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What is your fetish you've never told anyone about?
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Thread replies: 203
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What is your fetish you've never told anyone about?
sniffing pantyhose and panties. once i went to my gf's bathroom, and picked her used panties, that smell
Spanking girls
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You have now been put on a watch list, good job.
Govt entities monitor all activity on /b/
kek forgot better delete that post or fbi will get me
Futanari. I want a futa dick in my ass while another deepthroats me.
being a sissy cumslut
Sick fuck
Pregnant women
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I don't know why, but massive dongs drives me crazy and makes me cum buckets for ages.

I'm not gay btw wtf
Why what happend?
>Newfag here
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my 68 yo neighbor is hot as fuck
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Forced cum swallowing
I enjoy girl on girl "coerced rape". Where one of the girl's resists at first but the other one slowly wins the girl over by kissing or other means. No hardcore shit.
I fucking love it.
My gf likes to bite me, hard too. That's when I discovered I like biting during sex. I never bite her, but I fucking love it when she bites me while I fuck her. Makes me want to fuck the shit out of her even harder.
real incest, not that shit some post on /b/ with text
I'm a footfag with a slight macrophilia
My wife figured it out very early
Now I have a cock box and she used to stomp and walk on my cock
I love my life
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My hair collection, but it's public fetish. My secret fetishes are dead/unconscious girls.
macrophilia and feet mostly
Forced asphyxia, drowning./suffocation, with revival.
My fetish is cunnilingus - I coul eat pussy all day. I love it more than anything - when eating pussy I'm in my own personal happiest place on Earth; I feel almost dreamlike (what S&M fags call "sub-space", I guess). I don't even really have much interest in sex otherwise.

Never had a girl complain.
>with revival

Any real life experiences /b/ro?
>I'm not gay btw wtf

I want my gf to fem me and whore me out.
I don't think she'll ever figure it out.
Sex is overrated
Oral is superior
>loves big cocks
>not gay

I have some bad news for you, anon . . .
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Second half of my collection. Watch the names.

Literally a future serial killer
who are they?
Crush fetish
I mostly watch walkovers
Insect crush only, no hatd crush

Hope you get arrested one day.
These girls are long dead and buried, anon.
lol as if I would post it here, have fun getting v& weirdo fags
My girlmates
Don't worry, I'm in northern Russia now.
No way a serial. I'll just make one of girls my slave. And then escape to suicide.
I didn't harvest their hair. One of them did it. Everybody is alive.
tell us moar, are you talking about suicide like a metaphor or you really think yo can push she's to the suicide?
When you do inevitably murder a chick can video it and put it on the internet, please?
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woahh dude you arent fucking around damn dude wtf happen to you bro :/
feet and incest , it all started because a cousin of mine kept rubbing the sole of her feet on my crotch , she knew exactly what she was doing
I don't want to be in russian jail, it's so scary I could kill myself
I'm living in 5k town. I've only 3G internet, even no ADSL. So it's techinally hard.
I masturbate inside the pages of "holy" books. Torah, Bible, Koran, Mahabharata, Book of Mormon, etc...
holding (watersports to a lesser extent but the holding's the best part.)
this ===> http://nezumi.kemono.cc/nin/
i dunno why
Hello me.
especially the 0060
He said straight porn
Cuming up a girls nose. Id love vids of that
Brother sister incest I've always wanted to fuck my older sister
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Ejaculating in the depths of a winking-horsepussy.
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me too
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Urine in ass. Not sure why. It's just insanely hot.
Sleeping chicks.
And prone-boning while they are clothed, save for the lower back.
Pretty normal, I guess.
Only ones i have and I've told people about them: feet and tickling.
Also I'm sorry for my english. I wanted to say that I'm going to escape and commit the suicide then. In case of cops, of course. We call cops "menti" "менты". "Ы" pronounces like if you are kicked in stomach. And I like to see how lesbians fuck. These girls are about to have such deviations.
What did he say
girls in latex tied up
huge fake tits

Don't do it, i think you are a great.
What did you say
Do you have more photos?
what did he do

you embarrass me
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To be dressed up In girly clothes and fucked by a girl with a big strap on in a mommy/little boy roleplay. Except, luckily for me, my gf found out and she LOVES IT. Feels good man
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Girls being executed in the electric chair.

