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Why are people so much against her? Hillary used a non-government
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Why are people so much against her?

Hillary used a non-government server for her emails, so what? Not really a reason for people to circlejerk about "hur dur hillary for prison".

Bill Clinton is also one of the most favourably viewed president in all time, along with Obama (who also supports Hillary). Hillary has pretty much the same views as them so I'm ok with that. Country is doing fine as it is, it could be doing a LOT worse.

That being said, I would rather Bernie Sanders but if he doesn't win the nomination, I'll vote Clinton.

Clinton > Trump

>p.s. I'm posting this here because if I post this on /pol/ it will just get swarmed with Trumpfags.
I think clinton was loved because he was a regular guy, played sax, snorted coke, got blowjobs when horny. I think he was pretty cool guy.
It's not so much what she did, it's that she lied about it and tried to cover it up.
1. "reset button" with russia, putin invades half the known world
2. lied about email server, which even if was not that big a deal, was still illegal
3. so what her husband was a good president, she isn't him
4. she enabled his sexual assault of juanita broadrick etc
5. willfully lied about benghazi youtube video because she had to keep the image of Obama as the one who single handedly slayed al-qaeda or he'd lose to Romney
how about adding to that list how she has no scruples of her own and is entirely what she thinks people want her to be, ie reversing gay marriage, iraq war
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is there any difference between 'trump'? or 'hillary'? or 'cruz'? or 'gw bush'? or 'obama'? you idiots in the US are given 2 candidates to choose from each year. they both invariably incredibly rich (this year, trump the billionaire, and Hillary - net worth $100+ million).

do you assholes think voting changes anything? do you really think 1 candidate is any different.

the US has mass-produced assholes. dumbed-down, retarded assholes.
exactly. tried to be moderate (ish) in 2008, got swept aside by full leftist Obama, so she goes further left now, almost got out flanked by Bernie
You just pulled that out of your ass.

Anyway if you want to play that game, I'd be here listing Trump's flaws all day.

>so what her husband was a good president, she isn't him
Married for decades, pretty much identical views.
True, but what can you do about it.

Ordinary people just have no money to run campaigns.

Welcome to """""democracy"""""
its less about who is in power than it is about narrative and culture. The person at the top drives the narrative- Obama picks what he wants the press to talk about (indirectly- not saying he calls up anderson cooper and tells him to do anything)
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Fuck Clinton and fuck you, you cock sucking little rusty ass swamp breath asshole licking dirty cum guzzling fat piece of shit muthafucka
Anything to get people to realize she's shit tier
Bill Clinton was a good president partly because he picked his battles. "The era of big government is over" etc- he was not as far left as Hillary now or especially Obama's democratic party
You're forgetting the possible exposure of national secrets....you know what could constitute espionage, spying
Knowing this bait but...
She knowingly cut and pasted, or ordered that action, from the TS and S level systems and had them pushed to a private server. Realize that just forwarding a email from a government UNCLASS system such as NMCI to your Gmail account (example : "don't forget your brief on Monday" ) is a disciplinable offense. Two or three you are fired. Doing that crap from SIPRNET or JWICS puts you in jail. The massive butthurt from the entire rest of the civil service is because of this. No rules because your name is Clinton?
trump isn't funded by the banks, so he could make a difference maybe
Bill is one of the most favorablllllllyadab.
Says Fox news bla lbabla.
How was Bill Clinton a good president? I mean if you were white and rich in the 90's you were coasting off Reagan's policies and the boom of mortgage back securities. What policies did Clinton enact that were positive for the US? Serious question
>personal computer
>people were killed
>FBI investigation
>Guy sold her out for immunity
OP is much hurrr. Do you want an old lying hag or a gigantic asshole?
>be a trump fag
>flame someone about their opinion

>be a reasonable person
>trumpfags crying that you flame their views and that you're an aggressive leftie

man I love you guys
Well why don't you ask the Chinese and the Russians how much they love her for using that non-government server?
>implying fox news isn't GOP controlled
She defended a child rapist by saying she asked for it
Went from 0 to $100 million for accepting political favors. Gets literally millions from foreign donors in exchange for influence in our political system. There IS a whole fucking lot wrong with her, and America is a dumbass and chose her over Bernie. Whether you think he is all about "free stuff" or not, he is a true and honest man. With her, she is just going to do what suits her interest.
She broke federal laws and sent classified emails on unsecured servers. Sidney Blumenthal and her other staffers didn't have security clearance to be read-in to the stuff she Was consulting on.

Then she tried to cover up her crimes without ANY oversight. If you forgive that, you are forgive ng major federal crimes.

Even Bob Woodward of Watergate fame is appalled...

