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Just took 400mg of diphenhydramine. I'll be posting my experience
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Just took 400mg of diphenhydramine. I'll be posting my experience as it progresses.
>ITT general hallucinogen experiences
Also, I should mention I've never done this drug before... Not really sure what to expect.
I took 300 mg an hour or so ago. Feeling relaxed and really lazy. About to smoke a joint.
Expect spiders.
Only saw spiders once but it was a lot of spiders.
send my regards to the spiders
Enjoy your restless leg syndrome. That's all I got when I took that much
Let us know when your impending sence of doom starts

>Actual side effect of retard dosing DPH

Spiders for days
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Just took 700mg. have done it many times, not necessarily proud, but it is what it is. feel free to ask Qs
dis. enjoi waves of rls and weirdness. used to do that shit in middle school.

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what would you guys recommend for me to pick up at say a walgreens or regular store if i want to trip balls? ive robotripped plenty of times so im looking for something else than dextromethorphan
OP, post more pics.
Why didn't you just take acid?
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well, if you want what OP and i am doing, get generic benadryl, diphenhydramine. it is cheap, most stores you can get a 100ct bottle for $4.
>robo tripping
stop being a faggot

refer to>>556125946
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they sell acid at walmart?
Am I the only one who's done ZQuil for drug abuse only? Shits cash. Sounds weird but if you do enough, sleep isn't even a fucking thing. The first few times you might only get audio trips but definitely worth the try kids.
I'm starting to feel something guys...
zzzquil is exact same as diphenhydramine/bendaryl. just 8 times more expensive per dose.
enjoy your legs weighing 1000 lbs
Idk I tried with dramamine a few days ago and like this guy >>556125086
said I only got some rls
will do.
dramamine is essentially 1/2 strength diphenhydramine
proooooof or sth
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just a fyi

just breathe into a paper bag. you'll feel better in the morning. i promise
Fuck man! It's not like that shits just lying around!
do you have any idea how hard that shit is to get?
It's not robo tripping faggot
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It says it's the same main trip ingredient, but I've done both and it's a difference. Also, the liquid zquil is different from a pill, maybe I'm just crazy but there are different feelings when I did them.
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perhaps but the slight difference isnt worth the huge price margin, imo. IRMV
I've took diphenhydramine quiet a few times and EVERY single time I get the uncontrollable shakes and RLS. Needless to say I don't do that shit anymore, I think it is a terrible high.
>Not really sure what to expect.
spiders, anon. lots and lots of spiders, bugs, crabs, and other things which terrify you
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proof of what jackass?
The fuck are you trying to say?

>captcha liedsar silk
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Really want a great time, 400 mg's of dimenhydrinate, and a regular dose of diphenhydramine
You will trip balls, and when you cum, om my fucking god, you'll want to masturbate on that every night, also it make you horny as hell!
I take it and go to sleep.
>drop a few robaxacet and have pleasant dreams for like 15 hours and wake up with desert where your mouth used to be
yay op delivers
plus seems like the drugs gets u violent.... violet
Yeah, if you hit it at just the right dose it does just that.
Thanks for pics op
Course I did anon.
Yeah most drugs do. That's why I'm alone.

We are on our way
i feel ya
high as fuck rite now
gonna stay with you though, dontya worry
I am not joking about dimenhydrinate, that shit is fucking nuts, it's subtle hallucinations, but they are worth it, like seeing stars fall to you, and aliens hiding in the shadows, fucking great stuff man
Nigga sounds like you need to lay off the heavy drugs and just tok some cannabis.
I do what I can.
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once you get passed the negative effects, it is quite an interesting trip. but it is definitely not for most people
Yeah it's hitting me pretty hard bro
I can't.
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Where do you fucks live? In NY its not much harder to get than weed. Also if you live near any place that has a music festival its like shopping.
The thing is, the entire time i'm tripping it's a negative effect. I think my body just completely rejects that much shit in my system. I can trip off any other drug that you don't have to take so much of and love it.


