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Why is he so Based? >big dog working the smarks
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Why is he so Based?
>big dog working the smarks
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>I'm a contrarian fan
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>i hate roman reigns so if you like him you are an idiot
Roman using Tumblr feminists tactics to draw the ultimate heat.
He worked me so hard I'm not watching WWE anymore.
Someone reply to me with a fedora picture.
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>cropping out the mark landwhale that gave the cup to him
still dont get how smark is an insult
I actually thought she was bang able.

Maybe you should have intercourse?
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>thinking this is bangable
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For God's sake man, raise your standards.
Sick watermark. Can someone remove that shit so this landwhale doesn't get attention?
Quads tell the truth
that is bangable, if she lost a few pounds you can tell by her face she would be a 10/10
>actually caring

Don't push it.
would bruh, i do wonder how her tit game is though.
alright but hot is what im saying.
Please gain some confidence Anon. No matter how bad you are you are still to good for her.
>ramen's fan
>thinks that an obese emo girl is/will be bangable
very coherent
>square watch
Into the trash it goes
>>thinks that an obese emo girl is/will be bangable
who brought up paige?
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I'm not a Good guy.
I'm not a bad guy.
I'm THE guy.

Roman fan for life!!!!
paige will look gross no matter what she weighs.
I imagine that you, a fedora'd autist, would jizz in your crusty pants the moment that woman spoke one syllable to you.

I imagine you in line waiting for your Bromang Reigns autograph, would stare at her from behind even though you're 6 people away from her. You'd get sweaty and nervous. You'd feel your wrecked anus spasm releasing poopy wind.

You have these vivid fantasies of marrying her, raising children with her and letting her cuck you with Virgil.
How many times has he said this line now? 4?
I wouldn't say 10/10 and she'd likely be fuckable after the weight lost but it's hard to tell honestly
you know shed be a freak too bro
How many times has austin and the rock repeated the same shit all the time?
Cole said it at Wrestlemania, and Roman said it in every subsequent Raw and Smackdown. So 5.
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>restraining order when
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She looks better here.
you can tell she has the body of a tumblr user though
I'd still hit it if shed wear a pink wig and let me call her sasha
>wear a pink wig and let me call her sasha
wouldnt work shes way better looking than sasha, and actually has an ass and tits.
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Did someone say freak!?
Roman working the smarks while Bryan working the anti-smarks
Truly a top-tier tag team
fatass anti-social loser on 4chan pretending to be average guy DETECTED
>next Raw
>he brings out that mug
I like to fuck fat chicks they have lower self esteem so are more likely to let you do fucked up stuff to them.
she's not bad looking, just fat
That would be legitimaly amusing, which is why it won't happen.
Would fuck and feed her cheesecake
>"Hey guys don't you like AJ Styles?"
>AJ standing with his classic redneck grin

Based Big Dog working the smarks
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How many times has the Rock been cooking?
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At least that phrase was sorta organic.

The "I'm not a bad guy" spiel reeks of being dreamed up by an intern and Gromaine is being forced to regurgitate it to become a forced meme.
Just like Paige and her, "This is muh hass!!!"

Please post your picture.
Not even that. He stole it from Kevin Owens who said "I'm not a good guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm just a guy with a family." KO literally said it a week before WM when talking about Dusty.
My good friend. I don't think Roman is smart enough nor does he pay attention to wrestling enough to crib that from KO.

Yes, I'm very sure Roman was paying attention to what Kevin Owens was talking about and thought: "Yes, I'll take that for myself and say it in a few weeks. Let me write that down for safe keeping".
No matter what that anon looks like it doesn't make the land whale you adore any less ugly.
Implying roman writes his promos

>Roman writing his own promos
Benoit yourself autism.
> lack of reading comprehension.

The sperg is real.
>dog nipples
And you are a real faggot
Only for your dad.
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I'll give it to him, this was funny.

