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Best free website for Japanese girls.
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Thread replies: 243
Thread images: 132
File: asn083.jpg (78 KB, 600x928) Image search: [Google]
78 KB, 600x928
Best free website for Japanese girls.

Lemon Party. Hands down.
Don't even bother. I shouldn't have asked.
>doesn't even post website
At least QC your product

Pretty sure she was asking for jap girls, not offering them. Go to bed, you're tired.
nice pic
File: 1440016171587.jpg (172 KB, 834x1236) Image search: [Google]
172 KB, 834x1236
I'll jist post pics of what I've got so far.
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1 MB, 1000x1450
thanks pls do
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85 KB, 768x1024
you dont wanna know what id do to her
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47 KB, 600x800
o, but I do........
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3 MB, 1920x1080
Probably rape her on a daily basis?
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but after a while, she would have to eventually enjoy it so therefore it wouldn't be rape anymore....
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Does that actually happen?
Raping a girl into actually falling in love with you?
How can white girls even compete
> they cant
File: 260_sexy_bodysuit_pigtails.jpg (101 KB, 960x1280) Image search: [Google]
101 KB, 960x1280
Yeah but on my phone it only shows so many pics.
File: D33.jpg (251 KB, 1065x1600) Image search: [Google]
251 KB, 1065x1600
In my opinion which doesn't matter.
Jap girls are goddesses compared to the rest of the world.
Google is shit for porn pics. Bing is where it's at just turn off safe search.
Ai lmao
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78 KB, 467x700
Bout to run out of pics
I could write several paragraphs about what id do..
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255 KB, 1000x1500
Sorry don't have source
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2 MB, 3600x5400

This thread is relevant to my interests.
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501 KB, 1056x1080
The world is a sphere, the sky is blue and Japanese and Korean women are 100% more attractive then white whores
nooooooooooooooo keep posting please!
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380 KB, 1000x1500
I bet you could ;)

>last pic
If they have the right body
all these are fucking 10/10 pics
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352 KB, 1280x1816
Oh wait i have a few more. Haha
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only in hentai
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I wish it was like that in real life :'(

Really this is my last one.
fine pick 3 girls from the thread and ill write some fucked up exotic shit about each of them if op keeps posting.

more skinny chicks please, anons. The skinnier the better

>inb4 anorexia. Pic related is what I mean by "skinny," not like a holocaust survivor obviously
nice, id let her shit on my face any day of the week
File: Mai Nadasaka mai049.jpg (567 KB, 1200x1800) Image search: [Google]
Mai Nadasaka mai049.jpg
567 KB, 1200x1800
These 3
I would drag my balls through fire and broken glass just to smell her bike seat
File: hana haruna 11.jpg (178 KB, 1200x735) Image search: [Google]
hana haruna 11.jpg
178 KB, 1200x735
jjgirls.com maybe
javbus.com/en/ is my go-to JAV torrent site
And I know y'all hate reddit, but /r/JAVDownloadCenter has good stuff sometimes
moves faster than /t/ at least.
File: Saaya Irie purple bikini 01.jpg (98 KB, 1024x768) Image search: [Google]
Saaya Irie purple bikini 01.jpg
98 KB, 1024x768
Op here. Cant seem to find anymore good 10/10 ones.
Anyone else find these kind of pics a little creepy? Look how pale they look. I've never seen an Asian this pale in real life.
File: Saijo Ruri sucking tit 01.jpg (93 KB, 902x1011) Image search: [Google]
Saijo Ruri sucking tit 01.jpg
93 KB, 902x1011
Do you know of a site that rehosts JAV videos I really don't want to torrent stuff just to fap.
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58 KB, 1278x1920
File: OguraYuzu.gif (877 KB, 300x324) Image search: [Google]
877 KB, 300x324
Japanese girls are lighter than Chinese, Vietnamese etc. It's basically as high as Europe in latitude.
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243 KB, 1039x1500
Sorry. I prefer to download, so I wouldn't know of a good one.
More info pls
File: Nozomi Sasaki in pool 01.jpg (195 KB, 930x1240) Image search: [Google]
Nozomi Sasaki in pool 01.jpg
195 KB, 930x1240
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Aino Kishi ocean 10.jpg
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File: AokiKaren.jpg (205 KB, 800x1202) Image search: [Google]
205 KB, 800x1202
would breed them all
File: HiroseAiko.jpg (454 KB, 1416x2128) Image search: [Google]
454 KB, 1416x2128
I checked out the subreddit, I just gotta download a mega file right? No torrenting on it?
File: SasakiNozomi.jpg (371 KB, 940x1280) Image search: [Google]
371 KB, 940x1280
Yeah. Recently many are password-protected, as a lot of older ones were DMCA'd.
File: Yuri Ebihara Anessa 02.jpg (190 KB, 1305x1105) Image search: [Google]
Yuri Ebihara Anessa 02.jpg
190 KB, 1305x1105
thanks anon
thanks for this thread. OP your pics rock
Not just me. Other anons did some aswell
You're welcome
File: cWRoyBf.jpg (348 KB, 853x1280) Image search: [Google]
348 KB, 853x1280
Happy fapping
Pretty vague request, anon but I'll take it from your pic you're looking for porn?
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62 KB, 567x800
It's a team effort
who is ops girl?
well thank you
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210 KB, 792x1000
any korean?
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201 KB, 798x1199

