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Must watch movies thread
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Thread replies: 170
Thread images: 72
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Must watch movies thread
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Sticking with South Korean cinema.

Memories of Murder
This one is gold, will always reccomend.
I think this might be my watch for tonight.
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If you're going to watch Oldboy, might as well watch the entire vengeance trilogy.

>pic related
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After seeing this last year, I consider it to be my favorite all time crime drama, beating out Se7en and Zodiac even. I'm a Fincher fanboy but this one is spectacular, enough to beat out Finchers top two best imo
The man from nowhere,
It's on Netflix too.
I've heard that before but I don't know what they are. brb google.

Nice to watch, but meh. Not credible enough to make me feel anything.

Highly recommended.
Has a film-noir style feel to it - dark detective story.
Also has a superb soundtrack.
This is a shitty movie, and if you like it you have shitty taste.
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south korean cinema is so much better than
all this hollywood stuff.
here are some recommendations

mother (madeo)
i saw the evil
the chaser
a bittersweet life
attack the gas station! (really funny)
joint security area
my sassy girl (the original, not that hollywood shit remake)
the vengeance trilogy
the host

well, and many more
Can never go wrong with a classic. Such a good fucked up kinda movie.
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This movie is fucking amazing.
Also, Shawshank is lame and overrated.
So is Forest Gump.

Favorite Fincher film.

He is the pinnacle of filmmaking as I see it currently. Can't wait to see what he does next.
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The Man From Nowhere is also a really great film. If you liked that one, you might be interested in I Saw the Devil.

Pic related.
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Also, this.
Second this.
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Check 'em
Oldboy is great, but try not to overrate it. It is certainly not for everyone.

One dinner party I went to, a conversation started about Oldboy remake. My friend and me were both very vocal about how good the original was, and I completely over-hyped it to my wife, and he did the same to his fiance. We watched as a group the following weekend and both of our partners hated it.

I did the same thing with Galaxy Quest, A New Hope, 12 Monkeys, Blade Runner, Dark City, and The Princess Bride.
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OP also loves The Raid(2) and the Battle Royale movies
nice edge m7
>Favorite Fincher film.
Totally agree, I love this movie.

This is god tier and MUST watch. Very good movie.
>Must watch
Charlie Countryman, Odd Thomas

What a great fucking movie anon! Loved the fuck out of this.

Will do!
it's good
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The American remake had the single-shot hammer battle, and it was done in one take but for some reason that Spike Lee won't disclose they cut it up into smaller chunks.
It also features Elizabeth Olson's tits and ass.
at least I dont have a shitty attitiude.
Kinda boring, but very good film. Especially that Ben scene.
have the poster in my room. no film is parallel to this imo, one of a kind. most uniquely dystopian ive ever seen
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Another great Korean movie on Netflix is The Yellow Sea.
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Daisy's destruction

is oldpiratebay cool to use? Haven't torrented anything since tpb went down and I really don't want twc to send me shit in the mail.
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This movie is brilliant
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I'm sorry Anon, I'm just used to being an asshole on the internet because everyone is an asshole on the internet. It comes natural.

I just find it hard to understand how someone could watch that movie and think it was good. I went in with very low expectations, but found it didn't even live up to those. The acting was sub-par, the characters were very minimal, the social criticism was simple and easy. The effects are good, but you don't get points for that these days. Most 80's B movies have better plot.

Pic related. She doesn't even show that much cleavage in the movie, either.
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Just stream it online bro. Most of these movies are old and low quality anyways.
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Shitty movie. It's obscene and lubricious.

Kechiche is fascinated by Lea Exarchopoulos and you can tell : 90 of the movie is a close-up on her face. The rest is a lubricious pornographic scene of lesbian sex.

Ah, and also a SJW scene where we see some bad homophobic people being homophobic and bad.

See his other movies, like "l'esquive" or "la graine et le mulet". Much, much better !
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Also the grifter
The fuck
Not for irreversible
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Look at Roger Ebert over here, describing something as pornographics AND lubricious. We get it, you're refined.

I want to have high quality content backed up on file for y3k/robocalypse/government shuts down the internet/I become too poor to have an internet connection/etc.
The fact that you got double dubs doesn't negate the fact that Oldboy fucking sucked. One of the worst, and most boring, movies I've ever seen with a "twist" ending that I called within the first half of the movie. Shit was so fucking obvious that they might as well have said it from the get-go.

Jesus Christ, of all shit movies to have inordinate amounts of praise, this is one of the worst.
LOL sure
What's yor fav film brah?
Look! The first fucker to post a decent movie in this thread and not just some shit tier flash in the pan.

Stay horrorshow o my little droogy.
should i watch ? my idiot friends told me its just porn
I didn't say it was the most lubricious movie ever. I just say it's TOO lubricious for the movie it is. There's no point having such a pornographic scene. We can clearly tell that Kechiche wanted to make that scene to please himself.

J'y étais presque !


See this : >>599207789
Anyone know where I can watch Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance? I can't find any with English subs
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>found the faggot liberal

I think you're confusing 'movie' with 'stage-play remake'.
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I'm gonna be that cunt who posts Lynch movies.

You seem upset that you had to google lubricious.
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Well... uh... now let me explain, I fucking love disaster-porn type movies. I also love sci-fi. Also, my favorite sub-genre of sci-fi is alien invasions. I can admit that my favorite movie isn't exactly what most people would call a really good one. I don't think it's objectively good, but it is my favorite.
Lolita anyone?
Think you're confusing "stage play remake" with "novel that the author was repeatedly requested to turn into a play of several varieties, including Noh, all of which he refused to do."

