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Prove that niggers are not filthy animals >protip: you can't
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Thread replies: 140
Thread images: 69
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Prove that niggers are not filthy animals
>protip: you can't
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why would I want to?
needs cum
they want i guess
This did nothing but prove white people can be filthy animals too.
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Blacks invented air conditioning. U tried tho.
>implying black = nigger
by fanning whites with large leaves?
Yeah,but niggers are more agressive,have lower iq, and ofc they can not see nothing at night
we're all just trying to cum in bitches
Intercontinebtal climate here. I dont need AC
>In 1902, the first modern electrical air conditioning unit was invented by Willis Carrier in Buffalo, New York. After graduating from Cornell University, Carrier found a job at the Buffalo Forge Company.

u tried tho
I've fapped so many god damn times to this
Does a set existing?
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From what I saw it was only 2 or 3 pics, there is another where she has whiskers drawn on her face.
More of this Colombian goddess please.
Prove they are retard.
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One of my favourites but dont't have moar
Prove that YOU are not a filthy animal. Caucasian racists are the filthiest animal of all.
does anyone know the girl in black dress as a cat?

Any site where her videos are posted?
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Oh great another racist fuck who thinks they're hilarious.
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I cant. QA senior fag here. Like job, have a nice girl to fuck. I dont need to prove anything nigger
holyshit i have the same sheets
I am haha. But all niggers too. Dont want 2 b racist, 95%of them
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Here look at this shit.
Afro muricans still use mud and sticks to build huts.
So do bird and beavers but birds and beavers actually contribute to the world
I'm not racist and I don't judge anyone before I really know what kind of people they are, but well... the truth is that black people work for their reputation REALLY hard.
Not a nigger, just not a retarded racist either.
>Picks one black guy
>Thinks he's like all black guys
So I suppose all white people are like Hitler too then?
Monkey see monkey do
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if all whites were like hitler then that wouldnt be to bad now would it
These guys founded a nation
Caucasian racists are correct though, you're filthy inferior animals. Stay upset, subhuman monkey.
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Here's the man that started the work that led to our technical civilization.
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>So I suppose all white people are like Hitler too then?

I wish. We wouldn't have shitskins and liberal negrophiles in the nation.
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The world would be a better place
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integrated circuit.jpg
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This guy started the work which led to the computer that you use to post stupid shit on.
Nigger detected
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you just proved it with that gorgeous sandnigger chick bro
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Here's a modern philosopher. Notice how he looks.
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Good god you guys are fucking sad. Have fun with your pathetic edgelord lives.
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And lastly here's the king asshole that keeps you whining and using the race card. If you fucks don't like it here then pack your shit and move. I'm all for cutting you little bitches off and you can starve or get a job.
As of today I'm tired of niggers thinking they're due something other than the back of my hand or a bullet from a barrel.

Behave or die
>Thinking you know anything about me at all
Stay salty nigga.
Ok now what have we done? Many many of things including inventing integrated circuits, which apparently lead to computers that you posted on. So you're welcome
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>Implying you're not a fat and acne riddled virgin
She's not a nigger. Nigger
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I just picked my nose.
more of her?
inb4 "mods" faggots
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No. sorry
Tesla was not only a serbian genius but also a fucking alien ... Got ripped off by greedy americans ... Here you go dumb America !
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Keep up the good work, m8
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No, they are. White power!
Not all, majority but some aren't stupid and are on the same level as sophisticated white people.
No moar cheese pizza?
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It not depends on the skin tone fag
Srry got time for posting in every 5 mins
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Firgot pic
>waahhh you're so edgy

Yeah good luck with me caring about your shitskin opinion.

You fag! hurr durr. White power!
Tis true
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One moar then afk. keep rhread alive fags
Shitskin detected

My skin is white, hater. check out my smooth white skin. jelly.
>can not see nothing

What is a double negative
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albino niggers.jpg
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These guy's skins' are also white. Does not make them white.

That's what I'm talking about. White power!
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Im back
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Is the thread dead or should i have bump moar teens?
Lmfao thought you said you were black.
Dump teens
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kek. no
Why are niggers aloud to exist
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For legfags
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>Dat UCP Garbage
>not painting a huge face fuck me sign on themselves
Chocolate chip camo/ US woodlands was sexier and hella better
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Inb4 mods
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nah but how about turkish mil chicks?
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Nudes okay
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inb4 stormfag
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nigger can never be this perty
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Mein flammendes schwert. Und meine hande sollen euch richen...
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anyone lurkin?
lurkin and fappin
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Good to hear that
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One of my favourites
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Aryan master race! Fuck niggers!
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Noooooo, not like this!!!
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thats the plan
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>teens thread hidden in a nigger thread
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Its ok if I imagine pic related tied up right?
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he ded
Snapchat name !!!
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Im back just had to throw up
I don't know, pic is old as fuck.
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Are you dead?no?moar
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Even after seeing those lovely tits?
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Are you that disabled?
Just a columbian girl. Dont have moar. Try rvrsimgsearch.jpg
Had to throw up again. Please stop
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Not a fan of big tits my friend?
I need them, My mud-flaps on my truck need to be replaced.
Thread replies: 140
Thread images: 69

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