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My story: > Madly in love with a girl from Norway, i'm
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My story:
> Madly in love with a girl from Norway, i'm from elsewhere in europe
> Visited her earlier this summer
> Had amazing time with her
> Madly in love with each other
> It is about 1000miles from my home to hers
> Want to do something crazy for her
> Remember Proclaimers song
> MFW i'm thinking of walking a 1000 miles to her home next summer
> MFW i have no face
No srsly is this too crazy? Or is it awesome?

Where from OP
Reason for that or just ur opinion, which is fine btw. I'm already training for it, just trying to get some info on this maybe it is too insane i dont know...

Western europe, think Holland/Belgium/Germany, just for anonymity sake :)
This chick wont be worth your time.

Make a big thing about doing a long walk for charity or some shit.
Then just show up "SoIWasInThe neighbourhood.avi"

If her name is Ida. Ignore her. Ida's a fucking bitch
So you want to walk a thousand miles..
Pee in a bottle

DS claiming anonimity
Well, I think it'd be awesome to do, but you wanna plan it out. It'll take a LONG time to do, and you'll no doubt have a lot of problems doing it, so make sure to keep plenty of water and food with you in case you can't find a place to stay for the night. A blanket is good too.

Also, try to find some places that would be worth a visit in the interim. Walking for long periods of time is REALLY flippin' boring, so fucking... yeah. Find some way to make the trip worthwhile even without the whole "lol romantic gesture" thing.

Last but not least, try not to carry cash. It's easily destroyed. Keep like pre-paid cards and credit cards and all the stuff that you *have* to carry in an air tight plastic bag if you can. Water is SUPER shitty and it gets EVERYWHERE if you're not able to find a good place to take shelter. Basically, there's so much shit that's perishable and destroyable that it's not even funny. Be very careful.
The point is you WOULD make that walk. You don't actually do it.
>la la la

man, check google maps, you can't WALK there...

reminds me of the "walk on water" song he he he

Her name aint Ida, so that good i guess. Well yea that whole charity thing might be a good idea... Offcourse i must find out in time when she is going on holiday so i don't walk 1000 miles to end up at a closed door...

Well she might not be worth it, but i've always wanted to do some crazy long hike, like hike/walk/run somewhere for a month or 2 months, might as well do it to her place

how about you just hike some rides there. Much easier, done in a week or so
Top kek
you do know that there's a way over finland and sweden right...? just over the east poland etc.
Near quads!!!
No girl is worth that effort. I hardly feel like walking 15 minutes for a 10/10. Dont even bother man. Shes a slut. 1000 miles further she's sucking some dudes dick
So you would walk 1.000 miles, but the point is would you walk 1.000 more?
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I actually used that exact image in a paper I just submitted for publication about jellyfish bloom effects on norwegian salmon farms.

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Take it from me man.
The adventures that you have doing things like this will stay with you your whole life.
Go for it. But plan it well.
Also for safety Have points where you call your family/friends. I hitched to Morocco from the UK once and was reported missing because I didn't quite make it to my next stop so I went some woods somewhere off Paris to sleep in a hammock I made under a tarp.
Shit was lolz when I called my mum.
Obviously i would have to take a ferry in denmark, and i know google maps does not allow to look for walking routes in norway, but i'm sure there are roads going to her place where you are allowed to walk, hiking trails...

Thanks for the tips, yea i've been reading up on hiking for over a year, but i never had a goal. I thought of doing the compostela thing, but since i'm not really religious i don't see the point of it
How romantic. Bet she will suck 1000 dicks by the time you get there.

Je bent Nederlands, ik merk het aan je kanker autisme.
Don't steal our girls fag. Stay in Poland..

Do you even read?
Find a girl closer home, one you can control.
It would take you 1-2 months to walk, you would spend a shitload of money as you would be walking mostly through scandinavia, and you could die.

OP you are retarded, this unicorn pussy u speak of must be amazing or you are a lonley no friend fag loser.

