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How fucked is he?
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How fucked is he?
>suffer loss
>lose any threat he currently possesses when he returns
What the fuck was Vince thinking?
>losing a real fight affects fake fighting
>loses to a Samoan
>returns to WWE
>jobs to a Samoan
>WWE casuals watch UFC
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Mark Hunt is a manlet even, and has a lot more endurance and knock out power than Brock has.

If he loses against a guy who looks like he is a Samoan cover band of Smash Mouth, Brock is done for.
UFC is a work ya goof, why the hell did you think Vince would let him do this? He'll win with a suplex, people will lose their minds and then during the short post fight interview Roman will run in to promote their match at Summerslam. Giant WWE advertisement.
He will lose. WWE will not take him back, he fights Punk at UFC 300
Didn't Brock have to retire because of

>muh intestines

Surely all this other guy will have to do is kick him in the gut to fuck him up
You do know UFC is scripted

>Hunt legit broke a man's jaw
He's fucked
It was a disease. He was literally shitting out intestines during some of his time there. I think he had it fixed though.
You never really get rid of diverticulis. But he's allegedly better now.
hunt's not much of a kicker, that's probably why they picked him

And since he knows he has it, his doctors can monitor it and catch it early if it comes back.
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Hopefully he finds a way to hit a superman punch on Mar Cunt and comes back to WWE only to eat one from Ro Man
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>tfw wrasslin fans in attendance start a "Suplex City" chant
Mark Hunt revealed as The Rock's cousin
His shin kicks are great
Make him look strong Brock.
Bork is gonna get KTFO

Good job Vince
WWE will probably get McGregor for a match. There's absolutely no way Vince would let Dana use his money machine for a mere Summerslam promotion. That would be way too cheap.

I'm just surprised he's taking a fight as risky as Hunt. I would've expected a Mir rubber match or something. Hunt is a legit beast though with the most KO power in the division. Maybe he just thinks he can wrestlefuck him.
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I think it is Dana taking a shot at WWE. If Brock loses, which he most likely will in this match, then WWE looks stupid and weak. Plus they can't use the OH MY GOD HE IS A UFC FIGHTER BEAST! thing that much. WWE already informed and acknowledged to the casuals about the match, so there is no hiding history when those said casuals watch it.

But holy shit, if Brock wins, the MMAnlets tears will be glorious. I love watch MMA, but the butthurt the community has over Brock being the champ is great. I really want him to win this. Don't care if they need to rig it to do it.
This WWE/UFC cross promoting is helping neither company. Why the fuck are Dana and Vince letting themselves get cucked by one another?
>This WWE/UFC cross promoting is helping neither company
The UFC is going to break the UFC PPV record and either Ronda or Conor will do something in the WWE which is guaranteed to get mainstream attention it's a win win for both sides.
Conor will never wrestle. Maybe Ronda or Jones though.
>Implying Connor is a WWE fan
>Implying Conor isn't
I hate to break that bubble but he follows a bunch of WWE stars on twitter.
If Lesnar brings hunt to the ground and punches him isn't hunt screwed?
Will he come out to his WWE theme with Paul Heyman in his corner?

Hunt will literally win in the first
>tfw 8 seconds by a rear naked choke
nah different theme music but would be cool if paul e came out with him and probably his friend axel.
Where is Brock training?
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