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Australia's best bitches
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Thread replies: 241
Thread images: 77
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Australia's best bitches
Has anyone got any Emma Carlyle new castle area????
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709 KB, 768x1280
Hoping someone has more.
tell me more?
Continue, I met this girl from Australia who's birthday was a week before I met her. She gets drunk and fucks guys in bars often. I'd really like to see some pics/vids of her getting railed. Show me /b/, make that magic happen.
How desperate do you need to be to actually think you have a chance at finding her with those kinds of details... Jesus man get a life. She's off fuckin some other dude, get over it already lol
Sounds like he knows she's banging and wants to see it, hoping against hope. Dream a little, faggot.
Listen here bro. Greentext time.

>Be 14 year old me
>Be on computer in the living room late at night
>Know how to go onto IRC Dalnet
>Search for image rooms
>Has bots in room saying type "this" to get access
>You type it out
>Server connects, gives you the rules, tells you what they want uploaded
>You get download amounts equal or greater than what you send them
>Then you type "get *XXXXX*" to receive a file

This was oldschool shit back in 98 bitches

>Connected to random server
>Grabbing random files
>get amat4012
>Not know what amat meant back then
>It's my sister who is 15 years older than me with her perfect tits sitting on the bathroom floor of the house I recently helped them move into
>Download files before and after that
>Random girls
>Fap several times

Guilt made me delete them, regret came later. Same shit a lot of people have gone through I guess. The point is it can happen if you're a lucky fucker.

Now post Aussie girls and I will wait to see the girl I want, bitch.
>eek before I met her. Sh
moar cunt.
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Is this cunt still around?
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nambour qld
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Mandy Brisbane
Anyone got anything from Perth/Rockingham by any chance?
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I got you.
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thats fucking hot, got any more?
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Listen up cunts
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Are there any hot abbos?
I went to the beach today and saw girls like the ones in this thread, but

i highly recommend you do the same.
bikinis are nudes pretty much, and the especially hot/slutty ones try to do what ever they can to get the smallest bikini possible anyway
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Mandy again
Jess Mauboy's ok
ill trade a maitland girl
>Jess Mauboy
only half abo, evens out a bit
I saw a girl on the street once. I'd really like to see some pics of her. Show me /b/, make that magic happen.
See? Now you get it.
Any girls from Victoria?
any canberra / south coast?
pick any australian woman . there you have it
But it won't be the I saw
more maitland nudes??
Who have you got? I have kayla k, maddi tull, and katie lawrences nudes
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Crickey. How drunk was the white person who fucked a full sbo to make her?nshr is still below average
> I'm 3rd person from Europe, googeled them and i'd like to see katie please
Want Brissy Girls
Jessica Litwin
Charlie Beikoff
Laree Barnee

will pay mega dollars lol
File: phwoar.jpg (229 KB, 980x1326) Image search: [Google]
229 KB, 980x1326
struth almighty cunts lets see some pus
mary elder
any outer west sydney? sluts everywhere here but no pics.. wtf?
File: Laree Barnee4.jpg (46 KB, 478x720) Image search: [Google]
Laree Barnee4.jpg
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Any rihanon okra ?

maintlands a dump
Any Allanah Radcliffe???
looks like a dude
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>suck ya dhick for a dart
Yeah somebody
File: Alanah Radcliffe (4).jpg (266 KB, 1200x1800) Image search: [Google]
Alanah Radcliffe (4).jpg
266 KB, 1200x1800
there's heaps of her
this bread is very disappointing, not doing Aus any justice. Most of these girls are fuckin nasty looking troglodytes. The only 'best' lists these trollesque looking freaks belong on are "best of the worst" lists
shes hot. where can i talk to her?
Post on v la?
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also bumping for canberra
will contribute when my pc boots up
i am interested as well. West sydney biches guys.
This is why someone shoukd dump her stuff
i think the reason most pics of aussie sluts on the net are awful is cuz most of the decent looking cunts actually have half a brain not to send nudies everywhere

either that or the fact aus only has like 30m people lol
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GOPR1555 - Copy.jpg
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Chloe Perth
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name? im ACT
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/r/dECCJc brissy
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More of her?
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more please
i feel id look like her if but i twas a chick. also apparently my name would have been Jenifer or some bullshit actualy i dont know anyway
no such thing
I swear I just swiped this bitch on tinder. what city is she from?
But is it good gear thou
katie who?
No such fucking thing mate, they should've all been fucking killed off from the start, fucken boongas.

