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Has he ever lost a feud on the mic? He owned The Rock every
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Has he ever lost a feud on the mic?

He owned The Rock every time they met up.
He dominated Punk in every promo they shared.
He's made hostile crowds cheer him.

He's the best on the mic of all time, with the possible exception of Austin
Fine speech.
Jesus fucking christ mate, you have never ever watched Jake Roberts or Roddy Piper, old school Ric Flair...
The only time I've seen Cena get rekt was when Batista completely rent him. A damn shame their feud was so short. Would have been Cena's the rock/Austin. Orton sucks
The Rock wasn't a professional wreslter that time and had bigger things on his plate. John would have no chance ain '98, when Rock was literally burrying careers purely on the mic.
SashA+ is better than him desu
SuperCena is very good but underrated on the mic. Doctor of Thuganomics Cena was based as fuck, and could have hung with GOAT candidates like Macho, Stone Cold, prime Rocky, or Jake The Snake.
Confirmed for being a 6 year old at the time. Cena's raps were the gayest, most awful shit ever put on film.
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Anyone can be loud and spew gibberish. Cena is a true master craftsman of speech.
As it is now, rankings go something like this

Austin > Cena = Punk >>> Rock
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He lost to Daniel Bryan
Do you want people to cringe? Jesus fucking hell there are limits.
Post some highlights p
>Dat promo
>People say DBry was shit on the mic
Batista utterly annihilated Cena on the mic.
Yes, Kurt Angle beat him in many rap battles.
He wasn't shit on the mic, he just got lazy and left everything to the yes chant
That and he came off as awkward. He'd go from a mumbling whisper right to shouting at the top of his lungs for no apparent reason. It made him come off as nervous and uncomfortable with the mic.

That may be the best promo he ever cut.
He's not the GOAT, but you're not wrong with the examples you gave. Though, Punk's promos were more him vs. the WWE, than him vs. Cena, so it's not really fair to say he won that one.

And as it's been said already, Batista rekt him
Any youtube links to Batista wrecking Cena on the mic?
You realize they had Rock tone it down in their feud? Vince wanted there to be a 50/50 split at Mania between Cena and Rock fans. Of course it didn't work.
>Jake Roberts

He was the complete opposite. The guy was quiet, calm and fucking creepy as fuck. And yes he shits all over Cena on the mic.

The best parts (you can keep on kissing babies and hugging fat girls) were cut from this one for some reason, can't find the original full promo.
Batista is so GOAT, he even got the smarks to like him after the shit show that was the rumble and lead up to mania after his return.

Punk rekt him when he called Cena "the new York Yankees"

>dat hype

WWE has the Midas Touch when it comes to these videos.
Punk rekt himself by doing so; basically admitting that he hates him because he's well-liked and won a lot.

But I wouldn't expect Punk cultists to admit as much.
Heeltista was the best.
The rock is better than both stone cold and Cena on the mic, breh.

fucking top kek
I liked the rock, and think he's better than cena on the mic, but he's not on stone cold's level. The rock became far to reliant on catchphrases, stone cold had his certainly but he had a flow and could improvise. Every rock promo follows the same template, almost like wrasslin' mad libs.

Finally the rock has come back to _________.
The rock asks a question, the guy tries to answer, IT DOESN'T MATTER!
I'm gonna take your _______, shine it up real nice and shove it straight up your candy ass.

The rock doesn't so much do promos, he just runs through a checklist. It can certainly be entertaining, but it can run thin after a while.
>can't handle the facts
I thought his feud with Owens was roughly 50/50 on the mic, at least in the early stages, which is kind of surprising cause Cena is a much better talker than Fatass, but KO cut some pretty great promos towards the start of that feud.

I get that the Slammys are a work but the fact that that feud wasn't even a nominee for rivalry of the year is a joke
>owned The Rock

The Rock pretty much rekt him in all encounters and he wasn't even that serious nor the same Rock 10 years ago when they initially faced
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Christ, that post-edit booing is embaressingly obvious.

