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how do you guys like my new haircut? 3 girls on the street have
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Thread replies: 65
Thread images: 16
how do you guys like my new haircut? 3 girls on the street have stopped me and admired it already.
> 3 12 year old girls have stopped me and admired it already.
you look like a faggot
nice haircut
Why aren't you behind the wheel, queer.
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ew. why would you use gel.
Do you want a CP thread? This is how you get a CP thread.
Wow op! You look like one of those famous rock star movie guys! Golly I sure am jealous to be in the precense of such an alpha as you. I'll give you 1,000,000,000,000,000 USD to take my virginity.
You look like king doucheknuckle of the assfaggot tribe
so what? age doesnt matter
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I would sure love a cp thread!
looks great. goes well with your beard

>she wants the tits.
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CP detected
shut up
its not cp. the older one is naked, not her you fucking fag.
Ur moms a cp detected
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To open or to not open...
I'd post more but I don't want b banned cause I have nothing In my life other then 4chan :(
The girl is clothed so....not really
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lemme guess you cot cp from teh ''deep'' and so called scary web, didnt you
send me a pm
:^) i bet he used shreks favourite web browser, if u know what i mean ;))
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That haircut is pretty common in the UK
Just a question, if is picture of a 11 year old sucking a 19 year old's cock CP? Other than the fact that it's statutory rape.
So I am the actual person in the picture. Whichever asshole I know who posted this here is a piece of shit.
yeah, it's CP.

no i dont
pls explain
Idk. Find out for yourself.
le onion (tor i said it xDD)
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yea guys stop cyber bullying him
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Here ya go fellas :) http://www.bebaretoo.com
ty friend :^ )
whats dat

captcha: blushes dedneyz
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You better keep your mouth shut,requesting is bad as posting dumb niggers
She's 22 idiot.
Jordan? is that you?
its a nudist site for nudists
wut iz it? to scurrred
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No need b scurred friend!
You look like this girl who underwent steroid hormone therapy I knew. She really wanted to be a man.
thought that was a dick at first lol
Everyone did
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fucking hell OP, i can't believe you basically uploaded a pic of me. fucking identical to what happened to me last week after years of having medium/long hair, except i don't have that much of a fade goin on. but even the beard & eyebrows are the same for fucksake
So what's goin on with this?

Lettin thread die or am I gettin more Asian titties?
Well that answers that
i'm guessing the guy that posted the so called cp is b&
Thread replies: 65
Thread images: 16

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