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Prove me wrong /b/
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Prove me wrong /b/
You still came out a faggot.
You are not recognized as a person until you are born. Therefore you are not a child.
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that is all.jpg
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I WISH my mom got an abortion. An unplanned life is the worst kind of abuse.
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inb4 libtards come out to justify abortion.
its not a child if I fuck it afterwards, faggot
case and point
Raping a child, breaking its bones, rubbing its skin with sand paper to create exposed wounds, throwing it in a trashcan, putting the trashcan outside in the hot sun.

Even more brutal.
Reasons /b/ cares about child abuse:
Which is worse OP:
1.Having a child aborted
2.Giving birth to a child who will be forced to live in an unstable environment because the mother had children before she had her shit right.
Have you seen who's breeding these days?

-Inbred rednecks
-Reality TV stars

God, we need more abortions, not less.
you've clearly never known asian parents.
Im sorry to have to say this but in this day and age with this much world population. Unwanted babies isn't such a bad idea.

What you need to do along with feminists and everything other cancerous group of people is realize that we do not have enough resources to go around if the population keeps growing. And sooner or later abortion won't be the case, but mass genocide will be the next resort to keep population under 5 billion or less. As we speak there are thousand of thousands of lives of lives being lost due to famine, hunger, and war, more people being born isn't exactly what we need nor are they gonna receive very good treatment. Unwanted babies end up being brought up in foster homes, orphanages, with a fuck load of mental issues because they know they weren't wanted since birth. They will develop depression, anxiety, some will become junkies, sleazy porn stars, and eventually they will commit suicide. Good going, you just did the same as having them killed when they pretty much didn't even know they existed.

The government will terminate population sooner or later and it might already be happening, and you're talking about this? Use your fucking head.
it's not a child if it's not born, therefore it can't be child abuse
>abortion is so br00tal

Yeah that's what makes it sweet.
Inb4 edgemaster
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The world is not child-friendly. Forcing someone to grow up in this shithole just becuase YOU want a kid: THAT's child abuse.
You suffer from the same problem that afflicts those who think finding a 17yr old is sexy.
A fetus is not a child is not a teen is not a young adult is not a older adult. Fuck you
Thread replies: 18
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