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Yo /asp/ I'm 18 and currently training capoeira. In the
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Yo /asp/

I'm 18 and currently training capoeira.
In the past I've dabbled in a couple of MAs including TKD and Wrestling and now I'm considering doing something else on top of capoeira.

What do you do?
What do you recommend others and/or me in specific to do?
I'd probably pick up another Martial Art but I'm not sure, which one's would be "good" picks and if it is even smart to do something else if I want to keep my main focus on capoeira.
I do [spoiler]kung fu[/spoiler] and I really enjoy it. Since capoeira does a lot of kicks maybe you should choose a style that focuses on something different, like boxing or BJJ. Just find a school that does lots of sparring and focuses on good fundamentals and you should be good.
go boxing
I would do BJJ if I was in capoeira, they have a lot of the same body movements.
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> it's another crapoeira thread
Are you ironically being as meme as you can or can you just not help it?
Fuck off out of the wrestling board now you hipster fraggle
You should do Muay Thai.
Muay Thai is Kickboxing, but elbow strikes, and knee strikes are allowed.
Muay Thai is Kickboxing that lets the Kickboxer do more than kick or punch.
Muay Thai isn't just a striking art, though; there's grappling in Muay Thai.
Sweeps, throws, and clinching are allowed in Muay Thai, making Muay Thai much more than just Kickboxing.
One of the only main problems with the usual curriculum is the lack of kick variety.
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Muay Thai is a fun combat sport.

Lack of kick variety when compared to american kickboxing/full contact karate roots kickboxing, less developed hand technique and footwork when compared to people who cross-train boxing, which is a founding block of the dutch-style of kickboxing, and it has throws and sweeps but the clinch is typically emphasized and training in Sanshou/Sanda will likely give you superior standup grappling, double collar tie nothwithstanding. I love Muay Thai but it has its things that it focuses on and things it doesn't work on as much when compared to other kickboxing styles.
>the clinch is typically emphasized and training in Sanshou/Sanda will likely give you superior standup grappling
I was under the impression that Sanshou/Sanda was hard to come by.
>Lack of kick variety when compared to american kickboxing/full contact karate roots kickboxing
Lack of kick variety in general.
You should do something that isnt a waste of time for a change. Boxing or muay thai
It is, comparatively, but the point is mainly that Muay Thai is good but it's just one part of the kickboxing spectrum and each has their own thing.
what's to stop them from not jumping around and dancing and just lay into their opponent with precision and ferocity? Is there a point system that awards the fanciest mover or something? Crazy though, had no idea it was this full-contact. Bare-knuckled boxing shit.
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