What music are you guys tripping to?
ITT: I told u I was hardcore.
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Look at this tough guy.
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dry mouth setting in. and shivering
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fucking PLEB
I told you op, the uncontrollable shakes. Get your body ready.
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colorado. Im not really in the drug scene anymore, in college i could get whatever i wanted but just dont have the hook ups/desire anymore. ive done acid, shrooms and other stuff quite a a few times, just been there done that i guess.

yeah, even i have some bad experiences like that sometimes, it is a very different drug in all aspects. at least you tried it.

dry mouth will be with you all night, try chewing some gum, helps me.

>400 mg of benadryl

You're a fucking retard. It might act as a mild sedative and put you to sleep.
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I live in the middle of the Pacific fucking ocean.
and as for weed. I really enjoy smoking it, but I got them jobs,
>mfw work
i just drank 380mg worth an hour ago nothing besides general light headed/ drunk feeling so far
Get some blankets. It sucks being cold and high.
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dont you have a mlp thread to jerk off in?
what does dipenhydramine even do?
oh shit, hope u enjoyed
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drank what?
Nothing yet. Or I should say the embed
itunes shuffle. mostly rap and trance. though there was just a spice girls song i had a 90s nostalgia flashback to,.

4oz bottle robo long duration cold>10ml=30mg dxm
400 is going to suck dick not enough for deleriant feels and too much for comfy sedation and enhanced orgasm, have fun laying in your bed with a headache, general fear and bad feels, dry mouth and feeling slightly schizo take 600+ or have fun with no deleriant power removing the emotional power of fear by dropping spiders on you and feeling like a freak for 8 hours.
Tl;Dr seriously guys dose nothing between 300-700.
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i see. good luck!(genuinely)
Fuck I have to pee.
im really digging it
ty anon
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Take more, OP. U pussy.
agreed that 400mg is a fairly low trip dose, but taking 700mg your 1st time is generally not a good idea.
its been two hours since, no visuals good head high, time is starting to pass nice n slow tho haha
if u r into a litle bit more heave/stoner/psychodelich
tell me if u like it
coming down off acid atm, sup /b/
Imo you should at least do like 525 or 600 to at least get a bit of anticholine feels and seeing things more real than reality that aren't there
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i honestly dont know much about dxm, so i dont have any useful input,. sry. as long as you feel something it's a good thing/
i'mma scared to
Is op bill cosby?
Guys, help me out
what are the long term effects, and how easy is it to OD?
Plus you might as well dose fucking huge no matter what it will be awful you might as well make it very awful so you never do it again.
It's a closed-eye hallucinogen. Music and eyes closed. Trip
Ur not hardcore.
dont do it if you dont want to. you can awlays trip at a higher dose another day.

needs more cowbell
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OP is cold
Shit makes it so hard to piss. just take some neurontin and you'll be just great
no, man. unfortunately not.
are you australian?
and can't take a picture apparently.
Death's boney fingers are carressing your body.
Long term effects are living more feelings of fear seeing hallucinations still sometimes, fucking your brain psyche heart and liver with 12 cocks, reducing social relatablity and functionality and generally fucking your life sideways, I feel like there are good drugs and deleriants, deleriants are more harmful than meth in a lot of aspects.
I'm near Australia.
i tried for awhile after i felt it kick in. im more restless then in the mood to listen to music. i checked the dose im at 350mg for first time. was told not to expect much visual untill 600+
had no clue you could trip on dramamine tbh
Yeah, he's such a tease.
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this should help the trip
ITT children
I like this better. But I was drinking a lot when I took the dramamine.
if u r into it play something tripy on the guitar. upload it
Hope u dont have any underlying heart conditions.

When was the last time u had a full check up?
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__________ are more harmful than meth in a lot of aspects.
can be said of pretty much anything.

learn something new everyday, 99% of life cant be taught in a classroom

dramamine is very similar, only dif imo is slightly more auditory stuff
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are these pills you took over the counter?
just took some 4-aco-dmt and stumbled across this thread.
Just what i needed.

