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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 47
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I'm always angry
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Im a boy from brazil
I have witnessed two potential murders, and have done nothing. Karma, please be kind.
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I made these earlier. They're full size bun length franks in home made bread.
was paid $100 to get fucked in the ass by a semi-famous hair dresser in NYC
are you the result of nazi genetic experiments??
"Karma" does not exist, so you are fine.
You admitted to having a lack of ethics - good going.
The word nigger used to pop up in my head constantly when I was having sex with my Jamaican ex girlfriend, not like I was calling her a nigger but some sub conscious shit
i'm somehow addicted to cleaning my anus with my fingers everytime i take a shit. i simply dont feel clean enough after wiping, so i have to put my fingers in repeatedly with some soap... as often as it takes until theres no more shit on my finger after i pull it out.
this started when my ex girlfriend agreed on licking my ass the first time... i just want to be clean there...
hygiene gone crazy
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I'm a straight man who lets a gay friend suck my dick.
Thank you. The first time, I was committing crime myself so didn't feel like dealing with that. The second time, it was likely drug-related so I didn't feel like dealing with that or being a snitch and getting my ass found out. So. SEE YA!
I crossdress
Lookup how muslims clean their ass. somehow it involves a fucking bucket next to the commode. I have no idea, but I think they clean their ass with one hand and water. Maybe you might consider becoming islamic.
I'm in love with this chick, but I am a troll and she knows it.... She is unsure of me because of it and it hurts more anything then I could ever imagine.... RIGHT IN THE FEELZ
i'd rather clean my anus with my tongue than go muslim
U a grill?
I'm 18 and I still cut
Thanks for helping the U.S.A. be a shit-hole, and helping the mexicans kill each other to get our business. (they don't sell to mexicans as a matter of principle, only us stupid gringos)
>fucked in ass
>hairdresser in NYC

Are you retarded?
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I'm a closet crossdresser who's whole family has no clue I suck BBC every weekend
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I masterbate to childbirth.
>anal sex
>with girls
you serious?
Better retard then gay retard slute
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That's OK, anon. A lot of us are cut, since it was done when we were born. Don't sweat it. A lot of chicks think uncut guys are weird and gross. I can't see doing it to any of my kids, but whatever. Anyway, you probably won't pass hpv to some unsuspecting chickadee.
I'm an attractive man and get my rocks off by leading girls on and then ditching them at the last the last moment.
i killed a man
I just want my cocaine, man
I've been raping this trap who lives in my apartment building for 2 years because I heard traps almost never report rape to the police.
I'm in a relationship with my grill but I fap to trannys all the time and can barely stay hard unless I'm inside her then I pretend she's a tranny
Pic related her tits
Eww bbc go die
>Implying I'm OP

I just have basic comprehension skills.
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I work in a funeral home, as an embalmer. I fuck the corpses of any pretty things that come through.

I am the reaper, and your corpse is my cumbucket.

LOL holy shit, I always wondered this. I contemplated if I ever got a black girlfriend (she would have to be HOT) would I still think the word nigger sometimes? I guess the answer is yes. Holy shit thats fucked up. how did that not kill your boner? I guess "hatefuck"?
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you asked me to blackmail you a fucking LOOOOONG time ago, and i fucking did it all over the fucking internet


<3 <3 <3
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I love BBC ;)
I raped 500 white chicks just to prove my negroid prowess

-The Big Nigg-
Checked and I'm 23 and I still do it too with a 8/10 gf, a therapist and im on medication.
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Check'd and kek'd
Holy shit who are you? and where'd did you post?
Im still in love with my ex wife its been two years since she left
This fucker
>still cut
>thinks he is talking about circumsion

I wipe my ass real good over and over using wet wipes until its clean. If i take a shower after I too wipe my butthole out good with shampoo (soap is too irritating afterwards), but I dont shove my fingers in many times, just the hole until u can feel its fully clean. Im a guy too btw. Dont want girls to lick my ass just OCD and dont wanna feel dirty to my own self. weird?
also i do love womens ass and hope its gonna be clean (u can somewhat tell based on the girls appearance) if you get the chance to do anal or ass licking.
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im a sissy who started dating a 52 yr old mom. she told me at the start since menopause she's had almost no sex drive but she lets me call her mama and cuddle with her. <3

I fucked twice as many.

