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do conservative girls exist anymore in urban areas? How do i meet them
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do conservative girls exist anymore in urban areas? How do i meet them
By not being so damn ignorant with your political views you fucking backward ass thinker
you can find plenty at trump rallies
You could check in the trash
No, youll die alone you filthy conservatard
What does a conservative kitchen look like
Those aren't conservatives.
by conservative i mean also devout christians

also hold traditional housewive values
These are all correct.
They're backward ass thinkers
goto church
talk to women
goto 1
They're the biggest sluts but they also first to call rape when things don't go their way
They don't exist at all anymore without being batshit crazy along with it.
Become a Jehovah Witness.
>How do i meet them
Move to the suburbs.
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Conservative in Urban area is like finding a Nigger in Nigeria!
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>do conservative girls exist anymore
>in urban areas?
If you look enough
>How do i meet them
Church is good just got to find the right one. Some churches are full of leftists who use God as a platform for preaching their sjw bs
Not really. City dwellers are usually educated. Try the South

unless they are black.

or mexican.
I've met one she was a christian girl 16 years old and I'm 21. This was when i was 19.. I think the only places you'll find them is through church thats how I found her. I know in other countries like what ive seen on the internet in Japan they have more conservative women since they have a high amount of shame there. American girls... I dont think anywhere but church.
>Not really. City dwellers are usually educated. Try the South
Not really. City dwellers are usually spoon fed leftist bullshit in school. Try the South
Fixed it
This right here
um, the local quilting bee? a church pot luck. a klan meeting. a get together of the local hitler youth group.
I actually looked it up, and yeah, it's real...

your political views. were they spoon fed to you, or did you make up your mind up within the entirety the 16 years of your life?
The South. We have plenty of conservative girls at our universities still.
this nigga knows,
I go to their church every Sunday because of this girl 'Aurora', she's super cute, always wearing long skirt or dress.
never listen to what they say in the church though.

first time on /b/ in a minute.

since when did this place become dominated by leftist trash?

I know /b/ lost to the cancer long ago, but you'd think there would be at least some common sense left
All the conservative girls fuck dogs, m8.
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whats it like living in the 1950s while benefiting from 21st century minds and taking credit on behalf of smarter people than you?

Try a church
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>common sense

Pick one and fuck off back to /pol/ faggot.
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I'm an atheist and I work in biotech. I'm a little conservative economically, but thanks for assuming I'm a caveman you fucking dickwad.

What's it like being 17 and edgy criticizing people who work in the world that produce the comfort and technology for your pedestal?
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you literally have no idea at all about anything

you're hardly worth education you worthless nigger, but here i'll throw you a bone

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Serious question: Why are conservatives such assholes?

Seriously, when someone proposes something. Anything. An idea... a concept... something new.. Something different than whats been done over and over before, their first reaction isnt: "How is can this benefit my fellow citizens and the health of the community??... No, their first reaction is: "How can this benefit ME?". "What is this going to cost ME?".... "Why should I care about if this benefits others?"

Its like they live in a bubble where their actions dont affect anyone else's, and other people's actions have no effects on their lives. They live in an asshole bubble. Because they are assholes. Selfish, self-centered, egotistical, ignorant, backwards, and proud of those facts--assholes.

>come at me assholes.
>protip: im not trying to offend you. you guys really are the assholes of humanity.
Do people like you use right wing political beliefs to justify everything you do? Being a moderate is literally the only right answer. Everything is grey area in life you cunt.
The hypocrisy of this post is delicious.


And what of the attack at the Trump rally in Chicago? Leftists simply can not comprehend how insane they truly are, and how modern leftism is a crucible of hypocrisy and lies.

Wake the fuck up.
>Everything is grey area in life you cunt.

i can get behind this.
I used to be a centrist libertarian. Then I realized that reality has a right wing bias.

You'll scoff at this because you have been told otherwise, but it's the truth.