See the green?
excuse me? i'm not talking about trump

All major media in the US is controlled by someone, mostly by people on the Left...
Everyone lol'd the shit out of her due to Monica Lewinsky and still do to this day. That was around 20 years ago and is still relevant. Being kek material for this long causes some issues you know
Literally how can anyone trusts what she says anymore. She had one job and fucked up.
>"small load of a million dollars"
>probably some pocket money too
>250 million inherited from father
>fast forward to 2016, 4 billion which is from inflation and normal revenue from the company

>pretty much silverspooned all life

>self made man
>Hillary used a non-government server for her emails, so what? Not really a reason for people to circlejerk about "hur dur hillary for prison".

Hillary used a non-government server to share state secrets.

>Bill Clinton is also one of the most favourably viewed president in all time, along with Obama (who also supports Hillary). Hillary has pretty much the same views as them so I'm ok with that. Country is doing fine as it is, it could be doing a LOT worse.

Just because you have a chill friend doesn't mean his wife isn't a psycho cunt.
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Alright then.

Well lets say it comes down to Clinton vs Trump.

Who are you, as a Sanders supporter gonna vote for?
Congress sets budgets, not presidents
Deez Nuts
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trump is exceedingly liberal.
>supports abortion
>is a proponent of planned parenthood
>for gay marriage
>for gays in the military
>supports "gun control"
>wants single-payer, universal healthcare
>wants to increase the size of the govt by approximately 4000%, for his deportation squads and the wall, and his 'tax plan' would increase the national debt by about $20 trillion dollars.

always funny when a trumpster calls anyone else a "liberal", "libtard", or a "leftist" lel.

Looks like liberals win regardless in 2016, for the next 8 years. Again.
what happened to America? why are they so fucking stupid and trashy now?

does anyone have any intelligent responses?
Exactly. We're fucked either way.
At least if Clinton wins we can throw our hands up and say "it wasn't us" as we the tumblr death squads roll in
What do you mean, exactly?
If you mean Trump, its because the republican base is so pissed off at the establishment politicians (Romney, Jeb!, Paul Ryan etc) doing fuck all to stand up for them for eight years that they pick the person they think is going to fight for them, even though they're being conned
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I can't believe you sick fucks would wish death on a sitting president. Even if he is bad, I would never wish harm on him. Reporting this thread.
Nice, thanks anon
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>he is a true and honest man

Career politician, never worked a day in his fucking life.

Yep... real salt of the earth man's man there.
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>All major media in the US is controlled by someone,

But who?
ah shit, the cyber police

we dun goofed
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trump is but a symptom of America's stupidity. 1% of the US controls 99% of your country's wealth (over 300 trillion dollars). your politicians have failed you. the middle class in America now has to work 2 fulltime jobs, and you'll never retire. You can't afford to own homes in the US anymore.

It's amazing what the corporate elite have done to you - and you've all been passive about it. I believe your 2nd Amendment was written for times like this. I'm pretty sure your military would support a coup against your govt and your corporate leaders...

the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.
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>Why are people so much against her?
She's a woman.
this is also not national debt but budget surplus. this just means we borrowed more money then we needed
I'm from the US and mostly agree with this statement
>You can't afford to own homes in the US anymore.

Speak for yourself, peasant.
I'll vote democrat no matter what but still, we can't let Bernie lose the nomination.
Vincent Foster. Rose law firm. That women is even less trust worthy than women all ready are.
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Vote Anonymous 2016
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i'd love for some poor laborer like you to call me a peasant to my face. i'd have my driver (who also serves as my protection), throw you in the trunk. we'd bring you back to one of my beach houses. i'd go to work on you for a few weeks at least, keeping you on life support -- removing a finger, then a calf, then a leg... you get the idea. no pain meds though. you can scream all you want, and the medical staff will keep you alive, until I decide it's time to say 'nigh night'.
Obama wants Bernie out of the race. This means the Establishment is getting scared.
She is for seizure of firearms, she is a liar, she is a thief.
the establishment in both parties has been shaken up by Bernie and trump.

sadly I think the establishment will still win this one. DNC superdelegates have ensured that Bernie's done. RNC will have a brokered convention. Trump will run 3rd party.

Hillary will win, and business continues as usual while the middle class slaves keep paying their taxes to fund the corrupt, bloated corpse of the US.
>talks about sacrificing a chicken to moloch in her emails
>people still want to elect her
If she's that lax with confidential government info as Sec of State, she'll be just as lax with government info as president.

If she gives no shits about proper security measures and protocol as sec of state, she'll be just as bad with proper security measures and protocol as president

What she did in the past gives a good idea of what she'll do in the future. She has no business being president.