Regardless of your perceived mental and physical shortcomings, if you actually want to do something special walking to norway is not it.

It will take too long, cost too much money, and you could die. Just fly there and enjoy your time or fly her down to where u live.
don't encourage the retard please
Yea, kind of what i thought too. Even if she isn't worth it, it is something i will remember and talk about for the rest of my life

Also, i'm not from polland or from holland; i'm from belgium.. Dus bol het nu maar af met me een nederlander te noemen
Bitch please.
It wouldn't take 1-2 months.
You gotta make good pace is all.
On a timeline with enough years every chance of survival falls to 0% anyway.
You can die 24/7 so how's that an argument?
OP if you're into survival i think you can do it, if you're not it's most likely a waste of money.
polish girls are better anyway
OP, walking like that will cost a lot of money though
OP is a nigger. He can't even find a girl in his own country. What a dumbfuck

Is this some sort of joke, if you walk 20 miles a day every day it would take 2 months. Walking 20 miles in a day is not tough, but doing it everyday for 2 months is highly improbably, plus its not like he can walk on the highway, so the distance will be longer.
Mane Just go for it. Fuck it Do it.
People are suxh pussholes about shit.

Yea it would cost some money offcourse, but you get one heck of an experience for it. Also you can perfectly well do this on a budget. I've known people who toured with trains and busses on a 40€ / day budget. Which seems more then reasonable if i can do some wild camping, and maybe get some free drinks/food out of telling people my story :p
What's her Name OP?
Sad but true.
Well considering OP will have to get a ferry at some point to get across the Skagerack as well as go via motorways where fuck all people stop for you. So the walk would be shortened by short car rides and a ferry. If you can do about 25-30 Km a day walking it should even out to about 1 month. Maybe less. Assuming OP is in Brussels.
People die every year doing the Camino de Santiago due to exposure, its 490 miles. You are walking in scandinavia in the summer, there are sunny nice days but there are alot of days that rainy cold and miserable. lot of risk involved, and its not worth it. Walk 100 miles first then 250 etc dont just say fuck it im walking to norway and think nothing of it
Op are you that poor that you dont have 300 euros? Get a job then go there. Fucking retard.
highways are longer then small roads, i'm not slowed down by traffic so i don't need to take the faster highways to avoid it... My route to denmark is almost completly straight only the route in norway might be hard because of the mountains. Also i'm sure i can do this within a month, if i train enough for it. If you just do it, it is hard, but if you are prepared and you are used to walking a lot everyday, i am sure you can do this in 30 days. Not saying it isn't gonna be hard, it is but i feel like it is also gonna be incredibly fulfilling or is that too cheesy to say?

this. hehe.


I'd say go for it, but have enough money to fly back kek.
Do it faggot.

I mean, honestly, how many times are you gonna get a good excuse to do something like this? It's an adventure! Sure as fuck beats a short taxi ride.

Everyone's so negative about it, oh it would cost money, oh you might get kidnapped. Fuck it. Beg for your gold, or do a charity run. If you're kidnapped, rape your kidnapper and move on.

Bring a jacket though. It might get cold.
there is a difference between walking and hith hiking, if he hitch hikes its very doable, if he strictly walks hes fucked.

Im not a naysayer im just not a fucking retard
i'm completely aware of the risk, but that's why i said earlier, that he should be into survival.
If he isn't he'll need too much money.
Me personal I'm going to go into the wilderness anyway, because i cant live in today's civilisation, i dont care if i die there tbh.
If he doesnt want to fight for his surviving he should just go for driving groups and a ferry anyway.
This nigga got a sense of adventure like me. I like this guy. Listen to This guy OP
Man up and go. You're never gonna have another good reason to make a journey like this so do it.
Do it brah, make sure you walk alot with a backpack before you star on your trek, also get good shoes. Combats with a soft sole is really nice to walk far in and they wont get worn down quickly.

Says the fat fuck munching on a block of cheese, wearing week old undearwear that he feels as though turning them inside out ever other week makes them clean and acceptable to wear.

