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Cringe thread?
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how is this cringe
Dank memes?
I wish someone would trick all bronies, gather them together, then hit em with napalm.
Yes it is bitch
Nothing wrong with this. It was originally a buddhist symbol for peace or some shit. Hes indian, so alot of that shit is mixed between them and china.
I dont get it. Is it because he dresses well or what?
The red car gangstalking conspiracy.


Just one of thousands of videos.
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It's not cringe if you actually look good in it.
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I found another Eric Leo video where he's screaming "I'm going to fuck your children to death" in a way very similar to the video which got him committed back in March. This one's fron October, he's in his car and the relevant bit occurs while he's waiting at a traffic light in Los Angeles while a whole bunch of people are crossing the street, and he openly says he doesn't care if they hear him threaten to rape childen to death.

The intense part starts around 6 minutes in.


Uber terminated his contract soon after this video, and he got committed one last time in Los Angeles before he moved back to Michigan.

In his videos now, he uses the acronym "CKR", as in child-killing rape, as though people who have seen his previous videos don't already know what it stands for.
Dresses well
>women's jeans
>iPhone sticking out of pocket
>greasy hair
>poorly coordinated colors
>belt doesn't match shoes
How is this not cringe?
People keep posting this like it's cringe worthy but it's not
how nice do these write? I wouldn't fucking take this shit to school, but it would be pretty nice to have at home for signing checks and shit, would be a good way to motivate myself to work on my signature too
Am I the only one who really really really wants to see her cute titties?
there are porn
Of this girl specifically?
Cosplay is not consent!
The iPhone is facing outwards. Which means his wrist is backwards.
there is a reason we use pens...
Of the character.
Say hello to Nonon Jakuzure.
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It works awful, we went to pencils and pens for a reason, but if it makes you feel special go ahead.
I used one when i was like 14 or something in art class when they taught calligraphy. Very nice and smooth if you have the strokes down, horrid if you dont. Dipping repeatedly in ink is fucking obnoxious. Signatures: perfect. Anything longer than a short wedding invitation: fuck it.
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cringe that you have that

No, it doesn't. I'm just curious if they work well. I thought we went to pens because they are more commercially viable and convenient than fucking quills and carrying about INK.

If they don't write nice, then whatever. I have some nice pens I like to write with.
But i want to see the real thing
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gtfo cancer

These niggas are faggy as fuck but I am legit jealous that I don't have friends like this who want to chill and hang out together and chat about something we are passionate about.

Sure I could hang out with bro-dudes who want to get wasted and beat up nerds like these, but thats fucking stupid. I just want to chill and laugh and have fun not take like so serious.
the pic was originally posted by a dude who was jealous of the guy. so this loser started spamming the pic in every cringe thread until the sad little faggot had forced the meme.
Hey guys, we found the /fa/ggot.
>Anything longer than a short wedding invitation
nigga you high
Has anything this awesome ever happened in an actual match, not just TAS?
just get a nice inking pen

That's actually rape just thinking about it.
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did somebody say FORCED MAYMAYS?
I'm sure they'll let you join. Just pick Rainbow Dash as your favorite pony.
Ohhhhhh. Well shit.
>Poorly coordinated colors
end yourself
fuck ... she didn't consent to me raping her did she :(
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doggie devito.webm
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some of the old melee rounds were pretty good i guess
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She's called rugrat. Here you go anon
This dog needs to be put down. Wow.
Seriously? That's her? Suddenly much uglier. Nice.
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is that beer or soda? wtf
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It's a meme, you dip.
Tendie slut/10
African + Chinese? wtf
I mean really short man. I did a few for some extra credit. This had to be about 13 years ago though so my memory is a little hazy. I was very good at it since i enjoyed art alot. Also was a natural with the piano. Then i discovered weed and alcohol. Now im a 27 year old drop out working at a liquor store so... Yeah.