emily who
Ill take that as a yes considering you replied
hahahahhaha sick magna
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Brooke Maree central coast nsw
Emily W.
wish i had more
liilybelle anyone?
she doesn't give a fuck is my bet
any Mimi Osa from ACT?
but ill bite, Katie-L. H
geelong /b/ros
room not working
nice bitch
butterface but holy fuck that lower body
Shame her nudes were so bad considering this is how she looks now
then highly likely I just did, I remember the goggles and fins but thought her tits were bigger from memory. still swiped right though
2gig+ worth of files
any adelaide chooks?
Afraid not sorry
Looking for South Adelaide, Woodcroft/Happy Valley/Morphett Vale/Reynella - Postcode 5162
With names??
Adelaide, 5091.
Brisbane Checking in
I have the mega folder but am looking for Jessica Litwin or Laree barnee if anyone has

There you go lads.
yup and sorted by folders
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Here's some OC cunts.
Gotta love going to the beach with sluts.
Perth girls are fucken hot
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Is this erin??
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erin who?
Gotta any moar bro??
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Sunshine coast?
Is there a new mega about this?
erin mccockinmouth

pick one, only slightly better than british cunts
File: rhianna.jpg (333 KB, 2294x1230) Image search: [Google]
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ill never understand why they called that website girls out west... when its based in melbourne

>fucking victorians
South Adelaide? Reynella way?
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anymore from Central Coast???
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whats a good app/site to meet sluts in aus?

also anyone got anything of monnie woods/barber
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it this legit thou
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It's legit but old. About 6 months old, that's where I got my collection though.
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just after the geelong bitties hoping its in part1.rar
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why the long face?
i really really dont wannabe this guy but please.... sauce?!
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Post some northern rivers area cunts
Anyone got girls from central west NSW - Bathurst, Orange etc
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Brisbane north
Private photo on Model Mayhem but now i cant find her account
Then don't be that fucking guy. Just image search you faggot.
AYE dungers, throw another shrimp on the barbie and grab a tucka from the bottle-o. fair dinkum ya boggan grommets! grab me a slab from the servo and ya woggets'll never have to grikey that blyman! ta!
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its fuckin bogan with one g and crikey not grikey ya silly cunt
obviously non Australian fag
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Fuck off ....faggot detected
nah that bitch looks trash
yeah ok, you're right, she is, she'll fuck anyone
rack off i know what crikey means, i'm talking grikey you daft blind mullet. now go bury the bishop in some chocolate borehole, ya fuckin flamin gala
The fuck did you even say, stupid AmeriFAG trying to use "Aussie slang". I'll throw you on the barbie, cunt.
it's Galah, faggot
I guess the girls are from the western suburbs
Fuckin' A, what a fuckwit
whats her name? purely for research purposes
Anyone got a new mega?
Still waiting on someone with northern rivers area nudes
fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate fair dinkum mate
West of America
Playing on our "outback kaaarnt" rep where we all eat blooming onions and shit eh
I saw this girl in bar once she had a birthday
>ma'am i have something to tell you
>your son was killed by an alcohol
One time i saw my friend on that website
Mate... Don't make me fuckin coward punch your misshaped head
Post cunt cunt
Nah mate its called a king hit, cause only kings hit the back of cunts heads that hard
dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate dink fairum mate
too soon m9
True. Sorry maaaate
wow.. so nice
What's her name
here ya go
If you're into run over wombats
classic post brother
Are those links legit
>half abo
barely. and the hotness definitely comes from the asian half
My god, who hit her with the blunt side of a shovel?
I know fkn hell, was real weird recognising her tho
File: image.jpg (167 KB, 750x1334) Image search: [Google]
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Amber, Brisbane
Anyone have Bree Ward - Melbourne?
Her name is Renee.. Any more?
I wish
anyone got some Alana GalliMacrosti

Bella O'Brien?
Can anyone source me Carla Triebel
Gotta be some more ACT
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222 KB, 1024x768
Sunny coast qld
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Annika sunny coast QLD
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More Annika
Any more of Amber?
ive posted a bit. no other cunt contributing
Anyone have anything from WA?
File: image.jpg (47 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
47 KB, 640x480
Any Central Coast?
cute but dont know her
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Please someone have ashley??
She's American you stupid cunt. What're you trying to do? Post girls as if you know them IRL?
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102 KB, 555x960
Any more?
Is this cheap slut from the NT?
I'm from Maitland. Who is this?
looks god damn familiar. did she used to have brown hair?
So many good looking females
emily maitland nsw
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51 KB, 590x590
more fucking act
File: Emily (1).jpg (173 KB, 1600x1200) Image search: [Google]
Emily (1).jpg
173 KB, 1600x1200
Maitland NSW
North American jizz has been spilled.
>Aussie women
pick one

I know this girl. How did you get this?
anyone have any of this chick? her name is hayley bidner shes from near newcastle nsw
Freya K
tinder m8
Last name starts with a 'Y', yes?
Thread replies: 241
Thread images: 77

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