And neither does Trump, for that matter.
she's a puppet. i dislike puppets when i'm not their puppeteer
to be fair.... to be fair. trump is also for "gun control". which means the infringement of the 2nd Amendment. and if you know the 2nd Amendment, you know that IT SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

so you can keep spouting your propaganda, but know that both Hillary and trump will infringe upon the 2nd Amendment. period. no debate.
so what? That's grounds for treason that's what you stupid niggerloving shill, not to mention she is a liar and establishment croney through and through, also she had a stroke and is an old ass man hating grandma, all of which have 0 place in any position of power.
I agree with most of what you said, however because of this failed 'political revolution' Bernie has created, I believe in 2020 or 2024, we will have a non-establishment president.
Hilary doesn't share views with Obama or Bill, dipshit. She has no views. She has what she is told she has.
>'96 pro life
>'16 pro choice
It doesn't end there.
I'd like to see a recent source. Considering trump has a ccp. Also I forgot to add shillary takes money from George Soros.
I admire your optimism. truly.

I've lost all hope at this point, i'm an old man and I've seen the same thing happen, campaign-after-campaign.
Also if you're the op you're not even from America so why do you care? Stones n glass houses n shit.
Most old men are voting for Hillary, so I applaud your logical brain.
First of all, she's a cunt- I could stop there.
But there's 12 things off the top of my head that she's clearly lied about and still continues to lie about it to this day.


2006- Hillary clinton firmly opposes same sex marriage and states that Marriage is gods will that it is between a man and a woman.

2015- Head of the LBGT community stating how love is love no matter your sexual orientation.

That's one of hundreds of political escapades this cunt has been involved in not naming that she's responsible for the deaths of thousands of people. Hope she slowly roasts over a fucking fire.
>trump has a ccp, so he won't infringe on my gun rights! even though he said he's for gun control! I trust trump!

even though trump's lied about virtually everything he's ever said. and that's verified so has Clinton. you can literally goodle anything either of those two have said, and find them saying the opposite as well. stupid people like you are the problem, and should be liquidated. "candidate A. will fix 'murca! candidate B. bad!". you goddam idiot.

newsflash: politicians lie.
Her lack of regard for human life:

Her consistent lies:
>how to unrape your sister

I simply don't trust her.

I could trust Bernie or Trump, apart from their views, but she's flip-flopped time after time just to support whoever has the fattest wallet.
Not to mention her and Bill looted the white house on their way out of it. She is just the democrat version of a Bush. Paid for by the same establishment. Bernie is a deluded communist faggot. So he's a no go obviously.
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>why are people so against her
Short answer, she is the whore of Babylon (I'm not religions and I believe it)
* years in the senate, and all she did was push war, while investing in defense contractors.
She runs a charity, where countries give her a *commission* for her doing her job. (technically that's public corruption), and
>arms deals, plutonium to Russia, Columbia, boing checks from russian deals
she's violated that so many times it's absurd.
She's pushed for war on every opportunity.
>I answered your question, would you answer the inverse, what's right about her?
She has a 45 year history of doing things that are shady. Convince me she's not the person she's shown us over 40+ years? Name 3 things she's done good?
Trump is 100% Pro-second amendment. He has a ccp & has stated numerous times people would be safer if their was more ccp.
Agreed. She isn't perfect, but is a hell of a lot better than any of the competition. Republicans have just been muckraking for so long they have much of her own party suspicious of her.
Trump isn't a politician. I agree politicians lie. Congrats kiddo. If you believe people like me should be "liquidated" (lol) then kick it off faggot. You kids are all the same, love diversity and peace love blah. Unless someone disagrees.
Please explain why Bernie is a deluded communist faggot.
Hello, new friend. Here for the dank may mays?
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Benghazi. /thread

"i like to dress up like CP
not everybody thinks that its cool, but i finally met a girl who thinks im a 10/10 would bang like bam in my CP suit.
she'd come over sometimes while her boyfriend was away after school.

once the door would close she'd almost instantly get naked. most times she'd put on her favorite song and start sucking. then she would cry. her tears and makeup would drip down her face onto my dick. its surprising how cold tears are. eventually i finally asked her what was wrong. in between licks she told me that her favorite song was also her bfs favorite song. so even though she loved hearing it and it totally got her pussy wet, it also made her think about the fact that she was cheating on her boyfriend. i dont think i ever came harder down somebodies throat then right after she told me that. she was beautiful. we dont hang out anymore. wanna get lunch?

this was the song:

>running for president
>asks for votes
>has platform
>has party affiliation
>not a politician
oh I don't love diversity. I think jews, blacks, retards, and Mexicans should be gassed. in fact anyone with IQ under 100 should be destroyed.

i'm a fascist. i have no time for 'love', 'diversity', 'multiculturalism', 'peace' etc. in fact i think the entire middle east should be destroyed. the continent of Africa too, and parts of south America.

trump is a politician by the way, he's running for President. he's been political his entire life, and part of the system. if you believe otherwise, kys and save us a round.
Firstly his love of this whole blm shit is kinda ridiculous. I don't agree with getting "free" college education. Privatization of schools is the best way too go, unless you hold government education in that high of regard. Same with socialized healthcare. Also, his tax plan is ridiculous. I do like that he isn't a gun grabber though.
>Implying the emails are her only scandal.
>Implying she hasnt been involved in around a dozen scandals.

