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Kick ass albums thread. >Post some stuff we haven't seen
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Kick ass albums thread.
>Post some stuff we haven't seen before

One of the best albums ever made, right here.
10/10 album
Good shit
Woah, you guys both got 52. Vertical dubs.
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Loved this movie.
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is this the guy from Home Alone?
my nigg-nogg
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...or anything else by the Alan Parsons Project, for that matter.
mein neger
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just listening to this album for the first time and i must say, its god-tier
check out the song named dragonfly if you chance upon it
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yeah, OP don't be a faggot and cheer on your own posts. You do that again and Little Dave will show up at your house.
I don't samefag and I'll prove it.
>Post some stuff we haven't seen before
>posts the album from a song that was used for an apple commercial

gg op
he was trying to self bump give the man a break
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fuck you
>pic related

Well I meant stuff we haven't seen in previous threads.
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Aw yeah.
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Katy Perry - Teenage Dream.jpg
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>Post some stuff we haven't seen before
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so what you made the bottom 3 posts. That doesn't prove OP didn't samefag.
B8 don't bite .02/10
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One for you OP because you are such a glorious-winged Hipster faggot.
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Don't give a shit. Post albums.
thats not child friendly no wonder their nothing but a forgotten band these days, imagine if a child saw that in the store? that should be banned.
it's catchy dude
Only Radioactive and Amsterdam are worth listening. But fuck those are two great songs
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David Maxim Micic's "Bilo 3.0" is a fucking masterpiece. Prog rock at it's finest. Complete with orchestral, traditional Eastern Europe, jazz, and fucking scat influences. I'm not even kidding, there's a section in "Where is Now?" that has it.

2 tasty 4 me
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i love this album. Waiting for the moon to rise
is my favorite song
Have another turd you cancer.

listening to radioactive feels like i'm banging cocaine
It's Time and Demons are great too.
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10/10 taste.
Mbinguni Amina from Bilo 2.0 is solid as fuck too.
Scratch that, Bilo 2.0 is solid as fuck too.
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>posts a pic that doesn't prove OP didn't samefaq
I just downloaded Flathead for the first time this decade.

>that song from the ipod commercial
>i haven't heard any others
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That's not their best album, nor their best album art.
One of my favorite bands. Their music is so honest and is based on the struggles of people and shit
They're all fucking fabulous
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Bow down you faggots
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Feels - Animal Collective
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Forgot pic lol
God damn. We fucking know.
i like Henretta. but you are right come to think of it. thw whole album was awesome
will drop it onto my hard drive later today.

i recently got a $100 pair of earbuds and I've rediscovered my arousal to music. the best set I've ever had before these are the stock shitty ipod ones.
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Anything David Maxim Micic does is solid gold, heh. I've adored all three Bilo records, from start to finish.

And yeah, "Mbinguni Amina" is a breathtaking track, you're definitely right about that.
Six Rodriguez>>591925315
! I saw that documentary about him too!
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listenin' to it now
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you're all posting albums that are known
get some real underground epic rock into you!
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10/10 Album.

>imply Animals is either of those
If you ever wanted Black Sabbath to jam with Meddle-era Pink Floyd while listening to My Bloody Valentine's Loveless, then Dead Meadow is for you. Formed in Washington, D.C, these guys make some of the coolest music I've ever heard. They'll have groove-heavy jams like "Sleepy Silver Door" and "Indian Bones," but then they'll have beatiful soundscapes like "Greensky Greenlake," and "Dragonfly." Also, there is a song on here called "At The Edge Of The Wood" which sounds like Neil Young circa-1972. This is some great stuff.
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this album is the reason i passed orgo
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>people know.
>very popular album.
>i still never see it posted.
so im posting it.
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>i thought it was better than black parade
>when I was
>a young boy
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And collected or$200?
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1st and 2nd albums were a lot better though
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1. Teenage Dream
2. Prism
3. One of The Boys

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This Is Big Audio Dynamite

perfect. start to finish. to be listened to in one sitting.
>The one that got away
>Teenage Dream

prism and one of the boys aren't even on the album you feg
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I was ranking her albums...
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Clash. Combat Rock.

Amazing album, even if you ignore that popshit Rockin' the Casbah. Otherwise, perfect album.
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their entire discography is amazing. the last track on their last album is absolute god-tier.
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i only have teenage dream
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>That blazing music.
yes oh yes
You should get the others...they're all good.
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You faggots forget the obvious.
Gg anon.
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No one mentioned this yet?
camp >>>> because the internet > royalty(we royalty nigga)
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we are mainstream faggots lol
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go away dad
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Nirvana. Nevermind.

Start to finish.