Captcha: secks

that skin looks liek silocone
Its beer. A very cheap shitty beer at that. Not op. Just work at a liquor store.
Why would you get glasses that fit perfectly in your nose dimples. What the fuck is he thinking.
Piss warm beer.
Isn't that malt liquor?
that kid is fucking awesome
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ur so jelly he can fuck more girls than u
V. classy. This young man is very well dressed what is the issue
That symbol is of Nazi germany. The symbol you refer to is rotated 45 degrees.
Judging from the color its probably the same as a steel reserve so yeah. Probably a little lower in percentage though judging by the fact they put it in 2+ liter bottles. Must be around midwest or something.
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as long as the girls are somewhat cute, it's nothing to cringe at
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>shitty holster positioning, awkward to reach
>literal square pouches, what the fuck
>boots unlaced
>unshaped beret
>watch face facing outward

0/10 would not operate with
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I stand corrected. A gift for your knowledge.
Beer in plastic bottle?! Good god...
Gave me feels
Yeah i dont know what the fucking deal is with companies switching to plastic. Its fucking disgusting. I cant even get drunk in an alley and chuck the bottle in anger cuz itll just bounce and ill get depressed.

didn't get a pic, but saw a couple yesterday... skinny kid with ratty beard, fedora and button up shirt button all the way to the top. had fat gf, sjw glasses. she was in charge.

she was ordering him around all over. it was pathetic.
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Ohhhh SHIT! That nigga be getting stomped out

memes are love
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That's not her.

>This is her
Does that dude holding the tent open in the second row right photo have a bigass knife in a condom?
Oh wait. Im retarded..
that right there is why i'm on /mlp/ every day, read fimfic alla time, clop to e621, and have watched every episode multiple times... but will never call nor consider myself a brony.
His pants are above the belly button wtf
damn, id fuck the pink out of her
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"today i will slay thy swine for thee have insulted I the supreme gentleman. It is my duty to taketh arms and kill every mother fucker at my school"
i dont know. the first one looks just like her.
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They look like they're having a laugh, I miss camping with the lads.
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name of both plz. rugrat turns up nothing

This is heartbreaking, poor kid is bananas

Hopefully he gets some help
The righty looks like a fucking dwarf
Yeah I know it is the same girl just look at the birthmark under her left tit. I first thought otherwise because of the tatt.
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He looks kinda like Finn from glee
That tie is terrible.

He does get help, problem is that they can't hold him indefinitely though his most recent stint in a psychiatric institution in Michigan last month was over 2 and a half weeks.

you should look from one face to the other enough times and then they're both messed up in relation to each other and it's funny.
i wish he'd lower his fucking retarded trousers.
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annon please no
This is horendous, KILL THEM WITH ZE FYAAA!!!

I'm the original guy asking for her titties.

Thanks so much. They are just as glorious as I imagined.
That's the proper way to wear your pants when you have a jacket on. They should reach the buttoning point of the jacket so you don't have any shirt showing from the waistband of your pants to the buttoning point of the jacket.
<---- fuck these fags

of course he looks terrible
His tie looks like one of those napkins you have at a nice table at your grandma's house but don't actually use.
>i just puked everywhere oh god its in my hair
lol the chick in the bg
this is why homosexuality was frowned upon up until now.
It looks disproportional on him because of the way he's holding his jacket up.
>easy mode: watch more than 1 minute
>hard mode: watch the whole video
>god mode: watch the whole video with headphones on

okay that's all well and dandy but he looks like an absolute idiot.

Sometimes, I wish that I was an old lonely man living in a forest all by him self, excluded from society and morally unstable. I'd kill all of those faggots with my trusty sharpened axe and feed them to wild boars.
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The pussy destroyer.
These are deeply disturbing to me
not that bad. The style fits him. Jeans could be a bit more loose. They look too tight on him. If he had a better fitting pair of jeans, not half bad. Is only cringe if the guy is a city slicker.
Who ever measured him up for that hat should be sacked.
>making excuses because of tits
you're part of the problem faggot
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The most fucked up tattoo post I ever saw here.
Alright but don't say that he should pull down his pants that's just sartorially incorrect
why she mad tho. lol
would bang bitch on the left.
Because they dress better than you?
This isn't cringe, it's YLYL.

Bamboo splinters, that'll make you cringe.
this is hilarious
Her IRL name is Emily faye
She has a tumblr named chiakafoil i think but it has no nudes so don't bother. Her old (fappable) tumblr was called orgathmic. Hope I could help.
Meh, there's nothing wrong with being a brony. The show is really well written and has humour for all ages.
It's stupid to post stuff like this so publicly though. Lots of people don't get how great the show is and how awesome the community is. It's unfortunate, but there's too many ignorant dumbasses in the world that judge without even having looked at the show (which everyone should do)
nigger u watch Glee?!
Well written and humour for all ages? LMAO. Was I watching the same show as you because what I saw wasn't that.
fuck you faggot.
fuck off brony
Well, you're clearly an underage meme-loving retard, so you probably wouldn't even understand what the show is about.
I nearly killed myself after watching an episode. I have no clue what you're talking about.

