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feminism love thread
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feminism love thread
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do what? cry on twitter and censor our vidya games?
>We can do it.
So fucking do it and quit bitching about everything.
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THIS IS not a feminazi thread ... i hope
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I'm sorry that you are allowed to play hate games towards women anymore

smash the patriarchy
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you go girl
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You are spoiled children that need to be disciplined again.
what the fuck is a feminazi? there's feminists then there's ignorant cave men it's 2016 well 1996 for women because they're made to live 20 years behind
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i like histeroid psycho clowns.
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I find it hard to take women seriously honestly..
you won't think it's a joke when a much more intelligent and qualified woman takes your job just kidding there's probably not too many openings to carry your moms groceries
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forcing me into traditional gender roles? come here and try it, bitch

you seem to understand

maybe you should grow the fuck up and think about it before your mother beats the living shit out of you

Because she was a cellist, Hoff feared a hand injury from the metal pressing machines and so she left the factory after having worked for only a couple weeks.[1][3] During the brief time she worked there a United Press International photographer took a picture of her. That image—re-imagined by graphic artist J. Howard Miller while working for the Westinghouse Company's War Production Coordinating Committee—may have become the basis for the poster Miller created during a Westinghouse anti-absenteeism and anti-strike campaign. Soon after quitting work as a metal presser, Geraldine Hoff met and married dentist Leo Doyle in 1943. The couple had six children (a son, Gary, died in 1980) and remained married until his death in February 2010.[1]

>left the factory after having worked for only a couple weeks

>met and married dentist Leo Doyle

>Remained married until his death

le feminism face
Back you go demon.
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Are you FUCKING KIDDING me?!? Look at this"defining" of "EQUALITY"! This is FUCKINg STUPID, women are the divider? Huh, dumbass you think you are clever for posting this. NO. WOMEN ARE NOT DIVIDING THE SOCIALITY, ITS THE PATRIARCHY THAT KS ON TOP HERE! YOU FUCKING DUMBASS CISCUM GO EAT A TAMPON
>mfw you find out Geraldine Doyle, the woman who posed for this "iconic" picture quit her job a few weeks after it was taken because it was too difficult and instead married rich to have six kids
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The woman that artwork is based on (the original white woman) quit her war time factory job after 2 WEEKS because she was afraid she MIGHT get a hand injury that would prevent her from playing a musical instrument. Look it up I'm not joking.
Hivemind speaks truth

You are creating your own oppression because you are a spoiled, bored girl on the Internet. I don't have the energy to force people to do things, I'm simply pointing out that you are only behaving the way you are because people spoiled women too much and now you want more.
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this is why I need feminism

What is wrong with not wanting to injure your hands?
Iconic feminist img is based on a pic of a woman who led a life according to traditional gender roles of her time --> All of feminism is invalid?
Feminism is a paradox. It's a belief that all individuals are equal despite of gender which kind of contradicts itself because it inadvertently emphasizes gender, partly due to the mere term "feminism" and it doesn't help the amount of feminazis or people that have supported the idea of feminism by promoting "STRONG FEMALE WOMEN"(TM) in media without a hint of subtlety.

It's a reaction but it's also a new form of masochism.
Wow! You're so smart! :O
Yeah women are beaten and raped everyday because we're creating it? You are not only a patriarchal pig but an ignorant one to boot. Have fun now because women will soon rule the world bucko.
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How does /b/ feel about financial domination? Being forced to give up every dollar in your bank account, just for the privilege of being a woman's bitch?

I've spent thousands on my Goddess. She lets me kiss her ass in return, but only on my computer screen. Meanwhile she's fucking well-endowed men IRL and telling me all about it, simply to make me jealous. I'm her cuck virgin bitch.
>creating your own oppression

see here and get your facts straight

>get less for the same work
>1 in 5 is raped

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Feminism means equal rights, and hating men in the process. It does NOT mean "equal responsibility", because women don't know how to take responsibility for anything.

When the going gets tough, you cry and scream "WHERE ARE THE REAL MEN WAAAHHH", because you can't do anything yourself.
>feminism wants to change gender roles
>uses image that seems to support this idea
>turns out even the iconic image of change is actually just another support for gender roles
>your biggest argument and most well known image can't be taken seriously
>thinking YOU should be taken seriously
But this is a troll thread guys, no one is that stupid to actually believe what OP is spewing. He's trolling.
There's feminists, and then there are those who call themselves feminists, (feminazis,) take it too far and abuse the system. Women are pretty much equal to men now. They don't live 20 years behind. The only problems are small injustices that can be harmful to both genders. Emma Watson has some pretty good points on the subject.
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>Feminists decide to use a fraud as their poster girl

Seems about right actually.