I love the idea of them struggling, crying, pissing themselves in fear and then a horrible agonizing convulsion as they stiffen against the thick leather straps
I won't do it, until I will become crazy as fuck. Things are moving to normal. Now I've got 15yo girl with low self-appraisal. We are about to love each other. But if she wants to die or does smth really wrong, I'll kill her and rape her corpse. Then my head goes under the train. The finale.
Same here. I would love to piss up someones ass.
If you're going to do, take a picture of something that you really like to have a memory of you.
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Finally, a fellow futa lover! Do you also cum on your own face and pretend it's a futa bukakke?
Sniffing panties gives you a sensation that's tough to describe. I can understand why dudes get addicted to that. I've done it, never talked about it though.

I love chicks with long nips, most people think it's gross. I'm all about it.
good idea
good bye anon , hope you'll enjoy the finale.
girls getting fucked by animals
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im a pedo
I like futa too but the closest I can get to that is my girlfriend using a 10 inch strap on on me and saying her cocks bigger than mine
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My girl. I have no one of her hair. She thinks that she's nothing to all the people, that she's ugly and looks like shit. I'm trying to make her think another way

Same bro. You have any links?
Why goodbye? I'm not going to do this in fast future.
and something that you always use or have you appreciate? as a lighter or something you consider part of you.
I've started doing more back/stomach exercise to hopefully achieve autofellatio. I love cumming on my face.
Idiot, why would you want your girlfriend to have self-confidence? Aren't you worried she'll realize she's too good for you and look for a guy who isn't a loser?
You have to know, that I had a 8yo girl (lil sis of my friend) sitting on my boner, when I was visiting my friend (we were 13, everybody is dressed) Tell me, it's ok?
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women with much fat curvy stuff, but i cant connect with them irl):
Plz don't judge;
>straight porn
Btw im straight
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Sometimes if I save and edge I can shoot straight into my mouth.
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Futa on shota is god tier
She tries to push me away. She thinks that she would hurt me by her stupid actions, lol. But she loves to talk with me and our relations are really trusted.
Light enough to make her to don't be upset of it. She thinks that nobody needs/loves her. I'm trying to prove that I'm the one who needs her.
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Especially when the shota has a believable sized dick
Also I changed school, because someone knew that I was trying to fuck with fat 12yo girl when I was 9.5
I didn't knew about the erection and put my penis unerected to her fat ravioli
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Exactly my man. Any idea on the artists name?
how old are you?
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thos beans
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I'd kiss your feet if I could thank you
16. 187 cm 83kg.
I like going down on women for hours while they just ignore me, talk on the phone, watch TV, etc
girls peeing their pants and related
My nigga
hell yea, i didnt say that specifically because i thought nobody would know it.

16 years old? Why you go over young girls?
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Playing with other guys cum through a chick
theres this woman at work whos mom took a shine to me,shes ok looking but the thought of fucking her gets me hard everytime,shes suggested we fuck in the new year...says i can cum in everyhole etc..what should i do?
Shemales Ofcourse

not even trolling.

its basically a father comes home to find his twinkie 12 year old son being gangbanged by a bunch of niggers, and hes too distraught and cucky to do anything other than talk his boy thorugh it, promise he'll love him no matter what, and then do stupid shit like try to kiss his son on the lips, just as a nigger starts pissing on their faces.
i tried typing that in pornhub and nothing came up
They're the balance between freshness and sexuality. And they're easy to change their mind about deviations or to learn new things.
Lol, missed. 16
Fucking love assjobs,best fetish.
tell me a think you really hate.
I've got three security level clearances.

>Code Green, any friends who've known me for a while
Like a little bush on my women unless they're very young like 18-19 ish.

>Code Yellow, reserved for only one of my friends who's about as fucked up as I am
Muscle girls, armpits, traps, furry. Entry-level shit by 4chan standards.