The information in those emails are encrypted. In order for her to do what she did, she would need to decode the contents of the emails using a government server, extract them on an external device, load them onto an unprotected computer and send them out. 100% intentional, at the very least a blatant risk to national security.

Also all her speeches are fake. She had a team of social scientists and communication specialists who coach her every wink and smile. Its fake, and its working on idiots who are voting for her. Ask any secret service agent or diplomatic security operative whos been on detail with her. Ive spoken to a few, the consensus is she's a cunt.
Don't be a contrarian faggot. Where has he served in office previously? The GOP fuckin hates him.
Only politicians run for president. He became a politician when he declared his candidacy. Sorry to hurt your fee fees
He is more of an outsider than anyone else running. Sjws hate him and hardline republicans hate him. If you haven't noticed, "you" are outnumbered. You don't have enough ammo. And why would you want to kill the people making America great again? Lol
Kill yourself
Bill was a nice guy who let the CIA use his airport in Arkansas to import tonnes of cocaine during Iran contra

Hillary allowed a bunch of towel heads to tear apart embassy staff

Both are in bed with lobbyists and corporate fuck tards
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can you tell me anything good she's done?
Good job skipping over Reagans involvement in Iran Contra and blaming the Ckintons.
Donald Trump is better, make America non nigger again
You have jerked off so you're not a virgin? So which politician knob are you straddling? Wait you're an anarchist right?
She munched on Huma's snatch.
She causes GOP butt hurt pretty regularly. That's pretty fun.

>Muh Benghazi!
Politicians gonna politick. Trumptards gonna tard.
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Hillary will stand up for women, until Bill rapes them.
We are discussing the clintons, yes you are correct

They used his fucking airport and built a special runway for the Coke and weapons

Reagan died confused so he got his
But I'm a taxpayer. If I kill myself you won't get your Bernie bux. But you won't get them anyway because he will not win. Your ideal country is out there somewhere, I promise you will not fuck mine up.
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>implying I'm voting for Bernie
>implying I don't work
Next time you build a straw man, put some clothes on it, it'll be less obvious.
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>two candidates
> There are countless candidates in the primary to vote from
>being this uneducated
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I'm saying you won't be voting Bernie. In the gen elec anyway. It'll be trump or Hillary. Maybe Gary Johnson? Maybe you won't vote at all. Maybe you can't vote.
yea that and having a balanced budget, economic programs that had our economy at all time highs, and had lowest unemployment rate of all time in the history of the US
Get used to saying it everybody, "President Trump".
>lied and tried to cover up
you mean like lying to cover up the real reason to start a war in Iraq?
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OP -

Are you baiting us, trolling us, stupid or just too lazy to check facts?

Hillary is the most vile "politician" in modern history. She is literally everything that is wrong with Washington. And ignorant people like you, the sheep, the fodder, are just blindly electing her into office when you know NOTHING real about her.

Just read what the Secret Service agents who guarded her have to say about her just to get the most minute idea of the type of vile person she truly is:


Follow that up by sitting back, relaxing and watching this movie that's lays bare ALL of Hillary's evil doings in Washington over the past 20 years. A film that interviews dozes of people that worked for her and dozes of major Washington insiders and power players.


I don't like Donald Trump, but he is literally a Heavenly Saint compared to the evil succubus that Hillary is. I'd vote for a bum off the street before I voted for her.
GOP is about to broker that convention you fucking retard. Your keks will end in Cleveland when they nominate someone with one less chromosome than spray tan man.
The view from Europe and the rest of the world:
Trump is a living parody of Americans
Hilary is a good international diplomat
Sanders seems to be a leftist
Who the fuck is Cruz and why does he look so dumb.

The way I see it is to vote for whoever would be able to win an arguement with Putin. Protip.....not Cruz or Trump.
Yup exactly like that.
are you retarded? It has been proven that her email server was significantly more secure and had stronger encryption than the government server she was suppose to use.