I played football in college and ran track, even when i was in incredible shape i would still not do this. If you slip and break your ankle in the forest, mountain 1000 feet from the road, you are fucked
Call thisgirl tell her "Bitch, you want this cock? come get some."
OP, girl or no girl, you should come to Kenya! We've got Lions. And where can you see Tigers? Only in Kenya. We got Lions and Tigers only in Kenya.

Forget Norway!

Honestly, you also have niggers, so thats a bit of a minus there.
I'm not a survival expert at the moment, but i got a year to prepare, learn about building quick shelters, get heat, surviving cold and heat...
I have some money, i'm not doing this because i'm too poor to make the flight, i'm doing it because it is an experience of a life time.

Also at the moment i'm not used to doing far hikes. But i got a year, no reason why i can't take a backpack and go into the Belgian forests for a few days at a time to get used to walking, and survivaling...
you'll die anyway.
why's everyone such a pussy about death?!

heh, you should play some minecraft to get used to the "surviving"
i agree with u, but after all the whole point of this is the "girl" if he spends even a month away walking, not being able to communicate, who knows what would happen.

I just think its a dumb thing to do when u have a limited amount of time with a person, i.e the summer, hes better off spending his time with her
okay, i'd say do it, but it's still your choice.
besides, if you died, you at least died having an adventure and not living the sad life all the slaves in society live.

top kek
Good ad hominem there brah.

Maybe you're just too much of a pusshole to do it?
you played football American Footbal? some thing wrong with overgrown men in the middle of a feild with his hands between the legs of a man bent over in front of him and going hut hut
Because Facebook made us think we're worth something without having done anything of value.

Do something great or die trying
> Miles
> Europe

And you're a fag for it.

Think. Every motherfucker lives a nice cushy life, 9-5, spoil the grandkids, leave a pretty corpse.

I dunno about OP, but I think that arriving on your deathbed, and discovering that you never really lived would be the single most horrible thing ever. I think I'd rather sit there thinking about all the badass shit I've done, telling stories of falling off mountains, instead of that one time I got a promotion at my office job.

What the fuck happened to humans. It's like we just up and lost our sense of adventure. Instead of pushing limits, finding out where the lines are and purposefully crossing them, just to see what happens, we pile up even more restrictions on ourselves, and call it "safety".

if he needs a reason, why not a girl?
if he has enough free time, why not take the time for an adventure?
i see what your point is, but seriously, why not go for a girl, if you think it's the one?
at least you'll have had an adventure at the end, even if you dont meet the girl or she isnt into you afterwards anymore (what i dont think, if you walked 1000 miles for her)
maybe he just knows that there are many americans on this site, which dont understand meters.

yep, couldnt say it more accurate.
I like you.
why not bicycle ride for 1500km? 2 weeks of pedaling shouldn't be a problem
Its 1700-1900km, the mile thing is just because of the song and yes i am aware that this is more then 1000 miles, but i'm not gonna move closer so it is exactly 1000 miles...

So yea thanks for the support guys, i think i am gonna seriously consider doing it. Even if i don't end up doing it for her, i am doing this for myself. And how many guys can say they went on a 1-2 month hike through 5 countries?

But i'm gonna prepare, do test hikes of 100km's and such in weekends so i can prepare to living in the wild :D
you'd need streets etc and couldnt go through the landscape directly, it'd take more time or at least the same time like walking i guess tbh cuz you need real ways and not just a way you can walk through
And a thousand miles. the only place in europe 1000 miles from norway is extrems southern Italy or turkey
fuck off
good choice, good luck and have fun mate.
nigga do you even /out/
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Have you got any documentary from this trip?
I love rainbow Cunures. They taste like chicken
You can walk 1300 miles without leaving Norway
I'm pretty sure i will have fun and have bad times. But that is life isn't it, it is all up's and down's...

