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story time /b/ >be 16 >sister 14 >scrawny white girl
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Thread replies: 156
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story time /b/

>be 16
>sister 14
>scrawny white girl
>ginger hair
>blue eyes
>round face
>5/10 face
>6/10 body
>no tits yet
>decent ass for her weight
>we aren’t close
>only talk to her when we have to do chores together or something
>she used to be this really quiet little girl
>listened to everything I said
>dressed like a cute little tomboy
>time for her to go to middle school came
>she went to the same middle school I went to
>its in a shitty neighborhood
>lots of ghetto swag fags and hood rat chicks

Just to put some perspective on how ghetto the school was, when I was in the 7th grade, 12 years old, I’d been mugged 6 times, nose broken twice, and I’d done bootleg acid with a bunch of my swag fag friends. My 8th grade cousin was doing coke and heroin. 12-13 y/o’s doing hardcore drugs. Anyway,

>shitty ghetto school
>a couple of months into the 6th grade, shes become a slutty cunt
>shes going to zumiez and buying these backless shirts and short shorts so short I can see her ass cheeks


pic unrelated
You literally just posted this.
bump for interest
browser crashed. lost link.
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this fucking faggot again. fucking sage
Well you better get on with your damn story then.

>her friends are proud of her
>her friends have crushes on me
>one of her 2/10 friends gets my number and offers to choke on my cock
>she had more facial hair than I did
>anyway, all of her friends were almost fully developed
>tall, tits, ass, curves all around
>I guess hispanics and niggers enter puberty a lot quicker than white kids
>my sister is still short, scrawny, basically curveless
>doesn’t even have her period yet
>couple years pass
>she’s and 8th grader now, 14
>I’m a 10th grader, 16
>she still hasn’t developed much
>somewhat of an ass
>sports bra worthy tits
>no thigh or hip curves
>decent face though, 5/10
>were really distant at this point
>only talking to her when doing chores together
>ask her how school was once in a while
>same response everytime
>”it was lit”
>she acts like a thot
>shes probably slurped cock by now with her friends
>shes wearing revealing clothing everyday even though she doesn’t have the body for it
>want to say something to my mom but figure I’ll let her be herself

>she is dumb
>legitimately dumb
>thought Antarctica was a state
>doesn’t know rudimentary history
>she copy and pastes everything for her homework assignments
>everything, essays, science projects, math problems, she copy and pastes everything from the internet and hands it into the teacher
>shes one of the few white girls in the school out of hundreds of Hispanics and niggers
>teachers give her special treatment because of it
>look past her bootleg assignments and give her A’s and B’s
>shes got a 90% GPA
>bullshitted her entire way through middle school
>kept her thot attitude
>shes going to high school next year
>her high school is going to be a lot less ghetto
>lots of well behaved white kids, high grades, chess teams, etc
> don’t know how shes going to handle herself there because she bullshitted her way through middle school
>she knows non of the material
>anyway its summer time now
>mom works a seriously shitty job
>she carries 100lb+ garbage bags down flights of stairs and mops sand niggers’ floors
>she took over the job after my dad passed of cancer
>he passed when I was 5 y/o
>she was left with two kids and no job
>so she took over his job as a porter
>she never stopped loving my dad and never got into another relationship
>took a toll on her
>shes insanely bi-polar, OCD, vulgar and physically aggressive
>beat me for two hours once because I left a tiny grease stain on a plate
>got beat really often until I was bigger than her
>then the beating stopped
>still intimidated by her
>shes 5’0 and 150lbs
>brollic as fuck because of all those years of lifting garbage bags
>sister is still smaller than her
>occasionally still beats my sister
>I try and stop her half the time out of guilt towards my sister
>it is what is though, I can’t cure her mental instabilities
git gud fgt
dyel faggot