I don't mind Cena, he's good on the mic. But it's so annoying when he does his "I'm going to talk down to you after you give a good promo, because that's a mighty fine speech sir." It's like he can't let the other guy have the upper hand so he does his whole condesending shit.
They were close, it wasn't like with Punk where you could tell rock didn't care as much/was too occupied to truly get back into wrestling while Punk was cutting some of the best promos of his career which led to Punk out shinning him.
Lad, Cena completely dominated that promo. Just watch it here if you don't believe me.


Bryan's delivery was a bit off. Still probably his best promo though.
When did you watch the rock? Like, that's the opener and the closer of his spiel. Between that, he'd usually have like 5 minutes of originality lol
>heel/tweener/face says all this shit and cuts a great promo
Cena's retort is always
>That's a fine speech sir
>I COME TO WORK EVERYDAY FOR THEM *points at crowd* *they boo or cheer or it's mixed or silent depending on the locale*
>I'M HERE FOR *points at cancer kid or mentions one*
>le opponent sits there quietly while he scolds them and they get no retaliation

supr srs Cena literally always says the same shit

Bryan's part of that promo did contribute to the best moment of that feud and their match though, when Bryan started slapping Cena near the end of the match. Fantastic story telling.
>dominated Punk

holy kek
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>He dominated Punk in every promo they shared.
>he doesn't know how baseball works
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>implying the genetic freak isn't the best

The promos he would cut in WCW were priceless.
...but that's a TNA promo
Just an example of his brilliance.
Big Dave was the best
Go rewatch that promo with laurinaitis in the ring again where he just interrupt him over and over to say 'loser', move over Shakespeare and Wilde..
>Thinking smiling and failing to take the other persons promoro seriously, and then placating and trying to compliment the crowd is a good promo

Try watching some Paul Heyman, Arn Anderson, Rick Rude, Bobby Heenan or Jesse Ventura promos..
There were a couple times Kurt Angle tried to battle rap cena. It was fucking terrible but at least Angle was funny. Cena was just cringe.
Hooooly shit this is beautiful!

1. 1985-1990 Ric Flair
2. 1985-1990 Dusty Rhodes
3. Bobby Heenan
4. 1980-2002 Jerry Lawler
6. 1998 - 2002 Steve Austin
7. 1985-1993 Roddy Pipper
8. 1987-2002 Hulk Hogan
9. Vince McMahon
10. 1992 Randy Savage

The Rock
Chris Jericho
Kevin Nash
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ehhhhhhhhhhh, that list has the best gimmick talkers, i'll give you that.

but would we call gary coleman the best talker of all time for "whatcha talkin 'bout willis"?

Jim Cornette does my favorite mic work.
i feel like your honorable mentions are better in alot of cases than your list.

i love lawler, but he in no way is better than jim ross, he may have been more fun to listen to, but that was because ross was doing all the actual work.
>he dominated punk in every promo

> Nash & HHH better than literally anybody in that Top 10

Holy fuck, no.
nash, no

but H yes, you're not supposed to like him.

Nash does great shoot interviews though.
>No Jake the Snake
C'mon son
> you're not supposed to like him

Now explain why his babyface promos are even more boring.

> listening to the shoot interviews of a delusional old man
other than the time he came back from that injury having done a shitload of steroids and being extra stacked, when was trips ever a babyface?

in what way is nash delusional? he's one of the best booked guys of all time, and he saw a bit of everyone, he is uppity but he's lived a life that no one else has(except maybe hogan)
>when was trips ever a babyface?

...from like mid-2006 until The Authority started?

Nash is delusional about nearly everything. He's been a clueless old fool for decades.
>He dominated Punk in every promo they shared.
No one gonna mention Brock? c'mon

>I'm gonna leave him in a puddle of blood. guts. and urine.

based Brock
He got btfo on the mic by dbry that one time before summerslam, I'm sure he could have come back with something but he did right by allowing it.


You do realize Lawler had a very long career before broadcasting, right?


By 1993 he was probably the best talker in the world at that point.
Legends tier:

God Tier:
Mike Lient

Mark Henry
Bret (Heel USA/Face Canada era)
KO tbqh
fug i forgot Angle

he should be right under Cena
>Cena will never fuck you

God I just want to see his fat white cock go deep bare into my wife then hold her hand as she births his child.
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