But i guess facts dont matter to retarded republicans.
Saying Clinton > Trump is like saying herpes > aids
Why do I hate her? Because if I did that shit I ACTUALLY WOULD BE IN PRISON. Why does she get a free pass for this shit?
>complaining about a politician lying

awwww i guess we all have to grow up some day kiddo
Underated post.
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she committed felony's no to mention all the terrible things, shes done and said. Including her state departments part in arming and training the people that became ISIS
Guess we will see but the reality is he is winning and he is popular. No amount of your tears can change that.
>Hillary used a non-government server for her emails, so what? Not really a reason for people to circlejerk about "hur dur hillary for prison".
she refused to release the official emails on her private server to the government which is a crime that if convicted would prevent her from holding any public office, elected or appointed
Bullets can.
I'd rather have herpes any day. Herpes isn't fatal.
I'm not crying, I'm laughing my ass off as the GOP commits sudoku on national television. Those tarded chickens are coming home to roost.
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Mickey Mouse
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And who is Chelsea's papi?

Why it's ol' Web Hubbell, her Rose Lawfirm partner.
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No balls.
>implying Hillary has
>implying Trump has
All of them are morons. Bernie's the least moronic and the most genuine.
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>Bill Clinton is also one of the most favourably
>viewed president in all time, along with Obama
favorablely viewed? Your one of those. Obama is one of the most hated sweet talking do nothing but fuck things up and divide president.
Porr BUSH took the RAP for Bill Clinton bung a pussy and not falling through bullshit. So If he did his job Osama would have been dead, so no 9/11 , And Saddam would have been ousted in desert storm, along with world support, instead he armed his people and left them to finish topleing Saddam. The result? Mass gravs of men women and children, So Iraq war, afghan war, "cooking the books" leaveing the country heading into a recession, alot of world hate all belongs on clintions sholders. Fucker started out doing business agenst the USA

Watch the Clinton Chronicles

might all well be voteing for al capones wife for president
Watch me.
I will never vote for someone who is currently a suspect in an ongoing criminal investigation. Sorry.

There is nothing genuine about her.

Bernie is a socialist/idealist and believe in it.

Trump is a man governed by his ego, all his action serve to fuel it.

Hilary is a slave to money and will tell you whatever you want to hear to get into office.
Dems and repubs are both fucked I agree. They are the same. That's part of the appeal to vote trump or Sanders. They are seen as outsiders.
I'm sure your parents have trigger locks on their guns especially after Sandy Hook.
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Yes. Keep dancing for Uncle Bernie.
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this sums up trump supporters quite well. immature, uneducated and quick to lash out
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That guy got fuckin' REKT.
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g8 b8 m8
Yeah and a Rhodes scholar. But yeah an average guy
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Hillary can't stump the Trump.

We shall soon be governed with memes.
This man knows what's up.
> for the next 8 years. Again.
> Again.

Watch out everyone, we have another right-wing retard on the loose. Make sure to bar your windows and break out your motherfucking shotguns.
What a retarded post. You are the epitome of /b/. Posting nonsense shit and calling names to make yourself feel better.
You mean like lying about and trying to cover up all the blowjob's you got while in elected office?
Security is not the issue. Compliance is the issue.

She/her staff mishandled secret documents and emails by the simple act of using the machine. The lack of compliance is sufficient for fines/jail time and the cover up should warrant congressional hearings until the end of time and render everyone in that organization unfit for public office.

The IT guy who did the migration from the DoD servers did not even have Top Secret clearance! He's been given immunity by a grand jury to testify. This is all somehow ok but simultaneously the governor of Michigan needs to step down because people who have been in office for 25 years lied to him while he was in office? Double standard?
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>you idiots in the US are given 2 candidates to choose from each year
>is there any difference between 'trump'? or 'hillary'? or 'cruz'? or 'gw bush'? or 'obama'?

>calls others idiots

The irony is priceless.
I cannot, in good faith, disagree with your opinion.
This. Anyone else did HALF of the shit she has done and they would ALREADY be in an orange jumpsuit. She's not only avoided congressional investigation and trial somehow but has effectively already been elected president by the media.
fuck is this old pasta? I just read this in a thread a couple days ago. Was that the original or is this shit stale
As far as the servers go I don't give a flying fuck. The citizens should be alower to read all our representatives emails with the exclusion of on going missions that could result in the death of innocent if read. Ie the cordination of of armed securit while on an active mission. Everything else is payed for out of our tax money and no reason why they should have secrets.