>god awful chemical taste

ask me questions. Make me think.
I have a ton of benadryl and I would totally try this....

If I didn't have an overwhelming fear of spiders and insects
if dph kills/hurts someone, they didnt have much living time left anyway.

not op, but yes.
how much of the shit do you take?
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Wich guitar
come on op dont leave us
what r u feeling?
depends if it's dramamine(dmh) or diphenhydramine)dph) and how much you want to trip. dramamine is about 1/2 strength dph. typical dph trip dose is 400-800mg
fucking anyone
just use the drug to your advantage that is if u can
Ah, I want some dmt :(
damn you got some expensive shit.
But the les paul is it even a question
Spiders and shit don't bother me
The shakes have gone away. Now i just feel pretty content relaxed. Although when I grabbed my ohter guitar my legs were a bit heavy

4-acetoxy-dmt. From what i understand the body processes it (or its believed so) as psiloscin or psilocybin. Which is the psychoactive in shrooms. From all ive read its closest in likeness to shrooms tho not identical.
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is it even possible to take 1600 mgs without having to get your stomach pumped or some shit
dont know why but it makes me happy that u dont have uncontrollable shakes. there is something about losing control of your body that i just cant stand. not even in other people.
that empathy...
I ate a kilogram once. My cock told me not to do it again. So I haven't, cause your own cock won't fuck you.

yes. though everyone is different. ive taken 1500mg doses before with no problems
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That's just a shadow in the corner of your vision, not a person
amen to that
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OP, youre a bitch. Yes, an attention whore of a bitch. Fact is, if you REALLY wanted to trip like a man, you wouldnt be able to type right now. Your shit is weaksauce, YOU are weaksauce. Get some fucking DMT, shrooms, lsd or high x salvia. Take a breakthrough dose and come back to report AFTER everything has happened, you bitch.
are you upset?
I once took 1125 mg of DPH and proceeded to walk around in public with a friend whom had taken even more than I did.

Needless to say, my friend's pants kept falling off, causing him to trip and smash into the pavement; and he jumped on a black man's car.

Mercifully the man was in love with Jesus and didn't beat the everliving shit out of us.

Fuck DPH.
Call me a gay fag. But my absolutely favorite high is what you get from Dextromethorphan.

And a little mix with codeine as you get from a box of Triple C
Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Tis the wool hoody
Just down a couple of beers, gayfag.
I've done 500mg with little hallucinations
A friend of mine has told me to try 800mg
I wanted to try again, but I felt extremely sick last time, does smoking weed with it help with the negative effects?
Why do you fear the nigger, anon?
Hate drinking
Definitely starting to feel it now guys
i never saw spiders, but fucking shadowman just decided it was cool if he crashed with me for the night
Omg how splendid! Did you change your tampon yet?
yes, smoking weed usually helps. nausea can be caused by quite a few dif things
Feel drowsy...

Should take more?
ever try promethazine with codeine
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God. Diphenhydramine? Seriously.

They're both shitty highs but how do you not go with dextramethorphan every day of the week over that? It's at least interesting if you manage your plateus.
Or you could quit being a vagina and just smoke dmt like a big boy.
do it man
Yes. If you can type, then you havent had enough.
I'm assuming you've never taken a heroic dose of DPH before. And I hope you never do, anon.