Oh I guess that's a /thread ladies let's go home because some man just mansplained this for us. Fuck off women have spent so much time on the ground it's time for us to rise up even if that mean's clawing our way over the bodies of men.
They want equality, but until they fight for their right to be drafted, they have no grounds to speak on.

Men also suffer from hardships every day in life, yet people laugh at men for that and deny them any movements to represent them. Meanwhile, you think women are oppressed in western society because boys disagree with you on the Internet. You are just a spoiled girl that was given too much and it went to your head.
Beautiful french feminist on twitch, be nice with her

What's wrong is the fact that she stepped up to the plate when her country NEEDED her to help in WWII, and then she backed off in fear. That is a terrible thing to do when you're needed in wartime.
So basically she opens up to you and allows you to give her money and you shame her for it? What ever you give her it's not enough because you are an asshole.
Yeah! I've never heard anyone talking about men's problems ever :O
she'y black, she can't do shit
racism love thread
can you be drafted to give birth? stupid analogy by a sexist child in an adult body.
Can you shop it so it says "We Dindu Nuffin!"?
this is some good bait
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White men literally can not know that rape is wrong. This knowledge requires a big amount of estrogen and/or melanin in the body.

Or bad?
Oh, go fuck yourself. Men and women should be equal. We should solve the problems facing both genders and eliminate sexism from our society. There should be no "us" and "them" for something so simple as the parts you're born with.
I agree with you. I won't rest until I see female Garbage collectors, females working in mines, females working on building sites, females on the front lines of the army.

They need to be EQUAL!
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How am I shaming her for it? I'm just asking what /b/ thinks, and I haven't given anyone her identity.

Also, it's called a fetish. She has a fetish for money and being in charge. I have a fetish for being dominated. Synergy.
but women are just so stupid....
Melanin is a pigment, you dumb fuck.
says the man with a penis that was given everything throughout his life? have you ever been forcefully raped or denied a job? probably not because you were born with penis privileges.
Being drafted isn't a right its an obligation. And yeah the women fighting for equal opportunity in the military despite proof that it makes us a less effective fighting force are going to force all women to sign up for the draft just like men or go to jail.
Now I know you're trolling bro. The entire point of equality is to put men an women in the exact same situations. Birth is something completely out of control. But the draft isn't, neither is voting right. If you got one, you should have the other.
I hope you're joking, but you're the reason these idiots exist. They get offended on the internet and circlejerk until the most base emotions remain.
Still believing the gender pay gap.
Didn't read the story where women aged 20-29 make more than men of the same age?
Or are we just going to ignore that?
pretty sure it was bait bud
That's a really shitty life to be frank with you family.
fuck the fuck off you cunts

I have indeed been denied jobs, and you just proved my point by denying my experiences. If someone even tried to rape me, I would knock them out.
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So? I didn't claim otherwise.
You didn't refute my argument.
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And yet I still manage to be happy, unlike 95% of the population here on /b/. Funny.

Pick one
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So..... Did you actually read those articles you sourced?
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Fuck it i'll bite.
>get less for the same work
>1 in 5 is raped
Both of those 'stats' have been debunked a hundred times, they are based on biased "reasearch" done by people who knew what they wanted to find. The pay gap myth doesn't account for personal choices and the '1 in 5' myth is based on the most loose definition of rape you could come up with.
Society has made it so that getting pregnant is a choice.
>implying women started the us versus them mentality
get educated cave man women aren't treated with even a hint of equality
>get less for the same work

You're retarded. The pay gap isn't a problem. It's an overall pay gap that's just leftovers from a more sexist era. More women are going into the important fields of STEM, and the pay gap is decreasing. We cannot change it now without being sexist towards men and paying them less. Don't get your panties in a twist.
Youre really this dumb?
Just spend your money on video games and a new PC every year, works for me.
timestamp or didn't happen
>Claims to want equality between BOTH sexes
>Says women will rule the world soon
Are you stupid?
bice bate n8
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What happened in that image? What's the back story?
your mother wasn't very intelligent for giving birth to you but that doesn't make all women stupid
Keep then off the front lines please. They're proven inferior combat soldiers objectively. I want to win battles with lower casualties and women don't help that happen
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This is now a feminism hate/rekt/porn/get thread
check my trips.
Where's the giraffe
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mexican face off.gif
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leave /b/ alone you fat cunts
> women will soon rule the world