yes please. extra skinny koreans!!
Damn never knew kpop fuckos were good looking.
Post more
is that hitomi?
File: SAMA-650.jpg (160 KB, 800x537) Image search: [Google]
160 KB, 800x537
The source is SAMA-650
Google suggests Anri Okita but idk for sure
I need a Girls Gone Wild account..
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129 KB, 768x1024
no thanks, too plastic
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I don't care as long as they are skinny tbh
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A personal favorite

>mai waifu
I would go to town on her.
Just make a Korean girl thread so we can keep this one for Japanese.
File: Sunny and Tiffany Sep 6 2015 01.jpg (621 KB, 800x1200) Image search: [Google]
Sunny and Tiffany Sep 6 2015 01.jpg
621 KB, 800x1200
Looks like a tranny.
Looks like an alien.
Here ya go, you shits.
The GOAT Jgirl
File: tumblr_nqqthdi7FC1smubqqo1_1280.jpg (101 KB, 640x640) Image search: [Google]
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meh the hair colour is really fucking stupid
File: Sunny 10-08-15 02.jpg (816 KB, 1500x1000) Image search: [Google]
Sunny 10-08-15 02.jpg
816 KB, 1500x1000
green missclick, sorry
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File: Hitomi Tanaka rokok68.jpg (570 KB, 1066x1600) Image search: [Google]
Hitomi Tanaka rokok68.jpg
570 KB, 1066x1600
purple is fine too.
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middle left holy fuck
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2 MB, 1800x1435
She has wheels?
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This chick looks just like the younger sister of my roommate when I was in college. Man, was he pissed when he found out I knocked her up.

Thank God for Roe v Wade.
File: Sunny soccer ball 01.jpg (1 MB, 1795x2396) Image search: [Google]
Sunny soccer ball 01.jpg
1 MB, 1795x2396
And brown.
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blonde works as well
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who the fuck writes this shit
the wincest shit is pretty bad too
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thats pretty cool
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It might just be me but I find Hitomi hideous when she's wearing makeup and curly hair, she looks way better with little or no makeup and straight hair.
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huh, that might just be the shinagawa joshigakuin uniform
i have that uniform
who is this?
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>i have that uniform

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I just find her hideous always.
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50 KB, 1024x768
Anyone here ever been to Japan? How are the girls there?
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1 MB, 1550x2000
oh fuck

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my wife is Korean.... dont marry korean
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why do you say that? what you don't like about your korean wife?
not everything is as it seems.