>if my wife died I’d be pretty fucked too
>she wants to take us on a vacation
>sis and I are pretty excited
>we start talking again more despite her slutcunt attitude
>mom is taking us to niagra falls
>fine with me
>sister is disappointed
>have to drive there
>10 hour drive
>atleast we have an SUV so its somewhat comfortable
>mom is persistent
>mom doesn’t take rest breaks
>we stopped twice during the 10 hours so we could shit and piss
>during whole ride I’m sitting in the back with sis
>pretty physically close to eachother
>she falls asleep onto my shoulder
>not sure how I feel about it
>shes a musty slut
>try to remember her as the cute little tomboy sister I used to have
>let her sleep on me
>we get to our motel
>two bedroom
>mom sleeps on one bed
>sis and I sleep on another
>sleep through the night fine
>wake up and mom isn’t in the motel room
>she probably went to go get breakfast
>have morning wood
>sister walks out of bathroom completely naked
>staring at her
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holy shit, it's her.
didn't she post titpics somehwere close to new years until we found out she was like 16?
this guy is an evil child molester.. reported
Yep, that's elfchan/arwenchan
>I still have them
Sucks acouple faggots had to ruin it for all of us
Dump em bro.
>admits having CP
it's not cp if she's white
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anyone got more pics of this girl?
Dis gettin good!!
Rambling op doesn't even have a story
But I'm not behind 7 proxies yet

To air on the cautions side
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
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wow fag
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poor markychan
>In the thread she posted in she was called choker-chan but now elfchan
Dont leave us hanging!!!
OP will surely deliver
[intersert spooky skelly]
Care to finish
>doesn’t even have her period yet
somehow not believable. can't put my finger on why..
For all the newfags, she was doxed into showing tits and ass.

Please dump.

dump and ill cont.
Is that it
maybe because it seems unlikely that he would know

...well we're waiting.
No she gave tits and ass, then got doxed
scumbag gtfo
Knew it! This was all an elaborate ruse by OP to get the nudes.
No. Just waiting for these fags
to dump.
>look away and try to cover up my wood
>she says its OK to look
>I look back, and uncover my wood
>things happen
>mom opens the door
>we all get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur
We have to wait for you to finish tapping to hear the rest?

not OP but i'll give you a 7/10 for effort
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well fuck
No faggot. I just want some fucking nudes. Conting now because >>562972937
>>562972013 are niggers.
>she was threatened with doxing into showing tits and ass***

I kinda felt sorry for her though.
No it's not you idiot in a thread we found her home adress and facebook page
>she looks at me and gives me a “What are you gonna do about it” face
>she goes to the mirror and rubs some kind of lotion on herself
>walks over to nightstand and checks her phone
>comes to bed
>lies down right next to me naked
>still have morning wood
>she notices it
>”Whats that, anon”
>”it’s a boner, dumbass”
>”Did it happen because of me?”
>sit up
>look into her eyes

conting but can one of you fags post the nudes of this elfchan chick?
thanks for telling OP that so he won't continue

nigger faggot
scroll to the bottom and read only that part, white knight faggot
Just continue faggot
I wish
No she's not, newfag
IIRC she showed tits and ass, then got doxed one of the following threads which resulted in her not posting anymore.
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continue regardless you fucking cunt
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please try and be more of a faggot
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Potential soon-to-be child pornograhpy thread reported.

As a proud member of Anonymous working with other members in Anonymous with #OPInnocence #OPPedoHunt I report all threads that depict / and or otherwise sexualize children or show questionable content.

These threads and its content can be but are are not limited to 'Too Young For Those Tits (TYFTT), Too Young For That Ass (TYFTA), Pre-Teen & Teen (JB), Young Girls, Cute Little Girls, Young Candid, and this also includes such threads 'Bad Parenting, Creep shot, You Love You Loose, Guess Her Age, Nudism' as these can often be places where such violations are performed with pictures of underage girls and boys being posted.

We must also mention that threads/images that sexualize underage girls that are drawn, sketched, animated or crafted, (Known as Lolicon) are just as bad as the real thing and is also in violation of rules of not just 4chan but the Adam Walsh Act and the laws of the United States Of America (18+ Required Law) and Human Rights Act.

We in Legion thank the Janitors & Moderators of 4chan who listen to our reports and work with us along with the interception and help from the FBI, LEA, INTERPOL, Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), New York Police Department, Google & Microsoft in working together to help stop child exploitation and abuse.

Remember, we must protect the children as they are our future - the future of Legion!

Never stop fighting the vile scum of this Earth such as pedophiles and child molestors!

We shutdown Freedom Hosting, OPVA, CPHeaven and many more deep web sites we can do even more!

