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would you date bird girl
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Thread replies: 124
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would you date bird girl
Probably not the crazyest bitch out there so yes.
fuck yeah shes cute and i love th-
actually fuck her she likes suicide silence
date, no
fuck, yes
I think I would, yes
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Yes. Yes I would
no but I'd fuck one.
If I go to the park and see a cute girl covered in bird shit, I'm not going to hit on her.

>liking suicide silence

thats actually a problem, true
Possible. Would love to see if i could pick up a bird around her.
I feel like there's some kind of "in soviet russia..." joke there.
......I honestly don't know how to feel about this one.

1) She is very cute without a doubt.

2) She seems like she has an interesting personality.

3) The birds is hands down the weirdest fucking thing going on in this photo.
-but maybe that is because she is either cool as fuck and can control birds....../ or she is lonely because she needs someone to date?

>sit down nearby and feed birds, be nice to birds, get birds to sit on you as they do her
>she notices, then she will talk to you
>the hard work is over, she is yours
I fell like you need to go back to youtube or whatever site still makes that joke.
Nah, you'd just be covered in bird shit.
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For your FYI I'm from 9gag, the best internet meme site on the web!
> or she is lonely because she needs someone to date?

Someone else is holding the camera.
her eyes look shopped
>Someone else is holding the camera.
But that's just a bird, she needs a hooman to date.
No. Not cause of the birds, i like animals and she looks pretty cute but that suicide silence shirt is a no go.
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off by one, faggot
it's called a mémé you new fag.
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If she is willing to be in a commited soul bond with me as we become eachothers companion, then I will be more than happy to oblige.
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>dates bird girl
>has an easy and limitless supply of pidgeons, an invasive and delicious avian.
Yes. I would date her. I would eat so well.
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Bump for more. Anybody got a name?
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pretty sure we all have names.
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I bet yours is "Faggot"
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I would date her. She seems like a very nice person.
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She actually seems like a nice person and has beautiful eyes.
She looks Russian. I bet she's Russian.
Ive met her type. Her breath and hair probably smell like bird shit 24/7

that photo looks soviet as fuck
>letting a pigeon be on your head
imma throw up.
yeah , she can cook me some chicken.
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Hell yah I would

I would make her dress up in a Snow White costume and dye her hair black before I banged her.
mmm, my lovest soviet architecture.
definetly russian chick.
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Underrated post
this nigger knows how to live life to the fullest.
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God I hate those fucking things. Ugly as fuck and everyone I've met who has them is an enormous analcanal.
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did you know that gauge is actually a measurement of the size (10ga, 8ga, etc) and those things are actually called plugs?
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i would fall in deep love with bird girl.... if i could feel my heart

now shes young and washed

imagine her in 30 years... just another "bird lady"
what about do a image search you fucking useless faggot
fuck the shit out of that little weirdo.
take pics. make movies. do the dirtiest nastiest shit to her you can imagine.
then dump her, post the pics and webms here, then send her a link to the thread.
cute, but i fucking hate pigeons
bet they shit her too
I didnt know that, all the fucks Ive met who wear them call them gauges.
I still fucking hate them.
er, shat
enter vk.com
entertain yourself with some russian freakgirls
also, this is there too(/album-101316396_220799360)
thanks to me.
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Is dirty ewwwwwww
She's so cute!
Naw, but I would offer her a few tuppence to bend
her over in the nearest back alleyway.
as long as she hasn't got shit all over her
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That's not Holly.
i dated a girl with gauges
she was easily 7-8/10
she sometimes wouldnt clean her ear holes
ever dig deep in your bellow button while scratching and smelled your finger?
it smelled as bad as that if not worse
wouldve posted pic of her but im too lazy
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Why do the best worst girls always came from russia?

Stfu femanon
post pictures of her ass
I have lots of experience with birds and pigeons.
Wild ones are full of many different parasites that are really nasty. Never get close with a wild bird.
>bellow button
fuck im tired
I'm not too sure who the girl is but if she's not handicapped then I don't see a problem
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Holy shit she's actually really cute
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'cos cargo-cult+good imaginatinon+russian woman beauty

She's fucking crazy
no worse than a shoe.
Who is?
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>implying she would date me
She just really horny if she were to get laid to probably give up her stupid bird thing
Shoes generally don't shit on your head or give you tuberculosis. Or histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, and psittacosis.
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Only chickens I like are baked. And also Ravens, they are pretty smart.

I know what this human eats...

Tammy, don't be gross.
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>Implying she would date me
If she accept that im Dusky i dont have problem
I'm not finding any nudes at all. there's even an album for that porn chick Monroe, and it doesn't have any nudes. I am disappoint.
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If that pic you posted is legit, than it is awesome.
You must get moral and soul pleasant, you filthy masturbator.
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my bone is die. please to help it live.
>nose ring
degenerate. Probably has at least 5 tattoos on her body. Anyone who desecrates their body like that is surely mentally ill.

>Lets pigeons sit on her
Probably smells like pigeons and no doubt has many shit stains on her clothing. Also probably has bird flu. Also probably is into bird beastility.

Conclusion: no thank you
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Here we go
spesial for u

>pierced nose

No - it's cool that she likes birds and all, but the nose ring is a major turn off.
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Yes. Yes I would.
yeah lol
>liking suicide silence
What is suicide silence?
Some people are meant to be with people. Others, like bird woman, are just... different.
Considering girls like this usually have baggage/crazy, I'd prolly just talk to her, leave, go home and jerk off, and then Google bird flu symptoms.
A deathcore band, had a couple of good tunes
vocalist died in motorcycle accident
That's pretty much it
Your google game is not strong
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I would crumble her biscuit any day, any time

every emo-shit was listening them in 2007
Date a dirty disease infested bitch with a fetish for flying rodents ? Fuck yeah I would
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I'll make the pigeons lick her fingers after I cum in her
She's so cute. I would love her to bits
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Fucken fish eyed sloot

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Nice dubs
you couldn't just fuck her
you'd have to date her
that means getting used to bird shit everywhere
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why did i laugh at this wtf is wrong with me
Thread replies: 124
Thread images: 45

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