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I got some nudes of this slut off her laptop. Want more?
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Thread replies: 136
Thread images: 88
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I got some nudes of this slut off her laptop.
Want more?
no not really
Just fucking dump, OP. Fuck.
she kinda looks like moot, so dump before b&
i'm too curious for my own good
if ure going to dump then dump. stop this bullshit of trying to bait out responses. ure the worst.
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I actually deleted these forever ago, but forgot i saved them on my mediafire.
So i figured i'd share the wealth and upload these.

I used to have some of her smoking meth with some guys that was definitely not her husband, but i can't find them for some reason
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Any lurkers?
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I'll post the mediafire after i'm done dumping
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Yum Yum roast beef
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who is she, OP? you mention a husband ... is she still married and is he unaware that she posed for these pics, or what?
Moar. I'm masturbating already.
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Need more bumps.
One person can't bump a thread by himself, i don't want this to die
bumping for pussy pics
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The sister of a guy i know from Highschool.
She was married, then she dumped her son on her husband and ran to Morocco and lived mooching off of some guy she met on the internet.

Then when the guy got tired of her mooching, she convinced her grandparents to buy her a plane ticket back and now she is mooching off of them again. She's like 26 now
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This is her husband btw
he's a bitch
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do you have her sucking or fucking???
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Got some fingering, but that's about it
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good good

keep going
sounds like she deserves these pics being posted, then. good job, OP. moar!
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>tickit info

My kinda woman. Dumb and relatively attractive.
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She's hella chubby now, let herself go after having a kid; these pics are pre-kid by about a year
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Not to mention she is just a total ad utter bitch.
She steals everything he can and tries to sell it.
They have had to recover her brother's video game or computer shit from the pawn shop three times now.
In fact, the pawn shops won't buy from her anymore, since they're had the cops called on them for her
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Shit i spell bad when i'm tired.
Fuck sleeping tho, it's only 2AM
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nice do you have a pic with her finger inside?
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Keep the bumps up fellas.
Don't want this to 404
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Good enough?
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another bump for this chubby slut
yes, more please!
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Fuck i remember the days where i could just type "nigger" over and over instead all these captchas.

I really need to get a 4chan pass
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Fuck yeah Borderlands is almost done downloading.
Gonna play the shit out of that when it's done
tasty. the more you say about her, the more i want her pics posted where everyone the slut knows will see them
keep posting im fapping with her :D
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Well, i suppose i should mention she also beats her younger teenage sister, and is pretty neglectful of her kid.

Her brother is about to call the cops on her again, she she'll get her kid taken away.
The only thing stopping him is that his grandparents are saying they'll kick him out if he does and they blame him for causing a fuss about her stealing and shit
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picture of her getting fucked in the ass plox!
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Pretty much about out of pics.
Gonna post the mediafire with the last pic, there are a couple i've not posted cause i missed them on accident or they aren't nudes.
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nice! whats her name?
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Last time i posted this link it got almost 500 downloads.
Lets see how many it'll get this time

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>The F.a.pp.enn.i.n.g Ful.l Co.l.l.e.c.ti.on
tinyurl_com/fappenning [swap _ with . ]
absolutely! what's her name?
yes please!
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The best way to get tons of nudes is to always have a flash drive handy and be the go-to guy for computer illiterate bitches.

Shit's so cash
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This one's name is Rose.
She's off on a mission trip to china or some shit right now, she's a pretty cool person.
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she looks nice, i want to see her tits and pussy :D
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did you stole them from her pc?
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She randomly shaved her head a couple years back, she had just regrown it when i met her.

See >>573854842
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New chan with beautiful women
^jb^teens^models^dat ass^boobs^sex
anal^lesbians^^nudism^cute girls^bdsm^
selfies^black^sexy beautiful women
45 chan_info
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have you seen someone you never imagine seen naked???
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Thanks for bump mr spambot

Need bumps to keep this thread on front page and not in 404 land
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Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Sorry, but i have no idea what you are trying to say
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bump with some oc
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looking for pics in some relatives pc and find someone nude pics... example cousin, sister
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Everything about this girl turns me on.
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Well the pics i started this thread with were found on accident.
When that chick left for morocco she left her old laptop behind her brother snagged it for me. When going through it, i found the pics.
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Same here man.
Fucking her was hella fun too, her pussy is really tight and just perfect, unlike the beefcurtains i started the thread with
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Bump !
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Fuck yeah the new borderlands is done downloading
do you have pussy pics?
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Nope, sorry

This is the last pic actually
thanks for sharing bro! if theres anoother pics you wanna share i'ii be around
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That's basically all the ones i got on this new laptop.My last one (the one that used to be andrea's actually) crapped out on me and i lost a bunch of nudes i had liberated over the years, i gotta remake my collection from scratch pretty much

All i got left are these, and they are kinda disappointing after the last two dumps

Dammit i meant this text to go with this pic >>573857339

This chick's name is Marissa, her ass is glorious. She can be bitchy if she doesn;t like you but she's usually pretty cool if you aren't an ass
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she looks pretty hot
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Hmm i swear to god i had one of her tits and on of her naked from behind, exhibiting that glorious bootay

She is.
These are all right before she got pregnant (again, but no miscarriage this time)
I believe in you OP.
i hope you find those pics :D
No luck, must have gotten lost in the old laptop.
Well damn, those were my favorite too.

Any others?
Thread replies: 136
Thread images: 88

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