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Teen NSFW Thread #2!
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 140
Teen NSFW Thread #2!
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Over 18 totally legal thread?
I'm in.
Keep it 18+

I'll report anything that even appears under 18
whatever you want
motts ftw!
You are no fun faggot.
Does this make you feel empowered?even though you're probably a 12 year old with mommy issues
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Fuck off
>You are not in line with my system of morals. I suggest you return lest I threaten you with the almighty banhammer


Does this faggot cunt spend all day on here? What a fucking knobhead.

I'm gonna go fuck a 16 year old later today. Fuck you.
>I'll report anything

>Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the report system will result in a ban. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or saged it, or another post, is also disallowed—please do not announce your reports or sages. Friendly reminder: sage is not a downvote.
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go away james
sure is summer
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why doesnt this ever happen on my street?
Like you'd do anything but look faggot
it happens but you are in front of a computer.
Fucked a 16 year old earlier today. Fuck you.
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Fucked a 16yo when I was 16. Fuck me right?
Such Summer! Very Cancer WOW!
here it's winter
wot id du tu batter dat slags crumpet m8
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Heaven aren't you a mod?
Fuck you.
no, moot was too faggot to give me mod status
I can only change my ID
tips fedora
he is GOD
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Well if you arent a mod than WHAT ARE YOU
sorry about >>557546279 my mind is sometimes shattering in peaces
All Heavens are neckbeards including this one
like the knowing of yourself
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This ass
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teen ass is best ass.
I never quite understood the whole heaven thing... I just got back to /b/ after being gone for over a year.
We need moar with heels
Yes muy friend
Is not that great
And now I understand it...
Proud of you
thanks dad
B& incoming

What for?
you are posting cp you faggot
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First of all, I haven't posted a single picture in this thread. secondly no one has posted CP and no one has requested CP... you, sir, are and idiot.

fuck you... fucking newfag Nigger. ...
no fuck you
you fucking pedo sick fuck
WHERE WHERE?!?!?!??!??!
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You're the pedo. You go into every single one of these threads. You dumb fuck probably save it & then report it
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dude dont fall for the bait dude.
and stop calling people newfags.
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The thumbnail with the black pillow made it look like a trap with a giant dick/balls
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Yeah like you can even tell.
When you're closer to 99 than 18, EVERYONE LOOKS FUCKING 12, grandpa.

Go fuck your rotting corpse mother, FAGGOT.
watch out guys he's super srs bsns
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we want NSFW pix pls

Jesus Christ he had a bad time
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anyone want the rest of the set?
fuck you
you fucking white knight beta kiss ass
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I can rub off to this
what the fuck happened with kids man? When I was 13 I would love to see a 14-15 year old naked. Kid's today are pussies.
yes please, moar.

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yes if cooter
look the pedos are here
they are so offended

there can only be one heaven
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fuck you, cunt!
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there is later
is he gonna be OK??
i'm a moralfag i spend most of my day cleaning up the internet. one thread at a time.
Thank you sir, you are a credit to your country.
who is this ?
please more of that slutty
>he isn't even a moderator on a japanese image board
>he STILL does it for free
That's even worse than getting paid in hotpockets
So are you on Disability, or living with your parents, or what? Just curious because you ALWAYS seem to be on /b/, so obviously you don't work.
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>mfw the waiter brings me the bill
U r an idiot
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it was posted on a blog last night

Keeping a fifteen-year-old off my dick until she's sixteen.

Do I win?
messicans are not very nice people
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yes we are.

well, not all of us.

but i am anon! :)
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No, because I fucked a 15 year old over 100 times when I was 17
oh fuck yes dat kindle
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I'm in my twenties.
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what's that exactly?
How'd you meet her?
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>implying he wouldn't fap furiously looking from the window
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gr8 b8 m8
seeing your threads shutdown and b& is reward enough


hahaha keep bawwwing

Why do you ask?
I'm curious
Fuck yeah, I came expecting naked women and got both naked women and gore!
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You are the dumbest shithead I've ever seen.
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Specs on that PC?
a bunch of bears.jpg
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Lost it.
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Not the shity laptop but the desktop
so theres this chans with no mods, wat do?

