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Czas na Rule 34
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Thread replies: 95
Thread images: 64
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Czas na Rule 34
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continue op
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Op is a Polefag?
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5/8 ? chyba
Opek podludź nie dość, że pedałek furras to jeszcze cebulak z kraju przegrywów. Nawet mi cie nie żal.

>also, Jan Pedał II jebał małe dzieci
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Not just do not want to write the negro language
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Mój kraj taki piękny
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To nie ma być polska dyskusja tylko po prostu zboczone bajki
zresztą jest 23:30 i normalni ludzie powinni spać
Czemu nie mogę zrozumieć intencji autora.
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bo tu internet tu nie trzeba rozumieć
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Post some Rosechu!
Nie będziesz mi mówił jak mam żyć.
No dobrze tato jużide spać...
do they not teach you how to count during preschool in Poland or are you just retarded?
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Poke sorted.png
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your fucking pictures are in english but your shitty words are not. fix your shit m8.
yeah, fuck off.
You should see this as a reason to get your lazy ass out of the chair and a good time to go learn a new language, you illiterate shit.
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Straight Goodra pretty please?
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>learning Polish
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Since its a r34 thread you should consider that pokemon is a quite obvious choice as a cartoon/anime for kids.

Here we go.
Maybe he doesn't want to speak Onion, it's not like he will ever have to use it. He probably should start learning some Muslim languages.
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>You should see this as a reason to get your lazy ass out of the chair and a good time to go learn a shitty language that will be wiped out once Russia gets hungry for land, you illiterate shit.
as for the illiterate part, does this say 4chan.org.pl? Didn't think so.
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>a new language, you illiterate shit.
Never said it has to be Polish, just that you need to educate yourself if you are interested in what other people have to say (and if you ain't, then don't fucking complain when you don't understand them).
kek, heven't seen that one
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Since youre not a main receiver of messages, couldn't you ignore text you dont understand? WHo
it doesn't say .org.us either
Fucking Kek
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Damn autopost,
..who would want to be irritated by thing you cant read.
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>I don't understand how domains work
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>Maybe he doesn't want to speak Onion, it's not like he will ever have to use it. He probably should start learning some Muslim languages.
still managed to provoke a war on the internet new achievements unlocked
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M' out, time to play some vidyas.
Poland was occupied by German during WW2. Then Poland was occupied by the USSR during the Cold War. Yet the shitty polish language is still around. Fascinating.
.org is not tied to 'murrica in any other way than that it was the country of origin, there are no restrictions or implications and therefore no reason to assume that a .org address is designated for an "american only" content. there is simply no reason to claim that you have to speak english here simply because it's a .org address, something which >>609765809 implied.
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you don't see news typed in English on Russian domains. gtfo my nuts.
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since you seem to be particularly dense (or just simply trying to troll), I'll say it once again: there are no implications or restrictions tied to the .org which states that it's an english domain. it can just as well be polish or russian or whatever country, anyone is allowed to register it.
ha ha "pokemon breeder"
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hawt... moar
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Anyone have Smite?
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1572710 - Artemis Reit Smite.jpg
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1574457 - Kali Laskex21 Smite.png
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More nicole pls
Got any more Sally?
There was another webm around but never saved it. Anyone know the tumblr page they originated from?
what the fuck?
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3 MB, 960x540
Thats it!
You people never cease to amaze me.
That didn't take long.
Thread replies: 95
Thread images: 64

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