Please don't post my personal info if I sent you it a while ago this is just a fantasy for me
you asked me to, silly. you said it would be hotter if you had no idea who i was <3

captions on imagefap, reddit, tumblr, random chansites, 2ch,

mmmmm it makes me soo hot to fuck your life up

I kinda do this too, but more cuz im a pussy and have self denial and even when im sure a girl likes me at the last moment i convince myself she cant because im a piece of shit and then dont go through with it. Im not bad looking in any way.
Do it post name or social link.
you know the drill
>info or gtfo
actually, while im here, any other sissies want to be exposed and ruined?
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bro you just a couple of gay dudes, accept it
im not really a christian and i dont believe in christ. XD LOVE HOMOZZ WOOT

my parents would kick me out of my house :c
27 and I still cut. I don't even do it with emotion like I used to as an emofaggot teenager, I just get bored and relieve some stress. Always on the upper arm, where a t-shirt hides it from view because I'm embarrassed of the shit and don't want a psych eval.
samefagging detected
What's my first name then? I haven't seen that pic in forever. Do you have the one with my dildo?
That's average black cock. Also known as ABCs. I hear kids love it.
Second this
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Why don't you grow some coca and make it yourself? Why contribute to the mass murder in America? Why contribute to the murder in mexico? Some things are better of leaving alone, just because of the problems it causes just not far down the road. Are you addicted?
I raped my ex a few times when she passed out from drugs while we were dating.

Last week we hung out and she did a line of godknowswhat and passed out after coming on to me. Fucked her, came inside her broken ass pussy, and dressed her so she wouldn't figure it out.

Now she's texting me all the time to hang out, and my girlfriend loves that i do this too her.

life is great.
Posts are 4 seconds apart breh
I'm 18 and have never had any kind of semi-intimate contact with a girl. After finishing school I don't even talk to them anymore. My social anxiety has left me with no close friends and I just want one good companion
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i do that too, shoulders.

actually get a lot of girls stroking them and complimenting
Every time my step mom leaves the house I go to her room and get her dirty thongs out of the hamper so I can lick and smell her pussy and ass stains. Just the smell can make me cum.
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i'm so mean, I once shot a man... just for snoring
I have been fuck buddies with my friend's gf's 13yo sister for a couple months. She's coming over to my place in about 10 minutes to fuck and stay the night.
I have gotten to the point where the only thing that gets me off most of the time is videos of women being killed or already dead (also pictures).

I'm not trying to be an edgelord or some shit. I'm in most aspects a normal guy. I occasionally fuck a woman (though I have never been in a long relationship ever. 2 or 3 months at their longest) and I have no issues in that sense.

But if i'm jerking off (which is most of the time) almost nothing does it for me typically except something involving women dying. My absolute tip top are the few cartel los zetas vids showing women having their heads cut off or their throats slit. One in particular of a curvy woman having her whole body jerk at the moment the knife severs her spinal chord is easily my most utilized fapping material.

I don't hate women on any level I comprehend. Don't resent them for being women, don't think im entitled to sex from them, don't think theyre all whores or sluts for being promiscuous. I even think men exaggerate in places like this about how horrible they are and how false rape accusations ruin everything. I love women, love so much about them.

It's just one of those things I love is watching them die. Would never hurt one as far as I know. Don't have any personal violent tendencies but...theres something slightly godlike about it. Dead serious but as i jack off and get closer and closer to coming what im saying in my head or whispering to myself is shit about them dying horribly so that i can get off. That theyre lives are meaningless and expendable and useful only in that moment of their taking like popping bubble wrap to enjoy the sound. Some weird narcissistic enjoyment of feeling more than them because I can so horrifically dismiss their twisted deaths by using them as simple masturbating fodder.

I dunno I think its pretty fucked up. I don't feel guilty about it in the slightest or displeased with myself. I just acknowledge its kind of a fucked up weird thing to do that I do. my secret.
i loved it.
Because I'm in Iowa
I'm legitimately worried that I'm gonna get fucked by the law soon for being in a kik group with CP
When did this become a feels thread ?
ill be your friend, even tho im not a girl.
just teasing. <3