She's a cunt. Plain and simple. I don't want some cunt telling me what to fucking do.
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Yeah, no. We're tired of having self-loathing cucked 'leadership' like Obama, Bernie or Hillary.
Hmm...let's see Benghazi (treason), possible exposed emails (espionage), deleting emails, (falsifying federal documents).
Aside from the fact that the email server is equivalent to the "heinous and unforgivable" crime that Edward Snowden committed (she is very aware of the confidential nature of the email server and would've been briefed and signed papers as high ranking participant in the US govt)

ASIDE from that... she got away with murder, her and Bill both, google "Vincent Foster" and look into it
>Hilary is the worst possible choice
>Sanders seems to be best option

Seriously. Why would you not pay more taxes and share the wealth? I know 70+ years of anti socialist propaganda has left it's marks. But how come none of you get that free healthcare and education is a good thing? I gladly pay my 35% tax each month.
Last HUD home I bought cost less than $15,000.
Quit drinking and smoking for a couple years and you pay all of that.
If you want it, work for it. It's not that hard. Get smart, idiot.
If one percent of that is true, you are the most retarded of retarded fucks.
This is pretty damn bad bait. Hell, most of my most hardcore Democrat friends have said that they will protest the vote if she's the nominee. However, to help improve the bait OP, here's where you went wrong:

Mentioning the server. People have gone to prison for 15 years for far less than what she has done. Mentioning this only re-enforces the fact that she is part of the corporate-government elite ruling class that could kill a child on camera and still have the media shill for her.

Mentioning her husband is a double whammy. First it reminds us of the years where she was the worst part of her husband's administration besides the blue dress. Second, she's not her husband and people know this.

Next, you said Obama and "Country is doing fine" in the same thought. You just lost half of the country. Congrats?

>rather Bernie Sanders
That's nice. I would too. However, the Democrat party is the most (ironically) undemocratic party in the history of our country. Hillary was guaranteed the nomination for this cycle and the party masters will rob you of your vote. Hell, he was completely robbed in Iowa, and nobody said anything. At least the Republicans are waking up to the fact that their side is controlled as well; Trump is seeing to that right now.
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This guy gets it
I'm a good liberal. No guns in my government provided domicile, just the loving cock that belongs in my mouth.
Spot on brother
Thank you.
After I'm done renovating it, I'll rent it out to people who cry all day about not being able to buy a home, as they drink case or two of beer and smoke a cartoon of cigs over the weekend.

MFW my payment on that property is less than they spent that weekend on booze, lottery tickets and cigs. :))
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Because healthcare and education is not the job of the Federal government you fucking imbecile.
That's not a serious question.
That's a question loaded with bullshit rw talking points.
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Except trumps not a politician working for big company agendas that support him. He funded his own campaign and wants to fix the country for the people. The thing is that everybody who loves him, loves him because he is saying what everybody has been thinking for Obama's 2 terms. A lot of America is sick of bending over and taking it up the ass from everybody and having to be PC and just becoming a pussified nation all together. This generation is a bunch of fucking pussies who are afraid "to have their feelings hurt", and need "safe spaces" so they don't get "offended". It's the most pathetic shit I've ever seen. Why the hell should people who have busted their asses to make their way in life, have to pay taxes to a bunch of lazy assholes of welfare and food stamps? That's bullshit. And if you support Hillary for "women's rights" they're already as equal as us if not more (see picture)
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welcome to America you must be new
Only idiots dislike Hillary because of the private server. Sane people dislike her because she's a corporate shill.

theres also the hardcore feminist thing

dont forget about the hardcore feminist thing
You underestimate the amount of brainwashing that can be done in that time.
Butthurt much?
I'd agree and feel much the same way except that it is clear to me that Trump is about Trump. He really does not give a shit about anyone but himself, so he will say whatever is convenient at the moment. The only thing we know about him for sure based on his campaign is that he's a narcissist, a bully (that's not necessarily bad) and an egomaniac. Based on everything I've seen from him so far, he scares me to death. I would bet my bottom dollar he enacted some type of gun control legislation (again, not necessarily bad) which reinforces his nature as a who knows what he'll try to do next kind of guy.
Then again, it's good to see trump blowing up the Republican establishment. Maybe, just maybe they'll get their shit together and stop pandering to the religious right and worrying about who the fuck is marrying whom. Most sane conservative minded people don't give a rat's ass about that shit.
Lol. Calm down Rorschach
You are so clueless. I hope you don't vote. She is a criminal. Deserves to be in jail

Blot me, bitch.

He also over estimates his wealth at 10 billion due to ego. Forbes BTFO Trump proving his wealth is really 4 billion
Are you so fuckmothering brainwashed that you think gun control means no guns allowed?

Trumpper wants there to be instant background checks, more exchange between FFL's and medical clinics, he wants to make it a 5 year minimum sentence at a fedmax prison for any crime using a gun, he wants to erase the need for a CCW or at least make it legal like drivers licenses, he wants to erase the need for class 3 permits... you're fucking retarded if you think that's against the 2nd amendment. It's the best deal we've had since 1776.
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2009 budget was signed by Bush, not Obama. Included a ton of various bailout packages and was 1 trillion +
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Honestly how hard is it really to type reddit in to the URL bar. You don't even need to put www. or .com. Just type in reddit and it will take you there.

