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>Ratings are dropping faster than bodies in Jonestown >several
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>Ratings are dropping faster than bodies in Jonestown
>several severely underutilised talents on the roster to fill in the empty spots left by the injured talent.
Reminder ratings were up this week.

8 p.m: 4.043m (prev week: 3.270m)
9 p.m: 3.786m (prev week: 3.042m)
10 p.m: 3: 3.825m (prev week: 2.850m)

(You) on suicide watch

Based Roman
More like based vince, drawing in a bigger audience to wonder if Ramen was gonna get kicked in the dick again.

Unless they have another trick up their sleeve. Ratings will be back to the shitter next RAW. Calling it now. Screencap this
>based vince drawing in a bigger audience
>ratings were the highest at the starting hour
>Vince wasn't announced beforehand
>people tuned in to see the aftermath of Roman's rampage

(You) getting BTFO by based RoRo
Whatever you say lad. Lets see how next raw does :^)
(Me)??? :O
>people tuned in to see reigns get suspended/fired
>ironic liking Roman meme
>(You) meme

Wew Lass

Did you get lost on your way to reddit?
Reddit likes Roman

The ratings went up because after TLC, no one really knew what would happen next. That suspense brought people in.
Hear, hear
>ratings up after a PPV
>every Reigns focused Raw had shit ratings besides this one
s.m.h at (You)
>The guy no one likes

Crowd was poppin fampai, I don't know what show you were watching
Sadly Vinny Mac=Ratings

Plus people tune in to see if a title change either way

Solid raw in weeks but nothing number crunching
>>Ratings are dropping faster than bodies in Jonestown

San Bernardino would have been funnier

>these buttblasted redditors


No they don't fatso
Yes they do
>he didn't remember Survivor Series
>someone disagrees with me
>they're obviously from reddit
I think the most obvious storyline that will happen going into WM32 is Dean Ambrose turning heel and attacking Roman Reigns.
I'm awaiting the more inevitable "Cena returns to get his 16th championship reign" storyline

Reigns is probably just gonna tank his way through every heel on the roster until Cena returns.
and then roman burying ambrose in the ppv before WM and then BMJ coming out and challenging roman. ,
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