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So let me get this straight. There is professional fake fighting
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So let me get this straight.

There is professional fake fighting and independent fake fighting? They are both fake, nothing makes a difference. At least skateboarding or a martial art takes skill.
Take a bump off the top ropes then ask if its fake kid
Please, continue to cry. You still aren't getting your board back.
Just because wrestling is fake doesn't mean it doesn't require skill.
It's still real to me dammit
Probably a lot less painful than falling off a quarter pipe.
No. There is mainstream professional fake fighting and independent professional fake fighting.
Do you not understand physics? In wrestling you have people throwing you around. In skating you lose your balance.

When you're a skinny bag of brittle bones, falling off a quarter pipe really hurts.

Some people just dont have muscles to cushion the fall and break their skinny shins.
My step father told me skateboarding was like sucking off male family members, he loved taking me to San Fran to watch the x games back in the 90s. I miss his lap.

Keep it loopy, I know you're gonna keep it loopy nigga...shouting out just shouting you out
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