There's a reason Trump is so popular right now. Perhaps his voters know something you don't?

Food for thought :^)
>Then I realized that reality has a right wing bias.

Oldfag here. Honestly, that is quite fucking literally a liberal saying that goes back to the early 2000's.

You guys have to come up with your own shit. Or maybe you cant. Which is why people always call you fucking retards.

How about stop letting politics dictate your daily/social life and find a hot girl who doesn't give a rat's ass about politics.

Every side has its fucking dumbasses. What is true though, is that you guys are generally mean spirited assholes. Most of you. Even when you're trying to be "nice" there's an asshole angle to everything you do.

>you fucking assholes.
Anyone who has the basic IQ to understand existentialist philosophy knows this. Its like all these people who claim "hard left" and "conservative" are so brainwashed in their own stupidity that they can't see multiple aspects of viability in life.
It does, but it doesn't mean it is objectively correct. Life is bell curves.

i get you bro. nuance, the little details, shades of gray, the fine print, i agree with it all. problem is the regressive left and the right winger fuck everything up for the more reasonable people. and they are the loudest and dumbest off all.

>inb4 im elevating myself to better than others.
>im not.
>well, in some ways i am.
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as do you
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>look at these charts.
Trump is popular because people are fucking stupid
We disavow our assholes. You guys pretend they don't exist, if not openly side with them.

You just admitted I was right.
teh south,
I'm upset the "I used to fuck a..." Copypasta isn't posted
Unfortunately "reasonable" people only exist in small quantities because of NUMEROUS factors. Realistically, only in a vacuum can one make objective decisions without bias. Its like, do you support utilitarianism or individual rights? To what extent? Does it make sense given the criterion? etc etc etc. It makes "reasonable" decisions hard to make.
Nice citations fam
Surprised? White middle aged dumb asses have a tendency to want their lives to stay the same.
>reality has a right wing bias
what the fuck does that even mean
Progress has a left wing bias if anything.
Civil rights, expansion of social programs and investment in science, deterioration of segregation, decline of religion and patriarchal society, womens rights, etc etc etc.
Read the bottom you mongloid
also i couldnt tell if you were being sarcastic. I apologize if you werent but I cant tell anymore/
Maybe 'left' and 'right' are both equally capable of being progressive or regressive...
I'm not the guy that posted but I assume he means, as in conservative, as in humans are inherently resistant to change. This is true but I'm not sure if he even meant that or not.
Im not sure how being conservative has progressed human society at all to be honest
Good point. he might very well have meant that, but I think that anon is confusing "how things are" and "how things should be"
You poor retard.

No, I saw that. I went to the site. It's untrustworthy as fuck.

Also, if anyone actually explored the handful of things I've posted ITT, your reality would shatter and you'd become conservative. I 100% guarantee it.

I would love to be proven wrong if anyone is willing to take a go though
No. "How things are" and "How things should be" are one in the same. How things have currently been socially engineered are not in harmony with nature or natural order.

There's a group of people responsible for creating this aberration. You know who.
>you poor retard
wow you sure proved me wrong. what an educated conservative you are
>Its untrustworthy as fuck
Its based off an actual poll or do you intend to defend the intelligence of trump supporters because that is a useless endeavor
Also Ive read all the things you posted and Im not convinced at all
Hey OP, actual advice here.

There's LOTS of girls in urban areas. They're generally less conservative than non-urban, but they're out there.

Best suggestion for meeting the kind of girl you want to be with is to MEET A LOT OF GIRLS. Actually, just meet a lot of people.

