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Would you like my sis ?
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Thread replies: 54
Thread images: 19
File: 3209888.jpg (854 KB, 1645x2043) Image search: [Google]
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Would you like my sis ?
she is fat and probably ugly. get that bitch's face and we will rate it.
yes i would
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any more of her ass? also why havent you fucked her yet
I think she might like a treadmill... Or perhaps a stairmaster... :)
so, rate
7/10 would anal for days
post more butt
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Bitch needs to learn about squats.
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did you creepshot this? for the love of god more
She has no ass, have you no standards anon?

OP - I would give your sis a 4/10 (5 with personality). One night stand and no more.
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no ass? Iam thinking that she has
Not your "sis"

Not impressed.
You meant gf, right? Your sister poses for these shots?
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Posing girl, man its a creepshot
bump, go on
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No... Just no. I'm sorry OP.
Do you have any naked ones?
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your sister walks around like that?...totally jelly id be lucky to see mine in shorts and a tank top
please more of her, she is very nice
Well keep posting and we will keep lurkin =D

Also, did you fool around with her, any stories?
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little chubby
face OP
i love a little chubby...would take that over too skinny anyday
super super
How the hell did you manage to take a pic like that?

Did she let you or what
what's with the enormous panties?
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some lotion
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and pics of course...
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>How the hell did you manage to take a pic like that?
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Smooth operator, plase post more. We are enjoying them winz
have you more pic of her nice ass
would cum buckets if i had shots of my sis like this
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File: 02394823094820398.jpg (474 KB, 1944x1810) Image search: [Google]
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This has to be your gf, don't lie about it OP.
If this is really you sis explain the setup of the cam for the nudes!
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>If this is really you sis explain the setup of the cam for the nudes!
You must be new here
Maybe they are sisters?
We're not busting your chops, but you either are female or this is your gf. No way in hell a sister lets brother take photos like this. Some are obious creep, but some are clearly posed.
File: Intense+Plot+Twist+.gif (401 KB, 300x182) Image search: [Google]
401 KB, 300x182
please please more
I'll follow that up with a thanks for the OC, sure most appreciate it. Just when bullshit meter pegs 10 on the story, kills the vibe. Just sayin'
Ok I don't mind if you hang to your story, but keep posting dem pix!! Nice OC btw regardless how taken...
Thread replies: 54
Thread images: 19

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