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They edited what a sign said on WWE.com?
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This is a whole new level of trying to convince people that Roman isn't hated.
But you are wrong, look Roman's intro near to the stairs
>w-we don't care if you boo him!
>edit signs, mute crowds, pipe in cheers
This is truly a WTF momant
I can't even read it
if even wwe barely have any confidence in him then how are there so many roman marks, is it just memes?
I want a job as a WWE propagandist.

Lots of work in multimedia.
What does it say? I can't read it for shit.
Roman marks on here are all being anti-smark contrarians
'When it reigns, it bores' was changed to 'when it reigns'
when it Reigns it bores, edited to simply put when it reigns with an obvious space
Zoom in and you can see they're different people. First one appears to be held by a black fella, second a white fella. Their positioning and the people around them also appears different.
except alone it makes no sense and theres a massive space, They may be different people but it's still obviously edited
WWE has hit a new low. You'd think they'd find the bottom of the disgusting tactics barrel yet, but Vince just keeps finding a way.

Editing a sign is a disgusting tactic? Jesus Christ, get over yourself!
What would you call it?
>Fans report that security were giving out free Roman Reigns posters

Its happening. They wont give up on Roman. How many superstar will he bury till next Mania?
>literally censoring peoples opinions this hard
censoring boos are somewhat understandable because that could affect their big money maker but a sign that'll maybe be on the wwe site 5 times? Fuck off, it fucking reeks of desperation
I actually suspected this when watching it two signs from different people looked like they were made by the same person the "If AJ Win We Riot" and another one that just said "Reigns" and those two people weren't next to each other.
>corporate swears up and down they don't care if Roman gets booed
>pulls him from Mania build up shows to protect him from hostile crowds
>repeatedly mutes crowd reactions
>now they're editing crowd signs

This is just pathetic now. How can this even be justified now? At this point they might as well get rid of live crowds altogether if they're gonna go out of their way to censor them.
The top is quite clearly a guy in a white vest, in the bottom it appears to be a guy in a white vest.
i genuinely like Roman and my name's not Mark
>corporate swears up and down they don't care if Roman gets booed

in the context of "it doesn't matter what we do, the hardcore fans will still buy tickets for shows" they probably don't really care

i don't really care for reigns but i think it's getting to (or really close to) the point where he could turn it all around and start putting out 5 star matches night after night, start learning how to do better promos and people will still boo him

Your name isn't Mark, it's Pajeet.
I think he just needs to stop looking like he's clinging to the Shield look and also brush up on his promos. Oh, and stop being ridiculously protected.
I don't really get it.

Why not just go with it like they did with Kurt Angle and have him feed off people saying he sucks even when he is a face.
This, they could have solved the problem so many times also it isn't even the hardcore fans that hate roman it seems most fans don't like him anymore.
If they don't really care then why do they go to such lengths to make it look like he isn't getting dumped on?

This whole thing just screams desperation. Like WWE officials are putting their fingers in their ears going "lalalala we can't hear you, he's over we swear lalalala"

Oh and lets not forget JBL literally telling viewers at home to disregard the post Mania crowd.

>censorship isn't disgusting

Reddit is that way my friend. >>>>>>
You need more charisma and to be funier than what reigns has to pull that off

This. The real problem with Reigns is he has no wrestling mind. He's a shiny shell with everything of note he's done having been carefully orchestrated by the puppet masters backstage.

Really surprised he wasn't cooled off after WM due to HHH's ego. You know he pitched the main event to Vince as "I can make him like Flair made Sting, trust me." Look how well that paid off.
This is pretty low even for WWE
Apparently the only genuine Roman marks who aren't anti-smarks are of the DESIGNATED kind
>Say it with me /asp/

please have sex
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sure come over bby
i was talking more about from a financial standpoint

they probably care from a marketing standpoint because how does it look for the guy you're building up as the next hogan, rock or cena if he's literally booed out of every show ?
Supposedly they confiscated most anti reigns posters at the PPV
but /asp/ said they were turning him heel and everything was okay now
Are you guys retarded? Signs have 2 sides
yeah the fan's side and wwe's side

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