Remember: Ugly girls and dudes are worth getting to know because they might have cute friends that they'll introduce you to. There's no need to keep up the friendship once you've met who you're looking for.
Right, as I just posted about biases; we cannot escape them which is why we need intellectual collective decision making to come to the "most right" decisions on conflicting issues. The issue is that our current collective is still heavily uneducated in things that don't engage their sympathies and beliefs.
Of course they havent been engineered according to nature but Im referring to relative human ethical propositions. For instance, theres no reason to suppose that murder is wrong on an objective level but perhaps it is part of our psychology or social structure. When I say that things ought to be a certain way, Im saying that in the same way as someone might say "there ought not be child prostitution"
This is generally advice given to anyone meeting someone they want to click with lol. Nothing new but OP is prob just a pleb or maybe a homebody.
perhaps we ought to invest in education then hmmmm?
How do you figure that they are undereducated in such a regard?
How things were when slavery was a thing is to us; something that it not ought to be, yet was the right thing at the time. You're just plain wrong.
You're not worth arguing against. I've already soundly beat your dumb ass.

Here you go, now swallow.
Slavery was an evil institution, and should have never existed in the first place.

You missed my point entirely.
Then you should probably open your mind a little bit. Look, I'm pretty comfortably left wing, and in a lot of ways I agree with your sentiment, but to suggest people with a right wing / conservative outlook are inherently 'the bad guys' is pretty ignorant.
Reality is always a lot more complex than that.
Richard Nixon was a massive piece of shit. He was also one of the first presidents to make a push towards giving women positions of authority within state departments.
Mao helped modernise an incredibly backward nation using 'progressive' politics. He was also entirely comfortable with a few million people dying during the process.
Winston Churchill was an imperialist asshole who rallied his country to hold out against the Nazi's long enough to turn the tide of the war once the Americans got on board.
I gave you a study that showed that trump supporters are more likely to be undereducated and Ive given you a variety of reasons to suppose that human progress is driven by liberal or progresivist thinking. Youve not convinced me otherwise so I take you lack of response or argument as your acknowledgement that you have been bested
Because of the unnecessity of being knowledgeably eclectic. Things work is a fashion that they know and are comfortable with so it is hard to empathize with issues you are unfamiliar with. Imagine a senate in which educated people were hand selected from all walks of life other than white. christian, suburban America. I think laws past/struck down would be a little different.
You missed my point, however. I was arguing that progressivism has moved society forward, not that leftist people have. Im sayinh that ethically sound liberalism is more productive for human progress than conservatism.
You haven't responded to anything I've posted. If you did then I'd care enough to engage you.
I understand your appeal to nature, but regardless of an objective natural order, there is a difference between what ought to and not ought to be in regards to a lot of societies issues. Biases and discomforts shadow this reality.
You said that reality, or human bias, is generally right leaning, but I responded by saying that progress is left leaning. I dont care about how the reality of things is at the moment. I care about how their going to be 20 years from now, how we are going to progress. Youre making claims that have no resolve or anything of importance to social development
Evil is relative to social norms. Liberalism attempts to change these social norms
"Evil is relative to social norms" Wanna clarify that a bit?
No, you haven't looked at any of the evidence for the claims I've posted. Address that and I'll try.
If a society gives slavery its approval, then slavery is not evil relative to that society. There are no objective categorical imperatives that can say slavery is absolutely evil. Liberalism, in part, wants to reorient our relative normative considerations. Slavery wasn't evil (it may have been best if it didnt exist and it really shouldnt have but it unfortunately did) and now it is.
Would you mind directing me to this evidence because i cant find anything like that.
Also Im just asking a simple question, do you think conservatism or liberalism has done more for the development of human society?
You have been brainwashed by your professors. Break the Marxist conditioning!


Moral relativity is a lie! Critical theory is false!
I vote nay for the beating of anons ass.
back to /pol/ with you
>moral relativity is a lie
Wow that is incredibly laughable
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Sure my friend.
I'd also recommend watching "Cinder to Cinder" on youtube. All the statistics about immigration listed are cited and sourced from reputable organizations.