But you know what keep watching here i'll be back at some point, ether when i start or when i'm done but i'll be back... so arround begin july next year expect me
You can also walk that without leaving a roundabout. I don't get your point.

hahaha i did, yes there might be, i wanted to play soccer but i was 195, and 105ish kilos so football just seemed like the thing to do
Maybe a last request, any of you got links or refference's to stuff that might be of interest to me if i am going to do this. Like survival books, or blogs or hiking books, blogs etc
My point is, Norway is a long ass country, she might live in the north, easy 1k miles
My friend, whom I traveled with, has pics on Facebook.

If you really want them I will post them.
Invest in god tier socks
This song is for you, OP <3
I recently flew across the world to Sweden to meet an internet friend so I know this feel pretty hard. GOOD LUCK MATE, SHE'S PROBABLY WORTH IT.
would like to see it indeed
Might be an obvious choice, but a military "survival manual" might help. I have a physical copy of the US one, lemme fish it out for you and I'll get the name.
There, if you punch in FM-21-76 into google you should be able to come up with a copy of what I've got here. Contains lots of useful things, and lots of shit you'll never need.

But here's the thing you might (1% chance) convince this guy to do it. And when he is saying o fuck what did i get myself into, freezing his ass off in the rain halfway up a fjord, with no fjordniggers around, you will probably be on 4chan telling some other person to do something that you would never/ couldn't ever do. Just saying I hiked Mt. Fuji, when i was in great shape and i was fucking dieing, climbing it in the pouring rain. Did it feel good when i was done ya, but i was no prepared and if it was bigger so i had to hike another day or two could have fucking died

So lets pretend this isn't total BS and you actually plan to spend 2 months walking to see this girl as some... show..

OR you could fly there and spend 2 months extra with her.. HMMM
Ok, so you do this for this girl, then you break up, the next one finds out some day that you did it and wants you to do something bigger for her, wat do?
Awesome. Do it.
The Start of the Journey
I squished a catterpillar and took a pic
IMO, you are trying to hard, what if her feelings change because while u were playing Odysseus she found some fjordnigger to keep her warm
Forgot pic
are you unemployed? do you have half a year to throw away?
>1000 miles
>about 1600km
>human walk speed 5km/h
>hard to walk more than 10h/day
>1600/50 = 32 days
Do it by bike. You can be there in 10 days.
Fording a river
Did this for the lolz and it slowed us down big time, Also Broke the camera for a while until we dried it out
Somewhere... No fucking Idea where
That's now the way you ought to look at it.

Alright, maybe you end up freezing up a fjord. It's a hell of a way to die, at least. And if he's a smart guy, and does his homework, he won't end up freezing up a fjord, because his dumb ass will build a fire and skin some rabbits. Or maybe he took a jacket with him, like any sane man would.

What I'm saying is, fuck the police. And fuck the mindset that life is about living as long as you can. Do something stupid, regret it, and if you make it out, do something even more stupid. I know it's cliche as fuck and used by moronic teens, but as best we know, you really do only live once. Might as well try and enjoy the fuck out of it, instead of seeing nothing but the drab white interiors of office buildings, seeing the same insufferable cunts every damn day, and dying in a hospital bed with no control over your arms.
Might be a good point to mention that we never actually got to morocco. We turned and went to Sweden after I got reported as missing
There wasn't a reliable road so we took the train track
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Hey OP just jumping in to say i was in the same position as you but she was from Sweden. Took a plane when i was 17. We have now been in a relationship for almost 5 years. We see eachother very regularly and i'm soon moving there.

>dirty immigrant
>leech of Sweden's economy

I'm white, learned Swedish and am fluent, currently working a very well paid job.

>No srsly is this too crazy? Or is it awesome?
Don't be a fag OP, move your ass over there and work on language/education.
Don't walk though, Ryanair has some cheap ass flights to Scandinavia if you book early enough.

