) Image search: [Google]
Shiki 0057.jpg
1 MB, 2480x3507
None at all, just some ice on it when it was swollen. I'm terrible at this aren't I?
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ebola chan33.png
349 KB, 674x1186
I can help you with your pain.
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1 MB, 1280x716
*thanks yet again*
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Cast aside among the plethora of victims struck down by the third horseman.
You know too much, sorry but no hugs for you, only bullets.
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332 KB, 600x800
It wasn't really a secret. Besides, /waifu/ is really international.
>If you need help with the Inquisition or tips on siestas and parties on the beach, you know who to call now

The ice wasn't a bad idea, but you should've taken at least ibuprofen to lessen the inflammation and allow a faster recovery since your achilles wouldn't have to deal with the pressure. Take a pill and see if it improves at all, if it does so, 1-2 pills a day for a couple of days should suffice at this stage.
>I can't recommend you to jog while taking ibuprofen, though, as it is an anti-inflammatory and would interfere with your athletic performance
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You an'ts shit Britney. You's in my hood nigga
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ebola chan35.jpg
10 KB, 191x263
Oh shit, I wasn't expecting this.
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383 KB, 500x711
it was a joke
>nobody expects the spanish inquisition
I'll get to you if I need help though

What is even happening here
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148 KB, 500x500
There's no Allah here anymore
Just me.
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ebola chan10.jpg
10 KB, 211x239
A standoff, other then that no clue.
File: Shiki 0869.jpg (600 KB, 722x933) Image search: [Google]
Shiki 0869.jpg
600 KB, 722x933
I'll see a pharmacy tomorrow
File: air piano.gif (455 KB, 280x210) Image search: [Google]
air piano.gif
455 KB, 280x210
im on skype with some pals
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ebola chan25.jpg
438 KB, 768x1024
Anon you can't kill love.

Why bother when you can ask Ebola-Chan to help you?
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936 KB, 500x281
>still very confused

sounds like fun
I have no clue what is going on and I am involved, seriously where is the Deus Vulting guy when you need him?
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you picked the worst girl, mate

i'm claiming misha, gotta love me some lesbian babes
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If waifu is love, waifu is life then there is one way to kill love.
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>What is even happening here
A sitcom

Nice! I'll be gladly waiting for an update tomorrow!
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All your waifus are shit, they don't even have dicks
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ebola chan11.jpg
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Forgot pic.

Anon don' you dare...
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2 MB, 500x267
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ebola chan12.jpg
43 KB, 620x350
>Ebola chan shit
Are you feeling okay? do you need hugs?
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65 KB, 338x450
>you picked the worst girl, mate
I really, really do not want to shit on other katawas, but y'all make it difficult being such pricks, you know?
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2 MB, 1366x768
In the end it didn't even matter...
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262 KB, 562x646
Good point
File: ebola chan15.jpg (259 KB, 1024x1463) Image search: [Google]
ebola chan15.jpg
259 KB, 1024x1463
Anon I swear if you have done what I think you have done...
Damn straight good point.
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Am I supost to have a dick? .....nope I like who I am
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What's wrong, Ebola chan?
Need a hug?

Oh god.
Yesteday Lilly got so rekt.
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1 MB, 1280x1024
Actually I just realised I had some Ibuprofen around.
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ebola chan24.png
326 KB, 321x750
I am not feeling too well,

You god damn bastard *dead*
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153 KB, 422x284
The good always die young.
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I hate you 4chan
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Nice thumbnail
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ebola chan41.jpg
124 KB, 1024x1024
Agreed, also what is that black magic you have used?
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21 KB, 367x367
Rika Furude claimed, you will not get my waifu.
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She was asking for it. If someone attacks my waifu, I have to defend her.

600 mg? Check the expiration date too just in case

Um, uh... right
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77 KB, 300x252
Allah must be angered by my actions. I must repent for the sins i have committed.
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ebola chan38.jpg
9 KB, 203x249
Well you can kill those heathens in Africa with Ebola for him.
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45 KB, 436x750
I know already!
>sekrit handshake

Mai became a mod?
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567 KB, 916x654
The african apes are already being converted to the one true word in drones. Those blessed souls may be spared.
It's time canada pays its price.
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ebola chan20.jpg
10 KB, 203x249
So Ebola in Canada? I like your idea.
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491 KB, 1276x716
destroy cuckland
>spare Atago though
File: Shiki 0151.jpg (1 MB, 2195x3026) Image search: [Google]
Shiki 0151.jpg
1 MB, 2195x3026
200mg, anything above requires a prescription
File: ebola chan22.jpg (104 KB, 894x894) Image search: [Google]
ebola chan22.jpg
104 KB, 894x894
Atago can be spared, is there anyone else I shouldn't hug while in Canada?
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60 KB, 300x406
Mai is next on the list.
For it is the will of Allah. Her actions will not go unpunished.