& I think that depends on what you classify as "development". Which direction do you wish society to grow? In terms of movement, yes we have moved significantly, especially in the last 75 years, due to liberalism. You are under the pretense that such development is inherently good. It's just an accepted fact. I (and millions of other conservatives) argue this; Is this the direction we want to move towards?
We could debate this down to the philosophical argument of avoidance of pain as a means of survival but that would take too long. Although I do agree in part on societal laws (since the rules of society are the only true axioms by which we agree to abide by, else we leave society) I don't agree with others that liberal thinking in its nature is bad. At the same time neither is conservative thinking. What I was initially trying to say is that we need many different walks of life in democracy to come to the best decisions and that our current execution of it is skewed by biases, discomforts and a lack of education/variety.
your conditioning is showing
Liberalism has provided the backbone for European enlightenment, decline of religious doctrine, decline of segregation and slavery, scientific and artistic movements, more civil rights. These seem to suggest that the liberal direction is pretty good mang
It's is a direction in which no society has ever moved towards before. Why not accept it and try it out?
Right, and we need these opinions for better conclusions. What we don't need though is bias and skewed viewpoints from those trying to pull identity from an ideology. What we do need is intelligent people bringing well thought out arguments to the table then collectively agreeing on the most right decision. This cannot happen when people are so tied to their ideological identities that they decide their way is the only way without retrospective consideration.
I think that liberal thinking is extremely dangerous and if left unchecked, utterly destructive.

Many conservatives may be dumb, but liberalism is dangerous.

After all, which ideology has killed over a hundred million more than the other?
Hey Im not the one that disregards moral relativity. Thats absolutely stupid.
Is my so-called "conditioning" doing anything wrong or are you just feeling defensive because someone is calling you out on your regressive thinking?
Slavery, segregation, religious authoritarianism are all things that conservatism defended. A liberalism that is kept in check is superior to conservatism
Since when the fuck was /b/ so into politics. OP is just looking for a narrow minded girl with a certain disposition on life. Ain't nothing wrong with that, I could give a fuck what my woman believes in so long as she pleases me to my liking
The same ideology that brought us to the technological era. Again, they're both needed. We wouldn't have came to sophisticated economic analysis and banking without conservative thinking but we would have never came to adoption of scientific methods without liberal thinking. There are pros and cons to nearly everything.
Dodge these nuts faggot
Spoken like a true nigger. Not a black nigger, but rather nigger like thinking.
See: the history of Russia, approx. 1912-2016. Can you not see the mounting authoritarianism and censorship that has begun to swell within the mainstream left of the West? It's heading in that direction, as sure as the sky is blue.

Classical liberalism brought about the European enlightenment as well as scientific and artistic movements. Not modern day liberalism, which is a different thing entirely.

Reflect inward; apply what you just said to yourself.

Why has no one addressed the material I've brought forward? Please, let's debate about that. It's much more interesting.
>Slavery, segregation, religious authoritarianism
You literally just described the early democratic party. Conservatives want the government to leave people alone and let them live their lives.
church mate

literally not kidding, if you want to find a good conservative wife that's probably the place for it. of course you can't go grind on her like in the club or some shit but that's not what you're after anyway. go to church, volunteer for stuff, meet your future wife.
Yeah like leaving slavery in place and leaving civil rights unprotected. Thats exactly my problem with conservatism. Its all fine and dandy if you arent the one taking a dive.
We need to keep moving forward, thats how we've always been, or do you think that we've reached the pinnacle of social development
What are you some left wing cuck? Not the first time I've been called a nigger and it never feels bad. Eat shit faggot
Fuck off
Funny thing is all you nigs blindly believe that shit and other views for no reason
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>calls you a nigger
>is a left wing cuck
gtfo and let the big boys talk politics
ITT: edgy reddit/huffpost liberals attempt to argue without factual support