hope i didnt scare you too bad
I really didn't post that picture
How did you have my picture then?
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It's really no big deal. When you're little like that, you can't even put up a fight against a full size attacking grown up with a scalpal. They hold you down, they do this, they do that, then God made you in his perfect image... except that nasty foreskin - so they slice that little fucker off like it's goddamned wart.
No problem though. I've fucked hundreds of girls with my mutilated weener. Chicks don't really care. The fact that my dick is bigger than most gets me in the sack with older chicks, and they really don't seem to mind that I'm cut.
Yeah that's pretty illegal. You probably will because you know. That's wrong. And I hope you get caught.
I can understand your situation pretty, well I am in a similar boat... Either way I find it's easier for find people you are compatible with online. SO that is good. You will find someone some day.. I am a bit older, and thought the same at your age...
we met on some website like a year ago or something, and i saved the pic because i thought it would be funny to post to faces of /b/ threads.
i have a vibrator that my ex claimed to want for christmas when we were dating but we broke up the day after so now i have a vibrator in my dresser that i'm too damn lazy to return because i ordered it online

I didn't post any underage stuff, just... was there then I left
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Im cheating on my girlfriend with a big booty black girl
I think about my wife fucking another guy during sex. Only way I can cum
Get yourself a nice cheap greenhouse - you can grow damn near anything you want in that bitch. Get yourself a greenhouse, or make one, and learn how to make some nice coca products. It's not rocket science man.
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Wow lol. Well I'm a happy BBC whore so feel free to keep up the spreading
I have a huge massive cock that often leaves women limping days after
i'll fuck her LOS ANGELES

Dude... you realize youre Dexter right? I mean a real life psycho :O
Maybe youre a friendly psycho, but if anyone gets OFF to women (or dudes) being killed, thats basically proof ur brain is fucked in that regard. Either u will be a killer soon or will just hide it ur whole life, but gawd dayum. I thought I had problems :O
Black girls like white guys?
I did that, and used it on two other girls that came over. it was a mundane looking, nonsexual looking massager, but it buzzed nicely for toy fun.
I jerk off to my sister when she's not looking, i even licked her asshole when she was passed out in her bed.
post more :) im a fan already <3
aww, you're pretty cute in that picture.
yep they do, and fat white girls always date black men.

I provoke drunken people into fights and kill them
Yes. They do actually. I've dated several - it's not horrible, but they become spoiled on how white guys treat them, and never go back their own race.
Are you kidding me? Black women love pretty much any guys that aren't black.

For those of us who don't just go 'eww nigger lips' and run away it is an incredibly unutilized market of pussy that's basically asking to get fucked.

Like if you wrangle yourself a fine black woman and do all of not treat her like you imagine piece of shit nigger asshole boyfriends might treat her...you are essentially a goddamn king in some cases.
sometimes, late at night when I'm alone, I'll sit down at my computer and browse /b/
My secret is I have no secrets and prefer sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
Back in the nineties my girlfriend was raped and murdered in a loft we lived above a cathedral. They made me watched, and then shoved me out a window 4 stories to my death. I survived, though. I secretly went on a killing spree of the gang that did this horrible thing to us, but what they never knew was that.
Secretly, I enjoyed it
I've had the compulsion to kill 90% of everyone I've ever met.
When. I was 15 I was raped by a man on the way home from school and some time after that out of anger and confusion I molested a family friend who was younger and she hates me more then anything now and I hate my self more then anything now . I can't stand to be alone with my thoughts and I regret that everyday
I call bullshit.

Link to the whole video of me. In Illinois if anyone's interested
Storyline to the crow.
Hey, you sound familiar but I can't quite place the name. Something with an S
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I'm a popular writer.

I have been stealing prescription drugs from every house I visit. Bonus points if it's a big party at a house I've never been to since the risk is both high (so many people around) yet low, because if the host notices something missing, it could be any person in the room and I'd be the last they'd think did it.

I know where all the drugs are kept -- master bathrooms, nightstands next to the vibrators and condoms, regular bathrooms, linen closets, in the kitchen cabinet with headache medicine.

Different types of people keep the drugs in different types of places. White people almost always keep theirs in their master bathrooms, while people with children keep theirs in the kitchen. The linen closet is for drugs that get tucked away and forgotten.

I wait to hear if a friend has gone through a medical procedure. When I find it's over, I come by to visit and ask them if they're doing okay and what their pain levels are like. The prescription tubes are almost always within sight, and when they go to the bathroom, I sneak as many as I can before they'd notice anything was gone.

I once asked someone if they had antacids as a diversion and as she brought down all the baskets of drugs, I saw the one I wanted.and pocketed it without her noticing. Less than a foot away.

My shrink knows nothing.

