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Name a video game series with no bad games. >Protip: You
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Name a video game series with no bad games.

>Protip: You can't.

Thread 2
Modern warfare was pretty good tbh the third one was pushing it a bit though.
Mgs games directed by hideo
sly cooper
Baldur's Gate
Fallout tactics wasn't very good.
Team Fortress, Resident Evil, Mario (?)

Metal gear solid.
Soul caliber.
Far cry.
Grand theft auto.
Need for speed.

I can go on for ages. This is too easy OP.
Call of Duty
Skyward sword is awful. Try again
Souls series.
Mass effect
Max Payne
The Elder Scrolls
Life is strange
Liar. The first was great, everything else from there was downhill. Also, sorry about your post number, that was almost a good'n.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R., блять.
3rd one is trash
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Metal Gear
I played 3 and it was way overrated
Fallout Shelter is also shit
Well, too bad for you, at least you're not hyped for HL3.
ME 2 and 3 weren't as good as the first.
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B-but Dark is not a sequel to Demon Souls

Pokemon Shit
Mystery Dungeons

Soul Caliber past 3 are shit.

Need For Speed: Burnouts are shit.

Please don't go on
Doesnt mean they are bad
See here. >>665090487
>Soulcalibur is repetitive and the combat is shitty
>Farcry 4 is a shitty reskin of farcry 3 with almost no new content.
>Need for speed is the poor mans forza
You're to optimistic anon don't worry it'll fade
Shittiest piece of cringe to ever have been coded
Red Dead
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>Shitty b8 is shitty
Unless Metal Gear Acid is trash I think MG wins
Elder scrolls
The elder scrolls online is trash and removed all qualities that made the other ES good.
Elder Scrolls
Assassin's Creed
The new theif is like a slower shittier dishonored with outdated graphics despite being released in 2014
oh yeah, you're right, I totally forget about that fucking piece of shit.
Way to go bethseda, fucking up franchise.
>Assassin's Creed
Thats a good kek m9
Knights of the old Republic
Grand Theft Auto
Elder Scrolls
Metal Gear
Gran Turismo
Zone of the Enders
Assassins creed 3 and 5 are poorly coded trash despite being a triple A title from a massive studio
Name one bad Assassin's Creed game?
>protip: you can't
... I can actually agree to this one, well done anon

Adventure of link

Two was awful
I'd like to think the Grand Theft Auto series were all good.
Tactics and Shelter are non-cannon.
Please see >>665091371
I ordered 4 on PC.

Couldn't play it for over a year til patched.

When I did, it flickered when you used the mouse to scroll so I felt nausated.

Never bought anything from Rockstar after that.
Some people bitch about the fighting mechanics, but the story and setting is so damn good, you learn to tolerate the clunky controls in the first game.
Please refer to >>665091781
Half Life
Counter Strike
Dawn of War
Mount & Blade

Bloodlines, Liberation, Chronicles. It's too easy
This guy never played Unity, 30 minutes into the game I wanted to pull out the disc and snap it in half
why do you say that?
Diab... oh wait.
Halos streak ended at 3, odst was iffy if you considered it an addon to 3, but alone was unquestionably shit, reach was trash, 4 made reach look good by comparison, and 5 is an absolute shitshow with a shitty campaign and blatant pay to win multiplayer. Hell, the "hunt the truth" podcast is better than the actual game. It's sunk to the point where it's advertisements have better content than the damn game
Far Cry

Metal Gear Solid
No you
>Implying Adventure of Link was less then fantastic

Sounds like a shit game if you need to force yourself to tolerate controls
Sonic 3D Blast ?
Sonic R ?
Oh come on you can't be serious
Deus Ex, Gothic (except Arcania), Vampire: The Masquerade, Ground Control, Homeworld, Neverwinter Nights
If you count the mmo, it's ruined, however without that you've got it. Battlefront was right there with it, until the blatant cash in shitshow they just released.
I remember seeing people phase through the floor. Fuckin' gave me nightmares.
the mother series
mario is missing is shit, also many mario educational games that just had mario to sell more
Fallout tactics is considered semi-canon because major events in the game are referenced in fallout 3
That's a very hard one.