in other words, business as usual
Do you really think "talking politics" does jack shit you fucking cog!
Exactly. They can't argue for shit. The best of them just spew Marxist critical theory verbatim from their professors. Most are just seething retards.
I think people like you need to stop telling other's how to live. I'm a conservative because I believe everything the constitution says including letting leftist trads whine about social development. What needs development anyway? Niggers are free to nig, homos are free to suck dicks in the street what else do you want?
Im a liberal because I think the world can and will do a lot better, universal healthcare, better educational system etc
Its funny how you say this but Ive not once experienced any professor give any sort of indication that would lead me to think they were liberal. Youre thinking about particular liberal arts disciplines but most are just there to do research and shit
If your trying to compare the growth of russia and it's oppression it has been able to put on its people towards the growth of US/UK your fears are not unjustified, but outdated. Of course anything can happen but Nowadays, it is easier and more common for larger groups to protest what is not wanted and come out successful. PLUS the growth of the US democracy begun in 1700's while Russia's begun in 1912.(assuming that's what you meant) the amount of time to structure a working political system is better perfected through extended time.
>universal healthcare, better educational system etc
How are these things suppose to work? I'm not against them I'm just not sure how they could be accomplished without infringing on people's freedom.
And yet you fail to address any of my points, or even look at my evidence. Pathetic, weak, useless.

Bernie 2016 right? lol
Let's play the "guess who didn't go to college ITT" game!
Go to any trailer park. You will find them there.
You should read Leviathan or any introductory level political science book, no offense btw. Its like asking how can we maintain public roads without infringing on people's freedom.
Im guessing you didnt go to college? lol
also let me guess Trump 2016 right? lol
>infringing on people's freedom
Who's freedoms specifically are being taken away? Which freedoms?
The government is going to need money for these projects. That would increase taxes and in this world money = freedom
1. Russia did not have democracy until the dissolution of the USSR. Before that, it was communism. Nor does Russia have democracy today. Putin is a de facto dictator.

2. How can my fears be outdated if they are justified? We have seeing a similar development track with the modern left as did Russia during the early rumblings of anarchism and communism in the 10s.

3. Protest is seldom successful unless it also is in align with the establishment's interest as well.

Trump is literally the last chance this country has. If he loses, all is lost.

Graduated cum laude with bachelors, working on my doctorate currently.

And yes, Trump is by far the best candidate running.

even if you won't read it, because you're a retarded faggot.
We can afford pointless wars in the desert and big corp tax loopholes but not to educate and proved healthcare for our own people?
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>actually supporting trump unironically
Hes a joke of a candidate with the least educated supporter-base. He's a scourge on his own party and he's the reason bernie or hillary (most likely) will win
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Find any rich family with a daughter that's held a full time job. Only poor people and tech entrepreneurs identify as liberals.
I can't believe I even tried with you. You're such a stupid faggot it's ridiculous. You have reaffirmed my hatred of libs 10x fold.

Thanks actually, for a second I thought you retards could engage in discussion. How silly of me. Thanks for setting me straight.
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I agree completely. We shouldn't be paying for pointless wars, proxy wars and we shouldn't be letting large corporations get away with fucking everyone over but I should be able to choose whether or not I want to pay for someone else's healthcare and education. If I choose to pay for my own medical bills and education I should have that option.
Alexia Raye
But trump and Putin seem similar to me. How could you love someone like trump instead of Bernie?
>common sense
my sides
You couldnt even answer a single question straight >>674533789
Youre about as convincing as trump lol and just as capable of answering a question that you arent ready for. Youve provided literally nothing of substance to this conversation. But I dont hate you. I pity you.
There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane. The vicious and the evil. All the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp. And I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this there is no catharsis. My punishment continues to elude me and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing.
school has nothing to do with intelligence or education.
>absolutely no citations or sources
Its funny that you wouldnt think that if you actually needed those services but you wouldnt know what thats like
Who is that chick btw?

Reading problem, Faggot?
lol where is the citation, I cant see it
You sound like a potential ISIS member. FBI FBI FBI
Thats the ending monologue from american psycho you uncultured swine

Statistics confuse liberals.
Apparently, so do words.
wanna link me to the survey? the burden of proof is on you
You faggots will outgrow being liberal someday, it happens to all reasonable people.
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What do you mean? Street smarts Is only a slice of the knowledge one can learn.