I obsess about what would happen if I got caught. But I'm too good.

My time is running out. I will probably get caught someday. But there is a hole in my heart that will never be filled and when the hole does get filled it means I overdosed and that I died.

And then that is when I will have my bones to pick with God. I will shake the pillars of heaven. I will destroy it all.
I used to paint my face before I murdered them, too.

Sorry, if you don't believe me
I feel sorry for you, that only violence and suffering get you off. You're a likely perpetrator of forced rape and beating a girl up or worse.

Please god pics of your sister!!

I think it's the plot to a movie. I can't remember what one.

I fixed my co-workers computer and found pics of his wife. I got drunk and traded them... Now she is an internet porn star.
I still hate my ex for fucking a nigger after we broke up, it's ok to fuck whoever she wants she wasn't my girlfriend anymore... But I was expecting a little bit more of decency, she disappointed me in all ways, by the way, apart from being a nigger he was a drug addict and seller, so yeah.
Fucking bitch
I mean....hey fuck it. I'm like 3 months shy of 30 and I havent spiraled into anything even resembling murderous desire.

And not in a passive aggressive tamping down the anger kind of way. I am just a naturally laid back guy who has this one REALLY unpleasant thing that sexually arouses me for reasons I cannot explain (never seen someone die in my youth or some crazy shit).

So hopefully I don't go wackadoo in the next five years and end up like Vincent Denophrio in the movie 'the cell' murdering women, bleaching their bodies, and suspending myself from hooks above said bodies while beating off on them (thats alot of work). And instead just have this weird thing that makes it so I need to never save fap material or forget to clear my browser history if I ever have a girl with access to my PC.
I ate my sisters pussy and asshole when she was passed out at a party.
Can anyone tell me what this is

Never been with a black chick.

There was one I wanted with this huge ass. She gave me her number but I dunno I thought it was just to buy my drugs I didn't pick up and lets fuck cues.

You realize you can buy drugs on the dark net, right? It's not that hard. You don't need to go all Indiana Jones looking for shit
since last thread died. I'm in love with my Asian girlfriend, but I cheat her weekly with old women I meet on okcupid. I lie to these women, pretending to be single, go out with them, once or twice, 90% of the time ends with sex on the first date and then depending on how the date goes I meet most of them again just for sex. Yesterday I fucked a 49y old very Catholic Filipina woman which I meet in okcupid. She had 13 years without getting fucked, she sucked me and I came inside her without worried about getting pregnant. I don't know why I cheat, I really love my gf, I'm happy with here. It's getting me crazy.
virus NSA FBI cp trap bait

dubs must post pic


best way to pick up a cuck whore

The Crow, nice ;)
Going to uni next month, so I'm gonna try and be even just a little social so I can maybe make something happen
I bet only a prop gun can kill you too.
>lying faggot

nigger? merc? ever underestimate people?
Yep, same. Most recent long relationship, my gf had been through some shit growing up so she understood. She thought of them as reminders of how many times I could've done it somewhere else and chose not to.
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>And then that is when I will have my bones to pick with God.

say it right now pussy.
I like listening to Disturbed.

I lied to people at work about what I did for Christmas and my birthday (27 Dec). I said I spent it with friends. I have no friends here and I did nothing. I don't even know if I left my house.
She was hot and not a nigger at all, smart and college educated, fucked up shit man...

I'm not cool or interesting and I went to plenty of parties. If you smoke and can supply every now and then you can make good friends. Trust me, you'll find people if you leave your dorm. Go to lots of events and clubs.

This is correct. I spent about $20k in transactions via the dark roads until my connections in a particular part of the word were ravaged by law enforcement. They still have not recuperated.

This is easier, and much, much, cheaper.

My life will end poorly no matter what.
honestly i lost my virginity to a black girl, in shape phat ass big tits. pussy felt great, but one thing that threw me off is her pussy fucking stinks and it tasted like shit.
You don't know my secret :)
Well, all rape is forced. I mean thats kind of the idea.

Also no ive never acted in violence toward a woman beyond pulling a girls hair as a child or some shit. Likewise I don't like the idea of being involved in any kind of non consensual sex. In fact I think people on sites like this are a bit too cavalier with what kinda consent theyre okay with. I think if a chick is black out drunk at a party she isn't at fault for her own rape. A rapist is (not saying she wasn't stupid. just saying its not her fault). So i'm not about hurting women.