i c h a n . o r g / s /
v c h a n . o r g / s /
h o t c h a n . o r g / t /
s e x y j b . c o m
Oh sure, like you don't chainsaw people and pull their face off all the time....I know how y'all are!
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I need a full set of this little chalupa....
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Heey 2x
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look at this guys....its child pornography guys......NCIS:NewYork is coming to our doors now guys....
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jesus christ, stop posting this fucking hambeast

and stop with the fucking gore, it's putting my off my stride.

niggers everywhere
Another reminder to keep it 18+

Thanks for following our rules.
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you'd think that they could do better than a halloween mask on a stick
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plz stop posting she is fucking awfull to look at
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I have more
All real.
fuck the rules! fuck the king!
carry on, son
First few by this guy wasnt bad then it got nasty
Shh, no more talking...only machetes.
Loving it Anon! Plz keep posting her!
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bait 1.jpg
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Don't get hooked
georgianfag ?
alright, keep it to yourself
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threads like these fuck you up. You're jacking off to 18 year old girls and the next pic is a dead guy. I'm so fucking horny and my dick is about to busrt I don't stop and I just look at the dead guy... fuck!
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mostly fake, in fact

the land without mothers is a much better place to go when fapping.
One should be able to nut at gore without issue, or he no longer belongs in these parts.
Is this what gets your cock off?
Don't worry that just means you've started along the path to becoming one of us.
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da fuck out of here perv!
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dont worry sunshine, it's fine now
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What's your folder size?
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i thought that was interracial and was like ew. thank god it was a dog

Please do not post fucking thumbnails you meanie.
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nah m8, interracial is one step 2 far 4 me
>more like Please do not post fucking thumbnails you mini.
mods mods mods
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images (14).jpg
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Any volafiles for younow.com
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that was proven fake over two years ago
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where do you get this stuff, not that i am intersted i just want to know where but i am not going to actually get it just curious
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>ever being sfw
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Why is El Zorro mad?
Volafile new rooms?

can someone sauce this link pls? Whats her name?

fuck mexican cartel are ruthless, killing her wasn't enough, you had cut off her limps and shit too.
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can someone explain why the gore?

are these people just trying to just uphold the rule that porn goes on /s/ or /hc/? Are they just anti-boobies?

Or are they mistaken thinking that a teen in a bikini is illigal, or that a topless girl here automatically means shes 17 and 1/2 and not 18?

Classic /b/
posting hot dead chicks

I think they're posting pictures of gore to make people like you make posts like yours.
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the best cartel experts are on /b/

pic related
i think the gore is to keep people like>>557542339
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here you go.jpg
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well done..
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look the faggots are here ready to show the world how holy and sanctified they are.
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pick one
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watch the eyeballs pop out.

it happens in the vid at time 3:20

glad that you're enjoying your first day here
why not both, faggot
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Um, ya.
Is this Russian government or what?

I think she might be underage. PEDOPHILE! PEDOPHILE!
Gore AND jailbait? Jeez, this thread can't get any better.
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The other guy get his head cut off with a knifev, you can hear him gag, both real you noob
weh weh weh weehh waahh wehh wehhhh
>bunch of people not realizing this is b8

>tfw Heaven wins again...
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He ate the last cookie without asking first
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Heaven always wins
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Why are you documenting the atrocities commited by the Russian government?
that's small chunks of his bone you fuck
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yeah, you fuck!
after some realization i have decided to admit that I Heaven am in fact autistic and all my actions on Chan should therefore be ignored and forgotten.
I am sorry for any inconvenience caused
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Pull your panties up and try not to be such a little bitch...Mommy will be proud of you!
ITT: savage third world beaners

sound effects track.

also, chunks of bone wouldn't come out of your eyes.
most disgusting picture so far
I completely agree with you on that one.
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want this thread to die.
vowed no more /b/ today.
Maby you should watch the video. You dumb fuck, not the gif. Deffinatly alive and moving before de-cap. Idiot. You know what your right its fake definitly computer generated.
did seeing that hairy vagina make you gag?
I wonder if this is real.
>what are vertebrae
>what is grey matter

A light-colored chunk coming out of your head wouldn't be out of place for a chainsaw beheading.
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yes, but i have other stuff i need to do
that nasty blown out pussy
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besides checking out naked young bitches
das it mane
Looks like a sideways duck beak.
Nice job getting the newfags to show themselves Heaven. 10/10
I'm on to you kitty dicks. You won't get me watching your shit that easily. Perhaps if you two make out a little.
brings a whole new meaning to the term duckface
wtf is that floppy ass vagina
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 140

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