Really depends on the area though. In my three years of living there, the "girls" were about as average as anywhere, some top tier and some not so much. 18-30 is really the year when asian women shine.
What do you mean?
File: 1453054811320.jpg (92 KB, 485x750) Image search: [Google]
92 KB, 485x750
i hope these are real school girls
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i'm in physical possession of that uniform
>pic related
i just dont want [spoiler]you know who[/spoiler] posting
I honestly doubt it. It's possible, but in my years of living in Japan, those extra short skirts were pretty much nonexistent, even during the summer times.
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79 KB, 479x640
they're all like 25 at least

the thing is that they're asian so they look about the same anyway
do you happen to have tits and a vagina?
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Please, tell me more
How come?

We'd like to hear the details of your acquisition, anon
anyone fapping?
asshole is too big
They are real. I don't know when you were in Japan or where you were, but rolling up your skirts is pretty common, even in the winter.

No, I just make girls wear the uniform while I fuck them. It's kind of my thing.
File: we fit.webm (740 KB, 720x405) Image search: [Google]
we fit.webm
740 KB, 720x405
hes a weeb...
i wish guys could wear skirts

id be so fucking mobile
I was in Okinawa, an island where its pretty much hot and humid year round. It may be different in the mainland.
invest in sweat pants or go live in scotland
no one is saying you can't.
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45 KB, 600x400

holy fuck thats faggy, stupid me for expecting something cool
File: 1443468441497.webm (1 MB, 720x480) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 720x480
Yeah fuck living there. Hot and humid, nope.
Op here. Thanks for all the pics guys.
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That's an island though fam. Mainland is hot and humid in summer, cuz island, and cold as shit in winter, cuz why not.
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2 MB, 400x225
>you found the chink in my armour
File: Japanese lion.webm (3 MB, 1100x619) Image search: [Google]
Japanese lion.webm
3 MB, 1100x619
It's incredibly common everywhere else. Never been to Okinawa, though.

I'm sorry to disappoint :(
File: megumi.webm (2 MB, 640x436) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 640x436
I've wanted to visit japan, but when i did i was fully into anime and shit, "weeaboo" you could say. But yeah grow out of that.
Though i wouldn't mind to see it now with a new prospective on it. But i hate the heat. Live in australia and that's mostly what i grew up with humidity and heat, bearly see rain and never even seen snow.
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360 KB, 1161x1236
Please don't make me laugh, I'm trying to fap over here.
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the "weaboo" shit is great, but my best memories of it were the food and culture of Japan. Really humble and nice people. Also, fuck tipping. Japanese customer service is god tier.
how many cool useful/useless gadgets do they have over there?

sex toys too
File: 1448647332728.jpg (88 KB, 500x557) Image search: [Google]
88 KB, 500x557
you dont have to tip in japan?
I see
So wait don't tip or tip?
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my waifu
File: kishi asuka.jpg (557 KB, 709x1142) Image search: [Google]
kishi asuka.jpg
557 KB, 709x1142
Wait. Is that a time stamp?
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File: anonjapan -mchan.webm (1 MB, 606x814) Image search: [Google]
anonjapan -mchan.webm
1 MB, 606x814
While we're at it, I might as well make my own contribution.


A lot of Japanese people upload to this site, 'cause Japan is cracking down on censorship and other bs. Lots of amateur.

Also, here's a webm I recorded.

There is no tipping in Japan. I just got back from 3 months there.
no, it says "jerk off to me"
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Ah i see.
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I want to marry her
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Thought jap had a no gun policy?
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>go to Yodobashi Camera
>>670407689 on phone. How do I watch Webb on phone??
probably the army?
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no, not at all. You go in, order food, eat, pay bill and get the fuck out. No paying tips, no leaving money on table, no calculating 15 and 20 percent.
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77 KB, 640x854
Thread replies: 243
Thread images: 132

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