At this point you're just being lazy.
There's no way you can tell people what Trump wants to do because he changes his position to whatever is convenient at the time. He's probably contradicted everything you've said someplace in the last month.
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Best I could expect, Thank you.
Dems love to take credit for that since it was moderately successful.
If it had failed it would all Bush's fault.
People have such short memories.
>Not to mention her and Bill looted the white house on their way out of it.

Actually never happened.
But Obama looted it when he moved in.
She is a complete puppet. I have no doubt that she would declare war on Russia if she saw a paycheck for herself in it. Isis slips her a check under the table? Why not just give em a quick favor. It's not like she hasn't done it before. Honestly the fact that the blind Trump hating has gotten so strong people are willing to look past literal pages of incredibly illegal and treasonous shit Hillary has done baffles me. Just doing half the things she has done would have gotten a normal person the death penalty, or at least a pretty hefty prison sentence. Trump is nowhere near that bad.
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this tbqh.
>The information in those emails are encrypted. In order for her to do what she did, she would need to decode the contents of the emails using a government server, extract them on an external device, load them onto an unprotected computer and send them out. 100% intentional, at the very least a blatant risk to national security.

Nope. Not how government email works.
Obama had some of his own bailout packages passed, but those fell into FY2010. Cash for Clunkers being one such example.
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she fucking lies
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>Why are people so against her?
She lies, a lot.
She protects the people she claims to fight against.
She has no real stance, she changes positions based on whatever demographic is bigger.
She has been caught lying, and continues to lie through her teeth.
She's supported by the media because the media is controlled by those who wish to remain in power.

She is nothing but a complete puppet.
Why would anyone want to put her in power?

Stop fapping and take 15 minutes to watch.

No one follows your shit tier country's election because you are irrelevant in the world
Cant i just fap whilst watching it?>
Is this bait. Look at the trend leading up to Clinton. He couldn't even hold on to the progress. Trend reverts down while he's in office. My god you're a fucking idiot.
Give one example.
I'm against her for letting Americans in Libya Die, and not for sending troops that wouldn't have arrived in time, I'm talking about not sharing the warning the CIA gave her that 9/11 Anniversary was approaching and that Libya was a freekin powder keg. I don't give a shit about her not being able to handle two email accounts Donald Trump doesn't even know wtf a computer IS
You run the risk of conditioning yourself to find Hillary Clinton arousing.

I wouldn't take the risk, I'm just looking out for you bro.
It's funny too cuz her healthcare plan was so bad it got voted out by literally everyone, even the democrats all hated it.
Cash for clunkers accomplished very little. It had too short a run, did not remove many cars that would not have been scrapped in less than a year anyway. And if you adjust for average sales of vehicles per year, it did not "sell" a single additional auto.
It was a giant waste of money, mostly taken advantage of by people who didn't need the help.
If you claim it helped the auto industry, then you need to add the costs to what the GM and Chrysler bailouts "made" on their repayment.
Hillery will say or do anything to get her way:

1- James McDougal - Clintons convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr's investigation.

2 - Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown .. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

3 - Vince Foster - Former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock's Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.

4 - Ron Brown - Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown's skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later the air Traffic controller committed suicide.

5 - C. Victor Raiser, II - Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.
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Dear Fag OP.

Vote for who you want, but know all us gun people will become cops and government to keep our rights.
So if you SJW think African Americans are being oppressed by the system now, imagine how your liberal cuck ass is going to be after Clinton wins.

Every-time you come into contact with a gun owner who is now LE/Government we are going to blame you. Also when crime rates spike we are not going to help you.

You can deal with the civil unrest and the world you helped create.

Don't need guns, have police.
All police are racist, horrible people.

This is how you think, and so the cuckining continues. After Hilary wins, all the cucks are going to regret their decisions just like the people cucking right now under Merkel.
How could you not say that tenfold about Hillary? Trump at least sticks to his views in the face of resistance even if you don't agree with them, Hillary literally changes her ACCENT to talk to different crowds. It's disgusting. All she wants is power, she doesn't care about this country or anyone but herself. No wonder Bill was so disloyal.
6 - Paul Tulley - Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock , September 1992. Described by Clinton as a "dear friend and trusted advisor".

7 - Ed Willey - Clinton fundraiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.

8 - Jerry Parks - Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little Rock .. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock Park's son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.

9 - James Bunch - Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a "Black Book" of people which contained names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas

10 - James Wilson - Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater..
11 - Kathy Ferguson - Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.

12 - Bill Shelton - Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancee.

13 - Gandy Baugh - Attorney for Clinton's friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.

14 - Florence Martin - Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal, Mena, Arkansas, airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds.