But I think the Age of Empires series by Ensemble Studios is flawless. Note: BY ENSEMBLE STUDIOS so don't count that Age of Empire online garbage in there
It's not really forcing, just a minor inconvenience.
What is dues ex shadow war?
Ace attorney
This is almost true, the old ones were good for their time, although they don't really hold up to modern standards, but the real point of contention is 4, people either love it or hate it.
The elder scrolls
It was ok. Nowhere near the 1st game but still good.
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fallout 4 was literally worse than tactics lmao
Champions of Norrath
I loved tactics but fallout Breotherhood of steel is pretty bad
You mean invisible war you inbred?
This site

Don't blame me for thinking the retard option sounded more logical than the troll option.
That first one wasn't good man, they did a complete overhaul on 2 which was what made the series shine.
Take off those rose-tinted goggles.
I won't argue on M&B, have 1300 hours on steam on Warband, but tbh the original M&B is a bit shitty, and if you count The Caribbean (I think it was called that way) you're fucked. Still, Warband is 10/10.
And Vanilla Cliffs of Dover is SHIT, with the ATAG mod it is the best WW2 Air Combat game.
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Fallout 4 is the weakest link in the entire series. Only the easy-to-please bethdrones will praise this above average title.
I would disagree on the case that reach is bad I would say it has the most meaningfull story with well flushed out characters. Halo 4 was rsther mediocre amd 5's gameplay is fun but the advertising of the campaign was misleading and brings back cortana felt like a copout
Invisible war, and i actually kinda liked it, not as much as the others, but I don't think it deserves all the shit it gets.
You're right. Don't even know what console it's on.
>>Mount & Blade
As someone who's spend over 30 hours in that game, it is a grind and a snooze.
did you even play RE5? that was fucking tragic
That's like your opinion man
The biggest issue I had was the driving. It felt like I was driving a snowmobile on vaseline, and that shit nearly made me almost get rid of it.
Most everything in this thread is shit RPG/FPS fucking utter trash. Don't know if anybody mentioned Fable, I love Fable and only Fable. And Morrowind, ONLY Morrowind and Fable.

L2RTS n00bs. Homeworld, Sins of a Solar Empire, Endless Space, maybe, possibly, FTL.

I don't use this phrase much but, get a life faggots.
Counter strike?

Is shit.
Fable 2 literally had no plate armor when Fable 1 did and Fable 3 was a fucking mess.
Deus Ex
Dark Souls/Demon's Souls
Metal Gear Solid before the abominations known as TPP and Ground Zeroes happened
Counter Strike
Half Life

RE5 was awesome, RE6 is tragic.
AoE Mythology was shit.
Still wears the Fallout name and shares themes, but not at the best quality.
Double dubs speaks the truth. Every Souls game has been phenomenal so far
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Tfw nobody mentions portal
Men of War
Total War (without counting the Arena shit and being oblivious to the buggy releases)
You probably are one of those fags who consider Fallout 4 a goty.

>gay unicorn stickers, bright green AK47s and Russians
Fallout 4 is weird, it loses a lot of what was good in the older games, but it also adds a lot of good stuff that's new, IMO it about evened out. Now, if we were to have a game that was to it what new Vegas was to three, well that would be godly.
I'll allow it.
All sequels to Tetris sucked, next time you play original, press down as you press start for super speed difficulties.
>Modern Warfare

AoE Mythology?

>implying Age of Empires: Mythology

You clearly don't know what you're talking about so I'll just ignore that comment.
It was mentioned
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As RTS, i'd go with the Homeworld series, Cataclysm included. It's my favorite. Others would be Red Alert, Ground Control and DoW.
>Not total shit
The series peaked at 2 desu senpai senpai desu senpai desu desu desu desu
Cz was really shitty
It was litterlay the in the first 3 posts
Fuck you.
M&B was cool until warband.
Fire and blade is an expansion of an expansion.
You have to mod that fucker to see any difference.
and I'll ignore yours, knowing nothing of anything either of you are talking about, based on your comment
Dagger Fall
i'm a huge mgs fan suprised no one ripped this guy a new one, mgs1 is overated trash that should/would be the first one, the story of mgsv is garbage, i still play it but only because fucking around in free roam is some of the best stealth in any game ever to bad you need to beet the near 100hr story to get the best items
>get rekt faggot
No One Lives Forever
Age of Empires
Every single one of them.
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Souls series
The Endless series. Endless Space, Endless Legend, Dungeon of the Endless. The upcoming Endless Space II looks fucking mind blowing.

