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Main Event is better than Smackdown >Vaudevillains and Enzo/Cass
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Main Event is better than Smackdown

>Vaudevillains and Enzo/Cass
>Zack Ryder winning matches
>The return of Sasha
>Tom Phillips and King have actual chemistry
>Based Ziggler commentary

Do you watch it?
Wwe is shit now.

Im going to start watching tna for broken matt hardy and brother nero
>boring manlet jobber tag teams
>Zack Manlet
>sasha stanks
>chemistry in commentary
>Midcard jobber commentary
Ok, this sounds good. Is it network only?
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Jack the Tipper.jpg
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>The return of Sasha
We also had BASED demonic VIKTOR
Literally Velocity-tier.
Banks is injured right now faggot
Are you saying she didn't wrestle on ME this week? Because that happened.
>>Zack Ryder winning matches
>>The return of Sasha
>>Ziggler commentary

Glad to know I'm not missing anything.
This is more fedora worthy than watching NXT or outlaw wrestling
I don't understand the fascination with Zack Ryder, he's nothing special in-ring, his mic skills suck, and he'd never get higher than United States Champion with his shitty gimmick; he had to beg people on Twitter to chant his name in order to get over. He's an enhancement talent.
Wasn't it just a concussion? The recovery time isn't too crazy on those.
Underdog shit. People like seeing someone work really hard to achieve their dream
OP seems to have severe autism. Everything WWE produces is fucking garbage! PPVs, Raw, Smackdown, NXT, DVD movies, Network crap and ME, Its all crap and cheesy. Only autistic fucks like yourself still find something in this heap of shit good.
>he's nothing special in-ring, his mic skills suck,

Sounds like he's qualified to be a 3-time WWE Champ bbygrrrl
He doesnt suck in the ring so thats okay, he has good mic skills and his gimmick has been over since it started and its quite impressive it still is despite WWE deep burial.

Then look at Dean and you see he cant survive the softest of WWE burial attempts.

Ryder is in another league.
He survived being buried and being deep buried, they pay him half a million to stay because without him Cena would leave
Ambrose is far more over than his booking gives him any right to be.
Ambrose has been losing his fanbase for quite a while thanks to stinker matches while Ryder has just been in squatch matches and he still has his fanbase support.

Ryder is just THAT over while Ambrose is flopping left and right.
How is it Ambrose's fault that his Lesnar match was booked to fail and Jericho is COMPLETELY washed-up now?
No excuses.

Ryder has suffered far more than that and he is still very over.

Plus Jericho took that bump instead of Ambrose so he likely didnt want to take the bumps at WM so its his fault.
Ambrose is still one of the top faces of the company
For some reason people fucking love that cuck
Why are you making some sort of bizarre pissing contest between Zack & Dean?

Ryder is still very over.

Ambrose is infinitely more over despite being openly sabotaged for a much longer time.

>so he likely didnt want to take the bumps at WM so its his fault.

I'm sure a CZW vet is really scurred of thumbtacks bud.
>Defending Zack Ryder
Leave the basement and seek sunlight
I won't, don't worry. I already used something else, but that looks like it's going to come in handy, thanks.
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going over vanilla midgets.jpg
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>Appreciative of all support
>Alpha broski
>Has earned everything he's gotten
>Got himself over without any help
>Cares only about WWE and its fans
>Fights through the low times for the highs
>Electrifies the audience after being off TV for a year
>Is paid millions a year just to not shoot on WWE
>Eats five pounds of meat daily
>Can outdrink Mojo Rawley any weekend
>Muscles rivaled only by his own father
>Fucks any woman on the roster for fun
>Trashes ex-gf hoeski with a hit single earning him millions more
>Has the undisputed best looking missile dropkick
>Emma gets wet seeing his toy collection
>Undefeated against cancer
>Physique that makes Kevin Owens cry to sleep every night
>Made broskis popular six months before Jersey Shore ever aired
>Parties every night
>Drinks beer and gets a girl he likes
>Audience is drawn to him everytime he speaks
>Is a literal phenomenon, biggest since Stone Cold
>First and longest reigning Internet Champion
>His ZR merch is constantly sold out
>New wrestlers take inspiration from him
>No wrestler has ever hated him
>Dwayne "The Cuck" Johnson cried because of Zack chants
>Schedule is wrestle, exercise, party, fuck
>Spent his "indie" years in WWE
>Wrote the book on how to use social media
>Connects with sincerity
>Has his back shaved by the GOAT Chris Jericho
>Kevin Owens jerks off thinking about Zack banging Emma
>Theme song is loved all over the world
>Broski Boot is wholly original and gets chants every time
>Rough Ryder is the most protected finisher in history (look it up)
>Appeals to both marks and smarks- literally cannot lose
>Got over as Edgehead and won Tag Title
>Got over as the Broski and won US Title
>Fought through burial
>Fought through burial's burial
>Still over
>Won IC Title at the largest Wrestlemania ever
>Elbro Drop is the best elbow drop since the Macho Man
>All this and is still younger than the TNA and NJPW has-beens being brought in
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>Gets fucked in the ass daily by Vince
>He takes it with pleasure
>any year after 2012
>caring about Zack Cryder
Thread replies: 30
Thread images: 4

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