Honestly probably the funniest thing ive ever read on /b/

Gr8 b8 m8. 9/10
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troll detected. Who would have thought?
Here's your chance feminists! Prove that you're equal. Fight for your right to be drafted!
>Forcefully raped
>Implying there is any other kind
We got a genius over here
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it got blown up you tard
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one of my favorites actually
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That's not a fetish. That's called you being stupid enough to hand over money to someone and them not feeling bad enough for you to stop it.

Also pic related
kek is a thing again now right?
So... Is blackmailing someone into sex not rape? If they're forced to have sex, even if the sex isn't forceful itself, that's rape

Feminists want ugly guys to give them money, though. Only top tier Chad Thundercocks are exempt from feminism - you know, those 10/10 guys that regularly beat on women and spread nudes of them online. Feminism doesn't apply to those dudes, because women are irrational, and primarily think in terms of looks and sex appeal. So Chad gets away with everything, while the ugly guys are left to pay for scraps.

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how not to shave a llama.webm
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alluha akbar i guess...
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At first it kinda sucked to watch feminism rise up again. but now that it's at this tipping point i'm kinda glad I get to watch it die..... funny how life works.
Dat filename....
Sir that is not a llama
Well they don't want it, so it is therefore being forced upon them if they are blackmailed into it, therefore it is forceful.
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Requesting spiderman and banana
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Don't attempt to explain this to a neckbeard anti-femme asshole like this he'll never get it and it will only lead to more micro aggressions and rapes against women
I have a 800mb folder of these if anyone wants some ammo
well i don't want to pay taxes but i'm not forced too i'll just go to jail if i don't see the difference?
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I scrutinised the wording therefore I am anti-femme, Sound.
my best guess would be him getting rolled over by a semi, don't know though.
This one is truly a classic rekt gif
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Hmm I understand what you mean, either way rape is a terrible crime which doesn't have a harsh enough punishment
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>We can all do it
>leave out white person
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>Every female poster in this thread
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>implying men's logic isn't simply logic
There's a difference between being forced by the government uphold your end of the social contract you agree to by living in this country and an individual forcing his will on you.
under8ed post
because white people don't have enough privilege. i bet 100$ american that you're white and have a penis.
Kek that lizard got fuckin rekt
Because having someone of your race in an image is privilege, right.
>watch me upset a proud woman
>centipede eating a tiny lizard.webm

Yeah you got me good fucker.
>i'm transracial
check your privilege
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I slay dat pussy too
pic related
I love when shit like this comes up, never see a feminazi respond.
Not responding to the most accurate and truthful posts.
>implying Hilary won't be president and create a new vaginal dynasty
I thought I explained this slowly enough for you men. Women have been on the bottom rung for so long in order to create balance we must dominate for a while so get ready.
I know, they can't face scrutiny of their own arguments
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She won't. She's either going to get Bern'ed or she's going to be charged and convicted of her email shit.
Or the GOP will just bite the bullet and all go for Trump and then game over
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All I've seen thus far is, I'm not a woman nor have i ever been but let me explain to you why you women have no clue what you're talking about.
>Explained it slowly
Why are typing slow are you retarded?
But that's not equality. Getting one up to get even isn't equality. Being the bigger person and forgiving and stopping once you're at equal status (if you would ever agree that you're equal until you're superior) is what you need to do for real equality. And if that's not what you want to do, quit saying you want equality because you want special treatment
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Want to close the wage gap?
>not knowing Trump is a feminist sleeper cell
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That's one hell of a deep sleep. Sure he'll wake up?
no so that gives you absolutely no chance to get into my pants
evidence is a invention of the patriarchy for controlling women easily
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Navy Seals GIF.gif
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as if he'd want to?
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ps orale.jpg
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shes a dedicated agent nothing will stop her
So you need to be a woman to do studies on wage gaps? What?
Sorry to disappoint you but I don't have a bed that can support excess of 150 pounds anyway you trogdalyte
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Such weak gore in this thread.
he would and so would you no one likes to be a virgin
What the fuck is the one in the top left? We said feminism not some tumblr bigender shit.
It's the shooter, stupid!
that's probably the reason you sleep on a futon mattress on the floor of the garage
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well that's a first.png
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i tried but no one helped me
No it's because unlike you I'm not morbidly obese
If women are so strong how are they "made to live 20 years ago?"
Men doing studies on how much they don't make more than women? yeah that study probably has no bias whatsoever.
Feminism is a synonym for "I'm a fat bitch who don't go to gym."
You would know that wouldn't you? Take your insecurities back to Tumblr, tubby.
Wait Trump went from sleeper feminist to sleeper femme?
So what, you expect american women to actually stand up for abused women or something positive? Isn't it much easier to text about a guy sexist farting on twitter or something?
tits or gtfo
I don't touch fatties or butterfaces
Simple our mothers were conditioned to believe they offered the world nothing more than children, blowjobs, and sandwiches this generation is here to stop that and help women become the superheros they were meant to be
Assuming that the study showing the pay gap didn't have bias.
Can Men be superheroes too?
hard time believing that grease stain by the way that's your new name because you sleep in the garage
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So you're going to say that?
That's your argument?
Oh yeah, lets just get a woman to do it. Not going to be biased then huh? Anyways the researchers were men and women so....no biased opinions.
when it's time maybe but so far men have proven they aren't to be trusted with any sort of power
not her but
>worst insult of the year award goes to...
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Words spoken by a true feminist
don't need your permission cunt
>All white woman

