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Looking for a road bike to start endurance/cycle training. It'll
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Looking for a road bike to start endurance/cycle training. It'll be my first bike so I don't need anything to spectacular. But the guy at the shop said a road bike is a waste of time because they are race bikes with the intention of going as fast as possible with the least amount of effort. He said i just need something heavy... but he was also a know it all douche and most know it all douches actually know nothing ive found in most cases. Any one with experience that can help?
So are you riding to the ring with one or...? Is it going to be used as a weapon?

What is the bike gimmick you're going for?
Guy at the shop is right. Road bike are meant to be fast. If you want something that will give you a challenge, ride a mountain bike with knobby tires on the street.

Or just run.
I really enjoy my road bike. Whether you should get a road bike or a fatter tired mountain bike really depends on what you want to do with it.

A road bike will let you go pretty fast and cover quite a bit of ground, but the thinner tires mean you're pretty much limited to roads, preferably well paved. A mountain bike will be much slower but much more versatile, allow you to tackle side walks or dirt trails if there are any near you. I'd get an entry level road bike and a cheapo bike computer, shoes, a pair of bike shorts and have some fun. Giant Defy's are good starters.
get a gun
A road bike wrestling gimmick would never get over.

Get back to the drawing board.
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