Their flimsy socialized healthcare will fall victim with ease.
Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten

Only if he bows before the lord.
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ebola chan23.jpg
187 KB, 500x500
Can't wait.
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290 KB, 784x441
>get Michigan while you're there
>fuck Michigan
File: ebola chan26.jpg (119 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
ebola chan26.jpg
119 KB, 500x500
But I love hugging bears.
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216 KB, 800x600
Surprising tbh, where I live 600mg are sold without prescription.
>I have a box at an arms reach right now
If it hasn't expired, take one and see how you feel in 30 mins or so
File: ebola chan31.jpg (8 KB, 242x209) Image search: [Google]
ebola chan31.jpg
8 KB, 242x209
Understood, but wait aren't they ready for Nuclear Winter there?
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521 KB, 811x1351
They also love hugging you.
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790 KB, 800x950
Someone's not a fan of snow and the great lakes.

File: ebola chan4.gif (236 KB, 277x327) Image search: [Google]
ebola chan4.gif
236 KB, 277x327
Oh I know that

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41 KB, 710x465
Your rules:
"insult other waifus"
File: 68.gif (2 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 500x281
They can be easily outsmarted due their intelligence being hindered by poverty and disgusting water

fuck Michigan
>nice satan trips
File: intredasting.png (1 MB, 1300x1700) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1300x1700
Ebola bears in Canada.

I will keep a note to never go to Canada.
File: ebola chan37.jpg (8 KB, 189x267) Image search: [Google]
ebola chan37.jpg
8 KB, 189x267
Thanks for the tip

What can go wrong?
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>Insulting other katawa
Really nigga?
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781 KB, 1273x716
You should never go to begin with
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484 KB, 888x1254
It's not really a matter of going right or wrong.
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File: patpatpat.png (2 MB, 1250x1900) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1250x1900
Well played.
File: ebola chan5.gif (3 MB, 1075x1080) Image search: [Google]
ebola chan5.gif
3 MB, 1075x1080
Well, Ebola bears sound like fun, right?
File: Ruby(1).jpg (293 KB, 615x900) Image search: [Google]
293 KB, 615x900
Just watched Creed. Was pretty fucking stellar.

Also, back

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451 KB, 1273x718
Hey Ruby
Now that I think about it, Emi wasn't the worst. But definitely not my favourite. But I don't care enough to be in the "never insult a katawa" club
File: ebola chan42.jpg (10 KB, 225x225) Image search: [Google]
ebola chan42.jpg
10 KB, 225x225
Hey there Ruby, want some free hugs?
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47 KB, 640x400
Lurking as I do. No come to see me I go to see them
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>for you
Obligatory claim (Picture of hand)
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ebola chan36.jpg
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1 MB, 1200x1600
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62 KB, 474x482
Welcome back Ruby!
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116 KB, 720x900
Best swimsuit waifu
File: 75.jpg (275 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
275 KB, 1280x720
Nice try
File: Red01.gif (159 KB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
159 KB, 500x281
Der fuhrer reporting in
Get that imposter.

>Ebola chan, I am out of pictures.
File: Ruby(7).png (745 KB, 620x877) Image search: [Google]
745 KB, 620x877
Hey Galko. What's up?

Depends. Will I be coughing up blood later?
>Fuck it


Hey Emi! Sorry for just leaving earlier. What's up?
Hey Red want a free hug?

*hugs* And it depends, some cough blood and some don't.

>Ebola Chan.
File: 57997.jpg (20 KB, 368x490) Image search: [Google]
20 KB, 368x490

If only there could be another outbreak to ramp up the supply of images.

How could you tell? ;-)
File: 42.png (357 KB, 406x750) Image search: [Google]
357 KB, 406x750
Hi red

Are you referring to bikinis?

Not much, just been insulting Canada
That would be great, some pictures still get produced but they are low quality and rare.

You hand no picture of a hand

File: Red40.png (317 KB, 462x641) Image search: [Google]
317 KB, 462x641
Fuck no. My 3dpd red died, not having you kill off my 2d waifu.

>I'll just hug my sword

File: 1411238091449.jpg (2 MB, 1480x1956) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1480x1956
Oh but come on, everyone likes hugs.

Fucking imposter

>Ebola Chan
File: CbyjAYiUsAATk8S.jpg (134 KB, 1100x1200) Image search: [Google]
134 KB, 1100x1200
I'm not the one running out of pictures here.
>free image
I smell a fraud

Galko is best bikini tho

>My 3dpd red died
File: 49.jpg (684 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
684 KB, 1920x1080
How's your day been?
File: 3480.jpg (219 KB, 1308x1000) Image search: [Google]
219 KB, 1308x1000
Hi Red! Welcome back too!

Don't worry, a film is a good enough reason in my book.
Just posting here, not much else to do, here's 3am right now. I'll probably go to bed soon. After all, you can be OP next thread
File: Red11.jpg (562 KB, 743x1024) Image search: [Google]
562 KB, 743x1024
I don't like ebola though
File: 64676.jpg (26 KB, 464x490) Image search: [Google]
26 KB, 464x490
Wha? that's like saying you don't like aids.
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84 KB, 500x488
Well shit you got me there,

Can't reuse it in the same thread mate.

Why not? It's not like it kills or anything...
File: Tomo.png (218 KB, 470x337) Image search: [Google]
218 KB, 470x337
I like to keep it old school
Thread replies: 152
Thread images: 142

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