That good enough for you anon?
A friend of mine from the Netherlands just moved to Norway yesterday, nice.
Thanks, i will read that.
Damn you actually did that... Friend of me told me i should get a gopro and film the whole way

And those who say she might get another guy etc and what is ur next girl gonna say if she hears about it... Yea i hear you, she might get another guy and then so be it, that is life. People make decisions. But as i said if i don't do it for her, i'm doing it for myself. I've always wanted to do something like this, and next summer is the perfect time to do this. And i never had a target a place to go. Now i do, now i have a place which would be nice to walk too. If she breaks with me before i leave, i'll just walk to somewhere else, might walk to scotland then, the point is not really the girl, it is doing something crazy like this to have some experience in your life except for being a slave of society...

And if i die on the trip, then so be it. I could die on the plane flight to Norway, or driving to the airport or just sitting in a cafe as someone stabs you because you looked at his in a way he didnt like...
I'm a Norwegian guy and i would recomend you to drop that idea.. I know a little about Norwegian girls, and to tell you the truth if you ever go trough with that plan she will think what the damn hell? This guy is a wierdo! Us Norwegians are a very shy and not so much romantic people. If you walk up to a random girl on the street and stop her and say hi i think you look very cute and i want to get to know you, she would run away and think you where a rapist. Thats how shy we Norwegians are, so walking 1000 miles to be romantic would scare the crap out of your girl. Just saying
A hell of a way to die? OP is most likely a kid, early 20's at best, by his need to walk to norway and make it exactly 1000 miles because of some song. Chances are hes a virgin or the unicorn pussy in norway is the only one hes ever had.

Skin a rabbit? how the fuck is he going to catch a rabbit? you cant exactly walk through the forrest/street with a gun in europe these days. Build a trap? please

The fact is OP will either get to norway too exhausted/ill to enjoy the aforementioned unicorn pussy in norway, or his body will become the personal fuck toy of some bear or Bjorn( the human kind). How the fuck is that a great way to go out?
Enjoy the tollbooths /b/agguette
I was there this summer didn't gly ryanair cuz they rip you off on lugage and other shit, and the price was near the same as a regular airline, and since sas flies from belgium to norway for 45€ some times of the year i don't see the point of flying ryanair... But yea if this works out the plan i to move to norway. I am already learning the language
sounds pretty beta
>Not so romantic people

This guy obviously live in the south where all girls are either fucktoys or muslim. GTFO faggot
Have you even tried to hike before? Even with a 60 lbs pack, you still would only have like 2 weeks of food in there, if you brought a tent. And you could only go maybe 5 miles a day with that much weight on your back, and the shit terrain. The supplies would cost quite a bit, nice boots with lots of ankle support are not very cheap, and freeze dried food is expensive. You would probably end up spending over $800 usd on the trip., that's a shitload of food, and a lot of equipment for only one use. It would be cheaper to fly there, and hiking sucks balls anyways. Remember, you eat a ton of food when you are burning thousands of calories a day walking with one of those packs.
Yeah, dude, walking 1000 miles is still safer than flying Malaysian Air.

I like you, man. Go out there and enjoy yourself, man. If you get there and she's fucking niggers, turn around and walk to London, steal some bread and get deported to Australia, and I'll buy you a beer.

FM-21-76 contains stuff for evading enemy air patrols, which you likely won't need, but it's got a lot of survival things, like shelter and food and water. I'd recommend a physical copy, they're cheap and fairly small, can fit one into a backpack very easily.

Stab a rabbit. With a stick. Have you ever stabbed something with a stick? It's fun. Even rabbits sleep sometimes. Humans are pretty badass hunters. I make no pretenses that chasing a rabbit for a day and a half for a pair of fluffy mittens is going to be fun, but it's a possibility.

Dude, so what if he's young? Best time to go. By the time you're 80 and you've finished saving your 1 million dollars or superannuation or retirement funding, what are you gonna do with it? Buy a beachside house and drink coffee until you drop? What a story for the kids that'd make.