Simply walking and talking become impossible. Attempting to fight on that shit is a guaranteed trip to the hospital.
I have 250mg left. How much should I take?
all of it
No I haven't. How is it?
If you can walk around and be an idiot on a hallucinogen, then your shit is weak. Try to jump on niggers' cars on a 60x salvia breakthrough trip.
I think you are the idiot here. Irresponsible twat.
All of it.
all of it
u cant back down now.
How ya holdin out buddy
Come on man, you couldn't have just bought some LSD, or some Silly Psilocybins. Not even MDMA at least? Damn man that sucks.
Lol at you amateur. Go huff on some glue, child.
For me I had the fatass 50mg each blue gelcaps
I had to swallow them one at a time with water each time, and I had a relatively empty stomach, so I had a stomach of about 4 or 5 big cups of water and about 10 gelcaps

Worst nausea I have ever felt in my life, I gag when I think about those gel caps now

Although I want to try DPH again, I have shrooms on me currently so it's sort of not worth the hassle imo
I don't know man, I've done salvia plenty and wasn't impressed. Then again, after ayahuasca everything else feels like childs play. I don''t even enjoy acid or shrooms anymore.
Hmm yes I am an amateur because I am smart about my drug use. I guess being a dumb dickhead is more preferable to you. Cheers.
I've tried Datura twice, but both times I didn't eat enough seeds for visuals, just a mild tingly body high and slight auditory hallucinations

With the 500mg DPH I had some CRAZY auditory shit, every 5 seconds I heard my door opening and the noise or someone pulling up in a car and a car door. I got used to it after about 10 minutes
fucks you up start seeing wierd shit
But the last time i did it i also had downed an eight of vodka so still semi curious about it
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You know you can extract dmt yourself, op? There are guides and stores online that sell the stuff you need legally. Research and stop "tripping" on this bullshit.
pretty good, took some more a bit ago, 900mg total so far. typing is getting hard

how many mg total u take? i like the caplets, can swallow 10+ at once.
nigga that is literally over the counter allergy pills i also have some in my car they work great.
That's 750mg...
Niggers this is my first time.


Fine I'll take more 200mg
You do not seem to understand what DPH in high doses does to a person. DPH is not a mere hallucination; it's a deliriant that prevents you from distinguishing reality from hallucination.

The pseudohallucinations caused by salvia and lsd and the like don't have shit on deliriants' hallucinations, which look just as real as the walls around you.
I've always wanted to do Ayahuasca! I've only done Mescaline, MDMA, LSD, Psilocybin Mushrooms. I smoked salvia once. It was decent.
I was trying to experiment with DPH in steps

Then I got really sick after 500 and couldn't force myself to down the capsules
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Rip salvia 60x+ deeply on a bong, as many times as you need, until you cannot hold it anymore. You will be pulled to another dimension, guaranteed.
warm, buzzing, and time melts away
hold it until your vision begins to vibrate
Smart man trips on bullshit and goes around jumping on niggers' cars? Youre not only an imbecile, but a pathetic fuck.
I've smoked 80X salvia out of a 2 foot bong. 2 hits and didn't seem to do much.
DMT is far better than shitty salvia.
>>556137346could you describe lsd if you are able? I smoke nud 4-5 times a week and im 150 lbs think i can handle it?
it wont kill you, just fyi

any nausea i get only lasts 10 minutes or so
Salvia is legal where I live (California)
DMT is not and expensive, although I JUST recently got a hook up for it (Sketchy guy who sells 'anything')

I just recently started exploring Psychadelics, I've done acid once and shrooms 3 times, fourth time comin up in this week
Completely honestly, unless you are an experienced psychonaut, I would not recommend it. It seems like a novel idea to those who haven't tried it, but we're talking top tier tripping here. I learned some shit about myself during those 8 hours that i simply wasn't ready to know. other than that the experience is near impossible to describe.
i smoke bud 4-5 times a week and im 150 lbs. think i can handle lsd?
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Took six more
Lol pseudohallucinations?! Lmao
LSD was pretty cool man, My friends and I were smoking weed at the park, a regular weekend day. Then are friend gave me 2 tabs. They had little illuminati signs on them, pretty trippy. Placed the 2 tabs on my tounge. about 45 mins later the effects began to kick in. Every emotion feels very vibrant, and you get some very nice visuals as well. I took the acid around 1:00 in the afternoon. I came down at 5:00am the next morning.
Make sure you check posters' IDs before responding, nimrod.
I felt like I was going to violently vomit on and off for the entire trip, I was too distracted by my physical state of discomfort to actually enjoy/see anything, although I noticed if I stare at one spot as long as possible thats when my peripheral vision became black and interesting

I've done 300mg of DXM once since it was all we had in the medicine cabinet, but I had just a teency bit too much Guaifenesin so I threw my guts up, felt fan fucking tastic afterwards and was not dissapointed
Shitty salvia then bro.
Salvia is creepier than lsd by far, but it will reveal the matrix to you.