>Code Red, maximum security clearance. No friends admitted past this point
Futa doms, castration fetish, fem-on-femdom electro bdsm, unwilling creampies on black chicks by white men (I call this "Jeffersoning"), saline balls traps, cyberization (tends to overlap with next one), unwilling surgery performed on conscious female

yeah, theres really no father son gay cucking unfortunately.

it exists for straight people though, not the pissing part.
cartoon ponies in socks.
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Girls in beanies
Me too dude, especially with yoga pants

Piss, puke, grannys, rimjobs, gay handjobs.
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Missionary sex between a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation.
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Really heavy mom/son dom RP

It's pretty vanilla, but awkward as fuck.
I really don't want to fuck my mom though.
Fucking someones wife, taking pictures of her cheating and sending them to him.
Had this ex,virgin as fuck but she'd wear a skirt and fishnets when she'd spend the night,fucking grinding and shit was cash.
Went to the point where when we actually had sex We'd fuck and I'd pull out and assjob my way to the finish line
I really hate that world is full of moralists. And of course I hate little babies. They're disgusting
Fuck, missed again
i like frogs
I wanna travel to a third world country get a huge house and armed guards. The build a loli harem where I'll fuck little girls for the rest of my life.
gg, I thought I was the only one into that shit haha.
That shit sounds crazy, my girl is super insecure about her body so assjob is her preferred quickie. I'm not complaining unless its in jeans lmao
I like getting dressed like a girl and than just dream about beeing fucked by a guy
to let a dude piss in my mouth before i start sucking him off
i like filthy frank

Down jacket fetish.
Ugh man fuck denim,shits hard to do it in,nah you're not alone in this, Ive been fascinated by assjobs since I was like 15, I'm 21 now still loving it
A song you love
Rape roleplay & BDSM (masochistic female)
alas, i was too dumb to realize the whole assjob deal was actually a viable alternative. we did eventually fuck, but those dry 5 months were the hardest for my young libido
Armpits, not hairy tho!
I've been with this shit since I was 14. I'm 19 now. We'd be fucking bros irl haha
Being grinded on, sat on, assjobs and such.
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I mean, seriously though, maybe he isn't trying to be an "edgelord?" Maybe he's just fucked up.

The five stars - atom bomb baby
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Yes to all this.
Glad to have met someone like you anon :^)
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hairy chicks
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I liked being choked wearing a ballgag
i want that hoodie to be real
How do you feel about girls sitting in your lap? It's a huuge turn on for me (which is really impractical when someone is sitting ontop of your dick, smh)
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lesbian rape. especially nigger females raping white girls
Same, post more
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1 Feet
2 Clown girls
3 Watersports
4 Incest
5 Prolapse
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I'm really into horse dicks. I grew up on a horse farm and used to sneak down to the barn and jerk the horses and suck on them since I was like, 11 or 12.

I only ever got one to cum once

but now its my massive fetish and I wish I still had access to horses
My fetus seems so vanilla. .. I comparison. ... u like unwantwd/unwelcome facials.
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Post some? Or any links?
Fetish. Goddard autocorrect.
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Fuck yeahh.
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Easy man. It fucked my eyes, because it's already 3:18 in my country. Read the whole story of my fucking deviations. Have a good night or whatever. I was pleased to talk to you anons. Pic related is me now.
never seen any good les raep porn nver mind inter racial stuff.
"Coerced rape"? That doesn't make any sense
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My man
backs, anyone got some good back porn? stuffs hard to find
i really want to strangle someone.
Pantyhose turn me on so fucking hard
instant diamonds
my is lying about my fetish then freaking out when I actually try to engage in it with a person who has that fetish
-everyone who's says they're into BDSM on tinder-
This. Whenever I'm somewhere and there's a horse I always try to see how big its cock is
I have a fetish for chub & tucking
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I make my gf wear tights and pantyhose all the time around the house just to bend over in front of
Feets, think i told it on a haloween party but i have no idea, i was drunk as fuck. But feet is my fetish and i have none to share it with
men in tall boots
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Decapitation porn.
Yeah I love mom son incest, but I dont feel like fucking my own mother at all.
That boi aint right.
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girls wearing soft sweaters

i also like to wear soft sweaters so thats probably why. i see a girl in a sweater, i recognize her excellent choice of warm, comfortable clothing, i get a ripe banana in my pocket
Spot on dude
I love being choked during sex. So much, so good.
Dressing like a whore and being fucked in the mouth by random guys. Fuck you /b/... look what you fucking turned me into.
>implying grill
nice try faggot
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Thread images: 47

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