If you like your social prison, stay there, but OP expressed a little interest in buggering off out of it and doing his own thing, and I think that's fucking fantastic.
Ryanair was just a tip as i've had €17 flights on several occasions. I'm not a huge fan of Charleroi Airport and its shitty parking, ridiculously long queues, etc.. €17 for a trip, however, is ridiculously cheap and well worth the hassle considering life Norway is expensive as fuck. You should be on the lookout for those deals
I like your idea. Not many ppl have the balls to do something extraordinary. As excepted on /b/ all the anons said to do it for yourself not as an act of being romantic. Truly no girl is worth it. Never mind the debate why the girls are crap. If the girl was the only motivation to do it i'd say you, sir, are stupid as hell. Thankfully you thought about it for some time and now you just get triggered to do it.

Now, seriously, consider pushbike. 40 days of walking is shit long m8.
It is through europe, so the chances are i will hit a lot of small towns and shops where i can buy fresh food for the day. I am aware i should have a emergency reserve, but let be honest if you have a route, and you keep a gps with you in case you get lost, it is very unlikely you wont hit a town within 2-3 days and well aslong as you are wounded, most people can survive going that long without food. And its northern europe, water everywhere, just need to find a way to make it drinkable. And have a few liters with you everytime you leave a town...

I like you too man, you and the other guy, realyl conviced me that i am gonna try to achive this. I am gonna train, and do test hikes to see if I can handle it, and if i see i can i am gonna do it
>stab rabbit with a stick
Those motherfuckers are fast, and they have big feet and could outrun you any time of the day. Hunting is hard as hell when you are so easily spotted against the snow. Spotting a sleeping rabbit is basically impossible, they are perfectly camouflaged in the snow, and they are dinural, so they are only awake in the day when they can escape with their 360 degree field of view, with silent and fast running.
Without the bend in the top.
Imagine from another country.
Your point was?
Water is your most important resource. You'll live a month, in misery but a month nonetheless, without food, and if you can't find anything to munch on in that time frame, you weren't cut out for the wilderness anyway. So make sure you take water! Maybe some water purification tablets, just in case.

So you stay up all night, track the bastard down to his home, and stab him, his rabbit-wife, and all his little rabbit-kids too. C'mon, I wasn't saying that you can charge down a rabbit in broad daylight, I'm not a fool. But there's also fish, and whatever other little animals you can find and roast.

As long as you don't kill farmer's stuff, they might get mad if you do that, no matter how delicious spit-roasted steak might sound.
If you are still here it will be more cost effective not to walk. So if you have loadsamunne dosh. Walk you will have a adventurous life doing so. If you make it alive. If not cummute by a motorized contraption.
>through snow
Wow, that is silly. Do you expect the battery to last a week between towns? Get used to compasses, and use a plastic map so the rain does not fuck it up. Humans can survive 2-3 months without food, but after the first day or so, walking miles with a heavy pack is not possible. Remember, you will probably eat around 2-3x the amount of food that you would usually eat, so make it count. Protein, fats, and carbohydrates are most important when walking, don't bother with bringing fruits and veggies that will just spoil fast. Bring cooked or freeze dried meat, because cooked meat stays fresh much longer. You might encounter some rabbits, and even though they are a bitch to get at, carrying a lightweight .22lr rifle to shoot some would be a good use of time resting, because at range is the only way to really get a rabbit.
And remember, a big knife is a great tool for many things.
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Hang on, did every one miss the fact that he's gonna walk thru civilized part of the world where there are towns, shops in towns and such?
I have a gps of garmin which lasts 20 hours and i use it for running and keeping track of my heart rate. Offcourse bring a map and a compass, on the other hand if i have that with me i can see where i am at a precise moment and see which way to go and then use a compass, to keep myself in the right direction and check the gps every 1-2 hours for a few minutes to see how far you are of track

But nigga what about the walk back; the effort that's gonna take with no incentive at the other end.
Thats when he kills himself on the way back for being a true beta
Using a map isn't very hard, and after a short amount of practice, you get quite used to it. A compass is even easier.