Why can't they hold him? He's obviously schizophrenic
a friend told me this once, i try to see the show and it was a shit, srry bro u are a fucking brony
Then you didn't get it, retard. It helps not being a fucking ignorant retard.
those bottles look open.. is that.. is that piss?
>there's nothing wrong with being a brony.
Says the brony faggot. seriously, just fucking kill yourself. Losers like you are a waste of space and resources that could be better spent on people with a chance of reproducing.
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I'll play.

So, what is the show about? Because if you're appreciating whatever moral message the show has I don't know what the fuck you're doing on /b/
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Detected and triggered
Where the fuck is the rest of the dog?
>thinks LMAO is a meme
Where is your handler? tards shouldn't be allowed on the internet unsupervised.
Didn't get what? It's a terrible show. I'm absolutely fine with animation but My Little Pony is atrocious.
>in all cringe threads
>still more alpha than /b/ tards
friendship and magic? Am I wrong? Those sound like aspects of a children's cartoon to me.
I dont understand
>turbo autism
Holy fucking kek
I can't stop laughing!
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Clearly not seen the show then, or only the first season. I'll admit, the first season is very weak and extremely girly.
But from season 2 and outwards, there's a lot more action and it's friggin' great and they've stepped away from the huggy-happy feeling shit.
Who is this guy?

He's totally fucked
What's this about watchfaces?
Not cringe. Thats straight class. *tips fedora*
no one else notice the cane?

theyre now catering do the disgusting shameful grotesque brony culture, and that's retarded.


Have you seen the original my little pony shit from like the 80's or something?

Tell me that's for 20yo neckbeards, fucking tell me that.

If a childs show has to be forced to change to cater to these manbeasts then that is truly when the world has gone to shit...
so it's like anime for 4 year old girls?
Nope. They're not pink. They all have different colors actually.
What anime is that?
Oh wow, there's a fight scene. Now it's made for adults. You seem to have a legitimate mental disability.
That's the point. Lauren Faust didn't want the show to be just for girls any more, which is why she completely changed the art-style and action.
It even has a thing that pops at the beginning of each broadcast that says

Bruh didn't that bitch stop working on the show by S2? So if S1 is girly then that means she made girly chit.
>a fight scene
There's many many many many many fight scenes.
seriously, it would be less autistic of you to enjoy naruto. Don't even watch anime that often, and I love that series. Even covered the rising fighting spirit with my band. Don't feel the need to wear headbands and hang out with kids who are overly focused on someone else's creation. Maybe that's just my creative side speaking. I like things, but it doesn't rule my life.
It is a show about ponies learning about friendship and other stuff.

>Not for little girls anymore.
so the show about the pretty pink princess pony is for grown ass men?
>multiple fight scenes change it from a show for little girls to adults

ok buddy
I would hope Lauren Faust didn't intend for the show to cater to people who fantasize about ramming it in cartoon horses but I mean I guess it's whatever
Wow that was ghey as fukk. Even Dora the Explorer is more hardcore than this shit. Dora literally goes on dangerous adventures with a fucking monkey that's fucking badass.
so it's like an anime for 4 year old girls?
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GOEBBELS is that u ?
tegafinop here
Just stop, bud. Not worth it. Don't try to indoctrinate people. If they don't like it, they don't like it. End of story
Literally one of the worst animes ever made, never-ending dragged out clichè stories, terrible TERRIBLE art and reused animation and fights dragged out to eternity literally to profit from retard kids.
>All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
There will be more and more people like this kid and I'm just going to get some popcorn and watch the shit go down.
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fuck off you autistic piece of shit stop trying to shove your homo ass show down everyones throat you dumb cunt

>you don't understand my show

it's for 4 year old girls you man child faggot grow up
This is not cringe... This is /b/
she probably sympathized with the men who had to watch the show with their daughters for bonding. Throw in a teensy bit of testosterone and violence for the dad's....Are brony's parents? Never...
Why do people think they're pink? They all have different colors.
So when did you first decide that you wanted to fuck a horse
Still pretty sure this is Simon from inbetweeners
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top kek
Hook, line and sinker newfriends.
Congrats on falling for your first ever bait! Now you've learned a little more of how not to do so in the future!
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But they should like it, and stop being ignorant judgmental fucking retards.