I'm a liberal man. It just says right on the image SurveyUSA. As for the integrity of the polling, I can't speak for that.
Lol its funny how society and social development is liberal and how the world keeps on going liberal. One day you will be remembered as the people who tried to deter our progress
conservatives and people named jake are stupid
I've been reading this whole thread without knowing the meaning of conservative and liberal. What I can tell is that most of you don't understand a mixture of ideas and feelings are needed to avoid utter chaos if one side grew to extreme from not getting what they want.
conservatives arent the problem, and liberals arent the problem. fuckwits who still go by the baby boomer definition of political alignments are the problem
I don't what you're saying. I'm wasn't saying I personally would not participate in such a system but if I were some rural farmer who wanted nothing to do with society should I have to pay taxes on services i'll never use
The system only works if everyone does it. You cant back out of taxes just because you think its inconvenient/
Millennials (1980-2000) are and will be the replacement of the baby boomers, much bigger. Progressive ideals will take over just like the ideals of the baby boomers took over during their time.

yeah, fuck that nigga
Grow up nerd, one day you'll realize that all politicians are crooks, no one cares about hard working people. Liberals are only worried about pushing forward degeneracy and rewarding human trash as much as possible for contributing as little as possible to society. More programs! More gibsmedats!

Conservatives are garbage too, they're only concerned about cutting tax rates for top earners, making more money for Northrop Grumman and any other "defense" contractor, and manipulating the ignorant masses.
Progressive ideals like universal healthcare and subsidized enducation dont seem all that bad tbh. Im really optimistic about the future. I think the cold war rhetoric has really fucked us up
Shut up, Jake
Idk bernie sanders seems to be the only candidate that cares about the working class.
At what point does inconvenience because infringing on people's rights? If I'm Amish should I have to pay for education that I and my kids don't receive?
Imagine if the rich didn't want to pay their taxes, they don't. Plus remember the refund. You'll get your money back at the end of the year as long as your background shows that you need the money.
Unless they're white
> Liberals are only worried about pushing forward degeneracy and rewarding human trash as much as possible for contributing as little as possible to society.

I can almost guarantee that if there was an annual secret liberal convention, no one is standing up and going "Yo, we need to create more degenerates in society. We don't have enough of 'em"

I'm not politically involved, but I know you're being intentionally dishonest, which isn't productive discussion.
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yeap. but conservatives only give a fuck about themselves.

it'd be nice to throw them fuckers into a failed state/country and see how "self-sufficient" they really are.

see if they can pull themselves up by their boot straps.

>mfw even their shit analogies are physics retarded.
Do you want a conservative or a Republican?

They are 100% mutually exclusive, you know.
Fuck the middle class! He just wants everyone to participate in confirming their destiny. He wants a true democracy.
They still exist in Eastern Europe, but are too narrow minded.
go back to squatting and stay away from our magnificent wall when we build it
I get the message. I won't post anymore. I promise.
You should read The Social Contract. Part of living in a country means is that, in exchange for certain protections and legal defense, you pay into certain services and follow the laws. Its an inherent social contract. You dont have to use the services but you have the option to.

>wanting to meet up with conservatives

Anon. Didn't anyone ever tell you that you should never stick your dick in crazy?
But I can go my own way? I can remove myself from society? What about communities that want to live a certain way should a community of people not be able to by land and build a compound to separate themselves from the government?
Not if you live within the boundaries of a country. Im being very romantic with the description of a country, but at the very core the reason why countries are considered sovereign is that they have the military capacity/allies who will defend the borders of a country. You could find an island somewhere maybe but no one will recognize your sovereignty.
There not around anyone
What 21st century minds does America benefit from?

you find them on /b/. of course.
Its so rude how conservatives believe in earning money, I never think about how I can benefit from my free government paychecks.
I think anon is talking about how conservatives dont generally think of others
Muslim women are prettu conservative and make very good housewives

I think anon is talking about how conservatives dont generally think.