This is pretty interestin
LSD isn't that hard of a hallucinogen in my opinion. So if you can handle your shit on weed. You should be alright on LSD. At a low/moderate dose.
> see u on the other side brother
You came out of the closet, cockgobbler?
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shit i forgot pic
dph is a deliriant, you can not distinguish fantasya from reality so its like youre not even tripping just see and hearing thing that arent really there but you dont know so its not fun its just confusing
Idgaf, you fuckin babby.
lsd is dosed in such minute amounts (measured in micrograms) that bodyweight doesn't really have an affect on it. Also it's two entirely different experiences so your bud-smoking isn't going to prepare you for it. You should be fine as long as you keep in mind 3 things;
1. it's just a drug, nothing more or less
2. if things go south, remember that it isn't permanent
3. always keep in mind that you are there to enjoy yourself
If you can handle those things then you are plenty ready.
cpuld you compare it to shrooms?
>I'll see you there
I second this
I took two tabs of LSD for my first time, stuff looked cool and trippy, but I wasn't seeing anything profound or specific
("oh cool what did you see?" type questions are bogus)

But I ate 5G of Cubensis for my first shroom trip and lordy that was 100x more intense than 2 tabs of acid, I had way more visuals and I hallucinated significantly more

basically, LSD imo is more of an energetic happy fun drug, while Shrooms are more for tripping and sort of delving into one's own mind

Anyone here read Timothy Leary's 'The Psychadelic Experience'?

I'm interested in trying some of his instructions on my next trip, although I will only be eating 2.5g of crushed up Cubensis
my love of cocks has nothing to do with it
what would be a low dose
You win this time, anon.
I like shrooms more personally, I like to lose myself in the trip, and acid is to synthetic for me. Like on shrooms I won't have as many visuals. But the feelings and thoughts I get are awesome. But acid I lose the feeling I get on shrooms, but it's replaced by more vibrant visuals. So shrooms make you more wild and are harder to control yourself on (in my experiences) And acid is more laid back, and stretched out over a long time. Shrooms last aboout 8 hours, acid lasts about 12 hours on average.
you're retarded for taking 700mg of that god forsaken drug.