Oh shit, I forgot this was /b/. I mean, I don't know anything about the topic. You're a fag.
was about to post it
Nice fuckin meme kid
You already read the bad review anon gave it. But in my opinion the movie was great. I didn't care about the sjw or lesbianism, it was beautiful to watch. I watched it daily for a few days after the first I watched it. I guess it's up to each person.

I really enjoyed it but I felt like it went for too long.
*high five*
Shitty film, try hard shit.
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The Hunt

only movie that has truly hit me right in the feels.

This movie and its fans just have edgy written all over them.
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if you like these two i would also recommend A Company Man
fucking this

make sure you download English subtitles unless you're danish.

What you're saying is literally not true. Richard O'Brien wrote the play to keep busy between acting gigs and approached Jim Sharman because he wanted it produced, you twat.
>Oldboy is boring
>Independence day
god tier movie, seen it again the other day and loved it

They added it to netflix. :D
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thanks, underage faggot

Say what you will about Independence Day, but come on, man. That shit is not boring.
I know right
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If you like A Company Man, I would recommend A Bittersweet Life.

im gay
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Any film with as much impact as it has isn't necessarily a bad film... It's just really fucking long and really fucking boring.

We had to watch that in I think grade 10 at my school which was in Aus, yeah I remember little to nothing about it but I wasn't impressed.
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In the name of Mel Gibson and Jesus, I command dubs!
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She screwed a brick?
yeah, the whole movie is a chick trying to shovel a brick in her cooter
my friend was a statist in that
Second this. My god what a film.

Yeah I'd go watch that with my family.
Oldboy, though well filmed, was the most drawn out, padded, load of shit I've seen in a long time. I got love for Chan Wook, but that nigga shoulda cut the runtime by about 45 after the conclusion.

How nigga take down a hallway of guys and get over powered by one of them when they come back with crutches?
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there are some good movies in here, but lets not forget the classics

france: les diaboliques, les quatre cent coups
italy: 8 1/2, ladri di biciclette
sweden: persona, wild strawberries
spain: abre los ojos, hable con ella
russia: andrei rublev, Pisma myortvogo cheloveka
denmark: the hunt, Det perfekte menneske, breaking the waves
Germany: aguirre der zorn gottes, paris texas, M
states: sunset boulevard, citizen kane
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best movie eva
8½, Fellini is pretty genius.
No Jean-Luc Goddard, no Alphaville for france?
fucking love that movie, philosophy teacher recommended it to the class
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must watch, a masterpiece.
Oh god
kim jong il's son is in this??
Hell yeah
It's a good film.
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Waking Life.

Greatest film I have ever seen.
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snakes in a plane.

great acting
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this movie is my favourite. when his mum was fucking him every night gave me shivers but the rest was ace
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Criminally underrated film.
10/10, and the fact that it featured Tesla's persona too was so good
Also awesome plot twists and great acting
> Elizabeth Olson's tits and ass

Only part about the American remake that I really enjoyed.
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Agreed. heaps good movie.
Agreed insofar as I can't remember the last time anyone brought it up.

Saw in theaters. Interesting story (minus Tesla magic machine. Felt like a copout, but was handled all right), interesting characters, satisfying twist. I recall it all fondly, but it seems that there is never occasion to recall it at all. Weird combination of good and forgettable.
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Another russian film contribution.
Both films are amazing.
Best soundtrack I listen to it so often
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I'm not watching movies anymore until they stop shaking the camera around and stop having orchestra music play during the movie.
Oh you're fucking original
Best movie I've ever seen.
smelly Indian cunt movie
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Surprised no-one has mentioned The Usual Suspects.

Is that the Joseph Gordon Levitt film?
>/b/: the movie
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the anger
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Crumb (1994, documentary)
Orchestra music goes back to before movies had sound. The jews had union contracts that perpetuated after movies started being made with sound. You can't just cancel jew contracts, so the music will stay.

The shaky camera is a technique used to mask CG and poor choreography. That's not going away either.
>I'm not watching movies anymore until they stop shaking the camera around

M8 its not the movies. I think you have Alzheimers.
I cant find these movies, is there a good site i can stream them from?
your moms video collection
primwire . ag buddy,
No pizza for cat
Whoa, now that's a cool response. Bet you're older than 13 for sure.
feels from that scene
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You haven't saw this trilogy, you're faggot.
everyone has seen it, faggot
id say most faggots have seen the trilogy, probably in one sitting to maximize faggotry
Name one "sci-fi" movie that is based entirely on known science, and doesn't have any fantasy magic in it.
actually this trilogy you dumbfucks
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This is probably one of the best animated films you will ever see, and portrays depression in a really weird way.
Watch this movie constantly to give me feels.
Literally unwatchable
not as good as oldboy, but amazing
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I Came.jpg
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"It's love Murph"

love = not fake and made up

checkmate atheists
It's why I watched it at all. It wasn't that bad though, 6/10 at least. The villain had a really soothing voice.
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The best thing about Oldboy in my opinion was the glorious, one shot, fight scene in the hallway.

Quite literally watched it with my mouth open in awe the first time I saw it.

Is there any movie that compares to that?

genuinely curious
Thread replies: 170
Thread images: 72

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