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>Dean Ambrose? Yeah man I like him a lot >Roman Reigns?
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>Dean Ambrose? Yeah man I like him a lot

>Roman Reigns? Not so much!
>sasha skanks? definitely in my top 10

>kevin owens? not even in top 20!
>Other opinions? Yeah, only muh /woo/ reddit tumblr smark antismark boogeyman could have them.
File: t. reddit.png (435 KB, 612x612) Image search: [Google]
t. reddit.png
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>Roman is a great champion you stupid smark neckbeard fedoras.
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>Wrestling is better now because pointless mid card matches get a higher star rating compared to the attitude era matches
Kevin Owens is the only person deserving of the belt
Belt-zone liposuction
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56 KB, 353x334
>I watch wrestling
>I browse 4chan
>I hold opinions
>I am a biological organism
>I exist
sucks to be you
reddit neckbeards BTFO
>Minecraft OR Dwarf Fortress

triggered, what self respecting Dwarf Fortress player would play Minecraft?
Thread replies: 14
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