Never. Don't find anything erotic about horses, and even less about cartoon ones.
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>doggie devito
Nice file name.
Sick an tired of this unfair furry-hate.
We don't hurt anyone and most furries I know are more kind to people that 'normal' people. We can't help being born this way, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.
When I get kids, I hope they are born furry too. The joy of going to cons and the social aspect in general is great. If not, there's not a lot I can do. It won't prevent me from dressing up at home of course. But, we don't go around 'forcing' our opinion on you, either you're born a furry or you're not. Stop your fucking hate.

he fucking owned you faggot
I'd rather cover my nutsack in honey and let bugs crawl on it like the las vegas strip than ever figure out more context to that show
>But they should like it, and stop being ignorant judgmental fucking retards.

It's like a feminist for ponies.
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What about giraffe traps?
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>being this American
get out
Did it ever cross your mind that what you posted is exactly what he was talking about? I don't even like the fucking show but he makes more valid points than you fucking haters.
This is not cringe, this is regular

go fuck ur mom
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I really, really, really lost to my own picture!
this man lurks /pol/ no doubt
go wear your fedora somewhere else closet brony
Listen, I have the biggest pony porn stash in the fandom [spoiler] 260GB and growing [/spoiler] and that's nothing compared to how autistic you're being right now
>literally lying to prove how ignorant and stubborn he is
Um, no he doesn't. The whole point of that ghey show is to sell ghey ass plastic figurines made by some chinks.
Underrated post
you got .....

>But they should like it
>Stop being ignorant judgmental fucking retards

Are you okay? You must be dealing with some pretty awful shit if you're going so far to force your opinion about a TV show upon people on the internet. Hang in there buddy
>wearing hats indoors
>badly fit suit
>that obnoxious cane
Go look at your local toy isle. Chit bronies were crying about how hasbro is ruining their ghey show by putting more toy inserts. Bruh the show has been a toy commercial since the beginning the cartoon is an extension of the toys.
it just ended, but the rest of your points are valid
dude that's totes sweet explosion I need to start watching
ahh thanks for explaining
So was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Strange how that show is praised, even though it was made for the exact same reason, hm?
Sounds better than MLP

anon, where can I find more of this little crazy dog thing

Man, this guy.

I cannot watch his videos in full.

Literally makes my skin crawl.
see >>609253602
Try and tell me your asshole didnt pucker the whole time you were watching this. https://youtu.be/nyjf5c4H8G8
wow, you are fucking pathetic. If you kill yourself (which you should), do it by hanging or jumping off a building. You wouldn't even be worth the cost of a bullet, and at least the rope can be re-used or the sidewalk scraped clean.
Okay, so merchandise exists. But that's not what you said. You said the show's purpose is to sell merchandise. I asked for a source. Unless you can provide it, you're just talking out of your ass and shouldn't have posted in the first place.
To be fair people grew up with Ninja Turtles. These ghey homos didn't grow up watching MLP. They joined some ghey fad when they were grown.
>oh noes, a well known troll actor
Hello newfag.
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>signing checks
So you are completely unaware of the fact that the TMNT franchise also had an insane boom of adults watching it?
Underage b&
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This guys channel has hundred of videos of the same shit.

if he's a troll he has the be the most dedicated one I've ever seen.

Either way, still makes my skin crawl when a grown man demonstrates how he's gonna eat pussy.
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Oh god those poor children. Why is this not illegal? Fuck humanitarian socialist bullshit. Eugenics now!!!
feckin jews
TMNT's concept is more universal than a bunch of bright and tacky colored ponies learning about the magic of friendship and lessons that a 5 year old should already know.
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This will be me in 20 years
He's a known actor and it's a show he makes, you fucking retard.
holy fuck you rekt that guy
Fucking cringe.

Socks with sandals.
That's only the first season. And it didn't change because of the brony fandom, it changed because Faust wasn't happy with the direction it was going, since the stories and universe were way to girly and limited.
well we didn't have sexually fantasize Splinters asshole now did we

you know, I was going to fucking word rape you for that but man, you do kinda have a point..

I like anime but I'm not a fucking weeabookawaiidesu.. I am going to Japan though..

I get what your saying man
i know right?
Are you negative four years old?
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That's a nice assertion you have there. But until you provide credible evidence for that statement, it's just an opinion, and thus, worthless.


Adding onto this, is it not also judgmental to call someone an ignorant retard just because they don't watch/like a show that you like?
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 70

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