I just enjoy seeing them hurt and killed. Specifically killed. Or killing themselves. The woman hanging herself in her room is another one i enjoy. The way her arms stiffen up as she kinda loses logical motor function because her brain is dying gets me going. Then that moment her arms slump slowly down because you know that last neurons fired and shes just....lights out. Boom I'm off.

Listen it's fucked up. It's totally fucked up. I admit that. Not even going anywhere with it. That's just fucked up.
A few years ago, I found out that my gf had cheated on me with one of my friend while I was on holidays in Europe.
She begged me to stay with her and I did, but not without many conditions.

What she doesn't know is that I slept with 4 different girls during this very same trip.
Are you me?

If I was present in one but left when people posted it am I in any danger?

What if I was in a group posting normal porn then people started sharing illegal shit and I left?
Seriously who are you though? Spread my latest video :)

I did. He is coming. And he will be obliterated.

Are you a screenwriter or writer?

How many copies roughly?

Because if you're doing 20k in drugs you must not be half bad.
I lost my virginity when I was 10 to a chick and am now gay (not because of the chick mind you). I have still never had my first kiss and am now in my first relationship at the age of 23
I used to cut on my shoulder and I have noticeable scars. No one knows about it, not even my therapist. I've wondered: what are your girlfriend's (or ex's) reactions?
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Its OK you make guys like me feel better when all I really enjoy from women is anal, all I watch is anal sex videos and pussy does nothing for me anymore. its kinda bad because trying to meet women you never know if they will be that much into anal, makes it difficult to find a girl. But then seeing some shit like jerking it to dead girls, makes me not feel so bad for my issues :X


No further information will be volunteered.
might be. but until we find out, no.
I shitpost in trap/shemale/tgirl/tranny threads because I'm distracting any anti-fur efforts from the /fur/ threads.

Also chicks with dicks make me feel threatened and I can't not be a fag as a result.
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Maybe I do
See, somewhere along the /b/ timeline it became the belief that girls prefer uncircumcised guys. This isn't true at all lol. Also, op was talking about a different type of cutting.
I bet you're the dude who wrote Rick and morty.

Ducking neck beard, little, bitch.


No. Laughing. Laughing while I set myself on fire.
Thats called being gay
Lol that's a good secret.

I used to love Disturbed myself. Just got to repetative for me. I still love The Game though. Hell why not.

I lie to everyone about what i do for holidays and birthdays why not. They don't need to know I'm alone most of the time. It's better for them. I never really mind not doing anything on my birthday not a big deal I guess. birthday 28th of December.
....so crying
Post one
I recently stole a McDonald's drive through entrance sign, was pretty fun. Can prove it upon request
No, that's called getting your dick sucked.

Straighten yourself out, boy.
When I was at college (a very long time ago) at lunch time I would always offer to bring back food for anyone in the common room. One chap, let's call him Simon, would often take up my offer. He liked KFC chips & gravy. One afternoon while suffering a bout of hayfever and doing some last minute cramming I asked Simon, who was heading to the shops, to bring me back a sandwich, he refused, I remonstrated with him, pointing out the number of occasions on which I'd brought him back lunch. He shrugged and said "I'm nobody's fucking skivvy"


Step forward in time a couple months, end of last semester, my final year, there are many parties. Small hours of the morning and I'm leaving one of these parties, just as I kick my bike, I see Simon staggering, drunk down the steep hill towards a main road. Just as he reached the corner he lurched of the pavement and was struck a glancing blow by a white lorry going full pelt.

He was thrown in the air, over the crash barrier, and into a rain filled, tree lined ditch that divided the houses from the carriage way.

I rode to the bottom of the hill and pulled in, hopped over the barrier to examine Simon. Both legs were folded under his body, plainly badly broken, his arms were rigid by his sides and part of the side of his head was missing, whatever was visible through the hole was pulsing. His body was bucking, like he was trying to fuck an invisible woman hovering above him and he was making a constant low keening sound, occasionally developing into a yelp, like he was trying to scream but didn't have enough puff for it.

He was aware of me and tried to speak, "alp ma" he said, I think it was "help me". " von balans" he said, "phone ambulance". Mobiles weren't around at this time. Phoning for help would have required returning to the party or finding a phone box.

" I'm nobody's fucking skivvy" I said, got on the bike and went home.

His body was found a few days later, nobody has ever been charged.