>decline of patriarchy
This discussion is for the adults, go back to tumblr.
Well you're wrong desu

washes glassware for piss tests and calls it working in biotech
disagree = narrow-minded

We know how it works, narrow-minded fuckwit
in asia

>decline of family institutions and expansion of State power is progress
x fuckin d dude
Macaptapurine to get the kiddos healthy and happy. I am thinking of you always does that mean that the kids bus stop solution for your business is going well as well mang. Choose not what mechanical engineering services can do for you, shit on the bricks my amino on the phone.
I don't condone homosexuality, so you can take your load of semen and shove it up your ass

so much this
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Unless youre able to get a Delorean and go back in time... You just cant. Girls nowadays are mostly whores. Thats why I changed my sexual preference. See. me and my BF, very conservative couple. Rate us!
Government debt, radical social changes, stealing from the hardworking and giving to the lazy, as opposed to stability?

I'm conservative OP. I can date you. Warning tho I won't even kiss before marriage. Is that ok with you? That pic is me. I have no makeup in that pic.
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I'm conservative OP. I can date you. Warning tho I won't even kiss before marriage. Is that ok with you? That pic is me. I have no makeup in that pic.

(sorry I forgot the pic so here it is) I'm only 17.
You didnt change your sexual preference you just gay as fuck nigga.
If we haven't reached the pinnacle of human development, then what would be the next step? Free nationwide healthcare, free college, no opposing political party, equal pay for everyone? Congrats, were now communists.
You won't if you're young.

If a person is not liberal by twenty then they are heartless, and if they are not conservative by thirty then they are brainless.

You've also got the whole trendy Marxism thing going on. Good luck finding anyone that isn't some trickle-down media eating retard.
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Okay I have officer i've been coming to this site long enough....
Are you saying a diehard capitalist is more like a communist than a guy that wants to essentially turn America into a communist nation.
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>If a person is not liberal by twenty then they are heartless, and if they are not conservative by thirty then they are brainless.
Nice empty bromide you have there mate.
Thanks for the response. I don't instantly assume you're smug and twenty from it. I assume you're an intelligent go-getter that sits down, shuts their mouth, and really thinks about things alone.
Any girl who's not completely blind has realized that she can get away with literally anything with the victimization magic of liberalism, so good luck
you're totally ignorant of history
values oscillate all the time, the Romans went through periods of having various attitudes towards women and so on

Progress marches on regardless of our social attitudes.

"hurr durr if you don't agree with all of stupid teenager opinions, you're a backward thinker"

This kind of logic just makes you look like what you are : a retarded underage faggot with post-modern shitty opinions, which leads you to think you're a special snowflake, made out of tolerance and virtue.

You dumb manipulated monkeys...
There's some truth to what you said though. I can see it from a few different angles. First, the set of responsibilities are different, which lead one to values favoring preservation of their material wealth and ability to to sustain their family, etc. Young people have little wealth and so a redistributive egalitarian set of values does not have a high cost. Also as people grow older their views may stay relatively the same but the culture has shifted in another direction, making them reactionary by no fault of their own.
Stop being a conservative faggot.
thats a dude obviously
Stop being a faggot.
>wants a 'conservative girl' cause girls that have had sex before can recognize that his peen is small.
You've got it. It tends to be more 'seemingly' reactionary for older generations. You ever sit down and talk to old people, but really listen no matter how hard it becomes to keep eye contact? If you haven't, you should. I've learned useless shit from them, shit that would have been valuable 30 years ago, and shit that you carry around for life. They're the one thing that kept me from choosing "a side" while I was young and just going Centrist. Tradition and Progress are both equally valuable, and they can definitely teach you Tradition.
Feels good man tbh
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