15 - Suzanne Coleman - Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.
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How about we do this:

I support Bernie Sanders because of his views and his sincerity.
16 - Paula Grober - Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her deathDecember 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.

17 - Danny Casolaro - Investigative reporter. Investigating MenaAirport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation.

18 - Paul Wilcher - Attorney investigating corruption at MenaAirport with Casolaro and the 1980 "October Surprise" was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993, in his WashingtonDC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.

19 - Jon Parnell Walker - Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington , Virginia apartment balcony August 15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal.

20 - Barbara Wise - Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. DiedNovember 29, 1996. Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.
Jesus! Seriously? Need me to hold your weiner while you pee?
Just turn on any news channel. Any! Google "Trump contradictions". You'll be up all night reading.
21 - Charles Meissner - Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.

22 - Dr. Stanley Heard - Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton 's advisory council personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and brother.

23 - Barry Seal - Drug running TWA pilot out of Mena Arkansas, death was no accident.

24 - Johnny Lawhorn, Jr. - Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.

25 - Stanley Huggins - Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a purported suicide and his report was never released.
Other way around. Trump hasn't killed anyone, Hillary has. Aids is fatal.
I am no hillary supporter either. Or Sanders either. Not sure I'll even vote... Really don't know. They all suck balls.
>Hillary is a good diplomat
>Hillary will declare war on everyone as long as some corporation slips her a check for it
*but whom
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>against her

-She's a she
-She's fat
-She's old
-She's a baby boomer
-She's a member of the wealthiest 1%
-She's the face of establishment politics
-She's a globalist neo-con
-She's of, by, and for the collusion between big govt and big corp
-She's a shameless liar
-She's the most non-transparent politician in history
-She has stroke-induced brain damage
-She's a cuckquean

She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician all rolled into one person. But wait, there's more:

-She was fired from the Watergate investigation for lying and being unethical
-She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary
-She lied throughout her Whitewater scandal
-She lied about taking "sniper fire" when visiting the Balkans during 90s
-She lied about Benghazi
-She lied throughout her email scandal and continues to lie about it
-She lied about being broke after leaving the White House
-She described blacks as being "super-predators"
-She hired a VP of Goldman-Sachs to be her 2016 campaign manager.
-She received millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs for speaking engagements
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, and UBS
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from China, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, and the UAE
-She supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Turkey
-She voted for the Patriot Act twice
-She was "adamantly against illegal immigration" before she was for it
-She was opposed to gay marriage before she was for it
-She was a lawyer who defended a rapist and laughed at the plight of the 12 year old rape victim
-She approved the sale of US uranium to Russian nuclear corporations in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her "charity"
-She gave out eight Secretary of State's Awards for Corporate Excellence, and seven were to corporations who donated millions to her "charity"

She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician all rolled into one person.
A lot of eurofags like to look at us with jealousy and make half educated retarded posts like this, just let it slide.
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Fun Fact — You cannot spell Hillary without L I A R
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Typical trailer trash Trump supporter:
In poverty. Thinks he's a Repubs, but probably can't even put food on the table or gas in the tank.

"Muh guns, muh Jesus"

Fucking dimwits.
He's right tho
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>Bill Clinton is also one of the most favourably viewed president in all time, along with Obama
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Butthurt murifat detected.
Pick one.
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good one
Nigger isn't even a full nigger
I'd be afraid to lose my dick. Kid's stupid.
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>yes I started with that.










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Topkek. Where'd you fnd this one xD
Autism spoke with this post.

That is like saying eating old, raw leather is better than a bowl full of shit. Yeah, the leather is much healthier, is actually somewhat nourishing, less likely to kill you with some crazy bacterial infection, and it is the obvious choice to make. But it still fucking sucks.
>Got Americans killed and knew about it and hid it. Used a server she already knew was unsecure.
>Bill has a shit ton buried sexual assault casses and a buried story of a bi racial son Hillary wanted to keep a secret.
>Obama...enough said.
>Bernie-Jewish cuck that will tank out economy 18 trillion in free shit
>OP is retarded
You would hate me If I tolled you XD
>implying the fact she's a woman isn't the only reason people are even still considering her

>Hillary used a non-government server for her emails, so what? Not really a reason for people to circlejerk about "hur dur hillary for prison".

Anyone else would be in prison right now.
Clinton is far more likely to get us all killed, let's be real here. She has gone to war for money before, she'll do it again.
don't give a fuck if he's a libtard or not i just want him to win because the the level of butt hurt will be fucking epic
Vote Trump, it'll be one more vote Shillary and her corporate overlords will have slip out of the box when no one's looking.
Thank you for proving my point that little media sheep like you have no real data to back up your claims.
Vote Bernie first tho
i cant vote clinton. i just cant
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