Well, Being a writer with a drug problem is a really unique thing.

I got past the same addiction. I stole pills too but was never very good at it. You can do it if you try. It's just a terrible few weeks. I was kicking snorting Heroin too.
>one thing that threw me off is her pussy fucking stinks and it tasted like shit.

You're a good man charlie brown

Okay, okay, you got me. I'll be crying into my popcorn as I watch Brooklyn in my closet.
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Ever since I found out my boyfriend looks, (doesn't fap I don't think) to loli, I have been humiliating myself to be his own personal loli. He doesn't even like it or care that much cause of an extremely low libido/I'm ugly and he won't break up with me. My actions make me very ashamed and I have never had an interest or desire towards this before

He said he's not a screenwriter. I just want to know if he's sold more than a million copies but I guess it doesn't matter. He could be a cookbook writer for all we know. Or Stephen King.
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Call it what you want, I'm only attracted to women. So at the end of the day I'm getting head from a bro and still having healthy relationships with women. Pretty happy with it.
>be me
>killed a patient
I actually respect the thieving aspect of this. Mind you taking some guys fucking oxys after he had back surgery or something is a dickangus move. But i respect the craft of taking shit without noticing.

I mean if you are popular as a writer I imagine you could probably easily just wrangle your way into getting prescription meds through a doc who will prescribe them. It isn't exactly an uncommon thing. I know poor retarded hicks from north jersey who do that very thing so, shit. Give it a try.

It matters not. Nothing matters. We are all people.

can anybody help me out?
I've killed someone
Hi Chuck.
Can confirm.
In fact I think I was misliked by a lot of the peoplr I hung out with. But I always had liquor and smokes and i'd always throw down for blow.

Getting a fifth of liqour at a college type party is the biggest insurance policy. No one wants to get uber liquor shitfaced so they all just drink beer then after 2am you're like their favorite person. Of course.
Like 'humor me please and you can drink as much as you like'

With the cool Strangers at least.
Made a few good buddies and some great times that way.
Work the late shift for a service company
Customers wife gave me a $20 tip and then asked me if she could give me a blowjob
> let the bitch suck my dick
> honestly it was the best blow job I have ever had
> came home and went to sleep next to my wife
I like to post my sisters Snapchat and the other ones kik in order to try and secure nudes...
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>Well, all rape is forced
Not today my friend. Rape is now sex they regretted (because they were fucking around on their boyfriend, or had after a couple of drinks and call it rape, and the witch hunt goes on and on)

If my companion is suffering I do not take anything. I shut off a portion of my demon and it sleeps until I leave.

I only come back when I know alles klar.

La de da you are a fucking writer.

White and two years army experience. I always pick men twice my size to fight. I only estimate their state of drunkenness and go.
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Oh no trust me.........you are doing just fine sexually compared to me.

I mean I don't care about anal one way or the other. In fact one of the (christ) things I do get off to besides actual women dying on film are the faked snuff/necro movies you some time find online. And in those cases they only do it for me with a full on vaginal/internal cumshot because of the twisted dichotomy of a man ejaculating into a womb which can no longer bring forth new life because its owner was murdered.

Again not even being Edgey. That is honestly something I'm into and if I could just be really anal instead id consider it a good trade.
Fuck i wish I could play the banjo, shit's cash.
Nice pasta
i mean it stunk so bad and i had to hit it from behind since she was already bent over. i think her ass smells better then her pussy. fucked her once and never ever again. i would probably fuck another black girl but black girls arent usually into me.
i get that about rape, i told my wife and one friend, i'm going to get help. but there is some messed up stuff in my past that i'm now addressing, that i think might have something to do with it. maybe you have a few deeper secrets than this?
Other than that though, some have never even known they existed. Others were more of the "Well shit dude" mentality. I'm a relatively modest person though and don't walk around without a shirt most of the time, so if she likes having the light off chances are she never noticed. The ones that did notice did that post-coital arm stroking or wanted the lights on, and have only really really had one freak out about them. We all did/do stupid shit growing up (some habits continue into adulthood), but even now I'll commonly just keep a rubber band with me and pop myself if I get too stressed in public.

