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Why are anons so gay for CM Punk?
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Legit question. Dude has done nada for going on years now.

Still threads about him every day on here. All day. People are still obsessed with "trolling" about him even though nobody cares about him other than the people making the threads.

Do these people think they are somehow communicating a message to the man himself? As if he reads this board? Do they feel like they need to "teach a lesson" to anyone who cares about CM Punk?

I know the basic answer is
but I would be interested in hearing some theories explained in greater detail.
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it's because they miss him
they wanna see him get his ass kicked because they want him back in WWE

also most of anti-punk threads are made by 1 obsessed autist with severe abandonment issues
>also most of anti-punk threads are made by 1 obsessed autist with severe abandonment issues

Can anything be done about it? Or is /asp/ like #52 in order of priority boards for the mod team?
Hey Phil

Hi Phil
Also he will probably reply to this post or any other post that is not anti-punk with

>Hi Phil! Shouldn't you be pretending to train for a UFC fight that is never going to happen?
>Phil fans genuinely cannot comprehend that loads of other people hate their precious emo hero

And lots of other stale memes. Also he samefags REALLY hard. It's okay if someone hates CM Punk but his autism is something else.
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LMAO when Brock Lensar is about to have another fight in UFC before CMKEK and he hasnt been spending the last 2 years preparing
Have sex
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