Homeworld. Even the prequel they just released is good.

Sniper Elite. Each game gets better. Also gave us the Nazi Zombie Army series, which is fantastic.

Every title after GTA 2 sucked badly.

Age of Wonders, Halo & Warcraft.
3D Gay Villa
I would disagree the characters were more interesting and actually had facinating backgrounds. And the environment is populated with intresting locations to explore I can concede that some parts were over simplified to appeal to a new audience. But overall I would say it was a decent entry to the series.
Men of War is in reality the third of the serie.

Soldiers of World War II
Faces Of War
Men Of War
I literally started playing the remastered edition last night. Loved Cataclysm and so far this is shaping up nice.
Starlancer; Freelancer

>you can't top it
Woah inbred confirmed
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>>Protip: You can't.
Starcraft. I don't give a fuck what anyone has to say, I've been playing that game since the originals pre-release and I am still just as much as a fanboy.
There is only one correct answer to this. Shadow of the colossus, they had good shit and were smart enough to quit while they were ahead instead of dragging it out into the damn ground.
Age of Empires 3 sucks badly Captain Morgan.
THANK YOU for agreeing with me
3's a masterpiece and your a homo
>kill yourself before i have to
Woah moron confirmed
>over 30 hours
>wow am impress
>u must be level max!
All of them except number 2 and black flag lol
have you played the original xbox live's, what i used call the xbl red light district, tetris, fucking sticky mode homie. it was basically some form of (maybe) weird early webcam porn, via connected webcams with users "playing" games online.
Yes, NOLF 1 & NOLF 2. Great games with lots of funny moments. I loved the stealth in the 2nd game. In levels with snow, the guards would spot your footprints and they investigated their trail. I was blown away by its mechanics.
I had a lot of fun in 5 but yea 6 was....cringey at best
Day of the tentacle/Maniac Mansion
>Every title after GTA 2 sucked badly.

weak attempt bro
battle spire for elderscrolls
Itoi > you
Nah, it wasn't AoE, but it was a lot of fun. Same with that skirmish-y C&C title. People just bash these games because they expected something else.
Diablo xd t.t rofl
Do you suck dicks?
Dungeon Keeper (PC only)
Monkey Island?
i never beat the first one, felt to repetetive, 5 or 6 games later
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Portal and Half-Life
>implying bethesda made ESO
U haven't played multiplayer to compare games in this series. Multiplayer in AoE3 is much more fun to play than AoE1&2. There are many good games with shity stories and AoE3 is one of them

What a great SERIES
Chracters were really mediocre. It's like they're all part of a highschool drama play. Dragon Age Origins and Inquisition had amazing character development. Heck, even Witcher series. Fallout 4 is like junior high levels of writing.
>not a series
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lol k
Wanted to say Monkey Island too, but the first 3D title was, well, controversial.
Neverwinter nights anyone?
Max payne all the way
Ehat bout bioshock?
NOLF, Starcraft, Warcraft, Diablo nothing wrong to say about those tittles
elderscrols battle spire
Age of mythology, not empires, fag.
By far the best rts game I have ever played besides wcIII
Pretty sure he's saying he tried to like it and just didn't.