But it wasn't him being funny, it was someone being funny for him. If he was able to show any of the character that he displays when he's not doing a show, he could be pretty good. As a heel. It just suits him better.
Because it really isn't, unless you take the term too seriously.
>But it wasn't him being funny, it was someone being funny for him
yes im sure she told him exactly what to do, come on now, roman did have a part in this.
He didn't come up with the idea lol. Lol the story is the girl brought him the cup and asked him to take the picture.

Now if only the writers had half the creativeness that this girl had, they could make Roman into a pretty good heel, instead of an insufferable tweener.

I mean it's still better then bland babyface sufferin'succotash Roman.
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Ramen needs to steal Otunga's coffee sipping gimmick only with a Smark Tears mug.
If an indy darling did that it smarks wouldn't care but since Roman did it smarks start sperging out en masse
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>It's another anti smark Roman episode
Has WWE ever pushed someone as forcefully as someone as hated and unpopular as Roman Reigns?
Lex Luger maybe?
Why are you being a Roman apologist?
>That lockbox
No wonder Roman's pushed, he's got that lockbox over Vince's head.
>hated and unpopular as Roman Reigns
reigns is over as fuck with the casuals
he's boooed even in nonsmark towns
Last RAW I was at, only about 10% of the crowd cheered him. That was based on me scanning the crowd.
In the past few months he's been primarily booed in every city he's been in.
>people who buy the tickets are casual
wew lad
>Now if only the writers had half the creativeness that this girl had,

Do you mean if the writers didn't have to worry about making an internationally-distributed product, and could just make funny internet jokes freely like random landwhale smarkettes?
Yes. They have to appeal the the dune coons in Dubai and the cow worshippers in India. They love them some Roman.
The New Day does pretty well
Only smarks and adult males hate Roman Reigns
Tell that to my little cousin who wears a Booty-Os shirt and boos roman every time he sees him.
of course he's going to boo roman.

little kids will do what everyone else is doing
Is your little cousin a negro?
>people like him!
>other anons give legit evidence that people don't

>not those people, these OTHER people, who I can't prove like him. THEY like him, for sure!

I'm not even saying you're wrong; shit, I AGREE with you. Roman must be tapping into some demographic to constantly be under this spotlight.
But you are fucking shit at forming an argument, my man.
>cousin with an older smark
>does smark things
you dont say?
The only thing he's tapping is VKMs butthole because Vince fucking loves Samoans.
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he already said the women and kids like him.
What he meant to say was that Women and MY kids like him.
Because my Wife's Son loves him!
what the fuck are you even arguing about?

People who buy the tickets aren't casual fans.
>that guy getting cucked by THE GUY
That dude needs to kill himself. Stat. What an embarrassment.
If Roman has fans why don't they cheer? Why do they allow themselves to be intimidated by boos?
He isn't based.
He'll never be based.
No amount of Fedora Shitposting and "MAKE HIM LOOK STRONG" booking from vince will ever make this man based.

He's fucking boring and only works best as part of a tag team
Please have sex
That's a pretty blatant plant.
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Getting worked by """""THE GUY"""""""

how mad are you fatty boys?
>getting worked by him

Breh I said I agreed that Roman must be tapping into some unspecified market.
I'm all for the Big Dog's "The Guy" persona.
a man can dream
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What did you say about my plant haha im a wacky guy
Dean is high visibility enhancement talent.
Search your heart. You know it to be true.
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damn, she's so fine.
She looks like the type of gal you could blow your load all over and then post-coitus she'd make you an awesome chicken quesadilla.
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>I'm n-not worked
>muh xpac heat
>Just because I'm booing him in the arena and taking time out of my finite time on this earth to complain about him doesn't mean I'm worked by him
Did they?
How does Roman stay faithful when every girl gets wet near him?

Even Steph orgasmed when he speared her even though she should feel agonizing pain. I think all those female wrestlers would throw themselves at him if he weren't a married man.

I can see horseface shitting out an Anoa'i.
Kys, Sable lover
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