This is 2016 bra, get with the times.
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Sorry is this a bait thread?
says the grease stain on a futon mattress that smells like feet and neglect
Oh no my feelings, and I have a hard time believing that you weigh less than 500 pounds and don't regularly drive cheeseburgers into that huge fuckin gut of yours
you will and then you'll be sorry for all your micro aggressions and eye rape
Unless you were born before 1968, that's complete bullshit.
Also, I can make my own sandwiches, so you don't have much going there.

>and help women become the superheros they were meant to be

You mean, get abused by Chad and take slutty selfies? You've already done all that stuff, though.
So women can but men can't, wow that's some great equality you mong
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No it's Zozzle
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>>Says women will rule the world soon
How does it feel knowing that you are making the word rape a joke?
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If dubs women are Fucking retarded
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da phuc.jpg
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top kek
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damn fucking checked
I have nothing to prove other than how useless men are. I'm vegan sweetie and the only thing here that weighs 500 lbs is your unrelenting self esteem issues

You know, I never really thought about it before, but this poster is offensive to women in and of itself. A man would never need a poster of another man looking manly saying "We can do it!" ... that is some gay shit. Men know they aren't a bunch of pussies and can get shit done. Only a women would need it pounded in her head by having these posters everywhere she looked. Because women know they CAN'T do it.

Side note, the model on that original poster quit her steel mill job after 2 weeks because it was too hard. It is a disgrace to women for even existing. Good job, ladies.
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2nd wave = good
3rd wave = feminazis
Are you a sweetie because you're fat and eat a lot of sweets? and if men are so useless then why aren't women dominating society?
hue hue hue.
It's funny cuz it's true
tits or gtfo
Do you not know the rules of /b/ dipshit?
Check deez trips you faggots
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only because through generations of past women allowed men to get this position of power soon enough it will change
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zozzled is no longer a thing
kek has been revived by the quads
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>Men’s greatest weakness is their facade of strength
>and women’s greatest strength is their facade of weakness.
>Reproductive rights
>2nd wave good
Reproductive rights as a category is a joke bro. Only the first wave was good.
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Just a reminder that women do this kind of shit
youre kind isnt welcome
>at all
>return to Second Life
wow edgy.
my heart got broke from a feminazi. still got the blues
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body weight to feminist chance.jpg
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I raped a vegan once, that was fun.
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>Woman power emblem
>Fist going into female emblem's hole
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in her orbit.jpg
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its funny. you paranoid feminazis are funny. you know what? we let them dry out. they shall fuck with the imigrants and get crippled kids. nobody needs those rassist women like you.
I'm sure your right hand is a vegan but that's still not rape you man child
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fat acceptance starter pack.jpg
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Just bend over already!
>implying it really happen

sounds totally legit that 4 guys would want to rape a fat slob when they could rape a fit, good-looking human girl
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shat in a basket.png
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Dubs checked
Beyonce turns me into diamonds.
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hey get back to the kitchen there's still cleaning and cooking that needs to be done
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Nice dubs
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She cried all the time, but I think she enjoyed it, women fantasies about being raped. Will do it again for sure ;)
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