I know Chuck. Chuck's problem is that in real life he does not know how to stay quiet. He says too much. He is the first suspect in the room.
Did it just stink like normal pussy odor, or something else? What was the flavor? was it any different than a girl wearing nylon panties all day, and being sweaty and hot, and a particularly delicious juicy twat, and you did not like it?
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It's always me who farts in elevators. Always.
Wtf is a "potential" murder? That could be cutting up a salad with someone nearby.
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talking shit?
Was she soaking wet?
I'm attracted to 12-16 year old girls. As everybody else on here.
read Sex At Dawn.
Perfect camouflage, mind.
16 can be easily be confused with 20 nowadays
Nah sorry. Cut the shit and be real about it. That is what you are using to refer to modern day instances of sexual regret. It isn't rape.

If a woman has sex after having some drinks and says she was raped...thats bullshit. It also happens far fucking less than people bitching about it on forums like this would lead you to believe. Now when you hear that you go into a 'wahh feminism sjw 1 out of 5 are assaulted is bullshit wahh' tailspin. But note i'm not saying all that shit. I'm saying that sex regret and calling it rape shit isn't common. Nor are men simply being convicted for it. Rape a cases are hard to prove without clear evidence backing that shit up and actual rapists go free all the time. Just like plenty of accusations are not prosecuted. Some belonging to actual rape victims.

So hey maybe it isnt 'victim blaming rape culture' like SJWs profess. And maybe it also isnt 'bitches be lyin and hitting the automatic men go to rape jail button'. And just that the system is fucked up sometimes when it comes to both men and women.

Fags online though can't deal with that idea. Cos fuck being reasonable right.
Looking at cp is no crime, downloading and possessing cp is. If you only saw but didn't download you should be fine.
where is here?
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>pic related
No way...
femanon here, get dates with guys from okc or tinder, every 2 days, have them pay for the drinks and the dinner and then say to them we're missing the chemistry. Done that for almost 1 year, best time ever.
yeah it was wet, we were sexting before i came over. opened the door in a tank top - no bra and short shorts. lived with her gma and gpa kuz her parents died and her excuse for me coming over was to play with her wii in the basement. she looked so fucking good but that pussy stank makes my boner seriously go bye bye. current gfs pussy i can literally shove my face in and stay there all goddamn day. smells like heaven.
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No, it's a crime.
You sick bastard.

thanks... I'm literally about to take magnets to my hard drives and get a new one just in case shit happens... I have tons of porn and plenty of shit from /b/ so if my shit gets seized I wanna be 100% clean.
Obvious bait is obvious.
Hope one rapes you
Post tits.

No. I respect the man. In real life interactions he believes himself to be the only person in the room by being louder and more gregarious than the rest. If he were a seasoned surgical thief, he would be the first suspect.

He relies on caricatures, of images, all propping up a false marionette play that was put together in some dilapidated back alley in his mind and he expects readers to masturbate over the words he taptaptapped onto a dirty keyboard in his tiny office.
"cp" on /b/ nowadays is largely only 17 year olds, you have nothing to worry about.
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I'm glad I'm not alone in all this. I love all Disturbed albums, except for Asylum I could never really get into. I keep this to myself though because everyone seems to think they're a joke. Happy birthday for the 28th.
Melbourne, Ausfailia.
Deeper nah. Maybe a little more seedy 'fucked up toward others' level. Like i cant be socially prosecuted for getting horny of women being killed. But I have jacked off while using a roommate used panties on a few occasions. Stole weed from a mans house during a party once (i actually felt fucking awful about that. cos it was a shit thing to do even though he was a little prick of a person).

But really ive neither done much messed up or had messed up shit done to me. Or hey if i have some real fucked up past shit....its buried fucking deep. Like my camp counsilor searched for the prize in my box of captain crunch so now i just went to disneyland that summer buried deep. But if it is i dont fucking know and god willing I never do. If im hitting 30 and I have repressed shit thats still repressed....holy hell stay that way please. I don't need that mind trip now.
It's not. You need to be in possession. The problem is...if you looked at it, it is in your cache, which they will count as possession. Clear it.
I've done some things that are way fucking worse than anything anyone has said here.. Just Doesn't feel right to post them...
I wish it was a crime to be your kind. Being you should be a crime.
I kekd (9 million children, all under the age of 5 die each year, and Christians thank jesus when "Aunt Mabel got a mortgage with a better interest rate")

This is playing tennis with no net.
Hey I do that, too!
Except I dare the girls for a year.
Drain them of any love they have within them, and there bank accounts, and be done with them.