What the other guy said is right. Bring a big knife, a good, solid hunting knife is an invaluable tool. Use it for skinning, with flint for a fire, opening your food, constructing shelters if you end up in the woods. Etc, etc.
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>polish girls are better anyway

obviously i fly back...
That's kind of autistic, OP. You don't have to walk 1000 miles and you won't succeed in doing it either. Just get on a plane and stop feeling special. Your relationship will end one day and you will have wasted the time and effort it takes to walk 1000 miles.
Seems like a decent idea, just make sure that you don't end up hauling the kitchen sink around, cause every pound you bring sucks. Really keep track of how important your stuff is, compared to how much it weighs. And also batteries do not work well in the cold, it shortens how long they last by a lot.
Those aren't quads.
Oh. I thought you said "nice quads". 2drunk4me.
No, actually if he does it he'll have the adventure of 1000 miles to remember after she's gone. Get off your lardass and do something. Do it OP, the experience will be worth it even if the girl isn't.
How the fuck you gonna walk across water jesus?
Don't you realize that OP is going to walk 100 miles tops and realize he lost? I've had irrational, manic projects and plans too, anon, like planning on living in the woods for two months. Of course it never happened. You plan, you read maps, you read up on survival, etc, but it never happens, and if you try, you fail miserably because you are inexperienced.

Are you bipolar, OP?
Oh ye of little faith!

OP shall build a rabbit-bone raft and sail the high seas, plundering booty and amassing treasure.

Or, he'll use a bridge or tunnel. Whatever floats your goat.
>1000 miles
>From Norway

Confirmed for being Turkish or arab fag

I-i-i'm european, I swear. No you're fucking not. Norwegian grils er for Norwegians only
OP is a belgianfag
Forgot to add that even if he were a sandnigger or regular nigger the girls up there would dig it cuz "so exotic"
Or take the ferry from denmark to norway, but yea what ever floats his goat

And lastly sure 1K miles to the border of norway might be south of europe, but never said she lived on the fucking border. I realise i'll have to go through the norwegian mountains for quite a few days...

And lastly, it is not that i am going into the wild, there might be 4-5 days in the wild and i will prepare for those, but mostly i will walk through belgium, holland, germany and denmark, and well i don't think it is gonna be too hard to find shops in these areas to get food and water
Unless you are muslim, the "Norwegian girls" won't be worth your time. They are whores. Think about this: how many times can you fuck her in the time it would take you to walk those 1000 miles?
>thinking sex is the only reason this is a good idea
>thinking sex is all that matters in life
>thinking relationships are only about sex
>being this 13
Yeah man, you should be pretty fine, even if you stay off highways. Use a map and roadsigns, and you'll find a cozy coffee shop in Germany.

The wild isn't that bad anyway. There's a certain kind of safety knowing that your security is in your own hands, not someone elses. This is especially bad in Aus and even worse in the UK. I'm not actually allowed to defend myself properly. All that "equal force" bullshit, and in the UK it's totally illegal. Your own safety is in the hands of a completely incompetent entity. Somehow, I feel safer knowing that if something tries to bite me and I stab it, I won't spend 50 years in a dungeon.

Oh, and fresh food, properly fresh, is really fucking good. Like grandma's home grown tomatoes, only better.
Too crazy. You will probably die on the way there. Just take the fucking train.
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Your beta faggotry is showing.
WTF is this site? www.iam15andilovethejonasbrothersbutiamamantruestory.homo ?
Pix related, its anon
What happens in the video?
Changed my mind, you are not 13. Confirmed for 12 years old.

Ban pls, underaged&b
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is there a route that will actually let you through-hike? I mean, you'll probably have to fly or take a ferry at some point, but ... doable. get some boots, faggot.
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james hetti.png
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>It is about 1000miles from my home to hers
britfag detected
you can't walk over sea, faggot
>i will walk through belgium, holland, germany and denmark
that means your not from holland or germany
nobody from holland or germany will walk through belgium to norway
Read the thread i said i was from belgium, because people kept asking...
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