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Do it!
He gets paid over 600k
This, he gets paid pretty well. Although he's one of those wrestlers that is in it for the screentime than the pay. Although I don't think he would turn away if they offered more money.
I respect the fuck out of him and I'm not a fan.
>survived cancer
>fulfilled childhood dream
>makes 600K a year doing what he loves
>banging a sexy ass chick
>seems like a decent dude
more cheers at wrestlemania than the guy they built for 2 straight years
There is something endearing about the dude. He has John Cena potential.
>sexy ass chick
Emma is average here in Czech Republic.
Anyway Ryder is great , he could be the underdog that defeats the heel champ at WM
Im not arguing. Women from those mail order bride countries are goddesses. Emma is still hot but you're right about Czech girls.
of course, he is buddies with John Cena
File: Screenshot_20160630-024352.png (315 KB, 720x1280) Image search: [Google]
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Hahahaha good one mate
I don't need some app to tell me if a chick is hot. I let my dick decide. I'm not saying Emma isn't hot but trying to prove a chick is hot with science is gay and beta as fuck.

Ryder is essentially making WCW jobber money right now
You say that like its a bad thing. He makes more money than you or me multiplied several times over.
>American beauty standards
>letting a machine decide for you
I bet you believe in online horoscopes too m8
Yeah but we want Ryder to have a better career, leave WWE and add some belts to his curriculum.

Guy is a wasted talent there.
Definitely wasted talented, but that doesn't mean I respect him less. He isn't some whiny baby like punk.
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