Been doing that since I was 17.
I'm 32, now.
One time in middle school the boys toilet was closed bc some fag light up tp on the floor. I really had to go and had a bad case of direhea. I ended up shiting my pantas but nobady noticed it. The mos akward and discouating moment of my life
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meanwhile you're fucked.
You seen that Disturbed Greatest Hit video?
So fuckin funny dude. But I grew up listening to them.
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Good thing He has you to explain shit right? Nice that you can counsel God.
Sound like my ex

yeah, I think I might get rid of it just to be safe... wanted to get off porn anyway

idk this shit is weighing on my brain, I'm just so freaked about those kik chats being honeypots. not worth my life, yknow?
>sex regret and calling it rape shit isn't common

uhh.. yeah it is. Any active duty military from Korea will attest. The Office of Special Investigations always get involved, and 60% of complaints turn out to be consensual that was regretted. No charges against the female that filed a false report, cause we want those ladies coming forward.
That's reassuring, thanks man. Because of the scars, I've always been self conscious to take my shirt off, even refusing to go into pools or the ocean. I've quit cutting, but to control stress I bite/pick the skin off of my fingers.
kill yourself.

>volunteer in science lab in HS
>have this teacher that works there that's older but kind of hot in a weird way
>go there at a time when no one was there
>would do shit like stick my cock in her empty coffee mug and rub my dick on some of her stuff
>steal her hand santizer
>cum in it
>realize that it's painfully obvious that there's semen in there
>clean it out and throw it away

I also took a couple of creepshots of her before, never told a soul. Also played with myself in the chem labs but just never got to cum.

I am fucked.

I will be caught. These dragon eggs I chase only stave the demons away for a day. And the next, and the next, until their usefulness diminishes past the risk horizon.

They cannot fix the gaping wound. They can slow the bleeding, but eventually, we all bleed out. I will bleed out of my own accord. And that's where my blades to heaven must be ready because there's no one up there for me.

And hell won't have me.
It varies from state to state about viewing it- vs purposefully downloading to a folder on your computer (which is virtually the same if you know where on your computer to find it)
i saw some messed up porn at a pretty young age, while socially isolated. that counts towards messed up shit that happened to me i think.

this used panties thing isn't uncommon.
Stop fucking using kik you're AT AN IMAGEBOARD YOU FUCKING CANCER
>one thing that threw me off is her pussy fucking stinks and it tasted like shit.
are you sure you werent just eating out her unwiped asshole. I mean in dim lights if the bitch be dark enough and hadn't cleaned up.

Just saying its a possibility to consider. A black bitches dingleberries being similar in shape to negroid labia minora is....well stranger things have happened right?
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Should have ran while you had the chance.

Well sptted Sherlock.
You think I'm going to type that every time there's a "secret" thread?

Mind you, seeing as there's a brain bereft fucktard like yourself in everyone who jumps in with their "hurr-durr, I'm a cool kid" witless pasts observation, perhaps I should c&p this post too.

like I said, I already stopped lol

the hell man
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This is one of them. There are about 5 total.
Have you ever seriously considered suicide by dowsing yourself with gasoline and lighting a match? I think it's probably not as bad as people make it look online.
Not true actually... Muslims don't clean their asses.

You run, you run the risk of being chased down.

You fight, well. You pick your battles. And I pick my battles wisely. Master thieves never give up their favorite trick.
one time i saw a ghost

Another secret why not.

I love looking through people personal shit, and I often look for chances to take flash drives that aren't mine and search through them.

Found a shitload of porn on my brothers computer as well. I love looking through peoples shit.
Haha, I actually did the same shit when I was really young. I've always had stress issues as far back as I can remember, and used to chew the edges of my pinkies off. Had to stop when my mom noticed around age 8, but now that I'm an adult I do it from time to time. I'm glad to help though, because those were some of my legit concerns when I went too deep sometimes. I have one that's way more noticiable than the rest because my dumbass got what I believe to be a chemical burn from passing out with an alcohol dipped cotton ball stuck on a fresh cut, so it's all pink and shiny instead of fading into my skin tone like the rest. Don't sweat it too much though, because once you get to the 24 or so age people (and you as well) usually stop giving as much of a shit what people think about little things like that.
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post a pic of your face and i "might"
I hate kik and that other thing vola (I think it's called)

I just don't get why cancerous assholes go here to make kik threads, when there's perfetly good option to post pics at this very site. Stupidity at its finest, tbh
Thread replies: 255
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