If you help, support, produce, assist or in any other way endorse child sexual abuse we will find you.

We Are Anonymous
We Do Not Forgive Child Molestors
We Do Not Forget The Children That Have Suffered

Expect Us.
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speed it up.jpg
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give moar
I kek'd
Is it possible for faggots such as this to actually exist?
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>not realizing it's pasta
I bet you've been here all summer
no hes just a pedo. the b formula is that when one of these guys pretending to be anonfags say how much they hate cp hero anons come out of no where flooding the thread with cp
git gud fgt

is someone gonna post her feet?
Nice maymay, now go back to Reddit

0/10 because pasta
10/10 because i haven't seen this one before
post, then i'll THINK about posting the pics
I know it's pasta but some fag had to write it so it could be pasta.

That actually makes sense.
aaaaawwwwllll summer long
More story time!!!
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>look into her eyes
>shes waiting for my response
>”No. Its called morning wood, stop looking at it”
>”Oh, well I thought it was because you saw me naked”
>”its not”
>get out of bed
>tuck my morning wood into my waistband
>tell her to stop being a creep
>didn’t fuck my sister because I’m not a faggot and I don’t enjoy incest and autistic children
>go see niagra falls
>windy as fuck
>spit into the falls
>wind blows spit back into my sisters face
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proof that i have her pics saved

Her feet were apparently "disgustingly calloused," according to Encyclopedia Drammatica.
Once again you prove why OP is always a faggot.
Fuck you nigger.
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The smallest in her country, she says
i know, and thats why i want To See them
Never seen a child with tits that big, faggot.
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you enjoying summer bro?
they look cute

Those are fucking amazing.
shes 17. all of you are pedophiles
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>she looks like
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Get your shit right, nigger
Explains why you're here
oh, it was beautiful.

welp, time to save and abandon thread, fellas. it was fun
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then she's legal in my country so stfu noob
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this is you

>pic related
why does she remind me of Logan Lerman
Doxed her and she sent her ID.
She was 16.
Fuck off.
I want to habeeb.
>She was 16.
Oh wow who gives a shit? You realize that's legal age almost everywhere?
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I love how you can want to fuck someone one day and you are a pedo, but then the next day its her birthday and it is ok
not in picture form
Ah... Marky... Marky...
ha i live in canada fucker
men are attracted to round shapes and shit. if a 15 year olds ass looks 18 im going to get a boner
are there more feet pics or not?
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This doesn't look underage to me.
Meanwhile, i'm here for the story, this side-show shit is incidental
Tl;dr not my fault, carry on
Still though to get all high and mighty about it is bullshit when physically you can't even tell the difference between a 16 and 18 year old.
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like zoinks youre a tool.jpg
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dat handwriting doe
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>not having auto-refresh selected
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.</sarcasm>thanks mods<sarcasm/>
see for yourself
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copy paste much? seen this so many times in the past few days. I don't understand what the big deal is, explain to me why a girl that's developed, but underage, is wrong? for thousands of years it was acceptable. why is it so different now?
wait was the picture different than the ones found here
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Because feminism

Nope, those were the pictures.
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well they can fuck off. i never asked them to tell me what to do.
oh. thanks man
bump for science
auto refresh only has the thumb saved doe
God bless you. Those socks she's wearing... HNNNNNNNG
>be 16
>sister 14
>couple years pass
>she’s and 8th grader now, 14

Thanks to all the fags that posted pics of this elfchan girl. Seriously thanks bros, I will be fapping my fucking guts out tonight.

Been on a nofap streak for two weeks, will cum buckets tonight.
seen that too

I was implying a flashback in between those. Guess I shouldve said it was a flashback.
someone please post the pics again
Thers a link you stupid fag
OP, are you underage and b&?
So when these elf-chan threads happen guys?
thanks, asshole
Google Marky Jane Thompson
The first one was early this year I think
If you don't want to go to the website you can just Alt + Click those pics, learned about that awhile ago, very glad I did.
mm no thanks
Fuck, i need to spend even more time in 4chan, im missing things.
Good story OP.
She posted them on Christmas. It was glorious.
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>bootleg acid

As opposed to the acid you buy in the pharmacy?
Thread replies: 156
Thread images: 38

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