last two expansions for SC2 were dogshit

Invisible War had some moments, but it was really poor
You are all extrodinarily gay.
Shadow of the colossus isn't a series though.
I was a diehard AoE fanboy since the first game and I just couldn't get over how much worse it was from 2. AoE2 was the pinnacle of the series to me, and mythology was a let down. 3 was a lobotomy.
Underage much?
The mk series
Parappa the rappa
Amplitude/ frequency
The arkham series
Monster hunter
Marvel vs capcom
Kingdom hearts
I could name more but yeah that's a start
Yup, it got better with each expansion. MoTB was the pinnacle. I loved the Keep mechanics in NWN 2 vanilla, but it felt rushed.
what about ICO?
Not even trolling, I played the shit out of GTA 1 and 2, also a lot of 3, but it got old rather quickly. And it stayed old. Maybe I just grew of it.
haha, bayonetta 2 was so bad it made me wanna kill myself, i beat the first 4 levels without dying thinking, wow, seems easier than the first game, then in look up difficulties, i was on the hardest one, maybe this doesn't count, but i was just playing them and they are a series of games separate from the rest of the series
>fire emblem por/rd
not sure if other anons played them, they're hard to come by but i think you can emulate them
Welcome to 4chan!
Doom and Half Life. I stopped playing games after 2004, they kinda turned to shit.
homeworld (even the new one is pretty good)
XCom (counting the originals and the reboot as a series)
Mass Effect (granted, ending of the 3rd was terrible, but overall it was still a great game, so im counting it)
Last theif was ass
Halo/ Bungiefag here. Would love to have been able to include Bungie's Destiny in this thread. But I, like everyone else, have been thoroughly disappointed in it. That said, The Taken King expansion fixed a lot. It's better, yes- but not what it could've been. Still.

Also, Portal, Half Life, Star Wars Outcast, and System Shock.
>Jet Set Radio
>Super Smash Bros.
>Metal Gear Solid
>Mario Kart
>Ace Attorney
>Marvel Vs. Series
witcher 2 was shit
oh, and monkey island!
Bioshock 1/2/infinite all great
It's published by Bethesda and was developed by Bethesda's parent company so there is close ties.
Mafia was ass
You have shit tastes then.
Cheeki Breeki Iv Damki
>Implying Life is Strange is a game series.
And no, 5 episodes isn't a fucking series.

MK 4, Shaolin Monks, Special Forces, vs DC

Arkham Blackgate and Origins

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 unbalanced piece of shit

KH Recoded and 358/2 are awful

You could name more, but it'd probably be more shit
is wrong...
how about name a good cod game, that's a good challenge, assuming you though op's was to simple, haha, you're a cod player nothings to simple for you!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no
Oi my gran likes that!
Gotta agree with this
I can agree that they are not at the dragon age and witcher level but it is a definite improvement to the other games
2 was lack luster and no drive to even play it, was a flop. I hope 3 redeems the series.
>inb4 bloodbourne is technically souls
Jak and Daxter
Mass Effect, 2 was the weakest but it still wasn't exactly *bad*.
Battle: Bad Company
Yeah downhill but none were bad games
ArmA, despite the buggy engines and horrible system requirements.
yes! not mgs, just mg.... wait
>snake revenge
i wasnt trying to earthworm/jig/fly/spoon/top water bass/weedless daredevil spoon/muskie heavy lure/smelt cage bait, just RTS are better than FPS or RPG.

yeah i actually fish though. ice fishing is for faggots. its like setting out a salt lick and putting a hide/tree stand 20 feet away. wait for the ice to melt and actually fish, dock fishing is more honorable.

>inb4 real men fish for sharks

sorry i live in the woods otherwise i would.
EA and Ubisoft seem to be the leaders of shallow shit games on the market lately. Bethesda is starting to get comfortable in the 3rd place.
God of War
Battle raper
Walking Dead by Telltale.

Lost Frontier not a good game. Besides that though Jak and Daxter is great
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>Super Smash Bros
And it looks like anon won the thread, congratulations
Hideo Kojima is an overrated hack.
Not an actual prequal although I get that some people consider shadow of the colossus a spiritual successor
Is only one game. Released as DLC's but the same game.
Poor Unity got such a bad rap lol. I'm replaying it now and it's great; reminds me of when I first played 2 and was all hyped about it. They fixed all the crazy shit that plagued it on release, but I think by then people were too pissed and disillusioned.
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r u kewl yet?

Not a series (yet)
The characters in 5 were shit, and that is really annoying when it is a game full of Character moments
Have you heard of the cdi...
Amnesia: Dark decent
Or the penumbra series for the matter
Your moms daily shit
>said the only person in this thread who's clearly never played any MGS games
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mass effect 2 was the best of the series!

and kotor 2 was quite disappointing, they cut so much the game barely made sense. 1st one was fantastic though
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