(Uh oh, this just became a cheese pizza thread)
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If anyone knows this person and what her original band was your fucking amazing.
this thread isnt the obvious, theres so many underground rock bands that are better anyway, keep scrolling friend
Mick Jenkins - The Waters

maybe the best rap album i have ever had the pleasure of listening to

yep. to be listened to in a single setting. start to finish.
my niggas
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ITT: validate my taste in music
Saw this on a OSU! stream on twitch XD
what band is this, ive seen this cover before but i can't recall
Pretty successful thread, in that respect.
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Generic much?
Run The Jewels

Why is E.T not number one one the list
>Inb4 Kanye
literally the most overrated album in the history of music
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perfect, start to finish.

Dire Straits. Dire Straits.
Run the Jewels. They were shown (and in partner) with adult swim
>Post some stuff we haven't seen before
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It'll tell you what.
Those are her albums ranked in the order I like them. E.T. is a fantastic song without Kanye.

my bad. just posting the best stuff. I'll work on "haven't seen before"

it's pretty mutually exclusive - "best album" "we've never seen"
The only songs I've heard from this album is "For the Girl," and I liked it, but at your recommendation, I'll try the rest of the albumalbum
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I usually like 3-4 songs on an album

But yeah, start to finish
pearl jam is my favourite band of all time
and i know some very good underground rock
a lot of people 'think' they know pearl jam but they really have no idea
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But this one is their best (best album ever, actually).
swwwwweeeeeeeeeeeet diiiiiiispositionnnnnn
>18 year old coming through
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>people rage in 3
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Idk about awesome, some the songs are good. But I do laugh every time player is on shuffle and the album Vampire Lunch Lady Tits shows up lol.

you're 14, right?

Before Nevermind, that sound didn't exist.
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Best album you've never heard of. Never seen before.

stay pleb
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Mah nigga
>Vampire lunch lady tits
Oh dear god.
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It'll just leave this here.

What is a Sub Pop records?
yeah people that didnt grow up from 90-94 wouldnt understand that whole grungy stage
let the kids think nirvana are overrated
Oh fuck no.
Fucking yes
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Faggot or not, this album is incredible. OF has talent idc what anyone says about them.
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Fuck all of you fags and your redneck shit music.
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Bongo Fury
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Lotta people most likely know this album, but its such an amazing album
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10/10 do recommend
Good band
Bleeding out makes me feel shit man
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/b/ tier coming through
Algun argentino ?
if you just started listening to rap yeah its not too bad
plenty of better undergrounders
jedi mind tricks - the psycho social and chemical manipulation of humankind

This isn't Od Future.
Frank Ocean is only a collaborator
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Also this.
Subtle kek
>sierra leone
>sweet life
>pink matter
>forest gump
>pilot jones

them vocals on bad religion thoughhh
great music there
Deftones are god
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Yeah, I'm just partial to Glosoli
I love OF myself but I just didn't like this album.
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that's Buddy Guy. Stevie Ray Vaughn's best friend. Stevie learned from him.
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Fuck yeah
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This is his own album, not related to Odd Future. But he is apart of the group.
hey im a huge nirvana fan too, but Tad and Butthole Surfers were around before Nirvana.
Temper Trap eh? spose youre aus
Dude the island part 1! I don't know if this is the right album, but goddamn that song is the shit
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Eh was okay

hey, much respect for them too. different sound though.

up next. BHS
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Mac's my favourite musician. but someone posted 2 already so this is also amazing.
This guy knows it
I like Holy Diver more tho
bruh oath
Nope. American. Oregonian to be exact.
BEcause the internet is infinitely better bro
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When he's right, he's right.

Butthole Surfers. Electric Larryland
Good band tho

They make so many songs that seem good enough to be one hit wonders
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>Grew up in their neighborhood
>Listened to them all my life
>Love every album

Americans may not know this feel.
and my second album of the day
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my nigger, this is great also
Another body murdered
yes cunt, you beat me too it
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>used pleb
is pleb
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>Post some stuff we haven't seen before

I don't entirely disagree. I've tried to weigh them back and forth but I pretty much always come up with an equal rating between them. Camp has fewer songs that I dislike, but BtI has songs that wrinkle my brain.
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>inb4 hurdur hipster hurdur
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tfw no atcq.

Ya'll are doing this wrong.

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> Uses iTunes
> doing it wrong
I couldn't have said it better.

I liked Camp a lot more initially, I feel like I can never be comfortable with BTI.
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Such a great album, also nice to see some Spoon appreciation on here

This shit is mad chill and none of you have heard it before in your entire lives.
And the other
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I prefered this one tbh.
Not a huge fan of They Want My Soul
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Really under appreciated artist. A god among producers. His previous album - irl - is also really good. Maybe better than this one. Hard tie
Mad cringe
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If you're into New Age Orchestral music then Two Steps From Hell is a fucking godsend. This album specifically is one half of the production duo, Thomas Bergersen, the other half being Nick Phoenix who is more into electric orchestra. Either way every album, private and public, is delicious.


u caught me officer
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Chill & unsettling
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Thread replies: 245
Thread images: 146

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