enjoy your delirium. tacos and spiders, tacos and spiders.
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shrooms is cool guy
Like 1 1/2 to 2 tabs would be a low/moderate dose.
cake is cool guy.
From personal experience I would say that Acid is a much more cognitive trip and shrooms is a much more sensory trip. Acid messes with how you think, shrooms messes with how you perceive the world.
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Im still convinced Salvia is up there with dmt and shrooms. McKenna agreed as well.
I agree completely.
but is such a short trip
its not even 20 min
Impossible to say unless you knew the amount in each patch. Rule nr.1 is to never take "LSD pills" since they are 99% bullshit. Get the patches from silkroad or get some psilocybin shrooms to be sure. Always mash the psilocybin shrooms into a goo, mix down some lemons and let it stand for about 5-10 minutes which will greatly reduce the abdomal pain. The citric acid will convert the psilocybin in the shrooms into psilocin which is the active ingredient, otherways the body does this by itself but alot of psilocybin reaches the liver where it hurts as shit and makes you feel sick. You dont want to feel sick while tripping.
Have you ever only ate caps, or only ate stems? I've heard the trips and overall highs are different. I've never only had one or the other. A friend of mine told me that he ate only caps and he said the trip was way different then when he ate all stems one time. he says stems make you have more of a body feeling, and caps are more energy and head high feeling. Think he's bull shitting? I'm not sure.
Fucks up reality
I'm not saying salvia is weak, I've never straight up hallucinated harder that I did on salvia. However they are VERY different ballgames. While you trip hard on salvia, it's a VERY short trip and you are aware of how short it is. with dmt even though it only lasts 15 or so minutes, it fucks with your perception of time so it feels like centuries.
Feels like aeons everytime.
That's, like, your opinion, bro. On salvia I feel the trip lasts many lifetimes. Besides, with its creepy undertones, would you really want an 8 hour salvia trip? It would be eternal madness!
Not trying to stir shit here, but Salvia is like T-ball, and DMT is like the MLB. You see the difference here. Salvia is like training wheels almost for DMT. DMT is way way way!! Way more crazier than Salvia.
i always do both
DMT should be the most straight-forward psychedelia there is since it's the exact same molecule the brains use for the same purpose. If you suffer from nightmares, do NOT do DMT.
Real NN DMT is the best. By far. Way better than 4-aco and 5-meo
so is dmt
i prefer 5-meo-dmt i like the lack of everything and the impending doom feeling
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It's okay, druggie.
Anyone ever heard of San Pedro Cactus? I've been looking for some seeds in bulk for that shit for a while. It's like peyote's little brother. haha I want to do mescaline again. and why not grow a shit ton legally?!?
I've been lurking for a while. One thing that's been on my mind, and maybe somebody here can answer, when you do enough hallucinogens to trip, how often do you get sick? (Nausea, vomiting, etc.)

Also, how is OP holding up?
Omg youre razor sharp edge. Gtfo this thread.
ow the edge
is OP ded yet
so.. drowzy
This kid has never done a good dose of shrooms, acid, or DMT. Those are all psychedelics, not deleriants. And if you do a good dose, that shit seems so real when you're in it. Especially DMT
for me not very often at all, maybe 5%
I've only been sick once on any drug, that was mescaline. I threw up about 10 minutes after drinking it. Shit's harsh man.
rip OP
I have some coke in my safe, should I do it now or wait until tomorrow?
Fine, actually. No hallucinations yet.
I ws really fucking tired for like 10-15 mins
No, I'm fine.
Not dead just went out for a smoke.
DXM + weed = euphoria, visuals and feelings of enlightenment. feelings.
Totally agree. Problem is people post and criticize without having even tried the substance in question. Hell, some havent even had a breakthrough experience and give their supposed "expert" opinion.
wait don't do it yet! Buy some LSD and then take LSD and bump your coke throughout the trip. You will feel like a psychedelic gangster pimp haha
Told ya your shit is weaksauce. Grow a pair and research on how to extract your own dmt or order some high grade salvia. Btw, Im glad you didnt freak out and call the paramedics, pussy.
>smoking worsens cotton mouth

Also, If you know you're hallucinating how scary can it be to see shit?
Shrooms - always sick unless I do it right, many others I know aswell.

LSD - Never sick, but not as fun as shrooms imo

Ketamine - I've done it alot of times but fuck at the time I didn't even know the difference between feeling sick and the colour of the direction of the wall

Ayahuasca - Sick as fuck, but at the same time happy as fuck
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if anyone itt is waiting for op to die, you are going to be dissapoined
If you can do shit while tripping, then you didnt do enough initially. TMcKenna's words, bro.
You should just buy some shrooms, and rent a funny stoner comedy, watch that shit in a different language so it's more funny and trippy to watch. Then once the movies over get a backpack some water and go on an adventure!
the only thing that can come close to dmt is salvia or amt
Why would I do that. This the first time I've tripped. Just a first for this trip.

>captcha: acid AZdirst
Sounds fun, I dont have a hookup for that ATM though. Usually I just do coke when Ive gotten so drunk that Im passing out standing up.
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